Little-known interesting facts about human psychology

Man and society

Any individual cannot live without society. Others have a direct influence on behavior, actions, habits, manners, and personality development. Interesting facts about the influence of society:

  1. Individuals who find themselves in an unfamiliar place for the first time try to stick to the right side. Given this feature, you can take the queue on the left.
  2. Researchers have conducted many experiments and proven that the crowd suppresses the individual's opinion. Even if a subject’s views on certain aspects do not coincide with the opinion of the majority, he will prefer to take the side of the crowd rather than follow his own principles and ideas.
  3. According to the broken window theory, in a house with 1 broken glass, other windows will also be damaged. An individual is more willing to break established rules if he is surrounded by disorder.

A place where a large crowd gathers attracts the attention of others. This technique is used by street barkers and artists.

Interesting psychological facts (part 1)

1. We often fall in love with people who are similar to our parents, with whom we have unresolved childhood problems. Without knowing it, we strive to solve these problems in adulthood.

2. According to a study by the University of Cambridge, “it’s not very easy to do in the first place. Smaoe vaonzhe, this is chotby perevya and nesdyalya bkuva blyi na sviokh metsah.”

3. Even positive events, such as graduating from university, getting married or starting a new job, can lead to depression because they are a stressful factor.

4. Direct parental conversations about the dangers of smoking are less effective than everyone thinks. As a rule, teenagers who start smoking have friends who themselves imitate adult smokers who speak positively about the sensations of smoking and offer cigarettes.

5. There is a principle in psychology: the more expectations about an event, the higher the likelihood of crushing disappointment. If you wait more, you get less; if you wait less, you get more. The principle is reinforced concrete, no exceptions.

6. Most people in an unfamiliar place make a right turn. Knowing this fact is useful: if you don’t want to be in a crowd or stand in line for a long time, feel free to go left or take the line to the left.

7. Tell the girl that you bought her a gift and ask her to guess. She will list what she wants.

8. “Verbal diarrhea” has a scientific name - coprolalia.

9. If you have nightmares at night, you may be freezing in your sleep. Scientific fact: the colder your bedroom, the more likely you are to have a bad dream.

10. According to experts, people with blue eyes can fall in love in just a few minutes, and people with brown eyes can love two people at the same time. With green eyes everything is different, people with green eyes take a long time to fall in love, sometimes it takes years. People with all other colors can fall in love in just an hour.

Relationships between spouses

Relationships with a loved one are fraught with difficulties and pleasant moments. Psychological facts will help you understand the points of interest in relationships:

  1. When an individual finds love, the neural circuits of the brain are suppressed, which leads to making a wrong decision.
  2. Couples who met during emergency situations are the strongest.
  3. More often than not, individuals fall in love with individuals similar to their parents.
  4. To strengthen fading feelings, you need to create a secret accessible only to one of the members of the couple.
  5. The success of a marriage depends on the duration of the courtship.
  6. In most cases, successful relationships are observed in couples where the man is younger than the woman.
  7. Romance lasts 1 year.
  8. Scientists have proven that making quarrels public increases love.
  9. There are 38% of people in the world who will never find love.
  10. To reduce feelings of bitterness after a breakup, you need to engage in active sports. Physical activity produces dopamine, which suppresses feelings of despair.

Mistrust is considered the main factor in the occurrence of quarrels and breakdowns in relationships.

Fair sex

Interesting facts about the psychology of women can also surprise.

  1. It is important for women to hold something in their hands while walking, otherwise they feel discomfort. This encourages them to carry their handbags with them everywhere.
  2. Representatives of the fair sex cry on average 30-60 times a year. Tears for them are an easy way to get rid of tension. For comparison, men do this 6-17 times a year.
  3. It is difficult for women to admit their guilt. They apologize less often than the stronger sex does.
  4. Ladies love to ask questions to which there is no clear answer. Sometimes they do this to make men feel guilty.
  5. Women are more curious. They find it difficult not to answer when the phone rings.

Individual psyche

The human psyche is a nebulous area that scientists have been unable to unravel for many years. Proven facts:

  1. When the subject begins to remember the past, he unconsciously changes it. Nerve pathways are activated in different ways. Changes are influenced by events from the present, the desire to remember the forgotten.
  2. The Dunning-Kruger effect explains the intensity of career growth. People with low qualifications often overestimate their abilities due to incompetence. When making bad decisions, they are not able to realize the mistakes, and therefore do not worry about the current situation. Experts assess the situation soberly and often underestimate their capabilities. Because of this, career growth slows down.
  3. According to statistics, 90% of diseases have a psychological basis. Therefore, final recovery can only be achieved by restoring mental balance.
  4. A person feels happiest only at 23 and 69 years old. Youth gives many opportunities, a sense of the future. In old age, a person experiences the moments that happened to him.

Experts who study psychological disorders insist on adding Internet addiction to the mix.

Love lasts on average 1.5-3 years

Does everyone remember the famous book? But we don’t have a literary circle, so let’s continue with the fact. There is some truth in this fact; the fact is that many psychologists have proven that for the first three years a person experiences attraction, euphoria, as if through rose-colored glasses. But then habit comes into play, people begin to notice each other’s shortcomings, which they previously turned a blind eye to, but are now quite tired of. And at this moment it is important to determine for yourself whether you need to fight for this relationship and whether you need this person, with his holes in his socks or with other characteristics that you already know about him.

Of course, love does not end, the easy stage ends , the next stage begins. After all, after 3 years, most likely, you have become quite close people to each other; it is important to prevent the transformation of euphoria into typical everyday life. But our article is not about saving relationships, so let’s move on.

1.5-3 years is the average , of course, everything is subjective and such stages happen to everyone at different points in time.
Therefore, you should not mark the day on the calendar when you need to take off your rose-colored glasses and take out a rolling pin.

The truth about human memory

The key to success is the ability to absorb information. Facts about human memory:

  1. If the interlocutor begins to remember while looking closely into the interlocutor's eyes, he will lie.
  2. People looking up, to the left, are trying to remember something.
  3. Looking up to the right indicates that the interlocutor is trying to create an image of an object that he has never seen.
  4. The direction of gaze to the left indicates that the person is remembering sounds.

Taking into account the peculiarities of human memory, it is possible to predict the thoughts of the interlocutor.

A person is able to concentrate on only one object

From childhood we were taught that we should not take on several things at the same time, even proverbs were invented in the category of “if you chase several hares, you will not catch a single one,” is it in vain?

Indeed, if we want to do something efficiently, then, of course, it is necessary to exclude all external factors and focus on one thing. Many scientists are researching this area of ​​the psyche. Now you can already find many attention training techniques that make it possible to quickly concentrate on a subject and analyze it faster.

But whatever one may say, a person is capable of performing only one type of conscious mental activity. Of course, you can eat ice cream, look out the window and talk on the phone at the same time, but your attention will be focused only on one thing, and the rest of the actions will be automated. Although even this trait is not inherent in everyone. And this fact was proven by scientists a long time ago, and it is still being confirmed.

There are exceptions , such as Julius Caesar, Napoleon and some other personalities, and such an ability can be equated to talent or even a gift.

Other interesting phenomena

Fun facts:

  1. During sleep, the brain continues to work actively. It categorizes thoughts according to their importance. Thanks to this, after waking up, the individual does not forget important things that need to be done first.
  2. Life's trials are easier for individuals who in their youth controlled desires and refused temptations.
  3. The process of getting used to something lasts for 2 months. During this period of time, the main actions are brought to automaticity.
  4. To feel successful, you need to constantly occupy your brain with something interesting. The activity should be interesting and multifaceted.
  5. A person has more scary dreams when he sleeps in the cold.
  6. Even happy moments can lead to depression - getting married, finishing education, moving up the career ladder.
  7. Often guys want to surprise their beloved, but they don’t know what the girl wants. This can be found out using a simple psychological technique. It is enough to tell the girl that the gift has already been purchased, but she can try to guess it.
  8. Only 150 acquaintances lead to permanent friendship.
  9. Brown-eyed individuals can love two people at once. Blue-eyed people fall in love at first sight. Green-eyed people fall in love only after years of relationship.
  10. There is a proven psychological fact about anticipation. If this feeling is stronger than others, then there is a risk that what was expected will not happen. The less you wait, the more you get.
  11. To get rid of stress, worries, and increased anxiety, you need to read an interesting book. This process is more effective than listening to music, walking in the fresh air, or drinking alcohol.
  12. In clothing stores, girls are more likely to study shelves with randomly mixed items. In their opinion, it is easier to find the clothes you need in chaos.
  13. Marketers use psychological influences to attract customers.
  14. People are more willing to resist their interlocutor if he aggressively defends his point of view. To negotiate and argue, you need to remain calm.
  15. People who sleep 6-7 hours a day are less likely to die prematurely than individuals who get 8 hours of rest. If you sleep less than 5 hours, there is a risk of developing mental disorders.
  16. To fall asleep faster, you need to lie on your back and try to relax. After this, roll your pupils up. This body position is normal for sleep.
  17. Individuals affected by constant depression say that the world is gray and bright colors do not exist. Scientists from Germany have proven that when an individual is depressed, the retina of the eyes reacts poorly to contrasting images.
  18. Unrequited love can lead to mental disorders and obsession.
  19. Scientists have proven that there is a certain pattern between the appearance of people and their tendency to commit crimes. Individuals who look less attractive are more likely to commit crimes.
  20. To feel loved, a woman needs to communicate with a guy face to face. To feel emotional closeness, men need to position themselves to the side of their beloved.
  21. Individuals who love to dream develop their desires in their thoughts and therefore solve problems better and cope with difficulties.
  22. When the subject is concentrating on a problem, he will not notice what is happening. This effect is called inattentional blindness.
  23. Until the age of 2, a child cannot feel like a separate person. He perceives himself as one with the world around him.
  24. The duration of eye contact between subjects depends on the distance. The further away the interlocutors are, the longer they look into each other's eyes.
  25. The most pleasant sound for a person is the pronunciation of his name. Therefore, whenever you meet, you need to remember the name of your interlocutor.
  26. The eyes get tired faster if you look at a mixture of red and blue for a long time. They suppress each other, which causes visual fatigue.
  27. If a person talks about goals and long-term plans, the process of achieving them will drag on for a long period of time.
  28. In 70% of cases, the marriage of best friends will last for the rest of their lives.
  29. To make rational decisions, it is necessary to think in other languages.
  30. The genetic component influences the achievement of happiness by 50%.
  31. Favorite songs are associated with pleasant moments in life.
  32. The desire to possess something intensifies during attacks of anger.
  33. Money invested in studies will bring more pleasure than buying a car, apartment, or things.
  34. Women like men with a deep, hoarse voice.

Every month new psychological facts appear that reveal more about the human psyche.

Human psychology has many unexplored areas that attract researchers and provide food for thought. Through research and experiments, scientists fill in the gaps with facts.

Psychological characteristics of a person

6. The ability to delay gratification begins in childhood.

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Your ability to delay immediate gratification of your desires begins in early childhood. People who were able to delay gratification from an early age did better in school and were better able to cope with stress and frustration.

7. We daydream 30 percent of the time.

© Kichigin

Do you like to be in the clouds? According to psychologists, we all like to daydream at least 30 percent of the time. Some of us are even bigger, but that's not always a bad thing. Researchers say people who daydream tend to be more creative and better problem solvers.

8. It takes 66 days to form a habit.

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Scientists studying how long it takes for certain actions to become habits have found that on average it takes us about 66 days to do this.

The more complex the behavior we want to acquire, the longer we need

. Thus, those who wanted to develop the habit of exercise most often took 1.5 times longer for it to become automatic than those who developed the habit of eating fruit for lunch. Even if you miss a day or two, it won't affect the time it takes to get into the habit, but missing too many days in a row can slow down the process.

9. You overestimate your reaction to future events.

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We are not very good at predicting the future. More specifically, we overestimate our reaction to future events, whether pleasant or negative.

Research has shown that people believe that positive events, such as getting married or winning big, will make them much happier than they actually are. Likewise, we believe that negative events, such as losing a job or having an accident, will make us feel much more depressed than they actually are.

10. You blame the other person, not the situation (and the situation, not yourself)

© David Pereiras

Remember when you were waiting for another person who was late for a meeting. Most likely, you attributed his delay to irresponsibility and lack of composure. In the same situation, you attributed your lateness to external circumstances (traffic jams).

In psychology this is called the fundamental attribution error.

” – that is, the tendency to blame the behavior of other people on internal personality traits, and one’s own behavior on external factors (“I had no choice,” “I was unlucky”). Unfortunately, even though we are aware of our tendency to make unfair judgments, we still continue to make this fundamental mistake.

11. The number of friends you can have is limited.

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Even if you can boast of several thousand friends on social networks, in reality you have many fewer. Psychologists and anthropologists have identified the “Dunbar number” - that is, the maximum number of close connections that a person can have, and it ranges from 50 to 150.

12. You can't help but pay attention to food, sex and danger.

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Have you noticed that people always stop to look at scenes of accidents. In fact, we cannot ignore the situation of danger. Every person has an ancient brain structure that is responsible for survival

and asks: “Can I eat this? Is it possible to have sex with this? Could this kill me?

Food, sex and danger are all he cares about. After all, without food a person will die, without sex the race will not continue, and if a person dies, the first two points will not make sense.

13. You know how to do things that have never been done before.

© Igor Sirbu / DAPA Images

Imagine that you have never seen an iPad, but they gave it to you and told you to read books on it. Before you even turn on your iPad and start using it, you'll already have a model in your head of how to read books with it. You will have ideas about what the book will look like on screen, what features you will be able to use, and how you will do it.

In other words, you have a "mental model"

reading a book from your tablet, even if you've never done it before. Your mental model will be different from someone who has read e-books before and someone who doesn't even know what an iPad is.

Our mental models are based on incomplete facts, past experiences, and even intuitions.

14. You want more choices than you can handle.

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If you go to any supermarket, you will see a huge range of products, and that's because people want a lot of choice.


In one study conducted in a supermarket, researchers presented participants with 6 types of jam, followed by 24 types of jam. And while people were more likely to stop at a stand with 24 types of jam, they were 6 times more likely to buy jam from a stand with 6 types of jam.

The explanation is simple: despite the fact that we think we want more, our brains can only handle so many things at once.

15. You're happier when you're busy.

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Imagine that you are at the airport and you need to pick up your luggage. However, it will take you about 12 minutes to get to the baggage claim area. When you arrive at baggage claim, you immediately collect your suitcase. How impatient do you feel?

Now try to imagine a similar situation, but you get to the delivery lane in 2 minutes and wait 10 minutes for your luggage. Although in both situations it took you 12 minutes to get your luggage, in the second case you were probably more impatient and unhappy.

If a person has no reason to be active, he decides to do nothing. And while it helps us maintain energy, idleness makes us feel impatient and unhappy.


Ambiguous memory

Few people in this life can be trusted. Psychological research shows that you can't even trust yourself when it comes to memories. In psychology, there is a separate term - “flashback memories”, which is used in cases of attempts to remember events that occurred during dramas, accidents or other important and tragic episodes.

Ambiguous memory

During the experiments, subjects were asked to remember the entire chain of events on the day of the September 11 disaster. The first time they were interviewed was a few hours after the event, and the next time – several years later. It turned out that immediately after the disaster the memories were fragmentary, but a few years later they were restored, the lost details and nuances appeared. The only downside was that in reality everything happened differently, as evidenced by the video recordings. It’s just that human psychology tends to significantly distort and “complete” memory during strong shocks and emotions.

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