10 facts for parents who want to raise happy children

  • Essays
  • 11th grade Unified State Examination
  • The influence of parents on the development of a child’s personality

Becoming a person is an integral process in the life of any person. The formation of personality is influenced by various factors: school, environment, interests of the child. But the most important influence is the parents. They are the ones who lay down the habits, concepts and worldview of a child from an early age. Each family has its own educational process, its own views on life and its own limits of permissibility. Therefore, the atmosphere that is present in the family will one way or another affect the formation of the character and personality of the child. What a child saw in the family will be deposited in his mind and will affect his future life, studies, work, relationships.

If parents are lenient with their children, talk to them, explain all the difficulties and sometimes allow them to make mistakes, then the child will grow up to be understanding and responsible. And if there is complete chaos and disrespect in the family, no one understands or wants to understand anyone, then the personality of the child in such a family will develop into a complex, problematic one.

A fairly common observation: various hooligans and losers who skip school are usually children from chaotic families, perhaps even antisocial. The behavior of bullies is quite clear, it reflects the attitude of parents towards them. In such families, parents are not focused on raising their child well; they are busy with their own affairs, scandals and quarrels. The only thing they can do is tell him off for a bad grade. Instead of talking and figuring out the problem, hire a tutor or help yourself.

The attitude of parents also affects the situation of children at school. If a child is respected in the family and his opinion is taken into account, then at school he will be a strong person whom no one will dare to mock. And if a child is often scolded or reprimanded, is not respected in the family, then there is a chance that he will become downtrodden and shy, he will often be bullied, knowing that he will not be able to give back because he is morally weak. And weakness can hinder a further happy future.

If the father treats his mother poorly, does not respect her and offends her, then the boy will grow up with such attitudes and will offend women in the future. The same rule works vice versa.

My opinion is that the character and personality of a child is directly proportional to the attitude of the parents towards him. And if children grow up to be completely different from what their relatives would like them to be, there is no need to immediately blame teenagers for this; perhaps the omission was on the part of adults.

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