ICD 10 stuttering: what is it in children, adolescents and adults
Logoneurosis is a speech disorder that is manifested by repetition of the same words, pronouncing separate
How can a girl become confident? TOP 15 ways
Many people ask – how to become confident? From those who are ready to kiss their
The guy is tired of the girl
It’s a pity, or how to understand that a guy is tired of you. Maybe I'm tired of my boyfriend
What to do if your husband is tired of you? One day in every family there comes a time when partners get bored
Meta-emotions and guilt for not being okay
Abandonment of plans You have long planned a joint vacation, a trip to the theater, to a concert
Test: Psychology of communication: types and functions of communication
Question 2 Communicative side of communication: The main goal of information exchange communication is to develop a common
Why husband and wife turn into brother and sister: a relationship coach analyzes the problem of 30% of married couples
Every parent who has children knows the feeling of being tired because they are so
Mysterious look
Anxiety and methods for identifying it. Preventing Anxiety
Greetings, friends! It is common for all people to experience anxiety from time to time. This is quite normal if
Psychological foundations and famous scientific studies of fear
Why are we afraid? The nature of human fear and phobias
In this article we want to consider fear as a unique psychological phenomenon, i.e. tell
How to forget your ex and start a new life?
How to forget your ex-love and stop living in the past: advice from a psychologist (how to get over a breakup)
“What if I let the past into my life again? Now everything will be
Personal needs of a person
What are closed circles of life? About the circle of unsolvable problems and the circle of happiness
Needs or need is the strongest factor that determines the purposefulness of the activity of any subject, since