How to keep your lover close and become his main woman

How to communicate with a married man - you will learn the most important rule of psychology. It will help you learn how to talk correctly with a man, lover and husband, so that he falls in love and is always interested.

I myself am married, and I am also one of the representatives of married men. Therefore, my opinion may not be the latest. If you try these tips first hand, they say, it may even help you in life.

Why do you even need to communicate with a man correctly? The fact is that we are all at work, communicating with friends. And it happens that these men are either married or in some kind of relationship with other girls. Of course, you need to somehow communicate with them correctly so that there are no unpleasant incidents. And if you succeed, then you and your friends will not have quarrels.

And men will appreciate and respect you. You will have many strong friends. Accordingly, you will succeed better in life. And your life will be happier, richer, more fun. Without any bad incidents to the maximum.

And we’ll start by taking an honest look inside a man’s head.

How to communicate with a married man if he is a headless horseman

Men are such interesting creatures who love women very much. They love them especially physically. And sex is very important for a man. Their instincts are very strong. Men are such more simplified creatures than women. More earthly. They really want women. And that’s why the topic of sex is so difficult.

Men react very strongly to female expressions of sexuality. For short skirts, for the shape of the female body: breasts, hips, legs. And the eyes are directed there, even regardless of the man’s desire. They just automatically boom and go down there.

In such situations, a man can be wedged simply for sexual reasons. Therefore, you need to be very careful in this regard. That is, to separate friendly, work and love relationships.

Why is it important? It is not so difficult to take a person away from the family. But at the same time, you dragged him away, but where is the guarantee that someone else won’t do it later? And here the question seems to arise: have you exchanged sewing for soap on the one hand?

On the other hand, he has some children there. It may also be small. And so the family breaks up: a lot of grief for children who are not guilty of anything. You were just flirting. But it hit him in the head and now he has already given up on his family. Usually, things are probably not that simple.

Time bomb: how not to blow it up

But even some short-term hobbies, novels - they tend to creep out sideways after years. And families fall apart. Even if then the person himself seems to have remained in the family, it is very difficult for him, almost impossible, to admit his wrongdoing to his wife.

And this silence will sooner or later ruin her family. This will corrode the relationship. This person actually doesn’t want to do bad things to his loved ones.

And this ultimately forces him to break up with him. Those. he will not want to do evil so much, those bad things that he would not want to be done to him. And, in the end, it is a person from the family who kicks off.

Those. adultery is not even so terrible in terms of all sorts of diseases, but in the fact that it leads to the breakup of a family. The woman suffers, the children suffer, and the man himself suffers greatly. Because he loved this woman, and now he really loves her too. That’s why he leaves so as not to cause her even more harm.

And the relationship will simply deflate if such a factor takes place. Because to honestly tell my wife about this... I don’t know what percentage of men might have enough gunpowder to do this. Almost none of those who really love their wife and children.

Ways to leave a married lover

Changing the object of love will help end a destructive romance. Feelings for a free man are the best medicine in this situation. The conscience must be calm - the lover sleeps in bed with his wife, which means there is no question of fidelity. It is worth being open to new relationships, then the breakup will not bring pain.

Another method of leaving a married person is to hint to your lover about expensive gifts. This will anger the man, and he will not show his best qualities. His image will no longer be ideal, so breaking the connection will not be difficult. Complaining about not spending enough time together will have a similar effect on your lover.


How to take a married man away from your family and marry yourself

To remove the mask from your lover, you need to stop pretending to be perfect yourself. You should not be affectionate and submissive where you should show character. You cannot allow yourself to be used and humiliated.

Perhaps, having learned the essence of his mistress, a man will feel more strongly about her. But more often this behavior reminds unfaithful husbands of their devoted wives.

So that he suffers greatly

After a painful breakup, a woman wants to make her ex suffer. To evoke these feelings in a lover, you should:

  1. Change his image, improve himself so that he realizes the scale of the loss.
  2. Jealousy is a powerful manipulative tool in the sphere of male feelings. The appearance of a passion with a new partner will cause a storm of emotions in the lover.
  3. It’s a “mistake” to send your ex a message addressed to your current crush. This elegant way will remind you of a woman and bring back memories of happy days spent together in a man.
  4. Happy travel photos on social networks will also have an effect - he will regret the breakup and want to return.

Observing changes in a girl's life for the better and memories of a happy past will make her ex-lover feel regret and pain.

How to make a man suffer

How to do it painlessly

To break up with your lover mutually without offense or pain, you should approach the matter consciously and responsibly:

  1. Prepare arguments, formulate the announcement of separation gently and correctly.
  2. Develop conversation tactics and prepare for possible aggressive and emotional attacks on his part.
  3. Do not delay the decisive conversation. You can’t put off the conversation; the sooner, the less pain.
  4. Talk one-on-one. No calls or SMS. Such disrespect can cause undesirable consequences.
  5. State your position honestly and defend it. The decision has been made, so no arguments or pleas can change the situation.
  6. After the breakup, stop communication. Even if the couple decides to continue their friendly communication, a break is needed to recover from the emotional blow.

If the relationship has cooled, but you don’t want to hurt the man, you should part with respect. The lover may not let go and press for pity, but you need to firmly insist that a breakup is the best solution for both.

Effective options

Breaking up with men beautifully is an art. In a cozy atmosphere, you need to convey to the guy that he deserves the best, so the girl is not on the same path with him. It is worth noting his positive qualities, showing respect, and thanking him.

Another effective way is a farewell dinner by candlelight. The morning after a night of love, you can leave a note thanking you and explaining your decision.

Scandal is a way to stay in his head for a long time. An emotional showdown must be done without insults and humiliation of his manhood. A stormy separation will leave the girl remembered as a passionate and sensual person.

If you need revenge

Resentment after a breakup causes a desire for revenge. But it is worth thinking carefully about this step. Revenge will help you feel lighter, so sometimes it is simply necessary. There is no need to take revenge on a person directly.

An angry desire can be transformed into a psychological technique:

  1. A letter to a former lover, in which all negative feelings are expressed, will help ease the soul. There is no need to send it.
  2. Writing a man's name on the sole of a shoe will bring emotional satisfaction. And no one will get hurt.
  3. Cut out or paint over his face in general photographs. A simple action will help you mentally separate from your ex-partner and start a new life without him.

The desire for revenge after being dumped by a lover is natural, but it should be satisfied in the most harmless ways. Having relieved stress, you should concentrate on your own life and not dwell on the past.

Where do successful men really come from?

And here it is very important to understand the next important point. A married man can be an eagle, making a great impression on girls: he’s such a good guy. At the same time, we must not forget that this is a married man.

He can be well dressed and look good: so fit and slender. But he is not alone: ​​he has children, he has a wife who cares, a wife who inspires him. And her support actually largely determines a man’s success.

Such a wonderful dude suddenly meets you on the path of life. First, ask: is he free or not? Before starting artillery salvos. Women, they certainly attract men like hell. And sometimes it’s hard to resist. But not every fortress is worth it. Sometimes you have to not take it. And if this person is married, then leave him.

Sexy feminine things, charm, coquetry - it will certainly work on him in many cases. But at the same time, with a slight movement of your hand you can destroy a family. Not right away, but gradually it will simply collapse. And there are children, there is a woman who invested in this man. Why take on this moral burden?

Between friendship and love: the psychology of communicating with men

And along with this there is another thing. After all, you can really communicate with men without sexual moments, which greatly influence men. And you communicate with this person as a friend, as a comrade, as a colleague - do not cross this line. No flirting, light flirting, coquetry. And one day you may see that you have a friend.

What is real strong love? But it’s not just sex, not just common children. It's also friendship. And no one forbids this friendship between a man and a woman. When they are honest with each other and with their other halves: no one cheats on anyone. On the contrary, your circle of contacts is expanding: good relationships with people of the opposite sex appear.

And it greatly improves your life. Because everyone feels good when there are those who will help and support. Both in good times and in bad times. Man is not a solitary creature, he loves to communicate, he lives in a group, one way or another. And everyone feels good when this group is large, reliable, cheerful, successful, and so correct.

And as for friendship without sex, I myself did not understand this thing for a long time. After all, sometimes spiritual intimacy arises. When a good relationship develops into a truly great understanding of each other.

It is possible without sex. And this is not cheating on the person with whom you are already in such a sexual relationship. And there were times when I was very shy. I suddenly had this feeling of unity with another person of the opposite sex. Not sexy. You just suddenly realize that the person is very disposed towards me and you towards him - such a mutual good attitude.

Psychology of a married man

When starting romantic relationships on the side, men behave differently. Some carefully hide the fact of betrayal, others are not afraid of anything and openly take risks for the sake of new experiences. Usually a married man has a permanent mistress by the age of 35-40. At this time, he is experiencing a midlife crisis and is in dire need of a person who can feed him with his energy, give him self-confidence and add variety to his usual way of life. Reasons why a married man takes a mistress:

  • he just gets bored and wants new emotions;
  • tired of the monotonous intimate life with my wife;
  • quarrels constantly break out in his family, scandals flare up;
  • the man is polygamous by nature.

A mistress is an outlet that allows you to escape from everyday troubles and family problems. With her, he gets a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions in bed, which he cannot boast of with his legal wife. But for a man, his mistress always remains in the background.

She spends weekends and holidays alone, she lacks confidence in relationships and in the future.

READ A dish that is served cold, or how to take revenge on your husband’s mistress

When it really becomes stupid to hold back

One woman shared her own experience. She worked together with a man who was such a fine fellow. He, as befits a man, fought for a just cause, and she supported him and helped him in this. They had very strong, powerful friendships. Together they did one thing successfully and efficiently.

He had a family, he had children. And she was not married. She says: “Well, of course I scammed him.” And later this man left his second family too. Someone took him away again. And that woman’s mistake was that there was simply no need to allow sexual relations into their powerful friendship. Those. don't cross this line.

In these relationships, a man is often somewhat weak. And here, of course, the woman has a very big role in ensuring that she competently builds a relationship with him. And this woman will be rewarded: she will be truly honest with herself and with other people - she will be a Person with a Capital P, and this is very good.

And in the end, she will find her man. Just launch your artillery, turn it on all the time when you see a single man who is not busy. And everything will be wonderful. Make him a true friend - become friends with him. Well, the bed will be a wonderful addition for both of you.

And now you have it all started, started spinning - great J And be happy! And let no one be able to destroy your union. Continue to communicate with this person and be a true friend to him.

How to break off a relationship while married

Married women also often have lovers. The lady is tormented by her infidelity. To prevent the situation from becoming more complicated by disclosing the fact of infidelity to your husband, you need to quickly break off the relationship with your lover.


How to survive a breakup with a married man: time-tested advice

If a lover blackmails

It is not uncommon for a man to not accept a breakup. He says that he will tell about the details of his betrayal to his husband, but he cannot follow his lead. If the lover is the lady's boss, he threatens to fire her. A man who once decides to do something like this will always act like this.

The solution is to tell your spouse everything yourself. You need to prepare him and let him “digest” the information. It is difficult for any man to come to terms with the fact of betrayal. You should break off all contact with your lover.

When meeting a man, you do not need to provide personal information unless you want to create problems for yourself.

With minimal pain for him and yourself

When both partners in a forbidden union realized that it was time to end the relationship, you need to act decisively, but delicately.

Break up without quarrels

A calm conversation will help you dot all the i's and part with dignity. It is important to maintain control over emotions and express your position tactfully. Everyone will go their own way and will not spoil the other’s life.

If you love, but divorce is impossible

Having played too much, lovers risk falling madly in love. There may be a desire to declare a divorce to legal partners and start a new life. At this stage, you should carefully weigh everything and do the right thing. According to statistics, a secret relationship lasts no more than three years, then the feelings fade away. People tend to confuse love with physiological attraction. Having destroyed a family for the sake of a hobby, a woman risks being left with nothing.

How to make him the initiator of the breakup

Not every woman can easily announce a breakup, even if she wants to. A man will be forced to initiate a separation:

  1. Keeping your distance. Stop talking about personal topics, spend less time together.
  2. Small quarrels. Critical statements addressed to him and rejection of a man’s arguments in a dispute will help.
  3. Hints that the relationship has no prospects. Avoid talking about the future, do not make joint plans.
  4. Avoiding conversations about love and physical intimacy. Respond to tender words with eloquent silence.

After such hints, the man will feel cold and will not want to continue the relationship. This will help to disperse painlessly on his initiative.

Breaking a destructive, taboo relationship is difficult. Human feelings are easily hurt by a careless word and a thoughtless act. Decisive, but reasonable and tactful behavior in this situation will solve the problem in the best possible way.

Where is this prince of mine on a white horse - or is this a fairy tale?

As for free men in general, there are a lot of them. The simple fact is that men are not as eager to get married as women are to get married. They have a calmer attitude towards this issue and their heads are occupied with other things.

My wife once gave a lecture on how to find your soul mate. And women came to this lecture who could not find their man for some reason. One of these women could not stand it, stood up and said:

“How can you find a single man in our time? After all, they are all sorted out immediately. He had not yet gotten a divorce - he had already been married again. And it doesn’t happen in nature that normal single men remain unemployed. All the time I just have time for a head-to-head analysis - such tough competition is impossible.”

So she tells it, she says it passionately. A really sore subject. But the whole drama of the situation was that Seryoga was sitting to her left. He is over 30, he is such a good guy, reliable, single. He is such a great specialist, and he is a kind person – he helps many people selflessly. To her right, that means, another man is sitting. Simply golden hands.

And he’s also over 30—that’s the age for men when their brains are already tuned not to sex, but to relationships. This is our Lyokha, he frames paintings for cool artists and very serious people. A really serious level, you know. And he doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke – neither one nor the other.

Why did a married man choose a married woman as his mistress?

There are situations when a man chooses a married lady as his mistress. This is a suitable option for an affair:

  1. A relationship with a married woman will be cheaper. Such a girl does not strive to visit public places, because acquaintances can see a couple in love there. She will not ask to take her on vacation abroad; she is unlikely to be able to find a reason to leave. Also, you don’t have to give a girl expensive gifts, otherwise her husband will suspect something is wrong.
  2. If the mistress is married, she does not encroach on the place of the legal spouse, which means there is no threat to the family on her part. But there are exceptions to this rule.
  1. Meetings with such girls take place for the sake of intimacy. After a date, a married lover does not call several times a day demanding to see her again, because she also has a family.
  2. A married lady carefully monitors contraception. The risk of having an illegitimate child does not appeal to everyone.
  3. Married lovers part without mutual insults or reproaches. Everyone strives to keep the affair a secret.

For those who do not know how to keep a married man, psychologists advise to be cunning. There are special techniques that help achieve the goal.

READ How to separate your husband from his mistress forever: effective methods

How to talk to a man correctly - our cockroaches get in the way

Another Seryoga is sitting in the hall. He is an entrepreneur with extensive experience. A most talented person and a wonderful lecturer. This is also a man, he’s about 40. And this is also not a guy who only needs sex from a woman and that’s all. All three are single men, do not drink, and are successful in their business.

They do their job, and they help people, and they have strong friends, you understand. And she stood up and said: “There are no single men! This doesn't happen! These are all fairy tales! And around her sit three awesome single men. Not young guys, but ready-made husbands.

Therefore, I can tell you for sure that the hell out of single men. And the man you need is walking around somewhere. Sometimes it may be necessary to take a communication course.

Maybe work a little with this topic - get some strange cockroaches out of your head about this. Read an interesting book about the structure of the mind. And one day suddenly your eyes may open. And you will see it.

This way you can create a happy family. You can really hone all your feminine charm, all your talents, the tricks of seduction on him. And he will be simply happy about it. Imagine, your wife is constantly flirting with you! Edrid Madrid! It’s not easy to wait until nightfall, but is it worth it?

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