Out of sight, out of mind! Why do men quickly forget their exes?

Woman.ru found out why this happens and whether it’s worth calling men who rush in search of a new lover immediately after breaking up with their previous one heartless blockheads.

There is no need to rush into hanging labels and labels, German sexologist Frauke Höllering is sure, but there is still some difference in the behavior of men and women after a breakup. Behind a man’s desire to start a new relationship as soon as possible, as a rule, is not heartlessness, but logic and... pragmatism: “Many men get used to living in comfort, they like it when they are looked after. In this case, it is absolutely not necessary that the next new woman be ideal - the very One. Usually they are satisfied with the intermediate option - the so-called “comforter”, who is initially forgiven for some mistakes and shortcomings. The relationship with her lasts until the man finds someone better.”

Four (!) weeks after the breakup, the man is ready to build new love. Women need a little over a year to recover from a breakup.

About a man's feelings after a breakup

Women consider men to be thick-skinned creatures who easily endure separation without experiencing suffering. Actually this is not true. It’s just not customary for representatives of the stronger sex to demonstrate their emotions in public. In the company of friends, the guy is independent and indifferent, but at home he “drowns his grief at the bottom of a glass.”

Men are designed in such a way that they cannot stand pity. They are strong and independent, and not whiners and sufferers, so they carefully hide their experiences from friends and acquaintances after breaking up with their loved one. They drown out their pain in several ways:


Why does a guy return to a girl again after a breakup?

  • drink often, sometimes get drunk to the point of unconsciousness;
  • strive to spend time in noisy company;
  • acquire extreme passion;
  • they open a “hunt” for girls;
  • spend their nights in the arms of different women.

If, after the end of a relationship, you meet your lover in a drunken bar in the company of girls, this does not mean that he has crossed you out of his life. Quite the contrary, he is deeply upset and very worried, he simply cannot show it.

Psychology of an ex-man

If the initiator of the divorce is a woman, then most likely he will remind himself for a long time. A jilted man will often beg for forgiveness, ask for another chance, make promises, and even blackmail or threaten. This is their psychology; for men, the right to put an end to the end of a relationship is a very important point.

For men, the concept of “abandoned” is unacceptable, since it infringes on masculinity and self-esteem. An abandoned man will live for a long time with the thought: “How is it possible, I was abandoned. No, I will achieve my goal, I will prove that it was not she who left me, at any cost.” If you are concerned about the question “how to understand an ex-man,” pay attention to his behavior in different situations.

Do not forget about the sincere affection of a man for a woman. In this case, it is important to show respect to your partner and be honest. Explain to him your motives and prospects for resolving the conflict. But do not forget about your intentions, if you are determined to break up with a man, do not encourage him to resume the relationship.

Also, you don’t need to offer your partner the option “let’s remain friends,” this will prevent you from starting life from scratch and will always make you feel guilty.

For what reasons do guys want to come back?

After a quarrel, the guys show their character and remain distant. They don’t call or write, they stop communication, they don’t get in touch. But then they appear on the horizon again and want to return her. What could be the impetus for this?

Failures in new relationships

If a man has lived with the same girl for several years, then it is difficult for him to look for new love from a psychological point of view. The fact is that during their life together, he had already formed a certain stereotype of an ideal wife. It is extremely difficult to find another woman like her. A man tries to see his ex in his new lover, but constantly stumbles upon some inconsistencies.


How to Break Up with a Guy: The Ultimate Breakup Strategy

To win the favor of the lady you like, you need to go through all the stages of the relationship again, conquer, find out, make surprises, adapt to new requirements. Why do this if you had such a dear and close person next to you? It was comfortable, convenient, cozy with her - that’s what the man thinks and returns.

Failures in new relationships

Realizing your mistake

Sometimes a guy leaves his beloved in order to be alone, to sort everything out. At this time, he either understands that he does not need the young lady and he feels comfortable without her, or he realizes that he is bored. In the latter case, the man looks back and realizes that he was in vain to find fault, because these are such trifles compared to the positive emotions that he received while in a relationship. Realizing his mistakes, he tries to regain the affection of his beloved and promises to improve.


Men are inherently jealous. If a guy understands that you have found yourself a gentleman, he will have a desire to win and prove at least to himself that he is the best. Even a VKontakte post where you changed your status to “dating with,” or a joint photo with an attractive guy posted on Instagram can hurt a man’s pride. What can we say about the situation if he suddenly met you walking through the square in the evening with a handsome stranger. But in this case, you need to understand why your ex is trying to get you back: only because of a sense of possessiveness, or he still loves, and this situation simply pushed him to take active action.

He still loves

Sometimes there are moments in life when a man loves, but cannot come to terms with the shortcomings of his beloved. For example, she allows herself to flirt with other people’s men, and he is a terrible owner. It happens that a woman puts work above family and often disappears there in the evenings and on weekends. Because of this, he decides to leave, but, having lived alone, he realizes that he is ready to put up with these shortcomings, as long as he is nearby, because the feeling of love is higher than his discontent.


How to painlessly survive a breakup with a guy: ways to heal the soul

How do different guys behave after a breakup?

Despite individual differences, there are common behavioral patterns. The situation depends on a lot of little things, but the main nuances are how truly sincere the feelings were and who is the culprit of the scandal. Even strong-willed guys definitely change their behavior after a breakup. Trying to stifle mental torment, they are able to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Workaholics can quickly become distracted at work, or by plunging headlong into the household. At first, such guys even deny the possibility of starting a new relationship, deliberately avoiding potential girlfriends.
  2. Active people find solace in extreme sports - mountaineering, long hikes, heavy sports.
  3. Getting a new partner is also a common option for a handsome man who is in demand among ladies. By randomly jumping into a new bed, they often deliberately try to annoy their exes, while simultaneously increasing their own self-esteem.
  4. Diving into binge drinking is the lot of the most vulnerable individuals. It’s good if this period passes quickly, otherwise endless libations of alcohol can completely ruin a person’s fate.

How do guys behave after a breakup?

After how long and for what reason does the desire to return arise?

It is important for a woman to know whether her man misses her after a recent breakup and whether he wants to return. Time also plays an important role, because the more days pass, the more people move away from each other.

In fact, it is impossible to say clearly: the guy will return in 1 month 10 days. People are different, so a week is enough for one, while the other will come to his senses only after six months. The reasons why an ex returns are also varied:

  • loneliness;
  • disappointment in other women;
  • sense of duty to family;
  • great love for children;
  • sexual dissatisfaction with others;
  • elderly parents who do not approve of leaving the family.

There may be many reasons for returning, but you need to look at the behavior of your lover. If he really realized the mistake and wants to improve, then try to glue the bowl. Otherwise, you shouldn’t even try, because after some time the care will repeat.

Influence of individual characteristics

Various spices

How do men cope with breakups? It's hard and painful. This is a well-known truth. However, there are nuances in human behavior that directly depend on psychological characteristics. Let's take a closer look at the behavior after a breakup of representatives of different male groups:

  1. A man with the character of a leader is often the first to take the first step towards ending a relationship, never asks for forgiveness, and does not strive for reconciliation. He is proud and independent. Inflated self-esteem does not allow one to admit guilt or find a compromise solution. However, leaders suffer no less than others, but carefully hide their feelings so as not to appear weak.
  2. A sensitive, emotional person is doomed to long suffering. Such people are prone to self-torture. Left alone, they go through the details of past relationships in their memory, endlessly look at photographs, call and send messages. They often fall into a depressive state and take a long time to restore their mental balance.
  3. A prudent guy will analyze the situation first. If the reason for the breakup was an absurd accident or misunderstanding, he will try to calmly explain himself and establish contact. If he understands that the relationship is completely over, he will try to withstand the tests with dignity.

The girl's behavior and reaction depending on the situation

A girl doesn’t always think about how long it takes for her ex-boyfriend to want to come back. It all depends on whether she herself wants to continue the relationship or is glad that the man decided to leave her.

Wants to reconnect

If all these days after the breakup you were waiting for your loved one, dreaming of hugging and kissing again, then you are ready to take him back. In this case, your family will face a long stage of developing trust. At this step, you need to correct mistakes, understand the reasons for the separation and hear each other so that the situation does not happen again. Returning, the guy wants a new relationship, but with an already proven and dear person. You and he need to change, and in addition, change the nature of your relationship.


It is not so important when he crawls on his knees to ask for forgiveness if she is offended and, out of pride, does not want to resume the relationship. If this is your case, then expect more decisive action than just words. Let the guy look after you, give flowers, beg for forgiveness. Only if you see that he has realized his mistakes and is ready to correct himself, give him a chance.

Found someone else

If a new boyfriend has appeared in your life and has sincerely attracted your attention, then your ex needs to be told about it. There is no need to give false hopes, pit men against each other, see who is the best, without saying yes or no. Select one and decide who you need: an ex, so close and dear, or a new one, sweet and interesting. Tell the second one a clear “no” so that he does not have false hopes.


A guy dumped him: reasons for breaking up, ways to get over a breakup and advice from a psychologist

Do you want revenge

In this case, it is important to understand that revenge is not the best desire. It won’t make you feel any better, and you will feel guilty, especially if there is a third person involved who is the target. In this case, it is better to ask for advice from a more experienced person and deal with your desire for revenge. Roughly speaking, you need not to come up with insidious plans, but to solve the problem with your attitude.

How to make peace with a guy after a breakup and not make mistakes

To begin with, you should calm your nerves by not doing something very stupid in the first days. A guy will return to a smart girl after breaking up if she doesn’t make the following common mistakes:

  1. Endless calls, messages, attempts to give gifts only cause irritation.
  2. You should also not distance yourself too much by avoiding a meeting or entering his number into the “black lists”. Maybe he himself is already thinking about renewing the relationship, and you are cutting the last thread of communication.
  3. Revenge through deliberate betrayal to provoke an attack of jealousy is an interesting method, but it is extremely difficult not to cross the line here.
  4. Slandering behind his back and throwing mud at the guy in the eyes of his girlfriends destroy the last shaky bridges to reconciliation.

Normal and effective ways to reconcile with a guy:

  1. Take care of your appearance, remove signs of pity and melancholy from your face.
  2. Leave thoughts of tears and hysterics, try to look like a balanced and attractive person.
  3. Consider the reason for the separation. If it is small and lies within you, then convey to him the idea that you are ready to change.
  4. If the guy is guilty, and you have already forgiven the mistake, then it is better to hide thoughts about past sins away, without reminding your loved one about them when you meet.
  5. It is advisable to always start casual conversations on abstract topics, without interrupting or criticizing the interlocutor.
  6. Having noticed that the offense has passed, seize a good moment for physical contact - a light touch and an innocent hug.
  7. It is better to ask for a personal meeting not immediately, but after a while. When talking with the words: “I was so worried,” “I didn’t want to offend,” you can bring the desired moment closer.

how to make peace with a guy after a breakup

The first signs that the guy will return after breaking up

Without making a mistake on the most difficult days, the girl will still have a chance to marry her betrothed. At the end of the acute period, an attentive woman is able to notice the symptoms that the guy wants to return after breaking up:

  1. The ex began to show interest in her personal life and started asking questions.
  2. Agreeing to contact is a sure sign that he is considering options for reconciliation.
  3. The guy openly visits the girl’s pages on social networks.
  4. Makes attempts to cross paths more often in public places.
  5. A request for a meeting to return some trinket.
  6. Starts calling or sending SMS for trivial reasons.
  7. When speaking, he behaves delicately and takes care of his appearance.
  8. The ex is not averse to going to a cafe to remember the old days and talk about the future. If, upon meeting, he also gives you a trifling gift, then the situation is clearly changing for the better.

Signs that a guy will come back after a breakup

If a guy ignores you after a breakup and doesn’t want to communicate?

It’s worse when exes categorically avoid contact - they hang up on you, don’t read SMS messages, and show indifference in public. If, after breaking up, the guy ignores the girl or even starts dating a new passion, then the situation becomes more complicated, but even here there are options for a positive way out:

  1. When the “smoke of war” clears a little and passions calm down, increase the number of “random meetings” by deliberately visiting establishments that he visits more often.
  2. When exchanging words during chance meetings, remember the best events from your life together, rekindling new feelings.
  3. If you completely ignore him, you can sign up as his friend by creating a fake account and start a friendly correspondence. There are risks of personal offense when the cards are revealed, but if the situation is successful, such persistence can be captivating.
  4. It is advisable not to insult the emerging rival when sorting things out in public, you just need to look better than her in everything.

There are some insidious female tricks that require tact - asking for help, trying to arouse jealousy or self-pity.
Here you need to know the character of a person subtly, and not go too far. In contact with

Expert advice: how to get a man back

If you don’t know when a guy remembers his beloved again after a breakup, and there is no certainty that he will even want to return, then psychologists advise acting on your own.

How to get a man back

Use all possible methods:

  1. Make me jealous. Get yourself a boyfriend, post photos together on a social network, change your status, try to get your ex or his friends to see your couple. The man is a terrible owner. Realizing that someone else has his eye on his lady, he will try to win her affection again. But don’t give up too quickly so that your lover understands how hard it is to win you back again.
  2. Become more beautiful. Go on a diet, play sports, go to a cosmetologist and hairdresser. In general, don’t suffer, but be transformed. Then start posting photos on social networks in sexy outfits, collecting nice comments and likes from men. Believe me, your loved one will also appreciate the new image and understand how wrong he was.
  3. Agree to friendly relations. Such cunning behavior will help you not to lose sight of your partner, establish trusting communication, become closer and smoothly direct his thoughts to the fact that you were the best woman in his life. The main thing is not to impose your company, not to show excessive concern, not to show real feelings.

At the same time, psychologists warn: you should not become an alternate airfield for a man! In this case, after some time he will leave again, and you will be left with nothing.

After a certain time after breaking up with a girl, a moment comes in a guy’s life when he decides what to do next: stay alone, start a new romance, or return to his ex-lover. In any case, a man must figure this out himself. You can only slightly correct its movement and push it in your direction.

Do guys get back after breaking up?

It is believed that starting a relationship with a new person is much easier than mending the broken pieces of a former love. It is advisable not to confuse a domestic disagreement, after which a guy runs off to his friends or parents for a week after breaking up, with a real breakup. In the latter case, the intensity of passions goes off scale, exes often become enemies and develop new passions. Getting such a partner back is an extremely difficult task.

Return is possible only after the disappearance of the reason that forced you to separate. It is desirable if both partners are able to change internally for the better. Otherwise, with timid attempts to renew the connection, the couple will again step on the old rake, ending the relationship with new scandals. Naturally, you need to decide whether they need to be renewed at all, and whether this will benefit your personal life.

Do guys get back after breaking up?

Termination of relationship

Unfortunately, not all partners realize that relationships need to be worked on and everyone needs to contribute to their strengthening. It is not enough to have mutual feelings with a guy or girl; you need to show respect and value your partner.

How men experience a breakup: typology and behavioral characteristics

If a guy truly loves a girl, he will decide to break off relations with her in extreme cases:

  • Due to betrayal on one of the parties;
  • Excessive jealousy;
  • Lack of relationship prospects;
  • Constant quarrels and disagreements;
  • Attempts to manipulate relationships.

If you want to know whether a man loves you 100% or not, read this article.

No matter what anyone says, if a man ends his relationship with a girl, he suffers in any case, no matter how much he hides it. He struggles with his experiences deep within himself, without showing them outwardly. Men do not tend to shed tears or show weakness.

Feelings of experience can spill out in the following manifestations:

  • Alcoholism. The guy spends most of his free time in the company of people who drink alcohol. He will happily get drunk and have a good rest, just not to think about the relationship.
  • Women's company. Most men, after breaking up, immediately start a new relationship; they take this step in order to forget themselves next to another young lady and show their ex that everything is fine with him. Outwardly, it may seem that he is happy and satisfied, but this kind of demonstration proves exactly the opposite: the guy is not feeling well, he is overcome by longing for the past. Constant change of partners, intimate affairs, all this to maintain one’s self-esteem and distract from sadness and melancholy.
  • Adrenalin. Thanks to sports, fights, and fast driving, men drown out their emotional experiences. Aggression helps to overcome painful feelings that tear his soul and heart into pieces.

After a man breaks up with a woman, he does not know how to behave. This is a very difficult process, during which doubts about the correctness of the decision are overcome.


  • 21.04.2019


    I think it's a man's. whom I met recently, all three reasons for ignoring are present. Although if you listen to him, his self-esteem goes through the roof. I realized one thing in time - I don’t want a serious relationship. So, goodbye.

  • 22.04.2019


    The ignoring man may simply be married, which did not stop him from flirting a little.

  • 20.07.2019


    The first and main reason for such ignoring is that he simply doesn’t like you, the second is that he is embarrassed, the third is that he is not ready for a relationship in principle, especially a serious one that involves marriage.

  • 30.07.2019


    Oh, it's true. I remember how one unsuccessful relationship began. I openly told him that there was no love yet (why I even started dating then, I don’t understand!), the intimacy was terrible, but I was calmly waiting for some miracle. And so, after a short separation, he bought a car and drove up to me on the street, we agreed to meet after his call that evening. But he didn't call. And then I got carried away... Like this, I was abandoned! Got drunk with a friend and let's call him. And she insisted that he talk to me... He agreed. I spoke out (not reproaching him, but about something abstract) and calmed down. Apparently, we girls really need more time to realize that there is no longer a relationship. And it’s good if a guy talks to you patiently for the last time, so to speak, to help guide your feelings on their last journey!

  • 01.08.2019


    If a man behaves like this, it means he has serious problems with self-esteem. A woman should not look for the reason in herself. I think it’s stupid to hide your feelings and hide, it’s not like a man.

Why does a man ignore the woman he likes, psychology

Don’t think that all guys, just seeing a pretty girl, are ready to rush into battle. Some will deliberately ignore the lady they like, others simply doubt their own attractiveness.

There are many reasons why a man ignores the woman he likes:

  • Doesn't want a serious relationship. Not all men are equally useful. Some are not cut out for family life. Or you’ve already been married and are afraid of failure again. This doesn't mean he doesn't like you. He's just not sure that you will agree to an easy relationship without commitment, so he ignores you. If you yourself don’t want a serious relationship, you should delicately hint about it to the man you like.
  • He's not sure about you. Again, both men and women make decisions based on their experiences. Unfortunately, if he had a sad experience, and his previous partner broke his heart, then doubts settled in his soul. What if this beautiful girl is also not loyal? Or does she have a terrible character, or is she materialistic? In general, he doubts whether he should contact you at all. Perhaps something in your behavior confuses him.
  • Piques interest. Mystery is not just a feminine trait. Many girls are also not averse to “hunting” a handsome man, seeking his attention and trying to please him. This is a game, and whether you accept its rules or not is up to you to decide. By the way, if he is really interested in you, then he can wait a while, and then he himself will begin to show signs of attention.

If he is already head over heels in love with you, then ignoring him may indicate that he is afraid of not meeting your expectations. You are ideal for him now. But living up to the ideal is very difficult, almost impossible.

To find out how a man feels about you, look here.

What stages does a person go through when breaking up?

The breakup of a long-term romantic relationship is an unpleasant, difficult process, and in order to survive it, a person has to go through several stages of the “illness.” In fact, men have a harder time with separation than the fairer sex. They skillfully hide strong experiences under the steel “armor” of indifference.

READ How to survive the pain of a breakup: advice and recommendations from psychologists

First stage: denial

Women cannot understand how a man feels when breaking up. At first he doesn't want to believe what's happening. It seems to him that separation from the girl is a bad dream that should end soon. Tormented by thoughts about her, every day he expects some changes for the better, which do not happen.

Second stage: anger

When a man realizes that a breakup is inevitable, anger replaces despair. He can’t believe that they chose another guy over him, and they didn’t fight for a relationship with him. He gets angry, realizing that it is impossible to return and change anything. He tries not to think about his ex-girlfriend and gets angry at any mention of her name.

A man's anger after a breakup

Third stage: bidding

At this stage, the man accepts the breakup and begins to analyze the situation. He tries to talk about whether he should return his ex-girlfriend or whether it’s time to look for a new girlfriend. His mood is changeable and alternately resembles the second and third stages.

Stage four: depression

When a man realizes that his former relationship cannot be returned, and that it is impossible to build a new relationship, sadness awaits him. A terrible depression that fetters his activity and fills his being with apathy. He begins to drink, grieve, and remember the best moments of his past romance. He does not want to communicate with anyone, remaining alone in the grip of sad experiences.

Fifth and final stage: new life

When the remaining stages pass with dignity, the guy gradually comes to understand that life goes on. Instead of aching melancholy, long-awaited relief comes. A man stops acutely perceiving facts that remind him of his ex-girlfriend and is ready to meet new love.

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