Why discipline is much more important than motivation Editorial Material

A disciplined person is an efficient person, someone you can rely on, he always manages to do everything and achieves good results in many cases in life. He is not confused, he always has order on his desk, in his head, and in his life. He has willpower, and he has everything in order.

Surely, you have met such people among your acquaintances, relatives and friends. People still talk about them - pedants. But what distinguishes them from other people, let's try to figure it out.

The meaning of the word Discipline according to Ushakov’s dictionary:

DISCIPLINE discipline, w. (Latin: disciplina). 1. units only Mandatory for all members. collective subordination to a firmly established order. Military discipline. Labor discipline. Party discipline. Iron discipline. Trade union discipline. Cane discipline. || Consistency, habit of strict order (book). Discipline of the mind.
2. An independent industry of some kind. science (book). Humanities.

An excuse for lazy people

Of course, a bricklayer or driver will not be able to plead a lack of inspiration, but representatives of creative professions have, as it seems to them, a wonderful alibi for their laziness. I know that now rotten tomatoes will fly at me, but I am deeply convinced that a creative person does not need inspiration to start creating.

To paraphrase the famous Chuck Close, I can say and confirm from personal experience:

Inspiration is for lazy people, the rest just work.

So today I invite you to give up the service of inspiration and embrace the true queen of success. Meet Her Majesty Discipline!

The meaning of the word Discipline according to the Brockhaus and Efron dictionary:

Discipline is generally a set of measures and rules that are mandatory for everyone that is part of a known organized whole. D. is also called a separate branch of science or teaching. Discipline
— By military military we mean a set of conditions that determine the mutual relations between military leaders and their subordinates.
From this definition it is clear that the beginning of D. follows from the principle of military hierarchy and that the content of the concept of military D. is given not only by the attitude of subordinates to superiors, but also by the attitude of superiors to subordinates - in other words, that the concept of military D. does not coincide with the concept of military subordination (subordination). The principle of the military hierarchy is that the importance of each person in the army is determined depending on his greater or lesser proximity to the supreme leader. In this respect, all military personnel are located along the steps of a ladder descending from the supreme leader, and each superior in relation to all subordinates is a superior, and each inferior in relation to all superiors is a subordinate. Accepting the orders of the supreme leader from the superior, the subordinate is obliged to obey him completely. This is the first duty of a subordinate and, at the same time, the main sign of the concept of military training. The second sign is the duty of a subordinate to respect his superior. Obedience, in the sense of a legal obligation, consists of obeying the orders of the superior, in the unwavering execution of his orders. but it is obligatory only insofar as the chief is the conductor of the orders of the supreme leader. Therefore, obedience must be complete, but not blind. An order that is illegal or goes beyond the boundaries of official relations cannot be considered a mandatory order from a superior. Respect, also in the sense of a legal obligation, consists of showing outward signs of respect. it serves as an external manifestation of recognition of the authority of the superior and thereby ensures subordination. As a means of ensuring subordination, showing outward signs of respect to superiors should take place not only in the sphere of official relations, but also in the sphere of non-official relations. The duties of a superior in relation to a subordinate, in their essence, do not lend themselves to such a precise formulation. Determined by the main task of the commander in peacetime - to prepare the army, to give it proper moral education - they are extremely diverse and do not have such sharp characteristic features. In addition, they are closely related and often intertwined with the responsibilities of the chief as a body of administrative military control. Partly due to this uncertainty of leadership responsibilities, but mainly under the influence of: 1) linear tactics, which demanded unconditional obedience from the soldier and recognized the automatic soldier as the ideal. 2) the system of manning troops through recruitment and recruitment, which overflowed the army with vicious elements, and 3) the former conditions of the general. life, when the suppression of the individual in the army did not stand in sharp contradiction with the position of the individual outside the army, a one-sided view of military D. was historically developed as a set of only those conditions, cat. determine the relationship of subordinates to superiors. The majority of modern military writers have abandoned this conclusion, but sometimes even today one can still find in military literature the identification of the concept of D. with the concept of subordination. The current Russian law (Article 1 of the Disciplinary Charter of 1888) gives a broad definition of the concept of military combat: military combat consists of strict and precise observance of the rules prescribed by military laws. Therefore, it is further said, it obliges you to accurately and unquestioningly carry out the orders of your superiors, strictly observe rank, maintain order in the entrusted team, conscientiously fulfill the duties of the service and not leave misconduct and omissions of subordinates without punishment. While requiring subordinates to unquestioningly carry out the orders of their superiors, our law, however, does not extend the principle of the obligatory nature of a superior’s order to an illegal order. Although there is no direct indication of this in the D. Charter, Art. 2 Set refers to Art. 69 The Military Regulations on Punishment, which categorically proclaims that an act committed in pursuance of a superior’s obviously unlawful order is criminal. To the question of whether an order that goes beyond the scope of official relations is mandatory, the current law does not give a direct answer. Rite veneration, consisting, as defined in Art. 3 of the Disciplinary Regulations, in showing due respect to the superior and senior in rank, it is mandatory both in service and outside of service. The responsibilities of a superior in relation to his subordinates are listed in Art. 4 D. Ordinance: he must be fair in relations with subordinates, be fatherly concerned about the well-being of the team entrusted to him, attend to the needs of his subordinates, be their adviser and leader in necessary cases, avoid any inappropriate severity that is not justified by the requirements of the service, and also develop and maintain in every officer and soldier the consciousness of the high importance of a warrior called to defend the throne and fatherland from enemies external and internal. Wed. M. Dragomirov, “Textbook of Tactics” (St. Petersburg, 1891). P. Gudim-Levkovich, “Course of Elementary Tactics” (St. Petersburg, 1887), as well as other textbooks on tactics and military administration and V. Kuzmina-Karavaev, “Characteristics of the general part of the Code and Warrior. statute on the order." (SPb., 1890). K.-K.

What is what

Famous people convey the essence of concepts very succinctly, so I will give their definitions of discipline and motivation.
I think South African writer Joe Maxwell said it best:

“Discipline is the decision to do what you really don’t want to do in order to achieve what you really want to achieve.”

You can understand a lot about motivation from the statement of American entrepreneur Andrew Carnegie:

“People who cannot motivate themselves must settle for mediocrity, no matter how impressive their talents.”

Obviously, both concepts are directly related to a person’s personal growth and achievements, but they have a number of differences. Let's talk about them.

Definition of the word “Discipline” according to TSB:

Discipline (lat. disciplina) is social, a certain order of people’s behavior that meets the established norms of law and morality in society or the requirements of any organization. D. is a necessary condition for the normal existence of society. thanks to D., people’s behavior takes on an orderly character, which ensures collective activity and the functioning of social organizations. In society, there is always a compulsory D. and a special D. - obligatory only for members of a certain organization (labor, party, military, etc.). D. is always determined by prevailing social relations and serves to maintain them. A distinction is made between internal D., or self-discipline, D. for reasons of benefit, and D. under duress. Internal D. presupposes the deep assimilation (interiorization) by members of society of the norms governing people's behavior. Such D. is supported without external sanctions and coercive measures. “... Submission can, with ideal consciousness and discipline of the participants in the common work, be more reminiscent of the gentle guidance of a conductor” (V.I. Lenin, Complete collection of works, 5th ed., vol. 36, p. 200). A disciplined person experiences an internal need to follow accepted standards of behavior and, if they are not followed, experiences remorse, guilt, etc. In contrast to internal D., D. for reasons of profit and D. under duress are based on external sanctions - positive or negative. A member of a society or organization can follow norms and orders only in anticipation of material or other rewards or in an effort to avoid punishment. Ultimately, behavior is determined by the degree of combination of the personal interests of members of society, their needs, and the socially determined norms of behavior that they fulfill. If these norms do not become the internal springs of individual actions, various kinds of deviations in behavior arise, which are either regulated through mechanisms of social control, or can lead to changes and disruption of existing norms and institutions. However, overly harsh behavior can also be socially harmful, because under these conditions, members of society are deprived of creative initiative, and the social system loses the necessary flexibility. In various social systems, not a single type of D. is found in isolated form. we can only talk about the specific weight of one or another type of D. In societies based mainly on traditions, during periods of their stable existence, moral and religious regulation of people’s behavior prevailed, supplemented by compulsory (personal dependence) D. The role of material interests and D. from considerations of profit prevail in bourgeois society with its “naked purity” relations and the dominance of individualistic morality. At the same time, normative D. acts as a regulatory mechanism in the form of “business ethics,” “professional duty,” etc. In a socialist society, the conscious democracy of the working people is gradually establishing itself. V.I. Lenin characterized socialist democracy as “... comradely discipline, discipline of every kind of respect, discipline of independence and initiative in the struggle” (ibid., p. 500). Socialist democracy develops in the process of conscious construction of new social relations, as a result of the process of communist education. An important means of strengthening it is social control, material and moral stimulation. At the present stage of socialist and communist construction, the more complex organization of society and the scientific and technological revolution place increased demands on the discipline, organization, responsibility, and consciousness of each member of society. The norms of democracy during the period of communist construction are formulated in the CPSU Program, in the moral code of the builder of communism. Lit.: Engels F., On Authority, Marx K. and Engels F., Works, 2nd ed., vol. 18. Lenin V.I., State and Revolution, Complete. collection cit., 5th ed., vol. 33. by him, The immediate tasks of Soviet power, in the same place, vol. 36. by him, How to organize competition?, in the same place, vol. 35. by him, The Great Initiative, in the same place, v. 39. Program of the CPSU, M., 1961. Makarenko A. S., Soch., [2nd ed.], v. 5, M., 1958, p. 36-43, 130-44. L. A. Sedov.

Motivation is emotions

Motivators kindle our emotions, excite our feelings, which should carry us to our dreams on wings and almost effortlessly. Looks very tempting, doesn't it?

However, if we are realistic, as close to life as possible, then we must admit that emotions and inspiration are one of the most ephemeral, fleeting, fickle and elusive phenomena. Now they help the movement, an hour later they interfere. Should we rely on them and only them in serious matters, which, undoubtedly, are our goals and dreams?

Life sometimes seems like a kind of beach, where numerous surfers are just waiting for waves (motivation, inspiration) to sail away from the shores of dullness and mediocrity. And only a few take the oars in their hands and begin to row, spending strength and considerable time. But it is they who inexorably move away from the shore, despite the waves. They don't pay any attention to the waves at all. And it is they who subsequently look at us from the covers of glossy magazines, from TV screens, from the pages of books... Strong, strong, tanned, happy...

It is forbidden to prohibit

“One man’s freedom ends where another man’s freedom begins.” This principle of Roman law is also relevant when raising children and deserves to be explained to children in understandable terms by parents as early as possible. Some five thousand repetitions - and the baby will probably learn three main rules: your actions should not harm you, other people and the environment. That, in fact, is all the restrictions. Welcome to a free life.

In practice, of course, each family will have its own list of “dos” and “don’ts.” But the main thing that child psychologists call for is that there should not be many prohibitions. The most difficult thing here for adults is to overcome our own habits and fears, which usually push us to forbid something to children. “Don’t touch this vase on the rickety shelf, I’ll repeat it as often as I can!” - this exhausting monologue can be left in the past if you simply inspect the house and remove attractive, potentially dangerous or fragile things from the baby’s reach.

“As soon as the child begins to crawl, it is very useful to get down on all fours and try to see the world from his point of view,” advises Anastasia Mukhina. — A child needs to freely explore space just like breathing. All parents are required to do is secure heavy objects and furniture, and also remove sharp, small and toxic things out of sight.”

The second level of self-improvement for parents is to give up illusions about a convenient and comfortable life with their child. Very often we prohibit something for children not because it is dangerous or unacceptable, but because we are too lazy to participate in the game or reluctant to deal with the consequences later. But, for example, playing with water, the desire to touch and even taste all the objects in the playroom, the need to jump, and not calmly walk nearby, are important stages in a person’s sensitive development.

To prohibit this is the same as prohibiting a child from growing up and becoming stronger, faster, smarter. Yes, a child may stumble and fall, but this valuable experience will not be replaced by endless stories about how painful it is to fall. Yes, dealing with the consequences of playing whale is exhausting. But you can agree with your child on the shore that splashing water is only allowed in the bathroom, and we will wipe the floor and walls together. Such a “fun” life requires a lot of resources from parents, but isn’t it nice to know that all these inconveniences are for the sake of a future free and creative personality?

Territory of free children

About the lucky ones

One cannot think that conscious discipline can be developed only through the process of external coercion, education and training in setting goals and objectives. After all, many people live without diaries, not subject to a strict routine, regime, plan, but at the same time they are among the disciplined people. They say about such people: “He has order in his head,” that is, they have the ability to adapt to a changing world, to live in accordance with the cycle of the Universe and the laws of society that regulate our lives.

After all, every person comes into this world to live out the term determined by fate. He is born at a certain hour, day, month, year, from which his wheel of fortune begins to rotate. His destiny is influenced by the cosmic order, starting with the location and influence of the stars, the Moon and the Sun in his natal chart. The further conscious development of the process of self-control, that is, self-discipline, depends on this innate internal discipline, imprinted in temperament.

A person with innate discipline has a great advantage. Usually she has a predominant phlegmatic or melancholic type of temperament. Children of this type are calm, collected, obedient, trainable and never neglect the advice and instructions of their elders. They have more rational thinking, so they better understand the meaning of their actions.

In their educational and work activities, such people try to do exactly what is important and makes sense at this stage. They perform daily duties religiously and habitually, even without the participation of conscious volitional movements, which gives them an advantage in saving their resources and biological energy. Most often, they show better results in studies and other activities that require high self-discipline and strong-willed goal setting.

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