“Overprotection and indifference turn drug-addicted children into moral monsters”

Teenagers are influenced

Teenagers often do not realize the true state of affairs. They want to experience something new, have fun, and have fun. For some, this is an opportunity to feel more mature, or to do something forbidden “to spite” their elders. This usually becomes the cause of drug addiction in teenagers.

At the same time, teenagers and young people often do not understand the full danger of drug addiction. They know nothing about the characteristics of the disease, about the impact drugs have on human health, about the fact that even 2-3 uses can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Signs of teenage drug addiction

First. When a teenager shows signs of drug addiction, his appearance changes: pallor or redness appears on the skin, the whites of the eyes are usually red, and the pupils are either dilated or, conversely, constricted. In addition, characteristic symptoms such as chills, pain in the extremities, and skin that may be either dry or too sweaty appear.

Second. A teenager with drug addiction begins to experience characteristic changes in his behavior: the teenager may leave home for a long time, he begins to lie to his parents, he makes new friends. Addiction can also manifest itself in the desire to sleep during the day and stay awake and walk at night. At school, such teenagers' performance decreases, and their condition is similar to intoxication.

As a rule, it is worth talking about the likelihood of drug addiction when the above signs become cyclical. The consequences of drug addiction in adolescence can be extremely disappointing.

The entire list of various negative pathologies can be experienced and felt by adolescents in the case of drug addiction. These include convulsive phenomena, hepatitis, blood poisoning, AIDS, inflammation of the veins, and so on. Drugs affect a teenager’s psyche, causing depression and thoughts of suicide.

Ignorance must be eliminated

It turns out that in order for a teenager to be more protected and not become a victim of experiments with prohibited substances, he needs to be informed in a timely manner. Reliable information, conveyed in an adequate way, can become the factor that prevents the development of teenage drug addiction.

Of course, this is not a complete guarantee that your child will not try drugs. And this is a reason to be more attentive to his life. Do not put all sorts of prohibitions around him, which he will still break if he wants, but become his good friend. Make sure he can share his questions, problems, and difficulties with you. Often parents have no idea what their child does, where he spends his time, or what interests him. In many families, permissiveness reigns; there is no proper supervision over the teenager.

How to help a teenager? Drug treatment for drug addiction

This type of therapy is used in severe cases of addiction or in compulsory treatment for medical and social reasons. An abrupt withdrawal of drugs from entering the body is necessary, with the exception of long-term use of barbiturates. In a drug treatment clinic, it is first necessary to relieve acute psychomotor disorders. For this purpose, it is necessary to introduce opioid receptor blockers (methadone, levo-alpha-acetylmethadone), selective antagonists-agonists of opiate receptors (buproenorphine, naloxone - the most effective).

  • A good effect is achieved by taking clonidine or its analogues with analgesics, sedatives, anxiolytics, hypnotics, analeptics and neuroleptics. This combination of drugs has a minimal effect on the patient’s psychological health.
  • Cholecystokinin, decapeptide, tacus, ceruletide, deltoran reduce the duration of the acute withdrawal state and associated neurological disorders. These drugs can induce prolonged deliberation and normalize the levels of dopamine and catecholamines.
  • The antidepressant mianserin is indispensable for long-term morphinism. The drug enhances the synthesis of norepinephrine and has a blocking effect on serotonin receptors.
  • Naloxone is one of the oldest opiate receptor antagonists, but has a large list of side effects.

There is symptomatic therapy in the treatment of drug addiction. The main line of therapy is aimed at detoxification and removal of toxins from the body. For this purpose, glucose-saline solutions are used at a 1:1 ratio with the addition of Lasix or furosemide (dehydration mode) with the simultaneous administration of vitamin E, ascorbic acid, and tocopherol. Infusion therapy lasts more than 7-10 days. Atropine suppresses pain and sensory disturbances of withdrawal symptoms. Calcium channel blockers cause disturbances in neuronal transmission in specific structures of the nervous tissue and are indicated for opium overdose.

How can you tell if a child is using drugs?

Any drugs have an impact on the human body and throughout his life. Changes in behavior and social life gradually begin, and health deteriorates. If you notice at least one of the signs of drug use that will be listed below, then there is reason to be wary. If you find two or three signs, then you should urgently seek help from specialists. Delay is inappropriate here.

Changes in behavior

  • The teenager's social circle has changed greatly. Old friends stop by and call less and less often. He tries to talk to new comrades not in front of adults.
  • The coordination of movements has changed. They have become too abrupt or, on the contrary, too slow, and an unsteady gait may be observed.
  • You see your child less and less. The teenager disappears somewhere, and when he returns home, he locks himself in the bathroom or in his room for a long time.
  • The mood of teenage drug addiction changes dramatically, fun can be replaced by sudden unmotivated aggression. Of course, adolescence implies some instability of the mental state, but if this goes beyond the norm, then you need to think about the reasons.
  • The teenager begins to ask for more money and may steal money or valuables.

Changes in physiology

  • Sudden changes in appetite: a teenager may eat nothing at all, and then start eating a lot. All this is accompanied by various digestive disorders from diarrhea to constipation.
  • Problems with sleep arise, and the sleep-wake pattern may be completely disrupted. For example, a teenager does something all night and then sleeps all day. Insomnia appears, lack of sleep for several days in a row.
  • The child may develop a cough that cannot be relieved by medication, as well as bad breath.
  • A teenager's eyes may have a strange expression, unusual shine and pupil size.

Changes in appearance

  • It is common among teenagers to dress fashionably and take care of themselves, but suddenly the child stops paying attention to his appearance. The appearance becomes sloppy, clothes sometimes do not change for several days. The wardrobe is dominated by dark colors and models with long sleeves. They are necessary if the drug is injected, to hide traces of injections.
  • The appearance of the skin changes, it becomes unhealthy in color, a rash, wounds, and bruises may appear. The appearance of hair during drug addiction also worsens, it becomes faded.
  • Objects of unknown purpose appear in the apartment: foil, burnt spoons, syringes.

How to tell if a teenager is taking drugs

You can understand that a teenager is using drugs using two types of signs. Related and direct.

Let's look at both types of signs.

Related signs that a child is using drugs

Associated signs are indirect evidence that indicates that the child is using drugs. Or is going to take them soon.

The presence or formation of addiction in the early stages can be determined by the following characteristics of a teenager’s behavior:

  1. Your child regularly deceives you. Even where you can do without lies.
  2. The child does not study well.
  3. The child does not go to school. Takes her for walks regularly.
  4. The child is stealing money from you.
  5. The child makes friends with the marginalized. Or other persons who lead an unhealthy lifestyle.

Direct signs that a child is using drugs

Direct signs are more reliable evidence that can be used to accurately determine whether a teenager is using drugs or not. With their help, you can find out not only whether the teenager is taking illegal substances. But also what type of drugs the child uses. In what quantities?

The following signs will indicate that a child has used drugs:

  1. The child speaks too quickly. Or, conversely, too slow. Despite the fact that in everyday life he speaks at a completely different speed.
  2. The child has problems with coordination. His legs either become tangled or he cannot stand on them at all.
  3. If a child has taken opiates or an excessive dose of ordinary pills (for example, a painkiller) rather than drugs, he will fall asleep.
  4. If a teenager has used opiates, the size of his pupils will be very small. If you shine light into your eyes, they will not react to the light.
  5. If a teenager has used psychotropic drugs, his pupils will dilate. Up to large sizes. Almost the entire eye. After using psychotropic drugs, a teenager's pupils will not respond to color.
  6. Pay attention to whether the pupil reacts to light. With the help of regular drops, the child can stabilize its size. And return to normal even if you have used drugs. But the lack of reaction to light is impossible to hide.
  7. If a child has used psychotropic drugs, he may experience insomnia. Which will last for 2-3 days. After this time, the child will fall asleep. And he sleeps for a huge amount of time. About twenty hours.
  8. If a child has used marijuana, he or she will experience redness of the eyes. However, be careful: a teenager may hide this sign. By using eye drops.
  9. If a child drinks a lot of water, then there is a possibility that he is using drugs.
  10. The child begins to experience changes in appetite. For example, after consuming cannabis, he will be very hungry. In particular, sweets. If a child uses opiates or psychotropic drugs, his appetite completely disappears.


If a child comes home drunk and exhibits one of the above signs, then do not rush to sound the alarm. Sniff the teenager. It may smell like alcohol. And he is drunk because of him, not because of illegal substances.

If a child is drunk due to alcohol, then this is also bad. But much better than if he had a clouded state of mind due to drugs.

If the child does not smell of alcohol, then most likely, the detected signs indicate that the child is using illegal substances.

How to deal with teenage drug addiction?

Prevention of drug addiction among teenagers is of great importance; even not very rich countries try to allocate funds from state budgets for it. Because reliable knowledge about the disease drug addiction is actually the only reason why a teenager can say no to drugs.

For this purpose, work is being done to prevent teenage drug addiction in educational institutions: special lessons, trainings, lectures, classes. It is important that the correct negative attitude towards drugs is instilled in adolescents and in the family.

Unfortunately, the spread of drugs has now taken very active forms; no one can guarantee that a child will not become a victim of drug addiction. Modern synthetic drugs are very cheap and accessible; in fact, every teenager can purchase them without even leaving home. Often the first dose of the drug is offered free of charge.

You need to tell your child that the first doses can really bring pleasure, but after that the drug takes power over the person: the pleasure becomes less and less, and the suffering increases. On the one hand, adolescence is complicated by the fact that a young person is subject to outside influence. But this feature of age can be used for good to prevent drug addiction in a teenager. For now, you also have great authority for him, take advantage of it.

Treatment and prevention of drug addiction

Drug addiction still remains a difficult to treat disease, and this is even despite the fact that modern medicine has many of the latest developments in this area. Currently, there are special medical institutions (drug treatment clinics and centers) that treat drug addicts. All these clinics and centers have different methods and methods of treating this pathology, and unified approaches to this issue have not yet been developed.

Modern clinics and drug treatment centers use a variety of drug addiction treatment methods, and, as a rule, they are carried out in a comprehensive manner. Physicians of various specialties, as well as psychologists and sociologists, take part in the treatment of addicts. The main task facing drug treatment clinics and drug treatment centers is to eliminate the foundations of physical as well as psychological dependence on drugs.

Prevention of drug addiction must begin both at home and at school, and already from the elementary grades. Children should be provided with easy-to-understand material in the form of an oral or printed program. These can be lessons-lectures, books and brochures, audio and video material, documentaries and feature films on this topical topic. The most effective is the organization of sports and creative events for children. It is important to create a culture and fashion for a healthy lifestyle. However, the main preventive effect is achieved by parental education in the family. Only a trusting relationship between children and parents can give the child confidence that he can cope with any situation, and the people closest to him will help him in this.

What to do if a teenager tries drugs?

If it happens that a teenager starts using drugs, and you find out about it, then it is worth remembering that addiction does not form immediately - there is no need to panic, you have a chance to correct everything. But you can’t hesitate here either; unfortunately, modern synthetic drugs are created in such a way as to cause addiction as quickly as possible. The formation of teenage drug addiction can occur quickly due to the characteristics of the drug, as well as due to the specifics of teenage physiology.

What to do in case of drug addiction in teenagers:

  • Eliminate the psychological causes of addiction in a teenager. Such reasons may include social factors: low quality of life, poverty, violence from loved ones, including psychological. Rehabilitation, restoration of the psyche and personality of a teenager is carried out in a specialized rehabilitation center. At drug treatment clinics and dispensaries there are special rehabilitation departments specifically for children and adolescents.
  • It is necessary to provide drug treatment for adolescent drug addiction. This is done in a drug treatment clinic or government dispensary. Treatment of minor patients is carried out with the consent of their parents or other legal representatives.

Consequences of drug addiction in adolescents

The consequences of drug addiction in adolescents are truly comprehensive. Chronic intoxication leads to the following complications:

  • Reproductive dysfunction. One in three teenage girls who take heroin is diagnosed with amenorrhea, and two out of three have other menstrual disorders. Adolescents of both sexes develop pathological changes in the reproductive organs, leading to infertility and increasing the likelihood of congenital deformities of the fetus. In addition, indiscriminate choice of sexual partners causes infection with syphilis, HIV, etc., which also affects the health of the reproductive system and the entire body as a whole.
  • Toxic organ damage. The kidneys and liver, the main “filters” of the body, are most affected. But to one degree or another, toxic lesions are observed in all organs of a teenager.
  • Metabolic disorders. Most often, changes in protein metabolism are observed, which leads to impaired muscle growth. Cardiac pathologies also originate in improper protein metabolism - the myocardium, the “main muscle” of the body, suffers no less than skeletal muscles.
  • Personality changes. This manifests itself as a complete loss of willpower, disturbances in the emotional sphere (for example, a child begins to be amused by episodes of cruelty in films, he becomes indifferent to the problems of loved ones, etc.), a tendency to crime (most often to theft, as a source of funds for buying drugs).

Features of teenage drug addiction

The teenage period has its own characteristics. The body of a young person reacts differently to taking drugs than a fully formed adult body. Drug distribution among teenagers is especially dangerous because they cannot resist temptation as well as adults can. Even legally, such a crime is punished more severely.

Of course, drugs are dangerous for everyone, and drug addiction is a fatal disease that leads to death if it is not cured. But a person who started using in adolescence causes especially significant damage to his entire life:

  • A teenager develops an absolutely distorted system of values ​​and priorities. He does not acquire healthy communication skills with his immediate and distant environment. Later it will be difficult for him to build personal, friendly, and working relationships.
  • Adolescence is the best time to acquire knowledge and professional skills. A teenager using drugs wastes it.
  • A teenager is going through puberty. At this time, the formation of the body’s reproductive system is completed. Drugs cause irreparable harm to her; later the teenager may have problems with the birth of offspring.

“Overprotection and indifference turn drug-addicted children into moral monsters”

Articles and details about everything that is happening in the Angara region (Irkutsk region) and the city of Irkutsk

Doctors do not hide: drug addicts are “getting younger.” Just 5-10 years ago, the youngest of them was barely 23 years old, but now 16-18-year-old boys and girls are asking for help. The thirst for a buzz and temporary euphoria is increasingly gripping: with every breath you want more and cannot stop.

Nature of addiction

A careless attitude towards your seemingly inexhaustible health and a lack of doubt together are enough to jump into any abyss. Secretary of the Anti-Drug Commission of the Angara Region Marina Gorokhova says: many mature drug addicts admit that from the age of 13-14 they began experimenting with prohibited and legal substances

. Teenage difficulties and misunderstandings in the family pull you into a pool where, it seems, universal master keys for all locks are hidden. Having succumbed to a fleeting craving, the teenager finds himself locked in a circle that he is unable to break.

The character of a child and his attitude to the world are formed in the family. Indifference and overprotection are two extreme points, each of which is fraught with consequences. The first - a lack of upbringing - leads to the fact that the child lacks authority among his parents, and he tries to find it in others.

“Why does the opinion of strangers matter? Because the teenager does not have self-esteem. Parents do not fulfill their responsibilities, and the child goes to the company in an attempt to find a way to self-realization. If he finds himself in bad company, then alcohol and drugs can easily appear in his life. The teenager will seem to himself and others to be more mature and independent, but this is an illusion and a failure in education,” explains Mikhail Chervichenko, director of the Volya drug rehabilitation center.

Lack of attention is less destructive for a child than overprotection. President of the Association of Public Associations of the Irkutsk Region “Mothers Against Drugs” Valentina Chervichenko notes that excessive care is fraught with negative manifestations: until the age of 30 he is still a son, everything is up to him, his parents solve his problems, and he can drink and use drugs without trying to stop . He knows that his mother will save him, his mother will come and offer her hands. According to her, in such families “moral monsters who use drugs” grow up.


She also notes the need to teach children to problem solve and think for themselves. Every little person needs to be nurtured as a personality who has his own opinion on any situation and is not susceptible to negative influence. To do this, it is worth developing interests, strength of character, and also being a role model yourself.

Articles and details about everything that is happening in the Angara region (Irkutsk region) and the city of Irkutsk

Lyubov, a former drug addict, knows this firsthand. It is not easy for her to talk about the events she experienced: trembling periodically cuts into her voice. She admits that she began her “path to drugs” at the age of 12. At that time, her parents divorced, after which her stepfather appeared in her life. Relations with him did not work out, often it came to fights. She began to run away from home and got involved with bad street companies, gradually drowning in this environment.

“When I tried to adapt to society - I was studying, working, giving birth to children, I did not use during these periods. But over time I came back: now I’m going through my third rehabilitation, believing that this will help,” she says.

Lyubov has been using opium since the age of 19 and has not switched to other substances. She was afraid to try “synthetics”: she saw the deranged state of her friends under its influence. In this woman’s life, it all started with alcohol and ended with potent drugs - Love has been on the needle for 9 years. According to her, in the first year it was easier to stop taking opium, but then the woman began to need it every day. Drug addiction had a detrimental effect on her health: teeth, veins, liver are destroyed, and other organs suffer.

– I had children, I would like a happy, healthy future for them - this is my motivation. I understand that if I don’t do this, then everything will be sad. Either they will be taken away from me, or they will grow up to be immoral people.

I wouldn’t want that,” shares Lyubov.

Springboard for acceleration

Articles and details about everything that is happening in the Angara region (Irkutsk region) and the city of Irkutsk

Experts note that most young children start small: first, using alcohol and tobacco, then using plant-based marijuana, which serve as a “springboard” for jumping into the drug network.

“Many people think that cannabis is a soft drug. They usually start with it, and then move on to those from which it is impossible to escape. Teenagers believe that if it grows in a field, it means it is safe. In fact, marijuana use has consequences: it erases the fear of using other drugs

“says Marina Gorokhova, secretary of the anti-drug commission of the Angara region.

Articles and details about everything that is happening in the Angara region (Irkutsk region) and the city of Irkutsk

Vasily, a former drug addict who is not afraid to talk about his problem, tried his first drug, marijuana, as a child, then he wanted to taste the forbidden fruit. He says with confidence in his voice: “I looked at the older guys, and I also wanted to try. As a child, I was destined for myself. It all started with alcohol and marijuana, and then I tried hard drugs - opiates. I have had this problem on and off for 4 years now. I am looking for a way out of it in an anti-drug program. I see the result and want to achieve my goal - to free myself from addiction. There is no need to look for sophisticated methods to combat it. It is necessary to recognize the problem

“That’s where it all starts.”

According to Andrei Sergeev, a narcologist at the Irkutsk Regional Psychoneurological Dispensary, addiction to marijuana takes longer to set in and there is no withdrawal syndrome when you stop using it. But at the same time, cannabis has a negative effect on the brain. According to him, drug addicts note that in the process of using, cognitive activity is disrupted, people begin to “dull”, become slow, and remember information worse. This is due to poor blood flow to the brain and impaired vascular function.

“I had a patient from Maisk - an 18-year-old college student who took drugs for brain activity. He tried to prove that in a state of drug intoxication he solves test tasks in 20 minutes instead of 1 hour. He looked for the positive aspects of drug use, but in reality there were none.

A person doesn’t see the other side right away, because it only appears after a while, when addiction develops and it’s already too late,” shares Andrey Sergeev.

Not all teenagers, as experts note, use drugs for their intended purpose. Some are trying to make money from them.

“Unfortunately, our youth are accustomed to improvising in any area, including drugs. Instead of being inquisitive, she becomes curious and uses social networks to learn about the acquisition of drugs, and not about their consequences,” notes Marina Gorokhova, secretary of the anti-drug commission of the Angara region.

According to the deputy head of the regional police drug control department, Olga Nosova, teenagers willingly take on the work of pawnbrokers and graffiti artists. According to her, everything comes from the family: children are not explained that not all work is legal. Teenagers are confident in impunity and that everything will be forgiven. Today's children are infected with the desire for money.

“One person who used drugs said: I can’t even think about the fact that I want to try this

and that it is possible. If such a thought comes, it needs to be cut at the root. When you yourself don’t drink alcohol and drugs, don’t go to hookah bars, the child sees this, and if he finds himself in bad company, he will most likely give up prohibited substances,” says Olga Nosova.

A destructive hobby

Articles and details about everything that is happening in the Angara region (Irkutsk region) and the city of Irkutsk

According to experts, today rehabilitation centers have learned to treat addiction to heroin; with “synthetics,” the most popular drug among teenagers, things are much more difficult. Formulas of artificial substances change almost daily, ahead of classical medicine.

“Several years ago, my brother and sister were observed. They went to a drug treatment center when they were 23 and 16 years old. At first they used heroin, and at the dawn of “synthetics” they switched to “speed”. The brother eventually managed to “get off the needle,” but his sister did not—she died of an overdose,” says narcologist Andrei Sergeev.

According to him, an overdose is a critical situation when, due to an excessive dose of a drug, the body experiences enormous stress. During this condition, cerebral circulation, breathing, and blood supply are disrupted. Doctors often diagnose deaths from drugs as “heart failure” or “cerebral edema,” but in reality these are just the consequences of an overdose.

The difficulty of rehabilitating drug addicted teenagers is that they cannot understand the severity of the consequences of drug use: addiction initially has no physical manifestations, and therefore it seems that it goes away without a trace


As Mikhail Chervichenko, director of the Volya drug rehabilitation center, notes, the only way for addicted people to return to a socially useful life is a positive environment, the ideals of which must be accepted. It is necessary to throw everything unnecessary aside, leaving the best in your environment. During the rehabilitation period, there should be people next to a person who will help him get out of the “quagmire” of drug addiction.

Often, when an addict tries to get rid of cravings, he will have to experience the so-called “withdrawal syndrome,” or withdrawal. This condition is manifested by severe muscle pain, apathy, impotence, sleep disturbance, appetite, lacrimation, and runny nose. The “antidote” from physical and mental torment for drug addicts is another dose.

“I have seen more than once people who have a check or two in their pocket, they run anywhere - to the first entrance they come across, and they already feel better. In fact, they return to a vicious circle - everything starts anew,” says narcologist Andrei Sergeev.

According to him, withdrawal symptoms can last up to 2 weeks. Also, some ex-drug addicts experience so-called “dry withdrawal” a year or two after stopping drug use. The only way to cope is to endure.

As experts note, when using drugs there is no such thing as “time luggage”

- it's out of stock. Addiction can occur in both adults and adolescents after the first dose. Fundamental motivation cannot be created under pressure: only with internal desire can complete recovery occur, otherwise there is no chance.

Yulia Kotysheva12:27, July 05, 2018

Teenage drug addiction as a social problem

Today, the problem of drug use by adolescents has become not only a medical, but also an acute social problem. It has acquired alarming proportions. The age of drug addicts is constantly decreasing. Now we can already talk about child drug addiction, because cases of drug use by children as young as nine have been recorded. More than half of the boys have tried drugs at least once in their lives. Among girls, this percentage is lower; every fifth girl has tried drugs.

Of course, in our country the problem of teenage drug addiction arose later than in the West. So in the United States, drug testing of all schoolchildren has long become the norm; in Russia there is no such mandatory testing yet. But we are rapidly catching up with other countries in this deadly race.

In a few years, teenagers who are now drug addicts will become adults. Someone will remain a drug addict and die. Others will be able to overcome addiction, but mental distortions and health problems resulting from this disease will ruin their lives for many years to come. This is how the health of the nation, its intellectual and spiritual potential suffers. Therefore, the problem of drug-addicted teenagers is essentially a problem of the state and all its citizens.

Today, federal programs, social initiatives and volunteer movements are being created that are designed to correct the situation. In specialized medical institutions, special attention is paid to the prevention and treatment of teenage drug addiction.

The effect of drugs on the human body

The harm that drugs cause to the human body is enormous. A person who uses drugs undermines his health at a very fast pace. From the moment a person becomes addicted to drugs, his life expectancy is on average 7 to 10 years. Addiction is not limited to physical cravings. Much more terrible is psycho-emotional attachment, which destroys the personality. As a result of this, a person is irrevocably transformed into a slave creature without willpower, wanting only one thing - the next dose of drugs.

Main motives for interest in drugs


  • the desire for new experiences, the desire to experience an adventure;
  • the desire to “belong” in the company;
  • searching for methods of “disconnecting” from reality, avoiding troubles;
  • desire to have your own real experience.


In addition to deep internal incentives, there are a lot of external circumstances that have the function of “kick” to drug use:

  • problems in learning, especially severe and deep ones;
  • family problems;
  • conflicts with teachers, peers, parents;
  • parental alcohol or drug addiction;
  • “overprotection” in the family;
  • emotional deprivation in the family (rejection by parents);
  • status of “Cinderella” or “scapegoat” in the family.

The listed problems can have a wide variety of configurations, but the important thing is that adolescents are not able to cope with them on their own. At the same time, the child also cannot distance himself from the situation, so he looks for ways to avoid problems. Drugs give the illusion of such care.

Why are teenagers interested in drugs?

Puberty is a time of storms and passions, formation and acceptance of oneself and the world. Teenagers do not understand life around them well, but they are trying to find their place in it. It is important for them to enter society already having certain life experience. They want to have their own opinion about everything that happens in the adult world. Teenagers experience personal dramas, worry about their interests, learn lessons about relationships with the opposite sex, and then feel unappreciated and disappointed.

And then drugs appear in their lives that change consciousness, make what children feel is difficult, make it easy, remove barriers in communication with peers, make them look at themselves and their appearance differently, feel attractive, confident, and liberated. Teenagers don't think about consequences. Teenagers try. This is how the disaster begins.

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