Is it possible to make your own wife fall in love with you and how?

The most wonderful feeling on the planet is the feeling of falling in love. Anyone who has experienced it once will never forget it. Thousands of books have been written on this topic, hundreds of paintings have been drawn and an endless number of songs have been sung. And there is only one thing that can turn this feeling from beautiful into painful and very cruel. This happens when your crush is not reciprocated. And you are faced with a choice: give up and give up, or look for a way to prove your love. If you are reading this article, then you are not one of those who are used to giving up and this undoubtedly deserves respect. But how can I prove to her that I love her? Let's figure it out. There are several fairly effective methods.

Taking care of a girl

How to prove your love? Caring. Romance is, of course, good, but not everyone has the financial means to carry armfuls of flowers to their beloved every day. Taking care of her every day can say much more than an ordinary soulless teddy polar bear.

How can I prove to her that I love her?

The scheme is something like this: to cheer up the sad one, to feed the hungry one, and to warm the frozen one. Feeling your care, the girl herself will not notice how she will fall in love with you. And the question will disappear by itself.


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Hello, dear friends! While a man is not sure that a woman reciprocates, he does everything to win her heart. But as soon as he was convinced that the chosen one belonged to him undividedly, the ardor of the conqueror cooled down. The boring everyday life of family life sets in, from which the gray routine gradually displaces the romance that turned heads and made the heart beat faster at the beginning of the relationship.

Instead of compliments, you increasingly exchange reproaches and accusations. Intimate conversations and declarations of love are also a thing of the past, and their place has been taken by minor quarrels, and sometimes deafening scandals. For the time being, you simply shrug your shoulders and write off all family conflicts as a “difficult period” and a “relationship crisis.” But one day you realize that you missed some important point and your wife no longer loves you.

Many signs indicate this:

  • In company, she shows interest in other men, not embarrassed by your presence
  • Communicates with you only when necessary, does not share his experiences and is not interested in your affairs
  • Your behavior, conversations and jokes irritate her, and she doesn't even try to hide it
  • She no longer asks to spend an evening or a day off with her, preferring solitude or the company of friends
  • Intimate relationships have come to naught, and if you manage to persuade your wife, then she treats this as a duty - not a trace remains of the former passion

Finding himself in such a situation, a man is rarely ready to come to terms with the fact that love is a thing of the past.

Instructions that will help revive your wife’s old feelings and she will really fall in love with you again

He suddenly realizes that the woman is dear to him, and is ready to do anything to keep her. The brain is occupied by one single thought - how to make your wife fall in love with you again? Any means are used:

  • confessions and vows of eternal love
  • financial blackmail
  • manipulation of children and relatives
  • and even threats

Alas, representatives of the stronger sex rarely take into account the fact that in family relationships women are much more compliant and flexible than men. And if the wife is not in the heat of a quarrel, but quite calmly says that she doesn’t love you anymore, packs up her things and files for divorce, this means that her patience has overflowed and her feelings have faded. And if she has fallen out of love, then any attempt you make to influence her decision will not lead to the desired result.

Do not rush to get upset - you have a chance to return love, even if it seems that everything is over. Of course, this will require a lot of effort. Therefore, before you take decisive action, answer the following question honestly.

Make joint plans for the future

This is a very cunning psychological trick. In a conversation with your chosen one, briefly talk about your future with her. Let's say she says she has never been abroad. Your answer should be something like this: “We can go on a tour of Europe together next year.” That's it, from now on the mechanism is started.

how to prove to a girl that I love her

The girl involuntarily begins to picture in her imagination your future trip together, kisses under the moon... A woman’s fantasy has no boundaries, so in the end it may even come to a wedding.

Is it possible to make your spouse fall in love with you again?

If the husband begins to notice that his wife no longer has any feelings for him, then there is no need to panic. Even in happy marriages that have lasted more than a dozen years, there may be periods of cooling of once-hot love. But wise spouses overcome difficult times together and revive long-forgotten feelings. Therefore, you can make your wife fall in love with you again using advice and psychological techniques.

READ How to properly apologize to your husband: psychological techniques and feminine tricks

Marriage is a new stage in relationships

A wedding is not the end of a romantic relationship. Your feelings don't end there. Relationships need to be looked after like a fragile flower, they need to be constantly nourished so that one day they don’t wither.

But, if you notice that your girlfriend is only interested in expensive gifts and grand gestures, then be sure to think about it. Perhaps you are being used only for selfish purposes. It’s a shame when you’re thinking about how to prove to a girl that I love her, and at the same time, on the other side of town, she’s openly mocking you. If you doubt the integrity of your chosen one, pause. Perhaps time will put everything in its place.

how to prove your love

What if you are already married. Years later, the passion subsided, and only “everyday life” remained on your horizon. The dry phrase “I love you” and the same dry answer “I love you too” are more reminiscent not of an expression of feelings, but of an already formed reflex. A crisis in the relationship between husband and wife sooner or later, of course, comes. The main thing is to know one thing: how to get out of it correctly.

What are the reasons that she fell out of love?

What are the reasons that a woman’s feelings cool down? What leads to this?

  1. Returning hormonal levels to normal. During the period of falling in love, the hormonal background of our body changes. It is because of it that we feel a surge of strength, we can go without sleeping or eating for a long time without any negative consequences for our well-being, the whole world arouses our admiration, and we ourselves are constantly in a state of euphoria. But over time, passion fades away, and we wonder - where did this state go? Why doesn't my partner cause as much attraction as before? Maybe we made a mistake in choosing a life partner?
    In fact, this is a natural physiological process when hormone levels return to normal.

    The period of falling in love lasts from 3 months to three years, after which it gradually declines. After this stage, a woman may feel a fading of feelings for her husband.

  2. Gray everyday life. Routine, repeated activity day after day can also lead to a woman feeling a lack of pleasant emotions. Her partner does not cause any vivid experiences, and therefore her feelings for him may weaken.
  3. Difficulties in relationships. Over time, we get to know our partner better - his habits, inclinations. At the same time, the feeling of falling in love fades away, and we begin to feel more of our own needs. During this period, each spouse can “pull the blanket over themselves,” and the inability to find a compromise that would suit both partners often leads to alienation.
  4. There are also situations when a woman cannot come to terms with some character trait of her husband. Before marriage, she could hope that, having created a family, the man would change and begin to meet her expectations. If this does not happen, the wife may experience disappointment in her partner.

  5. Social problems in the family, difficult financial situation , lack of work, the inability of the spouse to provide for the family can also serve as an impetus for the cooling of feelings.
    At the same time, a woman should not be blamed solely for her love of money - a woman wants to feel confident in the future, feel stability, and see that the man is at least striving to resolve this issue. The passive behavior of a man in this case can serve as a reason for disappointment.

What mistakes kill a woman's love? Find out about it in the video:

How can I prove to my wife that I love her? Advice for men

Men, remember, a wife is also a girl. Like anyone else, she wants to feel loved and desired. Yes, undoubtedly, the time of dating and innocent flirting has passed, but this does not mean that your moderate and calm life cannot be diluted with a little romance. So how can I prove to her that I love her? There are several ways. Now we will look at them in detail

how to express your love

  1. Surprise. Every day the same scenario happens to you. Breakfast together, work, dinner together. It's time to surprise. Bring your wife coffee in bed, prepare pancakes, even if they are not very edible, the main thing here is the effect of surprise. Give flowers, just like that, for no reason. It is in such little things that the key to a successful marriage is hidden.
  2. Joint leisure will help you get closer. You need to find an activity that would be interesting to both of you. Try something new and learn it together. It can be horse riding, origami, you can even assemble airplane models, the main thing is that you enjoy it.
  3. Compliments. Yes, this also applies to wives. Like any other man, you, of course, pay attention to other girls, even in the presence of your wife. It's good if you don't comment on what you see. Thus, you develop certain complexes in your spouse. Therefore, so that you don’t have to look for the answer to the question “How can I prove to her that I love her?”, compliment your women. And it will bloom before your eyes.

words of love for a girl

Appreciate her work. There is no need to perceive a woman’s work as her direct responsibilities. Every time she cooks dinner for you, she is showing that she cares about you. Every time she goes to bed, she frantically tries to remember if she ironed your shirt. Don't forget to say thank you to her so that she knows that you are grateful to her for this.

Remember significant dates. Of course, you will have to learn everything by heart. The date of your first kiss, your wedding day, your mother-in-law’s birthday, etc. No matter how hard it may be for you, this is necessary, otherwise your forgetfulness will be regarded as indifference. Small gifts for your dates together will once again remind your other half that you are in awe of your union with her. She will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Advice from a psychologist

A man must understand that old feelings cannot be returned. Therefore, you need to win your spouse again. Psychologist's advice:

  1. Do a lot of work on bugs. Take into account all the claims and complaints of your spouse and try to change your behavior.
  2. Be patient. Haste will only lead to new mistakes.
  3. Call your spouse for a frank conversation. Listen carefully to her speech, without taking hostility or making excuses. It is better to immediately admit all your mistakes.
  4. Communicate more. You should ask your wife about her affairs, take an interest in her hobbies and interests. During a conversation, it is advisable to listen carefully, sometimes ask questions and look into the eyes of the interlocutor.
  5. Give your wife all your free time. You can suggest watching a movie together, going to a recently opened cafe, taking a walk in the park, going to another city for two or three days, admiring the sights. Or follow all the wishes of your wife.
  6. Take care. A man needs to take on some of the household chores, prepare dinner or breakfast at least once a week, and remind him of important matters and meetings.

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If a man does not know how to make his wife change her anger to mercy, then it is advisable for him to immediately contact a specialist so as not to further aggravate the conflict.


Such a boring thing as home life can simply kill any relationship.
People get so used to each other that it becomes simply impossible to ignite in a sexual impulse. A wife sees her husband every day in torn sweatpants or in front of a computer, a man sees his woman without makeup and unkempt. There is simply too much work and housework to do, and against this background love fades away. Of all the possible problems, this is the most solvable! You just need to make a little effort and diversify your life: go on vacation to the sea, find a common hobby, and so on.

Is it possible to get my wife back after a divorce?

Of course, it is easier to return love while you live together, see each other and communicate every day. But even after a divorce, you have a chance to win your beloved again. And the advice of a psychologist will help you with this.

Instructions that will help revive your wife’s old feelings and she will really fall in love with you again

A woman who has gone through the divorce procedure is probably very offended by you and is unlikely to allow thoughts about a future together. Therefore, first, try to please her and restore at least friendly relations. Talk to her, explain that you admit your guilt for the broken marriage, but would like to communicate with her in the future.

If your ex-wife is ready to maintain at least a neutral relationship, do not rush to share your plans for reconciliation with her. Just be there at the right time: pick up the child from school or take her to a club, deliver groceries to her parents, take an interest in her life and offer all possible help. Important - do it from the heart, without demanding any obligations or reciprocal actions from her.

If she divorced you because she thought you were lazy, irresponsible and not ready for family life, by taking care of her after the divorce you can prove that you have changed. Don't expect passionate declarations of love from her. To begin with, gratitude and respect will be enough. And only after that you can add romance to your relationship by inviting her on a date and making small gifts.

Instructions that will help revive your wife’s old feelings and she will really fall in love with you again

Remember, just because your ex-wife agreed to build your relationship anew, this does not mean that you can now relax. Now you are standing together at the beginning of the path, and therefore try to make every effort to go through it to the end in love and harmony.

If you are unsuccessfully trying to make your wife fall in love again and have already tried all the options, write about it in the comments. I will try to understand your situation and give advice. And if you were able to improve your relationship with your spouse on your own and are ready to share secrets, be sure to tell us about it! Your experience will be useful to other readers.


A natural set of circumstances due to the lack of regular sex is cheating on the part of the husband or wife.
It is useless to look for someone to blame in such a situation, because inattention and dissatisfaction with personal life give rise to betrayal. Of course, it’s difficult to forgive this, but if both people understand the reasons and are ready to forgive, then all is not lost.

How to make your ex-wife fall in love with you? Advice from Igor Lapin

Getting your ex back - a vital necessity or damaged pride?

A hellish mixture of emotions is seething in the soul of a man whose wife leaves him. He experiences a wide range of feelings: from “honey, come back, I’ll fix everything” to “wait, bitch, I’ll take revenge on you.” Moreover, these feelings can change every second, throwing him from depression to aggression, torn apart by contradictions.

Instructions that will help revive your wife’s old feelings and she will really fall in love with you again

Therefore, before developing a plan to return your wife to the family nest, take a time out and think carefully. Why do you need it? You have truly realized that this woman is your only one, that she deserves love, respect, admiration and you are ready to give it to her.

Or maybe your offended pride is speaking in you now? Sometimes male psychology simply does not allow him to come to terms with the fact that he was abandoned, and therefore strives to return “everything as it was” in order to prove to himself and others his worth. Another common reason to keep a wife is an established life. If a man is not ready to wash his socks and cook dinners on his own, he will try to reason with the runaway housewife and regain the comforts to which he is accustomed.

If this is not about you and you really love and value your wife, then you can try to make her fall in love with you again. Please note, this will be much more difficult than the first time. It’s one thing to charm an unfamiliar woman, and quite another to ignite feelings in one who knows you like a shell, and sometimes harbors a serious grudge.

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