How to cope with exam anxiety and pass it successfully?

Situations constantly arise in a person’s life when one has to take appropriate exams. Most often this happens at a young age. But even later, each of us must prove our professional, intellectual and social worth. Therefore, almost all people experience exam stress throughout their lives. And if you don’t take your emotions and fears under control during this period, you can seriously harm your own health.

Oddly enough, no one specifically teaches the ability to pass exams - neither psychotherapists, nor psychologists. At the same time, possession of psychotechnical skills would be very useful. They allow you not only to effectively prepare for various disciplines, but also to behave correctly and control your emotions. In this article, we will tell you how to calm down before an exam and give you some useful tips on this topic. So let's get started.

how to calm down before an exam

Make a plan

People who know how to calm down before the traffic police exam are well aware of its importance. It is necessary to estimate the total volume of material and evenly distribute its study over several days. Specifics are very important. For example, the plan should not include the entry “I’ll work out a little.” Write down all the sections of the subject that you will study today.

how to calm down before an exam without losing your reaction

How to stop worrying parents

parents are worried

Many parents worry that their child will not live up to “their” hopes. I just remember how, as a child, I was forced to cram everything, scolded for every B, forced to study. As a result, I eventually rebelled and stopped living up to my parents' demands.

They wanted me to study foreign languages, study languages, work in tourism... And I wanted to connect my life with computers... In the end, I still achieved my goal, after some time.

Well, your child will not pass the exam with a 5. He will receive a different grade. Are you going to love him less? If he doesn’t go to the faculty you chose for him, that means he’ll choose the one he wants.

Let me tell you, if a child himself chooses which path to take, then he, most often, prepares much better for exams and passes everything perfectly. After all, he likes it, he understands it, and wants to work and develop in this area in his future life. So think about it.

Always tell your child that he can do anything, he is the best, the calmest. Then drink valerian and sit and wait for the results.

You can also read the charm words to help your child not worry:

Take the notes your child is preparing from, sit alone in the room and read the following words three times:

good luck exam spell

You can tell the student to say these words himself. The main thing is, then put the notes under your pillow and go to bed.

Do not panic

It happens that at the moment of preparation a person has the thought that it is impossible to learn all the material, and he does not know how to calm down before the exam. Most often, this can happen if there is no specific plan, which we wrote about above. It's time to put it together. Experts also advise using the following technique: select the easiest, most interesting topics from all the material and study them first. And leave questions that look like Chinese writing for later. Even if you don’t manage to master the whole theory, you will know a certain part of it at a very high level.

how to calm down before the traffic police exam

“Everyone understands this except me”

Method: rethinking.

How does he work. This tool consists of two parts.

  1. Rethink the reasons for your misunderstanding. There is an idea that visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners need to present information differently, otherwise they will not perceive it. However, scientists have found that this is not true - people may indeed prefer different approaches to learning, but adjusting it according to their wishes does not improve results. Thus, there is no need to worry about the method of obtaining information - it is better to use all three of them.
  2. Gain understanding. Look at it like breaking a safe - some people are lucky and get it right on the first or second try, while others have to try many different combinations. Sometimes this takes a lot of time, but there is a way to speed up the process - seek help from someone who has already completed the task.
  • Ask your teacher to explain the topic differently.
  • Ask your friends how they managed to figure it out.
  • Watch a YouTube video - a good video can be a very effective way to teach because it engages different types of perception at the same time.

On the eve of the exam. Set aside a day to review

For example, if you don’t know how to calm down before a music exam, then the day before the “X-hour”, repeat the piece or song you have learned from morning until evening. Do this in front of a mirror as if you were speaking in front of a real teacher. Break all the material into parts and work with each in order. Focus on the areas that are causing you difficulty.

how to calm down before a music exam

Behavior in the written exam

  1. If you feel yourself panicking, immediately tell yourself “Stop!” This word must be spoken out loud as a command. Always remember: everything that happens in your body is completely controlled by your thoughts, you just need to choose the right phrase that programs your consciousness, for example: “I am calm,” “I can easily answer all questions,” “I know everything.”
  2. After this, bring your breathing back to normal: take a deep breath and exhale slowly several times. You've prepared for the exam, now it's time to put your knowledge to use.
  3. Try not to react to distractions (sounds and movement in the classroom, etc.) and concentrate as much as possible on the work at hand.
  4. Skim the entire test to understand what type of tasks it contains, this will help you get ready for work.
  5. Take your time with answers, carefully read the question to the end to fully understand its meaning.
  6. If you don't know the answer to a question or aren't sure about it, skip it and mark it so you can come back to it later.
  7. If you were unable to answer the question within the allotted time, you can only rely on your intuition and indicate the most likely option.

Use the recordings

During the exam, no one forbids you to use the notes you made during preparation for the answer. At the same time, watch your voice, facial expressions, gestures and posture. Your appearance and your speech should express confidence in your own knowledge. It is known that gestures, posture, and voice not only “give out” a person’s current state, but are also capable of influencing him based on the feedback principle. That is, once you start speaking in a confident, calm voice, you will really begin to feel more confident and calm.

Exam anxiety - what is it?

Test anxiety was once considered one-dimensional. However, there is now evidence that test anxiety is multidimensional. It can be divided into four aspects: anxiety, emotionality, interference
of extraneous thoughts and uncertainty
. In the past, psychological research on overcoming pretest anxiety has focused on the exam situation itself. However, more recent studies look not only at exam/test situations, but also at the learning stage, as well as the preparation and practice stage, as these are equally important in the task of overcoming pre-exam anxiety.

exam anxiety, exam anxiety

Researcher Stober in 2004 described test anxiety as a situation in which test takers tend to react with increased anxiety about taking the exam/test and its performance. The two originally identified elements of pretest anxiety included a cognitive component (worry) and an affective component (emotionality). Anxiety in this context includes general concerns about evaluation and concerns about failure and the consequences of failure. Emotionality in this context refers to the perception of uncontrollable body reactions that are experienced in anticipation of an exam or testing (rapid heartbeat, sweating, difficulty concentrating mentally). The concept of the "interference dimension" of pretest anxiety was introduced by psychologist Sarason in 1984. Interference or, in Russian, interference is the occurrence of thoughts that interfere and harm our concentration (distract) during an exam or tests.

Mentally relive the situation

At the end of the school year, many schoolchildren ask the question: “How to calm down before the Unified State Examination?” You can try the “experience the situation” method. A few days before the “X-hour”, imagine passing the exam in all its colors and with the corresponding experiences, phobias and “scary thoughts”: here you are entering the class, taking a ticket, preparing, going out to answer, etc. To begin with, imagine how your throat is dry or your hands are shaking, but there is not a single thought in your head. Now do the opposite. How would you like the exam to go? We think something like this: you take a ticket, prepare with concentration and confidently and calmly answer before the examination committee, without feeling any fear. Imagine all this as specifically as possible, in all the details. After doing this several times, you will be convinced of the effectiveness of this method.

how to calm down before the exam

How to calm down before an exam: advice from a psychologist

Psychologists name many ways to calm down before taking an exam. Please note that the most important thing is to prepare for the test. This will allow you to calm down as much as possible and there will be much less stress.

Moreover, do the following:

  • Write cheat sheets. Take some notes. By the way, while you are making cheat sheets, you will remember the material even better. But still, insurance will make you more confident. It is recommended to write cheat sheets, even if you know that you won’t be able to use them.
  • Walking and physical activity. A few days before the exam, start walking outside and sleeping more. Your body needs to rest and take a break from stress. The night before your exam, exercise and don't read anything about the subject.
  • Dress comfortably. You should be as comfortable as possible before the exam. Find comfortable clothes and shoes. So, it's better to wear your favorite sneakers,
  • Sleep well and eat well . Before the exam, be sure to get enough sleep and eat well. If a person is hungry, then he is more anxious. Satiety makes you feel comfortable. Before the exam itself, eat some sweets. Glucose makes the brain work better, and chocolate lifts your mood.
  • Listen to classical music. It improves the functioning of the brain and nervous system. So even if you have never listened to classical music, it’s worth doing.
  • Don't panic . Students often cheat each other and create panic. When one nervous person appears, he is capable of starting a chain reaction. Do not try to communicate with such a person, at least for the duration of the exam.
  • Breathing exercises. This simple technique involves relaxing your breathing. If you have done yoga or meditation before, you can easily use these practices. For those who are not familiar with them, it is enough to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply 30 times. Gradually you will focus on proper breathing and calm down. In any case, you need to do this until you calm down.
  • Making a first impression . There is no point in thinking about the perfect answer, especially for an oral exam. If you prove yourself in the first minutes, you may not even have to answer additional questions. Don't be afraid of the examiner, find something you like about him so that you feel comfortable. This way you will be calmer.

Take the situation to the point of absurdity

If you are very afraid and don’t know how to calm down before the exam, psychologists recommend using the “reduction to absurdity” technique. Scare yourself as much as possible. Imagine the most unimaginable terrible details and nightmarish consequences. If you are preparing together or in a group, then scare each other. It has long been known that increased fear causes a paradoxical reaction: instead of becoming depressed, a person begins to understand the exaggeration of his own experiences. Even the most severe consequences do not look as terrible as he previously thought.

how to calm down before your driving test

Get some sleep and eat before the exam

To ensure your head works well and you don’t make stupid mistakes, try to get a good night’s sleep before an exam or test. This will give you a better chance of remembering important information. And it’s easier to think with a clear head. If possible, wake up early in the morning so that you have extra time in case of traffic jams and other force majeure. Don't forget to have a snack so that the feeling of hunger does not interfere with your reasoning. Take these points into account, and it will be easier for you to overcome your anxiety before an exam or test.

Forget about drugs

Recently, there has been a significant increase in the number of people taking nootropic drugs to increase brain activity. If you do this, don't forget the downside. Long-term or improper use of nootropics causes hyperstimulation of the brain, which manifests itself in the form of headaches, irritability, insomnia and increased excitability. Sedatives have a similar effect. On the one hand, they calm the nervous system, but on the other, they greatly inhibit brain function, reducing the ability to concentrate and attentiveness in general.

how to calm down before an exam

Getting rid of negative thinking

I’ll tell you what I thought before the exam... “I won’t pass, the teacher will fail me, I only know ten tickets out of twenty, I’ll be expelled, if I don’t pass, they’ll kill me...” Do you have any familiar thoughts? So, you need to learn to get rid of this negativity.

Remember, thoughts are material and if you think like this, it will happen with a high probability.

You have to think positively - I will pass! I will not worry! Scroll through the whole situation in your head: you go to the teacher, take a ticket (imagine what kind of ticket it will be), exhale, sit down at your desk. Calmly write your answer, go to the board and answer the ticket. All!

You have performed this procedure in the classroom more than once. What's so difficult about this? Do not pay attention to anyone, not to your classmates, not to the committee, not to the teacher. Immerse yourself in your ticket, remember everything you know.

How to relieve stress before an exam?

Often the pursuit of high scores turns into an inadequate struggle, how to deal with laziness and fears, but at the same time not harm your own health, teaches a special branch of psychology - mental hygiene. It is important to remember that for a teenager, an exam can be one of the first tests in life, and a nervous breakdown due to excessive emotional stress will affect the psyche much more strongly than in a similar situation for an adult and accomplished person.


The technique of “creative visualization” is available to anyone, but it is easiest for people with a good imagination. It is necessary to present in detail positive pictures of the future and replace with them the frightening images of failure in the exam and expulsion from the university.

In your mind's eye, you can look at not only your life after passing the exam with a high score, but also imagine those sources of happiness and joy that will not go anywhere, regardless of your grades. A favorite park, an animal waiting for you at home, delicious food, playing sports - all these positive memories will help you calm down and return to school with renewed vigor.

Verbal self-suggestion

It's easy to switch gears and relax for a few minutes or even half an hour while at home and studying in a familiar environment. But all the preparation may turn out to be useless, since not all students and schoolchildren are able to cope with the stress of an exam, sitting in front of an indifferent commission. In a situation where you are waiting for your turn to answer and feel increasing nervous tension, one of the fast-acting psychological techniques will help you.

Sit comfortably, breathe calmly, mentally repeat “I am relaxing. I'm calming down." It is advisable that each word be accompanied by inhalation or exhalation.

Breathing exercises

A panic attack is difficult to overcome; it is important to overcome fear as early as possible, before physical manifestations begin. Before you calm yourself down with tranquilizers, you should try several breathing exercises:

  1. As you count to yourself from 1 to 4, take a breath. Hold your breath for a count of 1 to 4, then start counting again and exhale slowly. Repeat this cycle at least 5 times.
  2. Inhale slowly and smoothly through your nose. Feel the air filling your chest, solar plexus, and abdomen. After this, exhale smoothly in the reverse order, watching how the air leaves the stomach and chest. You can place your palm on your stomach to feel the movement. Mentally repeat “I am here”, concentrate on the sensations of your body. Breathing in this way for a long time can be dangerous for a beginner, limit yourself to a minute. If you feel dizzy, stop exercising.
  3. Take 3-4 quick breaths, then exhale slowly. Remember, when you feel suffocated during a panic attack, it is more important to control your exhalation. Your body will inhale on its own.

Exercises to relieve stress before an exam

An effective way to relieve nervous tension is to take turns relaxing and tensing all muscle groups, from your toes to your forehead and cheeks. After feeling each part of the body, try to tense all the muscles at the same time for a few seconds, then relax and sit without moving for several minutes. The good thing about this exercise is that you can do it in any situation, even during a written test.

Exercises for the hands also promote relaxation. Massage each palm with the thumb of your other hand, slowly making circular movements - 5 times counterclockwise, 5 times in the opposite direction. Forcefully clench your fists and unclench them 5 times in a row, spreading and straining your fingers. Stretch each finger from the base to the pad and back, then rub your palms together for a minute, as if warming it up.


If you have taken sedatives before and are confident in their effectiveness and the absence of side effects, then you can safely use them in any difficult period of life, including the exam period; your nervous system will benefit from chemical support during the exam. But if you are going to try a sedative for the first time, and not take it in a course, there is a risk that lethargy and lethargy will not allow you to concentrate on the questions.

You can do it yourself

Why is there anxiety?

Any person, even though he has prepared well, begins to worry before exams, and this is absolutely normal. In order to cope with anxiety, you need the ability to control yourself.
Speaking about the feeling of excitement, it should be noted that this feeling helps someone. For example, in a certain situation it helps to remember and provide the necessary information.

Unfortunately, worry can't always help. Many people, on the contrary, out of worry and fear, forget everything they knew before.

They find it difficult to concentrate and begin to blush and stutter. In other words, they cannot present information as needed. So, anxiety interferes when it becomes excessive and a person cannot cope with it. What frightens a person most before an exam?

Most people say that anxiety comes from the unknown.

The examinee does not know what exactly will be asked of him or how he will answer. And most importantly, he doesn’t know the result.

If unpredictability scares you, you can try to make the situation more predictable:

  • visit the classroom;
  • feel the situation;
  • prepare those things that will be with you during the exam;
  • maybe take some talisman;
  • try playing the exam with friends, being in the role of both a student and a teacher.

How to cope with anxiety?


It is necessary to convince yourself that slight anxiety before an exam is a completely natural and even necessary state. It mobilizes and prepares for intense mental work.


You should learn to never think about failing an exam. On the contrary, you need to mentally paint yourself a picture of a confident, clear answer, complete victory. We get what we think hard about, literally programming ourselves for the final result.


If you feel that panic is taking over you, immediately stop anxious thoughts from clogging your mind.

Tell yourself Stop! This word should be spoken as a command, preferably out loud, and should sober you up. After that, focus on your breathing: take a deep breath - slowly exhale, deep breath - slowly exhale. And so on several times.

Use the same technique of deep and slow breathing at the start of the exam, when you are overcome by nervousness.


If exams really make you feel sick, worry or stress you out, don't hide your feelings. Talk to someone about this.

If you're experiencing exam stress, it's important to remember that you're not alone. There are people around you who will definitely help you.

This could be your friend or teacher, psychologist. Sometimes all it takes to get rid of a fear is to share it with a friend or teacher.

How to deal with anxiety?

If you can’t get rid of your anxiety, then instead of running away you can join the fight.

You can use the following self-tuning and auto-training techniques.

  1. Frontal attack technique. Choose a phrase in which you express your attitude towards the exam, pronounce it with feeling, repeatedly, until the feeling weakens.
  2. Create an image of an exam situation and, as soon as anxiety appears, say in a commanding tone: “Stop” or “Calm.”
  3. Repeatedly throughout the day say words that cause you anxiety: “exam”, “ticket” Use until the word ceases to be associated with a state of anxiety.
  4. Imagine the exam in your imagination, play out the model of the desired behavior many times. This way you can reduce the intensity of your experiences and the level of anxiety.
  5. Mental transformation into a person who has all the qualities you desire.
  6. Try to react indifferently to the situation, without evaluating it, without analyzing it, as just an interesting phenomenon.
  7. By remembering a very difficult situation in the lives of other people, you can realize that your own difficulties are not so painful.
  8. You can reassure your girlfriend or friend before the exam. Thus, you yourself will become calmer.
  9. "Collage". Choose a picture from a magazine, or make a collage yourself from clippings about success in the exam. Hang it in the most visible place so that you can consciously and unconsciously capture this image as many times as possible. Before the exam, imagine that this is your image.

How to manage your emotions?

In stressful situations, you can experience different emotional experiences.

Sometimes emotions overwhelm a person so much that they begin to interfere with his life. How can you effectively manage your emotional state?

  • In stressful situations, emotions come to the fore, and the ability to think rationally decreases. Therefore, if you load your brain with some kind of mental activity, the emotional stress will decrease.
  • Try to be positive. The phrase works well: “This is a difficult matter, but I’ll try, and everything will work out well.”
  • Use auto-training skills: you can just sit in a relaxed state and listen to calm music.
  • If you can't fight what's bothering you, then just use the worry for some creative activity.
  • Physical activity helps well: running, gymnastics, swimming, walking in the fresh air
  • Do something for others: - feel needed by someone else.
  • Draw your emotions. When we see our feelings, we can manage, change, supplement them.
  • Try to talk it out. It’s best to work with a specialist or one of your closest people.
  • Take a shower or bath. Water helps relieve tension.

Visit museums or exhibitions, watch a good movie, read an interesting book - the perception of beauty helps restore a good mood.

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