I want to please a man. 13 ways to make anyone fall in love with you!

I want_to_please_a man“I want to please a man!”
– perhaps, such a thought visited any woman. Some people want to arouse the sympathy of a particular gentleman, while others want to attract the attention of all the guys around them, so that they can then choose the most worthy one. There is no need to be shy about changing something in your behavior in order to please a man. We live in a society, we are surrounded by many people whom we do not even always notice. In such an environment, a person can pass by his destiny without even looking at it. To prevent this from happening to you, you need to be able to attract people's attention and please them. In this article we will tell you how to do this. From this article you will learn:

  • How to behave to please a man
  • What tricks will help you fall in love with a man?
  • How to communicate with a man depending on his zodiac sign
  • How to keep the attention of the man you like
  • What to do to please a man in bed

What kind of women do men like?

What kind of women do men like?

Let's say you set a goal to please a man. First, let's decide which women the opposite sex considers attractive and desirable.

  1. A lady must love, appreciate and respect herself. A person who does not respect his dignity cannot force other people to do this. When you begin to like your reflection in the mirror, you will certainly attract sympathy from the opposite sex. Healthy self-love has nothing to do with selfishness and manifests itself in taking care of your appearance, paying attention to your feelings, desires and needs.
  2. A man will pay attention to a healthy woman, because he will subconsciously evaluate her as the future mother of his children. A healthy person is always beautiful, active, cheerful, full of vitality and full of ideas and aspirations. And, on the contrary, you don’t want to meet sluggish, sickly-looking people at all. A subconscious fear appears that you can become just as dull and weak. So don't forget to take care of your health. Visit specialists in a timely manner, play sports, and eat right.
  3. Men don't like stupid girls. We're not talking about extensive encyclopedic knowledge or academic degrees. It is enough to read books, be interested in events in the world and have your own point of view on them, and not copy the opinions of other people.

    A girl should be able to carry on a conversation on various topics and know how to behave in society. If you feel that you have gaps in this area, you can always read educational literature, take courses, watch video lessons, sign up for trainings. Try to go to the movies, theaters, exhibitions, and start an interesting hobby. Then you will not only listen to your gentleman and ask clarifying questions, but you will also be able to tell him something interesting.

  4. Men are attracted to self-sufficient women. A self-sufficient person does not depend on other people in his decisions and judgments. On the first date, such a woman will not dump the burden of her problems on her gentleman, complain, whine, or ask for advice on how to live further. Show ease and confidence in your abilities. Show your man that you are not afraid of minor troubles and can take care not only of yourself, but also of him. Avoid criticism and negative statements towards your gentleman, even if you really don’t like something. After all, if you want your interests and hobbies to be respected, then pay in return. Do not get into arguments; it is better to offer to remain unconvinced.

An interesting video about what kind of women men really like:

Share your secret

The study Personalistic Self-Disclosure and Attraction: Basis for Relationships or Scarce Resource, published by the American Sociological Association, shows that self-disclosure signals trust and willingness to enter into a relationship. If a person does not talk about himself, then he broadcasts the exact opposite.

Hence the conclusion: to establish a connection with someone, you need to open up.

This should be done gradually. First, share some superficial information: where you are from, what family you grew up in, what kind of music you like to listen to. Then move on to more personal topics: what goals do you set for yourself, what influenced your development. Just be careful not to tell your whole life story at the first meeting.

How to please a man on a date

If you want to please a man, you shouldn’t put it off until later. Get to work on the first date, otherwise there may not be a second one. First, calm down and pull yourself together. Take a few deep breaths in and out. You should not show your gentleman how excited you are and how much importance you attach to meeting him.

If the conversation is interrupted and there is silence, there is no need to frantically look for a new topic for conversation. Look the man in the eyes and smile. If it is comfortable to be in silence with a person, it means that you really have something in common.

Men prefer to keep the initiative in their hands and be the first to make a move to meet a lady. However, this does not mean that a woman is prohibited from being active. If you feel a gentleman's gaze on you, smile back at him. Or you can come up and ask why he is looking at you like that. Actually, the question can be anything. The main thing is to find an excuse to start communication.

When your relationship has moved to a new stage, be active, show your emotions, and don’t be shy to show how good you feel. After all, if you want to please a man in bed, you must first let him know that he is an unsurpassed lover who can bring you to the highest point of pleasure.

Another powerful weapon in winning a gentleman is cooking. Learn to cook deliciously. The dishes don't have to be complicated; no one is forcing you to stuff pike. You can choose simple options, but you need to cook them perfectly. After all, not everyone can even fry potatoes deliciously.


Guys value thriftiness in a girl, again, with an eye to future life together. Therefore, always clean the house before the man arrives, bring cleanliness and order. If the date is taking place on his territory and you see a mountain of unwashed dishes, offer the guy to wash them. Only if you agree, get to work. After all, many people do not like it when strangers interfere in everyday affairs.

Try to look attractive at any time of the day. Buy a nice shirt, avoid greasy and strong-smelling night creams, and keep your bed linen clean. During the day, do not deny yourself the pleasure of dressing beautifully, doing your hair, and applying light makeup. And, of course, don’t forget about a woman’s main weapon – underwear. Don’t be afraid to spend money on him, all investments will pay off when a worthy man becomes yours.

Be fully armed twenty-four hours a day. All you have to do is relax just once, leave the house without combing your hair, without makeup and in an old tracksuit, and, as luck would have it, he will appear.

What to do if he categorically does not want a relationship

The reason for his categorical position should be found out. Perhaps he doesn’t know what he wants from life, so he’s not ready to build a serious relationship. In this case, you should try to become his friend. You need to study all his passions and hobbies (there will probably be common interests) and play on this. It is also recommended:

  1. Become necessary. It’s difficult, but life gives you many opportunities. For example, his printer is broken and he needs to print the work urgently, then he should offer help with printing. Or the guy’s phone is dead, and he needs to immediately call or go online. The girl can give her phone or charger.
  2. If a girl wants to achieve reciprocity from an unfamiliar guy living in the house opposite, then she needs to catch his eye as often as possible. Find out when he returns home after college or from work, and go out to the store at that time. Or start running in the park when he is walking the dog there, and try to get him to talk about any topic.
  3. Watch your appearance. You need to find out what type of girls he is attracted to and get closer to him. If he prefers brunettes, then you should try to dye your hair in a suitable color. If you like girls in heels, then you need to put your sneakers in the far corner and learn to walk in stiletto heels.

A man can simply ignore a woman because she is not his type at all. Therefore, the girl should not despair, but rather turn her attention to other interesting young people.

How to understand that a man likes you

  1. It shortens the distance. In the psychological literature you will find information that the distance between people depends on the environment in which they find themselves. For example, during social and business contacts, the distance from one person to another should be 1-3 meters. When you are next to a friend, the distance is reduced to 0.6-1 meters. Next is the intimate zone, into which only very close people are allowed. If you notice that your gentleman is trying to close the distance between you, you can regard this behavior as a signal that he feels sympathy and wants to move to a new stage in the relationship. Body language can also tell a man's intentions. If he often leans towards you during a conversation, it means he really likes you.
  2. His speech changes Most people do not know how to fully control their body, voice, and facial expressions. Therefore, if a young man tries to hide his interest from you, something will inevitably give away his true feelings, for example, his speech. You will hear nervousness in her, her voice may tremble slightly or become hoarse. A man can either chatter incessantly, or, on the contrary, speak slowly to appear calmer. The guy will suddenly start using filler words, although you have never heard them from him before. Any changes in speech indicate that the man is not indifferent to you. Therefore, listen carefully to your gentleman and compare with how he communicates with other people, so as not to be mistaken in your conclusions.
  3. He's trying to make you laugh

    How to understand that a man likes you
    If you want to please a man, then laugh at his jokes. When your gentleman tries to make you laugh, appreciate his efforts and smile back. After all, his behavior indicates that he has sincere sympathy for you. A sense of humor is a very valuable quality. A person who has it will always be able to lighten the atmosphere with a good joke and will never let his beloved woman get bored. Don't forget, laughter improves your well-being and improves your mood. In addition, a man with a sense of humor will be able to appreciate your witticisms and laugh at them.

  4. Body language speaks for him. Take a closer look at the behavior of the gentleman. Have you noticed that in your presence he straightens his back and sucks in his stomach? Or does he start to get nervous, twirl a pencil in his hands, constantly touch his hair or the tip of his nose? Or does he preen himself in front of the mirror, straighten his clothes, and examine his reflection appraisingly? All these are clear signs that the young man really likes you.
  5. The conversation touches on very personal topics. Of course, there will be no revelations about “skeletons in the closet”. A man will be able to share deeply intimate things with you only when you become family and friends. And even that is not a fact, because every person has the right not to reveal his secrets. But if a young man likes you, he will try to establish an emotional connection with you, and for this he will remember, for example, a funny adventure from his childhood. Or share stories about your family. In any case, these will be pleasant, sentimental stories dear to his heart, with the help of which he will try to establish contact with you and form a positive opinion about himself.
  6. The timbre of his voice decreases When a young man wants to please a lady and tries to look more courageous and confident, the timbre of his voice decreases. This is done intuitively; the man may not even notice that he has started speaking differently. However, some guys deliberately add velvety notes to their voice to sound more sexy and seductive. If you notice changes in your gentleman's speech, do not doubt that he likes you and that he is waiting for encouragement from you in order to act further.
  7. He tries to touch you

    How_to_understand that a man_likes_you2
    Many men, especially if they hope to have sex with a woman in the near future, try to immediately establish tactile contact. To do this, they often touch a woman’s hand, lightly hug her, pat her on the back, straighten a stray strand of hair, and remove a fictitious or real speck of dust from her clothes. Of course, there are kinesthetic people who perceive and understand the world around them through tactile sensations. However, they still do not invade the personal space of another person. Therefore, if you notice that a guy is trying to use any excuse to touch you, you can be sure of his interest in you. If already on the first date you want to please a man and kiss and are thinking how to do this, then pay attention to whether the gentleman touches you. If the answer is positive, you can count on success: there is only a small step left before the kiss.

In any case, always pay attention to your partner's behavior. It will make it clear better than words whether you are on the right path, if you are trying to earn his favor, or if you are doing something wrong and need to urgently correct your actions.

Special Moves

To interest the desired gentleman and make him fall in love with you even more, you can try to use special techniques. Psychologists place great importance on perspective and the power of thought.


Men like perky girls with sparkling eyes. Thanks to a simple technique you can achieve the desired effect. To do this you need:

  1. Close your eyes, drive away all thoughts, relax. Think about the good, feeling how every cell of the body is charged with a positive mood. Say in your mind many times: “I am happy.”
  2. Open your eyes, but do not be distracted by events happening nearby. You need to try to maintain a feeling of peace and inner harmony. They are the ones who make your eyes sparkle with happiness.

Another technique shows how to make your chosen one fall in love with you with your gaze. During a conversation, a girl is recommended to look relaxedly at the interlocutor’s right eye for 7 seconds, trying to see her own reflection in the pupil. Take a break for a few minutes and repeat the action again. The exercise will give the lady’s look a touch of mystery, which will arouse the interest of her partner.

READ Types of men: the influence of character and behavior on relationships

The third method allows you to make your chosen one fall in love with you in 4 minutes. To do this, it is necessary to conduct an experiment invented by psychologist Arthur Aron. A man and a woman take turns answering 36 questions, and then look into each other's eyes for 4 minutes. Experience shows amazing results.

The power of thought

It's no secret that thoughts are material. To help them come to life, you need to try the visualization method.

Actions of the girl:

  1. Take a comfortable position.
  2. Free your head from all thoughts and relax.
  3. Introduce a man without omitting details.
  4. Mentally draw yourself next to the desired object. Take the guy's hand.
  5. Place the couple in a cinema, cafe. Imagine. That a man touches his partner, kisses her.

The clearer the girl paints a picture in her head, the better the technique will work. It is recommended to perform it daily for 10 minutes.

It is also advisable to familiarize yourself with the work of the English writer Nicholas Butman. In his book “How to Make a Guy Fall in Love with You in 90 Minutes,” he explains in detail the technique of attracting the stronger sex using various actions. Girls use many of his tips in practice.

He takes good care of him and pays attention to him. So he loves?

Really, it’s so nice, it’s so cool. He does things. They say a man should be judged by his actions. Only actions show a man's seriousness. And he does things, he gives flowers, he stops by at home, gives small gifts, takes you to restaurants. He wishes you good morning, good afternoon, bon appetit, good night, how did you sleep. He is even ready to communicate on WhatsApp for several hours at night. And you think, my God, he pays attention, he looks after you beautifully. In fact, what I observe is that most girls in the post-Soviet space are very easy to win over in this way. It is very easy to inspire trust, it is easy to create an illusion with this very thing.

But let's figure it out. What quality of mine does it indicate that I know how to care and pay attention? About one of my qualities is that at the stage when I am interested in a woman, I take great care and pay attention. This does not guarantee that I will also look after you in a relationship, that after two years of my life I will also pay so much attention to you. This just means that as long as I am interested in a woman, I do it. Think about this thing, a caring and caring man. These are two different terms, but for some reason it seems to you that if he does this, it means.

You probably want to say, how can one determine then that a man is worthy? Then there is no need to strive for this at all, or if he is courting, does that mean he is definitely unworthy? Or really bad? No, this means exactly one thing: if I look after you beautifully, then I look after you beautifully. And yes, you should be happy if it makes you happy. If you like it, you should be grateful. But don’t overthink it, don’t inflate it into something that doesn’t exist.

If I look after you beautifully and pay attention, that means absolutely that. If I have a great fight in the alley, protecting you from two scoundrels, does this mean that I am courageous? May be. But globally this means that I fight well. And that physically I am ready to protect you. But this does not mean that I am courageous in life, that I am courageous in life, that I am courageous in my goals, that I am courageous in moving forward. Surely you know men who are physically strong, he is brutal, broad shoulders, strong arms, a master of sports in some martial art, but in life he is passive, he cannot advance in his career, he is afraid to start a business. There is no need to invent something that does not exist. If I fight well, it means that I fight well.

The ability to care and pay attention does not guarantee that a man is serious and does not guarantee that a man is worthy. By the way, the best suitors, according to my observations, are married men. These are the most professional caregivers.

Do you want to know what a man needs to make you happy? Sign up for a free online course Man: honest instructions

How to keep the attention of the man you like

The heat of love has touched each of us at some point. And sometimes we make enormous efforts to please the object of our love, and then we relax. And therein lies the biggest catch. Let's say you've been looking for the man you like for a long time. On the way to your goal, you sacrificed your interests, limited yourself, spent money on a new wardrobe and beauty salons. And here is the long-awaited victory! You have won the heart of a young man, and things are already moving towards the wedding. But suddenly he unexpectedly announces that he wants to break up. You are in shock, you don’t understand what is happening. So what happened? Perhaps your partner has lost interest in you or realized that his feelings are not as strong as he would like.

There can be many reasons for separation. But we must remember that men are first and foremost hunters and conquerors. This is inherent in nature and cannot be changed, but a wise woman can use this trait for her own purposes. Think about your relationship with your lover. Surely you already decided that it was in your pocket and relaxed. But men love novelty in relationships. They like it when a woman is able to surprise even after years of marriage. If the beloved has turned into a boring, insipid homebody, the young man may lose interest in her and decide to break up. You can see what other mistakes you should avoid on the love front here:

When the main reason why men end relationships with their partners is known, a woman needs to remember it and adjust her behavior at the right time. This can be done in the following ways:

  • Cruel Games

Imagine yourself in the role of an important person who is always busy and does not have much time for relationships with the opposite sex. Try to get into the role. Find something to do so that your life is truly filled with activities and meetings.

Dose the time you devote to your lover. You can even start a game with him: today you are sweet and caring, and tomorrow you suddenly disappear. After a short time, you appear with an apology and an explanation that you were very busy, so you couldn’t meet.


Another game involves a radical change in mood. One day you are gentle and sweet, the next you are determined and cold-blooded. The young man will be confused by the versatility of your character and will decide that he will definitely never get bored with you.

Be mentally prepared for the fact that psychological games will require serious physical and emotional costs from you. It won't be easy at times. But if you want to please a man not for a couple of months, but for the rest of his life, then you need not to feel sorry for yourself, but to mobilize all your strength and direct it towards achieving your goal.

  • Competition

Ask your lover to help you with something, such as moving furniture or picking you up from the store. If he refuses a favor, do not persuade or impose. Agree that he is very busy and say that you will ask a colleague or an institute friend. Then the young man will know that he has competitors. This will make him be more attentive to you.

However, you should not go too far and give a man a reason to suspect you of a double game, be jealous and not trust you. Don't be flirtatious or flirt with other guys. Explain to your partner that you really need a man’s help, that there are things that you cannot cope with on your own, because you are simply not so physically strong.

  • Hobbies and interests

A man is not a reason to give up your hobbies and hobbies. Don't limit your life to your partner. Be active, be interested in new knowledge and skills. After all, if you look at your partner, you will see that he did not give up his favorite fishing and going to the stadium with friends for your sake.

Therefore, if you want to please a man, then do not abandon your hobby, but, on the contrary, expand your circle of hobbies. Then the young man will see that his beloved is a self-sufficient person, and will not be afraid that over time you will begin to forbid him to do what he loves.

  • Programming the future

This doesn't mean you need to convince your boyfriend that in five years you will have a mortgage and two children. He will most likely run away from such a prospect. In this case, programming means establishing connections between all aspects of a man’s life and you. You must become part of the young person’s everyday life and create common traditions and rituals. For example, make it a habit to visit friends every Friday and play board games. Or cook lunch together on Saturdays. Or on Wednesdays, meet him near the office to sit in a cafe in the evening.

Such traditions teach your partner that you will always be a part of his life. You can also give small souvenirs so that they remind the guy of you.


If you just met and don’t know each other well, tell your boyfriend more often what you like, for example, that you like cappuccino in the morning or dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate. The gentleman will remember your preferences in order to pleasantly surprise and please you on occasion.


Simply put, we study the tastes, habits, and preferences of the desired object.

This is necessary to:

  • attract attention,
  • feign interest
  • demonstrate similarity of views and interests,
  • fill the conversation with topics that interest him.

Does a man like sports? We look at sports-related information. We learn the names of famous athletes. It will not be superfluous for general development.

Are you interested in French comedy? Pierre Richard should also become your favorite comedian.

It is more difficult if this person is a scientist or financier. Nowadays there is a lot of popular information on this topic. Although, maybe he loves something else besides work?

How to please a man in bed

A wise woman knows that physical pleasure can bind a partner more strongly than other means of seduction. In ancient times, girls were taught how to please the stronger sex. Now this tradition is a thing of the past, but if you want to please a man in bed, but are not confident in your abilities, you can look for video lessons on the Internet, or sign up for special courses, which are rare, but found. So that a gentleman experienced in love affairs does not forget about you after the first night, think about how you can relax him and relieve accumulated stress. A massage, a warm bath with aromatic oils, relaxing music, dim lights, soft towels and fresh bed linen are suitable.

When you give your partner a massage, do not forget that your goal is to provide pleasure, and not to straighten the spine. Movements should be light, smooth, and calming. Enjoy the process. A man, seeing your sincere involvement, will feel excitement and desire.


As a rule, the partner expects activity from the lady only during foreplay. A woman’s task is to thoroughly excite her gentleman, and then he will do everything himself. A man who considers himself a good lover will definitely try to ensure that his partner experiences maximum pleasure.

A man's self-esteem will suffer greatly if he realizes that the lady did not experience an orgasm during sex with him, but only imitated it. Your lie will hurt your gentleman very much, and he will no longer want to communicate. To prevent this from happening, tune in to intimacy using the following recommendations:

  • Keep your body sexy. In your care, use scrubs and moisturizers to make your skin soft and velvety. Do hair removal and monitor the condition of the intimate area. It should be neat and fragrant. Don't forget about pedicures and manicures; many guys like well-groomed nails.
  • Develop your libido. If you like a man, try to feel aroused. You can imagine how he begins to caress you, while working your intimate muscles. Feel the desire awakening. The gentleman will definitely feel your mood and will be seriously interested in you.
  • Don't ignore oral sex. The man will be grateful to you for this. Just don’t need to reveal all your talents on your first night together. Keep your aces up your sleeve, because you still have a lot of dates ahead.

  • Your partner should feel your desire. When a woman is aroused, her vagina becomes moist. During penetration, the man feels natural lubrication. For him, this is a sure sign that it’s time to take action. If you suffer from dryness in the intimate area or excessive mucus production, you should urgently consult a doctor, as such manifestations may be symptoms of diseases.
  • After sex, do not rush to turn on your side and fall asleep. Enjoy moments of complete devastation and relaxation with your partner. Lie nearby, be silent, or, conversely, remember the pleasant moments of intimacy.

How to please a man depending on his zodiac sign

  • Aries

If you want to please an Aries man, you will have to try to become an ideal lady: modest, smart, beautiful, and able to present herself. Moreover, all your advantages need to be demonstrated already at the stage of acquaintance, since Aries are guided by the first impression.

It is advisable to intrigue the gentleman with something, some non-standard action or a non-trivial conversation. Aries will not judge if on the first date you confess your love to him or read an obscene poem. In sex, men of this sign prefer to dominate.


  • Taurus

This zodiac sign does not like intrusive people and restrictions on their personal freedom. Do you want to please a Taurus man? Then be patient. The young man will need time to take a closer look and get used to you. The chosen one of Taurus must be economical, serious, feminine. Trousers, jeans and other brutal clothing are not welcome in a lady's wardrobe.

A woman should be able to cook well and manage housework. Taurus sympathize with those ladies who want to have a strong family, many children and respect the older generation.

  • Twin

Geminis are demanding of themselves and other people. It is important for them that the lady is a faithful companion, shares interests, supports, is smart and strives for new experiences and discoveries. Therefore, if you want to please a Gemini man, then suggest having a first date at a museum or exhibition. You cannot be jealous of Gemini; they will perceive such an attitude as a personal insult. And trying to control will lead to immediate separation.

The sex life of Gemini is stable, devoid of surprises and subject to a certain system that never changes.

  • Cancer

Do you want to please a Cancer man? Get ready to become a second mommy for him. Cancer loves warmth and care. His chosen one will be a strong woman who is able to inspire a man to new achievements, direct him in the right direction, support him in a difficult situation, listen to complaints, console him and encourage him.

Cancers love sex. They don’t mind experimenting; they appreciate a partner’s willingness to try something new and unexpected.


  • a lion

Conquering a Leo is not difficult. You just need to compliment him often, praise him, admire him and never criticize him.

This zodiac sign is looking for a special companion, so when you want to please a Leo man, get ready to demonstrate your uniqueness and bright personality. You can't make Leo jealous, it can ruin the relationship. He should be the only man in the life of his chosen one.

  • Virgo

If you want to please a Virgo man, become a good friend for him first, and then a lover. Men of this sign are predictable and not romantic. They choose modest, reserved, smart, responsible, rational and pretty girls with a similar temperament. Virgos are passive in bed and can go for months without sex.

  • Scales

In search of their other half, Libra can date two or three girls at once. They will doubt for a long time, not daring to make a final choice. If you want to please a Libra man, get ready to share him with other women at first.

Libra's chosen one will be a cheerful, smart and pleasant girl who knows how to support in difficult times and take the initiative.

  • Scorpion

This sign is very jealous. Having wanted to please the Scorpio man, you immediately crossed out the possibility of communicating with other gentlemen. Scorpio does not tolerate competition. His lady should belong only to him and at the same time be beautiful, spectacular, smart and strong. Moreover, these qualities are welcomed not only in everyday life, but also in sexual life.

  • Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a holiday person. He is very sociable, bright, cheerful, noisy and is looking for the same companion. Therefore, if you want to please a Sagittarius man, you will have to love parties, travel and extreme sports.


This zodiac sign loves with his eyes. The attractive appearance of a lady is important to him. A woman should take care of herself and always look great. But Sagittarians consider scandals, hysterics and showdowns unacceptable for their lives.

  • Capricorn

A representative of this sign will look closely at the girl he likes for a long time due to his natural indecisiveness. He needs time to think about the situation. If you want to please a Capricorn man, you must understand him perfectly, participate in all his affairs, support and empathize.

This sign is passionate about their career. Capricorn can be seduced by culinary masterpieces, but not by romance, to which he is completely immune.

  • Aquarius

Guys of this sign choose smart, well-groomed, well-mannered and educated girls. Do you want to please an Aquarius man? Then get ready to give him complete freedom. Aquarius does not tolerate restrictions and loves easy relationships, without scandals and strain. In sex, he is liberated and tries to give his partner maximum pleasure.

  • Fish

If you want to please a Pisces man, then take the initiative into your own hands in the first days of dating. The companion of this sign must be a strong woman, capable of taking responsibility not only for herself, but also for her lover. Pisces need to be praised a lot, criticized a little and refrain from a violent outburst of emotions. Representatives of this sign love to eat delicious food. In sex they prefer calm and some monotony.

Thank you for reading this article to the end.

Hello, my name is Yaroslav Samoilov. I am an expert in the psychology of relationships and over the years of practice I have helped more than 10,000 girls meet worthy soul mates, build harmonious relationships and return love and understanding to families that were on the verge of divorce.

More than anything, I am inspired by the happy eyes of students who meet the people of their dreams and enjoy a truly vibrant life.

My goal is to show women a way to develop relationships that will help them create a synergy of success and happiness!

Become interesting to your lover

External attractiveness attracts men. But it’s not enough to be beautiful, it’s much more important to be interesting. A man will not be able to stay close to even the most attractive and glamorous woman for long if she is stupid and cannot carry on a conversation. He's bored with her.


Compliments to a man for all occasions

If you can't make guys fall in love with you, first of all learn to communicate:

  • Be frank, simple and open. Don't pretend to be another person. Trying to seem smarter, stricter or mysterious, a girl loses her naturalness. She answers in monosyllables, afraid to look stupid, laughs restrainedly, and not from the heart, and looks arrogant. Such a woman is unlikely to captivate.
  • Maintain the dialogue not only by “hooting”, nodding your head or monosyllabic phrases. Use tricks and purely feminine tricks to create the impression of a self-sufficient, developed, purposeful and educated person, and for this you need to be able to talk and debate, answer questions in a detailed and interesting way, not be afraid to express your point of view, learn to defend your opinion. A man should know that his woman cannot be forced to think the way he wants.
  • Lead a fulfilling life. Of interest are women who have hobbies, engage in fitness, follow the latest movies, read a lot, both classical and serious literature, get an education or build a career, and love to travel. A conversation with such interlocutors is always fascinating, because they have something to tell.
  • To make a good man fall in love with you, you can disappear for a while, trying to fill your day with interesting events. Let him miss you, let him understand that you are important to him, and upon your return you can tell him a lot of interesting things. Maybe he realizes that you have a lot of exciting things going on in your life, so one day you might disappear forever if he doesn't make a serious move.

Knowing the way to make absolutely any man fall in love with you, no woman will remain lonely. Become an interesting conversationalist for him, keep up the conversation and be able to defend your opinion. This is where great affection begins, and later true love.

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