Does an authoritarian person really use forceful methods and manipulative schemes?

Authoritarianism is a characteristic of a person that reflects his strong desire for the maximum subordination of other individuals to his influence. Authoritarianism is synonymous with such concepts as totalitarianism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, antidemocratism. In the behavior of an individual, this socio-psychological characteristic is expressed in the desire to achieve one’s own, to dominate in a group, to occupy the highest position, in the tendency to manipulate others, to achieve goals, but not so much thanks to one’s own merits, but with the help of other people and the advantage of one’s role position.

Authoritarianism is quite clearly observed in the relationship between the leader and his followers. It is expressed in the pressure of the manager on his subordinates, in the exclusion of colleagues or the team from participation in making important decisions. A leader with an authoritarian management style controls his employees too strictly; He checks privately how they cope with the responsibilities given to them, what decisions they make when performing any task, and too rudely suppresses any initiatives of the group members, since he sees in this willfulness and even an encroachment on his personal authority in this group.

Authoritarianism is a characteristic of thinking that gives exaggeration and decisive importance to the opinions of certain authorities. Such thinking is characterized by the desire to concretize and strengthen the propositions put forward by finding and combining various sayings and quotes belonging to certain authorities. Also, these authorities become idols, ideals who never make mistakes and guarantee success to those who follow them.

Authoritarianism in psychology is a characteristic of a person, manifested in aggressiveness, increased self-esteem, a tendency to adhere to stereotypes, level of aspirations, and weak reflection.

Definition of an authoritarian personality

T. Adorno

An authoritarian personality is a person who strives with all his might to subordinate those around him to his influence. Synonyms for authoritarianism are totalitarianism, authoritarianism, totalitarianism, and anti-democracy.

The main features of authoritarian individuals are the desire to achieve what they want at all costs and to occupy leadership positions in the group. They want to manipulate other people, achieve their own goals, using outside help.

In psychology, there is a theory of the authoritarian personality, the author of which is T. Adorno and several of his colleagues. They studied manifestations of anti-Semitism. According to scientists, people's hatred of a certain group is determined by the personal qualities of its leader.

During the research, Adorno and his group conducted a series of tests that showed the true attitude of the subjects towards Jews. The F-scale was created for this purpose. Another E-scale determined the level of ethnocentrism, a sign of which is considered anti-Semitism.

Based on the responses of 80 participants, the researchers found out what traits an authoritarian personality possesses. There are only 9 of them:

  1. Conventionalism. In light of the research (on anti-Semitism), this refers to support for American values.
  2. Authoritarian servility. Submission to authorities in one's own group.
  3. Aggression. A constant search for people who have divergent views with the aim of condemnation and punishment.
  4. Anti-intraception. Inability to accept something emotional, filled with feelings, fantasy. Denial of weakness, sentimentality.
  5. Superstition. Belief in omens, predetermined fate.
  6. Idealization of strength, strength thinking. An authoritarian personality builds relationships according to the type of dominance-subordination, weak-strong, leader-followers. He flaunts his strengths.
  7. Cynicism. People who are prone to authoritarianism are hostile to everything that surrounds them.
  8. Projectivity. A person unconsciously projects dark thoughts onto the world around him.
  9. Excessive sexuality. The individual sometimes shows unnecessary interest in the intimate details of life.

Based on the ideas of Sigmund Freud, Adorno and his assistants argued that the main reason for the development of authoritarianism is difficult relationships with parents in childhood and improper upbringing.


This topic also deserves a little attention. Parental authoritarianism is a negative phenomenon, which is the subject of many books and scientific works. In such a family, the father and mother treat the child as if they were a subordinate. Here are just a few signs of parental authoritarianism:

  • They do not consider it necessary to praise the child for successes and achievements.
  • They don’t ask him for anything - they just give orders, orders.
  • The child is required to unquestioningly follow any instructions. No attention is paid to his desires and needs.
  • Compromises are categorically denied.
  • Obedience, respect and adherence to traditions always come first.
  • The child is limited in his independence and freedom, often without justifying his decisions.

Authoritarianism makes parents real tyrants. Many fathers and mothers are not just strict - they are cruel, often crossing the line. In most families, this leads to cruel treatment and beating of children.

And parents may argue that this is for the benefit of the child. But in reality, this educational approach is focused only on their needs.

authoritarianism is in psychology



There is a lot of talk about the authoritarian personality type. Therefore, one should not be surprised at so many speculations about her. The main one says that people prone to authoritarianism are always narrow-minded, lack moral values, show violence, and manipulate others. For many, they are despots and even fascists. This view was adhered to and promoted by E. Fromm and K. Levin.

How are things really going? An authoritarian personality really strives for power, often showing despotism. But she can do this in other ways. One of them is to create a respectful atmosphere around himself, which will help him build authority.

It is difficult to say unequivocally whether it is good or bad to be an authoritarian person. But it is worth noting that many managers of large companies and enterprises are like this. And this can be considered a reason for pride, since this quality helps them work more efficiently than others.

People who tend to be authoritarian often place high demands on themselves and others. This is another plus. They not only exercise discipline themselves, but also teach it to their subordinates. The exception is when an authoritarian person demands a lot from others, but at the same time remains disorganized.

Manifestations at work

If a manager considers it necessary to become authoritarian in the eyes of his subordinates, then he can resort to some effective methods. Let's say we introduce penalties. This is a guarantee of unquestioning obedience. Although doubtful.

Because of sanctions, subordinates will develop a fear of punishment. And people don't like being made to be afraid. They, of course, will stop being late and will meet deadlines, but they will still call the boss behind his back not the best words.

Therefore, it is better to motivate them to obey and be responsible in a different way. For example, put a monthly bank in the amount of 30,000 rubles (for example), and say that it will go to the one who makes the most sales. The investment in the bonus will pay off - the offer will interest everyone, and everyone without exception will begin to work more actively. Sales will increase significantly, and the bank will go to one.

The same method will also increase respect for the leader - people like it when their importance is proven financially. Such methods work much better than command intonations and commanding tone.

authoritarianism synonym

Why does a person become authoritarian?

Why does a person become authoritarian?

Authoritarianism develops for many reasons. As mentioned above, the creator of the authoritarian personality theory agrees with Sigmund Freud that such problems begin in childhood. It's all due to wrong upbringing.

Imagine a situation where a mother surrounds her child with excessive care. In her opinion, she can protect her son or daughter from bad things. But in fact, it instills anxiety in the baby. The child is afraid to do anything without mother's permission. As an adult, he will unconsciously be afraid of everything in the world. And in an attempt to get rid of this fear, he will always strive to control everything.

Another consequence of overprotection is lack of independence. If in childhood parents protect the child from work and make decisions for him, he will grow up unsure of himself. But at the same time, such traits as arrogance and self-satisfaction will develop in him. Such a person disguises his inability to take decisive action as self-confidence. At the same time, he manipulates those around him, shifting responsibility onto them, forcing them to act in his own interests.

Stupidity and inflated self-esteem

These are the two main reasons for the unreasonable authoritarianism of an individual. Many people, being nothing of themselves, make excessive demands on others. At the same time, they always consider themselves to be right in everything and the smartest. And they live by the principle: “There are only two opinions - mine and the wrong one.”

Of course, such people do not have much success in their work, but this does not bother them. By the way, they can justify this fact by bad luck, bias of their superiors, etc. Such people skillfully seek excuses; everyone around them may be to blame.

But in their personal lives, nothing prevents them from showing authoritarianism. The synonym “despotism” is ideal in this case. If they have loved ones or relatives, then these people will take it out on them in full, acting as a kind of energy vampires. How exactly?

authoritarian personality

Features of an authoritarian personality

Features of an authoritarian personality

In psychology, there are 3 main signs of a person prone to authoritarian character:

  1. Frequent criticism. In most cases, it has no basis. Everything is criticized, from appearance to gait, some personal qualities, and demeanor. At first, criticism may seem like a desire to help unobtrusively. But after a while she becomes too rude and inappropriate. The victim may even develop an inferiority complex.
  2. Limiting contact with the outside world. For example, imagine a family in which the husband is an authoritarian person, a tyrant. He completely controls everything that concerns his wife, including her social circle. Often he even sets the rules and chooses his friends. It's not just men who do this. The main goal of such behavior is to make the victim dependent.
  3. Constant dissatisfaction with everything that happens around.

Plus, authoritarian individuals never ask for anything. They demand. And yet they never say words of gratitude.

In progress

Features of an authoritarian personality at work

In the business sphere, authoritarianism often plays into the hands of the leader. Although there are a lot of disadvantages to this management style. They concern mainly the team. In companies, teamwork and joint decision-making are not expected. There are no voting or brainstorming sessions. Employees' ideas and advice are not taken into account. The boss bases the work solely on his judgment. Its characteristic feature is lack of flexibility.

Sometimes a leader uses harsh pressure and coercion. In his opinion, workers cannot have force majeure situations, family troubles or health problems. Late arrivals for any reason are severely punished without the opportunity to provide reasons to justify it.

But don't panic if your immediate boss turns out to be an authoritarian. This leadership style has many advantages:

  1. All employees, without exception, recognize the authority of the leader, treat him with respect, and follow his example.
  2. Each team member knows exactly his responsibilities, goals, and the essence of the work.
  3. There is discipline in a company or in production.

Relationships with other people

In the social sphere, authoritarianism always manifests itself. A person who has this quality can be seen from afar: he has a confident gait, a serious look and no hint in his behavior that he can be addressed otherwise than as “you.” When such a person enters a room, others almost immediately get the feeling that it belongs to him.

Such a person recognizes only his own kind. He will only make contact with someone who has inner strength, but it should not be more developed than he himself. He respects “his own people.” He despises all other people who do not meet the “standards”.

And in communication, such a person adheres to only one rule: “I speak - you listen. And then you perform.” This works, of course, only with weak people. Such a person enters into confrontation with those who object.

authoritarianism is

How to get rid of authoritarianism

How to get rid of authoritarianism

What can be concluded? In most cases, communicating with an authoritarian person does not bring any pleasure. Those around him consider such a person a tyrant, a despot. Have you noticed manifestations of this quality in yourself? Dont be upset. The situation is easy to fix. It is enough to follow a number of tips:

  1. If you have power, do not try to use it to harm other people. Better use it for good.
  2. Remember, power is not your own and absolute. You also received it from someone.
  3. Don't command or manipulate. Don't think that everyone will obey you. Don't make absolute power the meaning of life.
  4. Learn to show wisdom, kindness, goodwill.
  5. Give your subordinates the right to choose.
  6. Share power. Let your employees also make decisions, fully participate in the work of the company, and show initiative.

And one more piece of advice. There is nothing wrong with listening and hearing other people's opinions. Don't think that you are the only one who comes up with brilliant ideas. You may even have something to learn from those around you.

Are there any advantages?

No matter how strange it may sound after everything previously mentioned, authoritarianism has positive sides. But only if it is correctly integrated into your behavior.

It can greatly help people in leadership positions. Having instilled a certain authoritarianism in yourself, it will be easier to cope with large amounts of information, obligations and subordinates.

The person himself will notice that he has become more independent and confident. How to do it? We need to cultivate inner strength within ourselves.

The best technique is training in front of a mirror, which involves pronouncing various mottos, calls and motivating exclamations. It is imperative to take confident poses, form a fixed gaze, and monitor facial expressions and gestures.

You can turn to yourself, exclaiming: “You can do it! You are a confident, strong, authoritative person! You are respected and listened to!” In general, practice self-hypnosis.


Profession, like education, leaves its mark on a person. A person who works in law enforcement agencies is more prone to authoritarianism. But a person who is engaged in philosophical activities, art or other creative activities is unlikely to develop plans to take over the world. Those who, thanks to their profession, have power over others, can use their powers for anything but noble purposes. For example, an officer has much more chances and opportunities to show his authoritarian nature compared to an ordinary soldier. And a person who has served as a subordinate under contract all his life will be servile not only at work, but also in the family. The habit of obeying, just like the habit of commanding, extends throughout a person’s life.

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