Article: “The problem of interpersonal relationships in the classroom”

First love comes unexpectedly, so you find yourself face to face with it, but the guy you like seems so distant and inaccessible. Knowing how to please a boy at school, you can fulfill your cherished desire to be happy, but for this you need to try very hard.

And it’s not just about appearance - you will have to be active, learn to behave and present yourself correctly, perhaps become a more interesting person and change your view on some things. And try not to make mistakes that have become an obstacle to mutual love for many girls.

Tips to help charm a classmate

There is probably not a single girl who would not wonder how to make a guy fall in love with her at school. There are no 100% ways to win a young man, because there are no identical couples, just like relationships of the same type. But there is a great opportunity to take advantage of the wealth of human experience and useful recommendations of those who have already walked this path of victories and disappointments. Where to start and how can you attract the attention of the boy you like who studies in the same school as you?

Psychology and history

History is interconnected with psychology no less than philosophy. Values, stereotypes, behavior patterns, requirements, and norms of society change from century to century, from year to year. But the influence of history as human living conditions is one side. The other side is taking into account historical experience and historical heredity, which influences a person from birth (which has long been confirmed in psychology).

In addition, something else is interesting:

  • on the one hand, historical events and vicissitudes influence the human psyche;
  • but on the other hand, the person himself influences history (one cannot say that absolutely all people make it - deviants (both positive and negative) do this, but there are many of them).

What can I say, any psychological phenomenon cannot be comprehensively studied without delving into history. And our most important element (psyche) is proof of this. How did it become known that a person develops, that our psyche is so similar to the psyche of animals, but still different? From the history. How can you determine the beginning of a phenomenon? Analyzing history. And the conditions for the development of something, favorable and unfavorable factors, will be suggested by history.

A person cannot live without society, and history allows us to trace the development of social consciousness. There is even a special scientific direction - historical psychology, which studies the peculiarities of the development of the psyche and the assimilation of social experience in different eras. Psychology and history also exchanged some research methods. For example, the method of periodization, typology, comparison.

Pay attention to appearance

Men love with their eyes, and young guys are no exception in this regard and pay attention to attractive girls who take care of their appearance.

Therefore, you need to start with yourself:

  1. A smile is something that can delight and charm a classmate, but for this it is important to take care of your teeth and prevent bad breath. Such an unacceptable mistake can discourage a young man from any desire to communicate with you.
  2. Hair should not just be clean, but beautifully styled or neatly tied up. It's good if you periodically visit the hairdresser to maintain the healthy condition of your main jewelry. And also, according to representatives of the stronger sex, most of them are crazy about long hair.
  3. A girl's hands should always be well-groomed and her nails trimmed. An ideal option for everyday life and holidays is a natural French manicure with a transparent coating. It is beautiful, elegant and speaks of good taste. Pedicure in the same style is also relevant, especially in the summer.
  4. How to dress for school to make a guy like you? If you follow fashion trends, listen to the advice - between branded clothes and the one that suits you best, always choose the second. You shouldn’t choose overtly provocative things, for example, a deep neckline looks ridiculous and even funny. It is clear that you want to express yourself, but, unfortunately, the insolence in your appearance scares off some young men, although this is only an external image that you have invented. You can dress more brightly on the street, but for classes it is better to stick to a strict classic style. If possible, you should avoid gray, nondescript things.

Despite the fact that you have just begun to form your own style, learn to dress simply, but with taste. As for basic hygienic care of the face and body, this is implied from the very beginning - it is unacceptable if the smell of sweat emanates from you.

How to build good relationships with classmates (based on psychological publications)

Library of the psychological service of gymnasium No. 000

How to build good relationships with classmates

(based on psychological publications)

If you look closely, you will be able to notice that in the class the children are divided into several groups. Moreover, we note that no one deliberately divides anyone - the roles are distributed somehow by themselves.

Firstly, there are leaders in the class - those who enjoy special respect. They listen to the opinions of such guys and try to imitate them.

Then come the so-called “average” students: they study well, but they don’t have enough stars in the sky, they are quite popular among their classmates, but they do not strive to rule in everything and prefer to stay close to the leader.

The next group consists of “gray mice” - guys who do not enjoy special respect in the class. Nobody takes their opinion into account; their classmates rarely invite them to birthdays and parties, but at the same time they don’t feel outright hostility either - they simply don’t notice.

A special category of children are the so-called “outcasts”. Classmates show active dislike and sometimes hatred towards them. No one wants to sit at the same desk with such guys, no one wants to be friends. During recess, such a boy or girl is not taken into the general game, and when team games begin in physical education lessons, it turns out that even here the “outcast” is out of work: they don’t want to accept him into any team.

And it is not at all necessary that the “outcasts” include notorious hooligans and losers. Among these (that is, losers and hooligans) there are incredibly charming personalities - everyone wants to be friends with them! In this case, the “outcast” may, on the contrary, be a wonderful boy or a smart girl.

If you are one of the “outcasts,” let’s face it: it’s no good. But don’t rush to burst into tears—this won’t help your grief. It is imperative to change the current situation. Maybe you have absolutely no reason to become a leader, but try to at least become one of the “average” people.

First of all, take a close look at yourself. Why doesn't anyone want to be your friend? Maybe you're not too clean (tna)? Or do you like to gossip and say all sorts of nasty things to others? What are most of the kids in the class interested in? How interesting are you to your classmates - what if they simply have nothing to talk about with you?

The fact is that every class has its own passions and values. A lover of serious classical music will be despised in a class where everyone listens to pop or rock bands. Or let’s imagine, for example, that most of the boys in the class walk around with dirty nails (ugh) and ears, don’t bother with their studies and are not interested in anything other than computer “shooters”. A diligent, neat and smart boy in such a class will enjoy the reputation of a “mama’s boy.” Naturally, the boys will not like him, and most likely it will be he who ends up among the “outcasts.”

The conclusion is obvious: those who are among the “outcasts” in one class may well end up in the middle class, or even among the leaders, in another class!

If you feel that the difference between you and your classmates is too great, and you will never be able to “get used to” in your class, think: wouldn’t it be better to move to another class, or maybe even change schools? Of course, this is not an easy matter, and new people are always greeted with caution, but it’s still better than being an outcast for many years and enduring ridicule and humiliation day after day.

But this, of course, is a “recipe” for the most severe cases. We will tell you in detail about how to improve relationships with classmates, earn their authority and at the same time remain yourself.

How to improve relationships with classmates

Let’s say right away: how the guys treat you from the very beginning, that’s how they will treat you throughout your studies - unless, of course, you yourself make no effort to change the opinion they have about you. So, since you see that time is passing, and relationships with classmates leave much to be desired, it’s time to urgently do something.

Perhaps you have already tried various “tricks of war” - for example, “bribing” your classmates by treating them with candy, buns and other goodies, letting them copy problems, but it did not bring any tangible results. This means another method is needed.

First of all, and we have already talked about this, if you feel that your classmates are not very friendly towards you, think about why this is happening. Here are some reasons why your classmates may not treat you as well as you deserve.

REASON 1. Your manners are very different from the behavior of other guys. For example, you are a sophisticated, dreamy person, you are interested in classical music, poetry, from an early age you have been playing the piano and composing romantic poems. Your classmates seem to you to be loud and stupid guys with whom there is nothing to talk about. You don’t understand how you can listen to that terrible music that most of them are crazy about, or read some primitive comics, you don’t like noisy games - it’s better to read an interesting book. Your classmates, for their part, consider you a bore.

How to fix the situation??? At least for the sake of curiosity, show interest in what most of your classmates are interested in. After all, they find something in these “terrible” music, films and comics. Don't shy away from common games - they allow you to get to know each other better. Maybe it just seems to you that there are a bunch of stupid people around with whom there is nothing to talk about, but in fact in the class there are smart and talented girls and boys, only with other hobbies. After all, in order to be friends or even just communicate, people do not have to have exactly the same interests.

You'll see, if you show interest in the people around you, then they will be more attentive and friendly towards you.

REASON 2. You are too shy. And you simply don’t have the courage to approach the guys and take part in a conversation or game. It seems to you that you will definitely be stupid or do something wrong, and they will laugh at you. In your heart you hope that the guys will come up and invite you to the game. But this does not happen - and it seems that they have stopped noticing you altogether. And again you stand against the wall throughout the break, silently suffering, sighing bitterly and envying the fun of others.

How to fix the situation. Don't rely on others to take the first step. Surely your classmates have already decided that you simply are not interested in their games and conversations, since you have never expressed a desire to participate in them. The guys don’t know that timidity is preventing you from doing this, and maybe they even consider you to be the one asking the question.

Gradually learn to overcome your shyness, otherwise you can’t - you don’t want to live your whole life alone. At least start by inserting a few words into the general conversation - you'll see, it's not so scary. Further - more: ask the guys to take you into the game, they probably won’t refuse. And over time, fear and timidity will disappear completely. After all, your classmates are not evil monsters or creatures from another planet, but guys just like you, so why be afraid???

REASON 3. You don't dress as nicely as most of the guys in your class. Your parents cannot afford to buy you a stylish briefcase or fashionable sneakers, and among your smart classmates you feel like a poor relative, and the guys treat you condescendingly and dismissively.

How to fix the situation. Firstly, stop having a complex about the fact that you are dressed worse than others. Remember: a person is loved and respected not for a beautiful dress or fashionable boots, but for kindness, sensitivity, and the ability to empathize with other people. If you are interesting, if you are always a cheerful and friendly person, no one will even notice that your suit is not the latest in fashion. The main thing is that your clothes are clean and tidy.

REASON 4. You don’t see anything that would greatly distinguish you from other guys, but for some reason they don’t want to be friends with you.

Maybe the guys decided that they were simply not interested in communicating with you?

How to fix the situation. In this case, to change their attitude towards you, try to find out what they are interested in. This could be modern, popular music, cinema, fashion. When you determine what most of your classmates are interested in, start studying the subject, that is, watch the movie that is being talked about so much in class, look through fashion magazines, etc. It’s good if you manage to find out something interesting about a subject that interests everyone - what -some little-known fact or important news. The next day, tell this news to your classmates, and it’s best if you present it casually - as if you knew all this a long time ago.

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After two or three such cases, the guys will get the impression that you are a real storehouse of various fascinating information, and it is very interesting to communicate with you.

Even if in fact you don’t share the hobbies of your classmates, these small performances will probably benefit you: you will learn to maintain a conversation on any topic, even one that is uninteresting to you, and your classmates will know that they have something to talk about with you, and with pleasure .

When the truth is harmful

There are times when one careless word or thoughtless act turns friends into enemies, and often the person who made the unfortunate mistake does not realize this himself and does not understand why he is offended. In order to avoid getting into such situations, you need to have a sense of tact that tells you what, when and how you can say to this or that person. Even a remark can be made tactfully - so that the person not only will not be offended, but will also be grateful that the mistake was pointed out to him.

The most interesting thing is that often - and most of all - we are offended not by lies, but by the unpleasant truth, spoken rudely, to our faces. Again, a sense of tact will help to avoid such situations.

Now, suppose you see that Lisa’s neck and collar are dirty. She probably doesn't notice it. But others notice, and now you hear someone calling her dirty. How to tell her about this? And is it even worth talking about? Actually, it’s none of your business: if he doesn’t want to, don’t wash his face. But it’s a pity for the girl—they’ll soon start pointing fingers at her. So it’s decided: it must be said! But how to do this in such a way as not to offend her?

Firstly, the unpleasant truth should always be told without witnesses, secondly, in a friendly manner, and thirdly, in such a way that it has an effect. Sometimes you need to use your imagination: “Listen, Lisa, look: isn’t my neck dirty? I was so lazy to wash my face today, and I feel awkward. What, clean? Marvelous. You're probably speaking out of politeness. You probably didn’t want to wash your face today either, and your neck is dirty too.”

The girl will definitely understand such a hint, and she will have nothing to be offended by you for.

But there is also a truth that should not be spoken at all. If, for example, Dasha has crooked legs, you should not remind her of this. Surely, she herself knows this and worries about it.

The conclusion is this: the truth should be spoken when it will somehow help eliminate shortcomings, and this should be done tactfully.

If nothing can be changed, then the bitter truth will be just a reminder of an unpleasant fact. Why is this necessary?

Bad jokes

You found (found) a note under Yulia’s desk. What are they writing to her there??? Well, let's see... No, she herself writes to someone: “Vova, you are the coolest boy in school and I really like you, let’s be friends. Julia". Hmm, I wonder what kind of Vova we are talking about? Is it really about that freckled, bespectacled guy from the parallel class? This is a sensation - Yulka fell in love! You read the note you find to the whole class. Everyone laughs until they drop. And at that moment Julia enters. Of course, this really hurt her. “It’s because she has no sense of humor at all,” you convince yourself.

Later it turned out that Natasha also did not have a sense of humor: in her absence, someone ate the apple that she brought from home and put the core back in her briefcase. Petya, whose homework notebook was hidden before class, was also unable to properly appreciate the joke.

REMEMBER: offensive, malicious, offensive jokes are no longer jokes, just ordinary rudeness.

Diaries, letters, the contents of a school bag and pockets are personal property that cannot be touched without the owner’s permission!

Not the only one, but unique

(for girls)

The most common mistake that girls your age make is the desire to imitate someone, be it a Hollywood star or a more successful and charming classmate. Sometimes it gets ridiculous: for example, when a girl diligently copies the conversation, gestures, demeanor, and clothing style of her favorite heroine of the series, who is two or even three times her age. There is nothing more comical than a nine or ten year old girl acting and talking like a grown woman.

And the classmate who is “lucky enough” to become your role model will probably not be delighted. Just imagine that someone will suddenly dress like you, talk and think like you. You will get the feeling that you are being parodied and imitated all the time. Will you then treat your uninvited “double” with sympathy?

There is nothing more valuable than a person’s individuality: just imagine how boring and uninteresting it would be if all the people in the world were the same. And it’s very stupid, and there’s absolutely no need to act like an ape, imitating anyone else. Why try to look like a different person? After all, everyone knows that a bad original is better than a good copy.

The desire to be like everyone else, the fear of showing individuality and difference, does not provide the best service to girls or boys. This usually hides fear: “what if they don’t accept me for who I am, it’s better to be invisible - it’s calmer.”

There is no need to be afraid to be yourself, to show your abilities and talents: those around you will appreciate it, and of course no one will think of laughing at you because, for example, you are the best at drawing or playing the piano excellently.

To earn the respect of your classmates and for them to be interested in you, it is not at all necessary to pretend to be someone who you really are not - after all, you have your own talents and merits.

It's better to be open, cheerful and natural - BE YOURSELF!

About teasing and nicknames

It's no secret that guys love to come up with nicknames for their classmates and just acquaintances. And often these nicknames are offensive. At recess, for example, you can easily hear something like: “Hey, Lemon, come here and tell Fingal that the Boar is waiting for him.” From the outside it sounds funny and wild. It happens that a nickname becomes so firmly attached to a person that they stop calling him by his name altogether.

The danger of any nicknames and teases is that in this way certain qualities are imposed on a person. That is, those around him expect certain behavior from him in advance: for example, Fingal is necessarily a bully, Botanist is a crammer, a bore.

A nickname is stuck to a person as a label, which causes the unfortunate person considerable suffering. For example, if everyone calls you Evil or Yaga, then new acquaintances, hearing your nickname, will in advance, without getting to know you properly, conclude that you are evil and harmful and are unlikely to want to get to know you better.

Why do guys give each other offensive nicknames? There may be several reasons. Sometimes, in this way they try to assert themselves, as if to say: “Petya is so bad, Seryozha is stupid, Masha is funny, I’m the only one who is smart and good.” Most often, those who become teasers are those guys who are terribly afraid of becoming an object of ridicule. By drawing the attention of others to the shortcomings of some boy or girl, they hope in this way to divert attention from their own shortcomings: “Let everyone tease Lida because she has a long nose, maybe they won’t notice my crooked teeth.”

Or is the reason envy: “Misha is the best student? So that means he's a Nerd or a Bespectacled Man. Tanya is a very pretty girl and also dresses fashionably? Let’s call her Fifa, so that we don’t wonder.” In this case, the teasers, feeling that you are superior to them in some way, try in this way to devalue your achievements or advantages. In fact, they understand that you are better, smarter, more successful than them, so they get angry.

How can you prevent an offensive nickname from sticking to you for a long time?

The most important thing is not to give in to emotions. If you respond to ridicule by getting angry, screaming, or, even worse, crying, this will further encourage the teasers, because all they want is to “get” you. And if they succeed, then they certainly won’t be left behind for a long time. It's best if you simply don't pay attention to the offensive words. After all, if teasing does not achieve its goal, then it becomes simply uninteresting, and most likely your classmates will soon simply get bored of giving you different nicknames. Needless to say, maintaining composure when ridicule is raining down on you from all sides is very difficult, but the result is worth it.

If one of the guys suddenly, out of the blue, for no apparent reason, began to tease and offend you, you can go up to the offender and ask why he talks about you like that. Maybe you yourself inadvertently insulted him and now he is taking revenge on you for it? The main thing is to talk calmly and behave confidently.

Another way to get teasers to leave you behind is to learn to respond to the bully in such a way that he no longer has the desire to pester you. This is not about attacking enemies with fists; the main weapons here are a well-aimed word and a sense of humor. For example, if one of the guys called you an offensive nickname, you respond to him in such a way that your offender himself becomes a laughing stock for those around him. After such an incident, it is unlikely that he or any of the other guys will want to bully you - after all, no one likes to be laughed at.

And lastly: have you ever bullied someone yourself or taken part in bullying a boy or girl? If yes, then know that it does you no credit. Moreover, if you offend today, then tomorrow they may offend you - imagine how you would feel if you were in the place of the object of ridicule and bullying. It is especially cruel and disgusting to mock people with physical disabilities, because it is not the person’s fault that he is limping or cannot pronounce all the letters, he is already worried about this, and then there are the stupid guys with their ridicule.

Before you say something offensive to someone, imagine yourself in the place of the “victim” - how you would feel if someone began to tease and insult you.

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Never do to others what you do not wish for yourself!

Hooligans, great and terrible

It is no secret that not all the children at school are distinguished by exemplary behavior and in addition to completely “law-abiding” students, there are also bullies, disturbers of public peace who do not want to reckon with anyone and obey any rules - in a word, hooligans. Often such individuals bring horror not only to school students, but even to teachers, and their outrages also sometimes go too far. For example, it often happens that hooligans beat younger children and take their money.

As a rule, bullies choose as their victims quiet and timid children who cannot find a common language with their classmates and who keep to themselves, so they are unlikely to be able to give the offenders a worthy rebuff. Most often, junior schoolchildren are subjected to such terror, although in general anyone can become the object of attention of these loafers.

It’s good if you are not familiar with this situation and in your school all the kids live peacefully and amicably, and the older ones help the younger ones. Or maybe high school and junior school students simply don’t communicate with each other - well, they don’t have common interests and they seem to exist in parallel worlds? This also happens quite often.

Well, if you are unlucky, and the hooligans simply do not give way, then you urgently need to take some measures.

Of course, you won’t be able to force the offenders to leave you behind, and you won’t get into a fight with them. But there are other equally effective ways to protect yourself from attacks and humiliation. Which one to choose depends on the situation and the degree of impudence of the offenders: it’s one thing to take measures to pacify an overly raging mischief-maker from a parallel class who calls names and pulls girls’ pigtails, and quite another thing to curb an over-aged bully high school student who is already a member of the registered in the children's room of the police and terrorizes the entire district, including teachers.

One of the easiest defense options to resort to is to complain to your parents or call on your older brother for help. However, a significant drawback of this method is that neither your parents nor your older brother will be able to protect you from bullies once and for all. After all, for this they would have to be with you every minute, but this is still impossible. This means that we need to look for another solution to the problem.

For example, learn how to communicate correctly with peers and older guys. If you are not popular in your class and constantly stay away from your peers, alone, this also makes you an easy prey for bullies. Try to find a common language with your classmates. Then during breaks you will be surrounded by guys, and you won’t have to return home alone. Believe me, the hooligans who seem evil and omnipotent to you are cowards by nature and will be wary of approaching a group of guys, even younger ones - it’s easier for them to cope with a loner.

And most importantly, you yourself must believe that you can resist the bullies. They feel your fear and defenselessness, and this provokes them even more.

Another way to protect yourself is to complain to the teacher. If she is unable to help (often teachers, especially women, themselves are wary of getting involved with over-aged hooligans), contact the school principal or let your parents do it. The director, in turn, can have a conversation with the troublemakers or call their parents. After all, even the most menacing-looking hooligans are the most ordinary students, and no matter how mature and impudent they look, they are also afraid of teachers, the school principal, and bullying from their parents.

You can use any of the methods of defense: complain to your parents or teachers, contact the school principal... whatever you want, you can even use several methods at once, but under no circumstances should you be afraid to be at school, go out into the street, humiliated and offended!

In particularly difficult cases, when none of the above methods work, your parents may even contact the police, especially if the hooligan’s actions take on the nature of criminal acts and seriously threaten the health of others: for example, if the hooligan took away your mobile phone, player or other expensive item , if he pushed or hit you in such a way that you received serious injury, if he forces you by force or through intimidation to do something that humiliates and insults you.

Of course, hooligans will certainly threaten with violence if their victim complains to anyone, but you should not succumb to such intimidation, because in this case they will understand that they can do whatever they want with you, and with impunity. This should under no circumstances be allowed - the further you go, the more difficult it will be for you, because if the young villains feel that they are getting away with everything, they will not let them live at all. Therefore, at the first attempt by hooligans to offend you, do not remain silent, tell everything: to your parents, to your teacher - this is not sneaking, but an attempt to protect yourself. In any case, having received a beating from teachers, parents, or even the director himself, the hooligans will probably prefer not to contact you next time and look for a more defenseless and unrequited victim.

Take action in class

Stunning appearance alone is still not enough - it is important to interest the guy you like at school. Let's look at examples of how this can be done:

  1. Be friendly, cheerful, act natural, but not cheeky. Even tomboys and hooligans don’t like it when a girl behaves ill-mannered and rudely. This makes a repulsive impression.
  2. Show respect to all students in the class by greeting them with words and a smile at the beginning of the school day and remember to say goodbye before leaving. These are simple rules of etiquette that give a positive impression of a person.
  3. If you are an excellent student, you can offer the object of your attention to improve him in some subject. The guy will certainly appreciate such a broad gesture.
  4. Another option is to ask to copy, the main thing is to do it naturally, with a disarming smile.
  5. A cheerful schoolgirl who knows how to joke in conversation and wittily answer an ordinary question will not go unnoticed. And for this you need to read more and develop your speech, have basic erudition and outlook. Alas, it is dramatically impossible to change, but if the goal is to attract the attention of a guy at school, how can you miss the opportunity to improve your abilities?

If you want to once again attract attention and talk to a guy, you can resort to a trick - leave some school supplies (a signed book, notebook or notebook) in a visible place. Surely the young man will notice these things and want to give them to the owner. You will have a great opportunity to thank him with a smile and start a casual conversation. Most often, such situations are remembered and later lead to mutual jokes and flirtations.

Tips on how to please a classmate

It is necessary to find out his interests, this will allow you to start a conversation and lead the conversation in a given direction.

It is important to start taking care of yourself (have well-groomed hair, neat manicure, unobtrusive lip gloss, clean clothes). Experiments with appearance are welcome, as long as you don’t overdo it. Not every guy will like a girl who has dyed her hair pink or purple, which is considered the squeak of a fashion trend. Perhaps a hooligan guy will like such a girl, because those with bright hair colors are dynamic, cheerful, and bright. It’s not boring with such girls; they willingly agree to do adventurous things, which is basically what a bully needs.

You should take a closer look at your classmate and understand what he loves, what he is interested in (sports, science or creativity). After this, you immediately need to start studying topics that interest you. If he likes chemistry, then he needs to study substances, their properties, structure, transformations. And then boldly discuss the topics that you learned and understood best, asking your classmate questions, arguing and telling something new from this science. You can safely sit down at his desk and discuss interesting topics from chemistry.

And if a guy is interested in sports, for example football, then he should learn the names of football teams, its players, expand his knowledge in this area and pay attention to the fit of his figure. After all, guys who are into sports love slender girls.

You can’t lose yourself in the interests of your classmate, you should have your own hobby, then the guy will begin to respect you.

You need to behave naturally, and in the presence of a guy you don’t need to laugh loudly or make stupid jokes.

It is necessary to model situations as if the girl always ends up next to the object of her interest by chance.

Sometimes, while in class or at recess, you should cast ambiguous glances at a guy, single him out from the crowd, and call him by name more often than others.

When communicating, you cannot open up 100% and talk about your sympathy. Let it be a mystery that a classmate will want to solve.

It is categorically forbidden to tell your girlfriends about your crush, they do not know how to keep other people’s secrets, they will be “bursting” with the desire to tell everything to their classmate and female friendship may end because of this.

You can’t brag or talk only about yourself; it’s important to be able to listen and empathize when necessary.

When meeting a guy, it is important to smile, be inviting and open.

It will be appropriate to show yourself from different sides: at school you are a dutiful student, outside of school you can be a little mischievous.

It is important to praise the guy.

You need to match the guy's level. Develop yourself, read books, watch the news so that there is always something to discuss.

If studying is easy for a girl, but not for a guy, then you can offer him help in completing assignments.

If he studies better, then you can safely ask him for help in this.

You need to get closer to your classmate’s friends, join their company, this will allow you to find out more information about the guy you are interested in.

It is important not to overdo it, not to be intrusive, and then your classmate will certainly like you.

An extremely difficult situation when it is not clear how to please a classmate if he likes someone else. In this situation, you can advise the guy to become a friend, not to interfere in other people’s relationships and wait for them to end. And ideally, a girl would realize from an early age that she cannot be liked by force and leave this idea behind.

So, to understand how to please a classmate, you should try to get to know him as much as possible. Do your best while remaining yourself. You can experiment carefully with your appearance, but at the same time be an open and sincere person.

Talk to your boyfriend more outside of school

Your main task in communicating with a classmate you like is to find common ground. These could be school events, promotions, joint participation in festive events. You can always exchange a few phrases about the upcoming test, vacation, or touch on the topic of sports competitions that is close to the boys.

But we can’t stop there. The next step is to pull the gentleman to another level of communication, outside the walls of the educational institution. Behind them, the young men change, and you can learn important and interesting information about them. If the boy has not yet invited you to relax together after studying, do it yourself - there is nothing shameful or scary in it.

You can invite:

  • just for a walk in the park,
  • in a cafe with a group of friends and familiar guys,
  • to a show or street festival,
  • on a camping trip with other students.

Today, many people communicate through social networks, and some classes have their own communities. This is a good reason to make inquiries about the young man, to get to know him better with the prospect of further real meetings.

By methodically collecting information about a guy, there is a possibility of “accidentally” being in the same company at an event that he is attending with friends. Surely the boy will not pass by and say hello to you. All that remains is to keep up the conversation and join the company.

Classmates. ru

Nostalgia rules the world. Proven by the Odnoklassniki project. ru.”

Every day, from 40 to 60 thousand people register on the site in search of childhood friends and first loves.

Just a year ago, Odnoklassniki was not crowded. Having looked at the site out of curiosity and found a couple of acquaintances, users became disappointed and disappeared for a long time. The surge began in the fall of 2007. And in December, the respected sociological service Gallup released sensational data: the young school website was ahead of the famous search engine Rambler, which celebrated its 10th anniversary.

The idea of ​​classmates is not new. The West has long learned to unite people into so-called “social networks.” In the United States, a whole generation of children is growing up, raised by the MYSpace portal, which has 110 million users. A similar site called FaceBook, created for communication between students, has 55 million registered users.

Seven of the nine most popular Internet resources are social networks. “Modern man only feels alive when he is a node of some structure,” American scientists explain this phenomenon.

Russian psychologists explain this more carefully: “Each of us needs a support group. And our society, alas, is too fragmented. We run away from loneliness to websites. “

But is everything really so good - they say, on such projects people have the opportunity to remember the good old days, and again rejoice at all the good things that once united friends.

Alas, psychologists warn: if you were unable to maintain the relationship and today communicate with your ex-friend only through Odnoklassniki, then, most likely, there is an abyss between you. For some reason you are dragging a person from the past into your current world. But you need to live in the present. Or at least a bright future.

Psychologists claim that social networks are, in fact, global dating networks.

But, if moral principles do not allow many to register on some “”, then in “Odnoklassniki”, at first glance, everything is decent - you came here to remember old friends and acquaintances, and not for new dubious acquaintances.

But why then does Sveta show off herself topless on her page and modestly remark “And I also make amazing jam,” while Vasya writes in the interests of “I love women” and is terribly upset if not a single young lady has looked at his page during the day.

Social networks are filled with flirting, soul experts warn. And they are slowly collecting disappointing statistics that Odnoklassniki is increasingly becoming the cause of divorce.

Social networks are fraught not only with damaged relationships on the personal front. Today, increasingly, large companies use information posted by authors on Odnoklassniki to make inquiries about potential employees or partners.

Admit it honestly - you, a seemingly respectable employee, will wait until the evening to look at your Odnoklassniki page or write a short post on your blog? Hardly. “If the office has computers connected to the Internet, then with a high degree of probability employees will spend 20% of their working time on social networks,” experts assure. But now there is less and less time left for work itself and, as a consequence, a career and replenishing a personal bank account.

No, it’s too one-sided: “if you couldn’t maintain the relationship, why drag it out from the past now?” Firstly, people change, they re-evaluate something. And perhaps some are trying to establish new relationships with former friends or loved ones.

For example, I found my sister

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