Physical and mental coercion - comments from a Federal Judge / MIP Law Group

Concept of physical coercion

Physical coercion is an unlawful form of influence on a person. Examples include the use of physical force, beating or other harm. One of the forms is the introduction of drugs of various contents into the human body.

A sign indicating such an act is forcing a person to commit a certain criminal offense (for example, handing over someone else’s property). Coercion is recognized only if the person cannot control his own actions.

Signs indicating that a person is under pressure from physical coercion (established by current legal norms):

  • His actions coincide with signs of criminality;
  • The concept of will is missing.

The dangers of mind manipulation and zombification

Corollary 47. The use of any false information , in most cases, is harmful to society , since it makes it difficult to achieve set goals. But manipulation and zombification are not just harmful , but also dangerous . They change the lives of billions of people , forcing them to act contrary to their interests . Meanwhile, these methods of mind control are widespread throughout the world and, in many cases, are considered a completely acceptable practice for controlling people .

Examples of the most dangerous and harmful for the development of society for zombifying people and manipulating their consciousness are totalitarian political regimes and religious organizations , including the so-called “ New Religious Movements ” ( Sects ). Examples of less dangerous , but also certainly harmful sources of controlling people’s consciousness are many ( fortunately, not all ) media , politicians , etc.

Corollary 48. One of the hidden dangers of zombification of the population through the media is the fact that they (the media) have the same effect not only on the target audience , but also on the initiators and performers of zombification themselves . Over time, these performers and initiators themselves begin to perceive they spread as truth .

Corollary 49. The paradox of the development of mankind is that it, having created developed science and technology , used their achievements to create weapons that can destroy humanity , and now uses scientific achievements to impose false knowledge about the World on itself , which can generate motivation for use of this weapon .

Concept of mental coercion

The concept of coercion refers to any influence on a person that limits his expression of will. The forms of such influence are not limited to physical ones - often criminals choose psychological methods of pressure. These include the use of threats, blackmail, intimidation, etc.

It is important that mental coercion is not capable of completely suppressing the will of a person, therefore the actions he performs are, in most cases, conscious. If criminal acts were committed under mental duress in a state of extreme necessity, then the question of criminal liability is removed. If the harm was caused on a general basis, and there is minor mental coercion, then the person will be prosecuted.

Mental coercion can be compared to informational influence on human states. Statistics show that the most common method is the threat of physical violence against close people, for example, family members. The most common types of influence in this case are threat and hypnosis.

The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes several types of psychological coercion, depending on the characteristics taken into account:

  • Threats of a specific nature;
  • Threats that are of an uncertain nature;
  • Threats involving violence, the nature of which cannot be determined.

Evaluation occurs based on forms of external manifestation - words or gestures performed.

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Self-isolation and the impact on the psyche: what researchers know

The most famous case of long-term self-isolation is the story of the French scientist Michel Siffre. In 1972, he locked himself in a cave in Texas for 205 days and during this time he carefully recorded everything that happened to his psyche. A few months later, the scientist wrote that he could hardly put his thoughts together. Closer to the 5 month mark of isolation, he noted that he was in desperate need of...

Although not as extreme, space crew members and scientists working at remote Arctic research stations experience long-term isolation. They also show some signs of cognitive, sensory and social deprivation. Such individuals typically report confusion, depression, and anxiety [7].

Many studies have shown that prolonged social isolation causes cognitive decline, especially in older adults [8]. But a study conducted with the participation of over 11 thousand people in 2020 showed that isolation provokes a deterioration in memory and overall brain function, which, as a result, according to psychologist and epidemiologist Andrew Steptoe, can provoke a reluctance in men and women to communicate with other people [7].

Causing harm as a result of physical coercion

If, as a result of physical coercion, harm was caused to the surrounding society or other acts were committed, then their criminality can be excluded in the following cases:

  • In case of physical coercion, as a result of which a person does not independently control his own actions. In this case, the independent will of the person is excluded, but he cannot act selectively when assessing the current situation. Physical coercion often comes from another person. The criminality of the act and causing harm is excluded due to the absence of such a sign as guilt.
  • With types of psychological coercion, as a result of which a person cannot independently direct his actions. At the same time, the injured person always has a choice - sacrificing himself, his property, loved ones, or causing harm to interests that are protected by law.

Attention! The concepts and types of mental and physical coercion are considered as a mitigating measure when determining liability in accordance with the articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Types of physical coercion

There are two main forms:

  • Mechanical effects on the body and facial organism, possibly using various drugs, affecting human organs. This form, as established by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, includes beating, torture, violence, tying, etc. Such actions are aimed at suppressing the will of another person and changing his behavior to the desired result.
  • Deprivation of the opportunity to exercise your right to freedom of movement. Such acts lead to the fact that a person cannot carry out desired or required actions. Considering this concept, it should be noted that there is no direct effect on the body.

Physical coercion is divided into several types, depending on the act that is committed under it and the harm caused. Thus, the actions that a person is forced to do may not concern his interests. For example, a citizen is forced to sell his own house, which is located in a place where a certain company has decided to build a store. At the same time, the legislator does not exclude liability for the person who forces this.

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How does art affect the subconscious?

Even when our consciousness is busy with something else, the subconscious continues to work in its own direction, known only to it. We can easily say whether we like or dislike a song without delving into the presence or absence of verbal rhyme or the correct selection of chords for a given key.

We almost immediately determine for ourselves whether we like or dislike a painting, without even knowing the title, the author, and without understanding the nuances of color selection and image application techniques. And we practically don’t care how reliable the plot of a film or play is if it touches us. This is because His Majesty the Subconscious worked on all this.

So, how does art work with the subconscious:

  1. Art promotes the development of empathy and the ability to empathize . These are exclusively emotional states that are difficult to learn. A work of art literally forces us to put ourselves in another person's shoes and feel their emotions.
  2. Art expands our range of emotions. We sympathize with heroes in trouble, even if the plot is fictional, we hate scoundrels and villains if they are presented as such in a work of art. These emotions can be noticeably stronger than in an ordinary life, especially one that has already been established in terms of family, life and work.
  3. Art affects the level of stress hormones in the body. There is a well-known experiment when, before and immediately after visiting the sanctuary of the Virgin Mary in Vikofort, all participants in the excursion had their saliva analyzed. It turned out that after the excursion the level of the stress hormone cortisol was on average 60% less.
  4. Art teaches you to think, i.e. use your thinking potential. Even if you think very badly about a work of art and its author, you are still thinking at that moment. Even if you didn’t plan to think, but just went to a museum or a concert to unwind.
  5. Art influences the intellect, i.e. the ability to think as such. Most often, such studies are carried out using musical works. The results are generally similar. Students and schoolchildren who listened to classics (especially Mozart!) before taking test tasks performed better on tests than those who listened to rock music.

By the way, contrary to the long-prevailing misconception, rock music has a positive effect on the psyche (not on the intellect!) of a person. The University of Queensland in Australia conducted a study in which participants were asked provocative questions that could make them angry. From time to time, the participants were played post-punk, heavy metal and other aggressive music. It turned out that while the music was playing, all 39 participants in the experiment reacted to questions that irritated them more calmly than without the music.

And, by the way, the pleasure hormone dopamine is intensely produced in any case when we listen to the music that we like. This was confirmed by the results of a study involving students at McGill University (Canada, Montreal, Quebec). In this case, students were allowed to choose a piece of music that evoked the maximum positive emotions in them. Let us clarify that students who had at least 8 years of musical training were selected for the experiment, because Musically educated people react to music more sharply, and positron emission tomography methods give more accurate results.

So, here they are, the main factors that allow us to evaluate the influence of art on the psyche and subconscious. And to get to know yourself even better and understand the underlying mechanisms of the influence of the environment on the psyche, the online program “Mental Self-Regulation”, designed for one and a half months, will help you. This is enough to learn to consciously regulate your mental state, to use adequate mechanisms of influence on the conscious and subconscious for different situations.

And the actual cognitive and educational aspect of art, which makes us more cultured and intelligent, is beyond doubt. Therefore, take advantage of every opportunity to touch the magical world of art.

We wish you many new magical discoveries!

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Mass consciousness and its manipulation
  • Ways to Learn to Appreciate Art
  • The role of art in children's development
  • A selection of materials on leadership
  • 5 questions for the smartest
  • Stendhal syndrome
  • "The hands resist him." History of the pattern causing Stendhal syndrome
  • “Steal like an artist” - ten tips for any kind of creativity
  • Black stone
  • Art therapy methods

Key words: 1Cognitive science, 1Psychoregulation

Irresistible physical compulsion

It is customary to distinguish two concepts of physical coercion - surmountable and irresistible. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes that mental coercion is always surmountable. The irresistible nature of the act is present when a person’s will is completely suppressed and he has no choice but to commit a dangerous crime. In this case, the person is declared innocent, and he will not be held responsible for the act committed.

If a person, despite physical coercion, retains the possibility of acting in good faith rather than causing harm, then it is important to consider the state of extreme necessity. There are many disputes about this in the legal literature. However, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the harm that was caused in such a situation is a last resort. Irresistible physical duress must be proven to exclude liability.

Despite the fact that psychological coercion is surmountable, this concept has a variety - hypnosis. Being in a hypnotic state is an irresistible state, and the hypnotized person is not the subject of a dangerous act, but an instrument for its implementation.

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