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An interesting fact is the ever-present paradox. We are annoyed by positive, constantly happy and smiling people. And at the same time, we endlessly want to be like them. How to learn to live and enjoy life? I recommend trying two exercises.

In fact, there are three exercises, but two are very similar, have an almost identical effect and differ only in the time of day for implementation.

What do most people lack for a positive perception of life situations? Optimism? Faith? Some kind of sectarian conviction in the greatness and goodness of existence?

Hard to tell…

But one fact is obvious. For the most part, we are pessimistic, always irritated and see the glass as “half empty” rather than “full”. All this is ingrained at the level of habits and simply a physical smile cannot solve the issue.

“Physical smile” is an exercise in which it is recommended to smile forcefully in order to convey a good mood to the brain at the muscle level. It really helps, but not in advanced situations and with some optimism and humor in the mind.

It turns out that our tasks are to live and enjoy life:

  • recharge yourself with positivity;
  • love yourself and others;
  • see more good than bad.

All you have to do is figure out how to do it!

How to stop worrying and smile every moment

Sometimes people don't realize when they start grumbling and grumbling. For some reason this happens regardless of age. “Life is not fair, people are happy, they live without worry, but you just puff up.” Especially on social networks, pictures about general well-being are depressing. Everyone is smiling and full of positivity. Is this really just a picture and a farce?

Who thinks so, raise your hand

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