Is it your own fault? How we drive ourselves into depression remotely


Problems with employment have a serious impact on the human condition. Isolation from the generally accepted way of life, uncertainty of the future, lack of income - all this puts pressure on the psyche. Many people can’t stand it, can’t find a job, become depressed and don’t know what to do. You can avoid negative developments and overcome depression with the help of a psychologist or on your own.

Difficulties of dismissal

If a person has lost his job, he is tormented by doubts - such lack of confidence in his own abilities forms the basis of depression. The person blames himself for temporary difficulties, looks for a way out of the situation, and if he does not find it, he falls into a protracted mental disorder. In this state, the unemployed is unable to objectively assess the situation. He is confused and depressed. The more he feels sorry for himself, the more he plunges into anxious thoughts.

Coping with job loss is more difficult for people who are used to having everything under control. Because they find themselves in their nightmare - in a world full of surprises and unpredictable situations.

A depressed person is someone who loses the illusion of control that holds back phobias or repressed fears.

It is difficult for people with low self-esteem to lose their jobs - for them, a negative experience is yet another confirmation of their worthlessness and insolvency. The more they think about leaving as a refusal of their services, the harder it is for them to free themselves from the burden of the past. An unemployed person feeds internal complexes and falls into severe depression. A difficult psycho-emotional state is salvation for such a person, an opportunity to avoid new shocks.

Set unrealistic goals

During the period of remote work, many of us set ourselves too difficult tasks. For example, take at least two online courses every day or write a book that you once dreamed of. By setting such goals, we often give ourselves a reason for further dissatisfaction with ourselves. After all, to implement such large-scale tasks there is often not enough opportunity or motivation. And then we begin to either exhaust ourselves, trying to accomplish what we have planned, or reproach ourselves for laziness and inaction. Both of these give nothing but self-disappointment.

What to do? Before you sign up for an online training course, ask yourself: why do you need it right now? If your answer sounds: “maybe someday it will come in handy”, “it’s better than nothing”, “everyone is learning this now”, “a good housewife should be able to do this”, it makes sense to stop.

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Why is it scary to quit?

Fear of being fired depends on a person's self-perception

Depending on their mindset, upbringing and perception of the world, people react differently to the same situation. If for some, dismissal is a good chance to try themselves in a new direction, then for others, leaving work is a traumatic moment. Why people are afraid of being fired:

  • due to fear of poverty and loss of source of income;
  • due to professional unsuitability;
  • after suffering a trauma, there is a fear that the situation will repeat itself at a new job;
  • because of phobias.

People with social anxiety fear being fired as a reason for moving to a new job. Such a transition involves new acquaintances and frightening adaptation. People who are unable to take responsibility are afraid of looking for permanent employment. They are afraid of new obligations.

Depression due to a lost job is caused by external pressure: society or close circle puts pressure on a person. It is more difficult to cope with the fact of dismissal for people who are responsible for sick or disabled relatives, for the head of the family, on whose shoulders lies the income for the whole family.

Fear of change

One of the most common phobias among people of different ages and genders is the fear of change. Fear is based on the unknown. The person does not know what to do next. The need to formulate one plan of action causes panic attacks and aggression. For an employee, the loss of his previous position is humiliation and an indicator of his low qualifications.

Such changes push a person to take rash actions: during an interview, an employee lies, makes up facts about himself and his work experience. Fear of change forces an employee to hold on to his previous place with all his might, as if it were outside his comfort zone. The loss of this boundary is a real blow, leading to mental disorders and depression.

Fear of the future

Another fear that affects the actions and thinking of an unemployed person is fear of the future. Unlike the fear of change, the future frightens a person with its instability. Even if the employee finds a new job, he may be laid off again. For an individual, fear of change is the fear of repeating failure, which he cannot survive and use for his own benefit.

Unconfident individuals are afraid of the future. For them, their usual work is a real blessing: constant employment makes them feel significant, involved in something important. The employee is familiar with the company’s charter, its staff and rules, and through work he positions himself.

Fear of not finding a new job

The reason for internal tension can be the difficult situation in the country: finding employment and getting into a good position is not easy even for people with a long track record. The former employee loses his bearings in life, he does not know how to position himself in a new environment, how to work well with the team, how to find a new position no worse than the previous one. Unresolved issues pile up and create grounds for anxiety.

The reasons for the lack of desire to find a new job lie in the lack of the right motivation. A person tries to stay in the same place rather than choose paths for self-development. Good earnings and stability do not allow a person to leave and, after dismissal, to go looking for a new job.

Stressful state

Depression is a complex psycho-emotional condition that does not appear immediately. After being fired, a person is at a loss. He doesn't yet realize what happened. The first defensive reaction is shock or devastation: the employee collects his last personal belongings, says goodbye to the team and does not think about the future. Over time, the essence of what is happening reaches the former employee. On the one hand, he is trying to gather his strength, but on the other, he is tormented by public opinion and the assigned responsibility.

Stress due to job loss increases in the following conditions:

  • difficult living conditions;
  • difficult financial conditions in the family;
  • difficult political situation in the country;
  • individual sensitivity of the individual;
  • mental disorders.

If a stressful state is a common thing for a person, depression develops faster against the background of a weakened psyche. Lost employment is a major stress factor, coupled with other unfavorable conditions: debt, credit obligations, unpaid medical bills.

Unfavorable factors affect the composure and concentration of the individual. She cannot objectively assess her own chances and grabs any job. Negative experiences immediately after dismissal contribute to the development of depression.

Manifestation of prolonged stress


Symptoms of stress vary depending on individual sensitivity

Each complex psycho-emotional state has characteristic symptoms. A person exposed to stress changes in behavior, in the way he sees the world and reacts to unexpected situations. Signs of stress vary depending on a person's individual sensitivity, stress tolerance, and personal beliefs. In most cases, having lost a job, a person withdraws into himself - he feels guilty for what is happening and tries to solve the problem on his own. Closedness and alienation affect family relationships. Constant failures to find a new job result in breakdowns when a person behaves aggressively and hostilely: the accumulated anger finds a way out.

A former employee's sleep patterns are disrupted. During the day he is lethargic, and at night he is tormented by anxious thoughts that drive away sleep. Fatigue and lethargy are common manifestations of stress. After dismissal, a person loses interest in hobbies, family life, recreation - all his energy is aimed at solving one problem. The situation gets worse if no new job offers are received. A person feels that he is not needed as a professional in his field.

Prolonged stress manifests itself as memory deterioration. A person loses concentration, he is distracted and lost. Eating disorders are also common among people who have been laid off: a former employee tries to punish himself, feeling guilty for being fired.

Useful tips

  1. You can take antidepressants, but they will not bring happiness. You need stubbornness of spirit, take up a sport that you like. Psychologists highly recommend running. Connect your subconscious, tell it every day that every day everything is changing for the better.
  2. Causes depression and shortening of daylight hours (seasonal depression) in autumn and winter. Do light therapy: turn on a 10 lux fluorescent lamp daily for 1 hour and gradually increase the time to several hours. After 2-4 weeks the result is noticeable, the first improvement after 3 days. Now a system has been developed to extend daylight hours in winter; a special lamp is connected to a timer, which turns it on 2 hours before waking up in the morning.
  3. Relax with aromatherapy with different oils. Listen to your favorite music. Get a dog or a cat, it has long been proven that the devotion of pets, a simple touch to them calms down and discharges negativity.
  4. Another effective method, discovered by the ancient Romans, is the method of sleep deprivation, which is used even in the treatment of severe depression in mentally ill patients - a person is not allowed to sleep for 40 hours. The next morning there is a noticeable improvement. Or vice versa - long sleep.
  5. To rehabilitate the body, adaptogens are needed: drink herbal teas from ginseng, echinacea, and lemongrass.
  6. Avoid loneliness, go to people close to you, do not isolate yourself. Think about those who are worse off than you. You can fall in love, it's distracting.
  7. Turn to prayers, relaxation, rebirthing (special breathing techniques). Switch off for at least 5 minutes a day and don’t think about anything. Eat citrus fruits.

Prolonged depression

Girl on the floor in an empty room

You have accepted the situation and have no desire to change anything

If a person cannot find a job for a long period, his complex psycho-emotional state develops into depression. Coping with a depressed state is much more difficult; in such a state a person does not want anything. He has come to terms with a difficult situation and refuses to perceive difficulties as a temporary obstacle.

Prolonged depression does not affect a person's self-esteem. A person is ready to put up with difficulties, even if he considers them unfair. Depression develops against a background of severe depression, when there are no ambitions or aspirations. Against the backdrop of constant negativity, new difficulties arise as confirmation that the unemployed person deserves their current state.

Consequences of depression

If seasonal blues or stress go away over time (under the influence of the environment), then depression due to lack of work for no reason does not disappear. Over time, a person’s condition worsens: he becomes physically and mentally ill. Against the background of prolonged depression, hypochondria develops, which causes obvious symptoms. A person gets sick, freeing himself from internal pressure: this is how he finds an excuse for his inaction through illness.

During depression, a former employee lets life take its course. He lacks the instincts of a family protector or breadwinner. He withdraws from the lives of those around him - he is simply not interested in what his family is doing while he is going through a personal crisis. The psycho-emotional reaction decreases, and against the background of chronic fatigue, it seems that the person is completely exhausted.

Depression is more severe among young professionals who have not found a place in life but have been laid off. Low stress resistance and self-esteem form an incorrect perception of oneself as a member of society or a work team. As a result, the young specialist is unable to find a decent job and quickly gives up in the face of any difficulties.

Forget about the daily routine

When you don't have to go to work, maintaining a daily routine becomes difficult. There is nowhere to rush, and now the morning rise occurs not at 7 o’clock, but much later. And during the day he also sleeps very sweetly, especially after lunch. But falling asleep in the evening is no longer so easy, and there is a good reason to lie in bed longer in the morning. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, because the boss will not reprimand you for being late for work. However, such failures in the regime give a feeling of weakness and fatigue. We accomplish less and experience feelings of guilt and dissatisfaction with ourselves.

What to do? It is advisable to go to bed and get up at the same time. It is better if the time to get up is approximately the same as before when you went to work.

Fighting depression

Stress-resistant and self-confident people perceive dismissal as temporary obstacles and hidden opportunities. Correct perception of the fact of dismissal will allow you to get rid of internal tension.

To combat depression it is used:

  • auto-training;
  • refresher courses;
  • cognitive behavioral therapy (in case of prolonged depression);
  • new interests and hobbies;
  • meditation.

Working on your thinking and body allows you to change circumstances that the former employee is not happy with. The more control he gains, the faster he will dismiss difficulties as an impossible obstacle.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is used in extreme cases when a person is unable to independently break out of the vicious circle. This technique is based on the work of a psychoanalyst with a person experiencing a crisis. During the classes, the reasons for beliefs and attitudes that prevent a person from correctly perceiving difficulties are determined. Gradually, incorrect attitudes are replaced by new conclusions, which the person comes to independently.

Working on thoughts

Without working on your thoughts, it will not be possible to achieve a positive long-term result. Thoughts are the basis of a person’s actions. They determine her behavior, her actions and reactions. Work on thinking can be carried out in conditions that are comfortable for the unemployed. Auto-training is based on the daily repetition of certain motivating phrases. Such phrases are called affirmations, they promote the development of positive thinking. Over time, the unemployed person gets used to the phrases, begins to believe them, changing his own thinking.

Girl in the field

Think positively for quick results

Meditation is used to clear thoughts of negativity. The relaxation technique allows you to disconnect from the outside world and concentrate only on the main tasks. Buddhists believe that daily meditation for an hour helps to put life in order and find harmony. Choose a comfortable, quiet place for meditation. You can also use special relaxing music.

Body work


Constant physical work on yourself to maintain harmony

Work on the mind will be more effective if you do not forget about the body: harmony consists of two equal parts. It has been scientifically proven that exercise can help cope with depression and inner feelings. Group classes are also useful. New acquaintances will help a fixated person open up and let go of some of the anxiety.

Yoga classes combine relaxation techniques and physical activity. Exercises put the body in order, increase its tone and relieve excess tension in the muscles. Such activities are useful for people who do not like running or working out in the gym.

Daily walks in the fresh air help improve the mood of a man or woman. It is useful to leave the walls of the house, where disturbing thoughts haunt you. Field trips will help restore relationships with your family and begin a frank dialogue. Such activities are also good for the body of an unemployed person.

Try mindful breathing

Practicing some simple mindfulness techniques during this time will be very helpful, especially when you find yourself getting caught up in the past or running into the future with endless “what ifs” and “whys.”

When you feel like you're going back in time or into the future, think about your breathing:

➡️ Stop. Stop what you're doing and find a comfortable place to sit or lie down.

➡️ Breathe. Close your eyes and take a breath. Take a few deep breaths to slow down your fight, flight or freeze response.

➡️ Take note. Start noticing what you feel, think and do. Continue breathing for as long as you want, then open your eyes and notice how you feel.

➡️ Continue. Continue with what you are doing and return to your breathing if you feel your emotions returning.

New job search process

Girl reading a newspaper

Make an action plan and move forward with confidence

It’s not enough just to cope with depression due to being fired, you need to find the courage to start looking for a new job. It is difficult for an unemployed person to decide to have an interview or send out a resume. Causes of increased anxiety:

  • doubts in one's own abilities;
  • fear of failure;
  • fear of the unknown.

Before looking for a new job, a person should understand himself and understand in which direction to move next. If your previous position was promising, but did not bring any pleasure, it is worth considering the option of changing your field of activity. Such changes will encounter even more resistance: defensive reactions of the psyche can increase fear.

There is no need to be afraid to take on a new business; to improve self-esteem, take advanced training courses. Training will reveal the true potential of an individual and make her look at herself differently.

The right plan

Control and its lack is at the core of depression. In order to muffle anxiety, before looking for a new job, a plan of further actions is drawn up. Such a plan only helps to move on, but is not a reason for a new fixation. If what happens deviates from the plan, there is no need to become hysterical or panic. You should learn to accept life in which surprises happen.

The plan needs to think through the main stages to achieve the goal - a new position. An unemployed person chooses a specific place of work, position or area in which he wants to realize himself. The further plan is built around the goal: the stages of an interview, advanced training courses or additional training programs are included. Detailed steps allow you to avoid focusing on a global goal that causes panic.

The higher the step towards the goal, the easier it is to plan daily activities and deadlines before receiving a new position. The plan can change, be adjusted and take into account unforeseen circumstances. By accustoming himself to act gradually, the unemployed loses anxiety and internal tension.

Preparing for an interview

By writing a resume, an unemployed person declares the qualities and skills that he offers to the company. The first interview after dismissal will show how self-confident and presentable the person is in the chosen field. The best solution would be a standard resume, without unnecessary lyrical introductions. For employers, what is important is the employee’s qualifications, not his oratory skills.

Before the interview, you need to be in the right mood: take care of the appearance and presentation of your skills. Do not neglect a neat appearance. An employee is greeted by his clothes and seen off by his abilities. At a meeting with a recruiter (a company representative who conducts an interview), you should be collected and calm, answer questions clearly and briefly.

The results of the interview should not affect the person’s well-being and self-perception. In case of refusal, the general plan changes, but not the goal. You just need to lower your demands and demands on yourself.

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