How to overcome the fear of fighting and get rid of it forever?

All guys think about the question of how to overcome the fear of fighting. Despite all the stories from parents that conflicts need to be resolved only with the help of words, with age a person begins to understand that there are also situations when it is simply necessary to use fists. Everyone can tell more than one story from their life when they had to fight.

Fear is an extremely powerful emotion. Its roots lie in the instinct of self-preservation, and therefore it is quite normal to be afraid of something - if it does not take the form of panic, making it difficult to adequately assess the situation. The feeling of fear protects a person from making many wrong decisions and unjustified risks.

Psychologists note that the fear of a fight is neurotic in nature, that is, it is not tied to a specific object. Rather, it is caused by the desire to take care of oneself, lack of confidence in one’s own abilities, and the desire to protect oneself from danger.

It is impossible to get rid of the fear of fighting - you can only learn to control your emotions and not allow them to dictate terms.

Sign up for martial arts

Your solution to the problem is to sign up for a martial arts class , depending on which type you like best. Now there are many directions and styles. You will never regret the time spent.

I trained in hand-to-hand combat for two years and it was worth it . Yes, there were injuries, my arm was broken with a bone displaced, but this only made me stronger.

What training will give you in terms of technique and perception

  1. Fighting will become a common occurrence for you , and not something special. After the martial arts class, you won't be afraid of fighting.
  2. You will simply feel confident in conflict situations . This does not mean that you will always get into trouble and look for adventures. No.
  3. The more you are in difficult aggressive conditions during training, the easier you will be to endure dangerous conflict situations in the future.
  4. You will become hardened. The more experience you have, the harder it will be to break your morale.
  5. The development of all the blows and spiritual growth occurs precisely during training.
  6. You will be taught how to hold your fists, how to stand, and how to learn not to be afraid to fight.
  7. You will learn how to spar and work on the ground.

In martial arts sections and training, you will fully understand how to overcome the fear of fighting. Find a good coach, spare no expense and invest in your development.

Ask your friends where they practice martial arts.

The gateway is not the ring

It’s stupid to play at nobility and you have to hit hard, in the most vulnerable places.

The most vulnerable points on the body:

  • nose
  • throat
  • eyes
  • groin
  • underbelly
  • shin
  • knee-joint

At your leisure, master a minimum of self-defense: learn to suddenly and accurately (no special force is needed) hit these points. Pretend to straighten your tie or hair. Having covered half the distance to the enemy’s face with this trick, hit with a short, precise movement. It's more difficult to hit the groin. It is especially difficult if the enemy is wearing long clothes. Don't figure out where his legs come from - go for the head.

Exercises to work through fear of combat

A fight is not only a struggle of skills and abilities, it is also a battle of realities.

greatly strengthen you from training in hand-to-hand combat .

Exercise “Two people are surrounded in a ring”

  • Two people stand in the center with their backs to each other , and the rest of the guys surround them, standing in a circle, and deliver light blows.
  • The blows are not such as to directly kill, but the guys just mark the places where you open up .
  • If I am defending with my back with a friend in a circle, I have the right to fight back, parry blows and dodge. As the coach says, “you can snap.”

Benefits of this type of exercise

  1. This exercise simply awakens you, whether you like it or not. You're not afraid of someone punching you in the face.
  2. You manage to respond to blows , your opponents with peripheral vision fight off several people at once .
  3. Your efficiency increases incredibly. The more often you do this in training, the faster you will understand how to overcome your fear of fighting. A very useful exercise.

Exercise “Every man for himself”

The second exercise is called “every man for himself”.

  1. To begin with, we are given half of the hall, where everyone defends himself and fights off everyone else.
  2. Here, too, all the blows are done carefully, there is no need to injure anyone, but no one is allowed to yawn either.
  3. After an interval of time, the area narrows : if at first we fight in half of the hall, then after a period of time we are already in a quarter of the hall. And so on.
  4. Try to get into the middle, into the very heap, if you really want to understand how to stop being afraid of a fight.

Benefits of the second exercise

  • The point is that you learn to fight in a limited area and are not afraid of the number of people.
  • Here you really give your all and rely only on yourself.
  • It’s okay if someone hits you from the side at first when you’re fighting off one opponent.
  • Over time you will begin to manage your distance, learn not to let your opponent get close, keep distance and strikes , and understand how to overcome the fear of a fight.
  • You will no longer be confused by the crowd.

Symptoms of fear

The brain quickly assesses the situation and sends a signal to the somatic system to activate defense mechanisms. This system is responsible for uncontrollable manifestations of fear under the influence of the hormone adrenaline.

When it enters the blood, it causes the following changes:

  • dilation of the pupils - the amount of light falling on the lenses of the eyes increases, which allows you to better see the enemy, especially in the dark;
  • blood vessels narrow, increasing pressure at this time and reducing the risk of bleeding when injured;
  • increased sense of smell – improvement of the body’s defense mechanisms.

These symptoms may also cause dizziness, headache, tremors and upset stomach.

Sometimes fear of a fight can manifest itself in the form of panic attacks. At this time, a person experiences hot flashes alternately with chills. He lacks air, and sometimes he can lose consciousness from suffocation.

Stomach upset

Fear can lead to stomach upset

Benefits of martial arts for energy and spiritual growth

What martial arts provide spiritually:

  1. A permanent state of peace , harmony, relaxation and relaxation wherever you are.
  2. Inner core , self-confidence.
  3. Lots of energy , inner strength, love of life, mobility.
  4. Working through the fear of large crowds.
  5. Male polarity.
  6. The ability to take the state from oneself and not absorb the state of the environment is pumped up.
  7. All the crap gets knocked out, less aggression after training.
  8. Internal dialogue is turned off.
  9. The ability to monitor breathing , control breathing.
  10. Less wasted energy.
  11. The fear of sparring is removed.

There are many benefits from martial arts.

All these harsh conditions, sparring and ground training, aggression, intensity of emotions, rudeness will affect you in such a way that outside the gym, all the places for you, wherever you go and wherever you are, will be simply heavenly and quiet corners .

How does the Ego stand for and what does the ego mean: definition and signs. Find out how to get rid of false ego, arrogance and vanity and how to be more aware.

Always know how to find witty responses to girls’ insults and pass women’s tests in our new article.

The reasons for this fear

You have to do the most terrible things for you! Because if this doesn't happen, it stops you from still other things.

If you can get rid of the fear of fighting, you have more freedom of action.

The main reasons for the fear of fighting:

  1. Fear of a fight is fear of death . If you are not afraid to die, you are not afraid of anything.
  2. Clinging to your body and identifying yourself with the body.
  3. Projecting events into the future , thinking ahead and empty attempts to predict events in the future.
  4. Focus on the external . Focus on anything but being here and now.
  5. Lack of fighting skills and lack of experience in fighting.
  6. False Beliefs and Perceptions . For example, lack of confidence in yourself and your abilities.
  7. Resistance to fear only strengthens it . If it is there, accept it and don’t resist.

In society, death and the fear of death have been modified into a degree of incredible fear.

Dying is not as scary as it is shown on TV and as it is embellished in Hollywood films.

The illusion is laid down from childhood - like dying is scary.


Many people want to overcome the fear of fighting. And ask them - why? “Defend yourself”, “defend your honor, your rights”, “defend someone”, “prove that I...” - the answer will be similar, that is, behind all this lies humiliated dignity and chronic self-doubt. So this is what we need to work with. All other fears associated with fighting are a normal reflexive reaction to danger. And the complete disappearance of the feeling of fear could have unpredictable consequences for humanity. The ability to diplomatically resolve conflict issues is a highly intellectual property, in contrast to courage, which is also inherent in animals.

How to fight a crowd, psychology

The psychology of combat in order to stop being afraid of fighting with the crowd:

  • In a crowd, everyone always hopes for the other and waits for initiative from their partner . When a fight is planned and even if you are in the minority, the attackers are always waiting for each other - who will be the first to attack you.
  • You need to attack the strongest of the crowd first . Find him and attack. This is what will take them by surprise. If he is afraid, others will also be afraid along with him.
  • You can scare or make a false swing at a weak opponent, and suddenly switch to the strongest one. This will allow you to keep your distance and not let your opponents get close.
  • Don't give up and fight . Any weakness is punishable.

Knowing these points will help you fight on the street or indoors and not get beaten.

Tips before the inevitable fight

There are situations when a properly structured dialogue does not give the desired result. Or the person doesn’t have time to say a word at all, and the opponent is already rushing at him with fists. In this case, no matter how much you would like, it is impossible to avoid a fight. Therefore, it is worth learning to repel and fight back an aggressive opponent.

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These tips will help you before the inevitable fight:

  1. No matter how much fear envelops you, it is absolutely forbidden to show it to your opponent . If your opponent feels insecure, it will give him more strength. You need to learn to hide your own emotions. Seeing a worthy opponent in front of him, the opponent may become frightened himself, and then the fight may not take place at all.
  2. It is worth considering not only your own state, but also the mood of the enemy. It is likely that he himself is anxious and afraid of feeling physical pain. Given his behavior, the person himself will be able to decide to ignore the attacks or to strike first. By the way, professional fighters claim that the one who strikes first has a greater chance of winning.
  3. Apply smart image tactics . Aggressive gestures and a belligerent posture can frighten an opponent, and he himself will hasten to run away, because even the bravest opponent does not want to be beaten.
  4. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation and your own strengths. To do this, it is worth assessing the chance of victory and, if it is minimal, thinking about a way to retreat. Ending up in the hospital with serious injuries is not the best decision, and therefore if your opponent is superior to you in all respects, it may be worth running away.
  5. A good solution would be to purchase any of the self-defense means available to citizens and learn how to use it. You should not purchase a knife for safety, since using it risks killing a person and incurring criminal liability.

How a conscious fighter should behave

All conflict situations are resolved with the help of words.

Fighting is the last and unnecessary solution to a problem..

The power of words is stronger than fists

A conscious person who knows how to fight and is confident in his abilities will never resolve quarrels with his fists. He is confident in his abilities without it.

A conscious fighter never just waves his fists , this is the most recent and unnecessary thing. He will never brag or demonstrate strength. This is the lot of a weak and pathetic person.

A strong person does not need to show others for people to see his strength. And even more so, a strong person does not need to be feared. This is the most vain and base desire.

People will recognize you as a fighter if you are one.

Personality always comes out . People can sense in you the ability to stand up for yourself. This is expressed in everything: in your look, in the way you speak.

I don’t see aggressive and pugnacious people, for me they don’t exist. I only see good and positive people. The rest are outside my reality.

Verbal barbs: how to competently respond to insults and correctly respond to rudeness - 5 strong methods.

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About self-exploration and self-awareness: enlightenment and awakening, free yourself from suffering.

Reasons for fear of fighting

In case of the slightest threat, the instinct of self-preservation kicks in. The body begins to release adrenaline, brain activity becomes dull. In such a state, a person must quickly make one of two decisions - to flee or to repel the blow. When he hesitates, a person is enveloped in a panic attack, and in such a state it is not easy to escape or defeat the enemy.

You shouldn’t be ashamed of your own fear; you need to learn to get the better of it and get rid of it. You need to admit to yourself that the fear of a fight is present and start working on it. But first, it is important to understand the reason why you become scared before a fight. Only then will it be possible to answer the question of how not to be afraid of a fight.

Fear of hitting a person

There is no such person who would not be afraid of pain. But often a person is afraid not only to experience pain on himself, but also to inflict it on another, even an aggressive opponent.

Psychology identifies real phobias, because of which a person will never be able to cross the line and respond with force to force. For example, hemophobia is a fear of blood, in which the skin turns pale, a person begins to tremble and may lose consciousness.

Algophobia is also classified as fear of experiencing pain. Algophobia occurs if a person has previously experienced severe pain. Algophobia in most cases stems from childhood, when a person was seriously injured or faced physical abuse at a young age.

Fear of pain

Often the fear of experiencing pain comes from childhood. As a rule, memories are associated with physical violence that was once experienced.

We are talking not only about those who faced the use of force for misconduct in the family, but also about those who, as teenagers, got into fights with peers and were beaten.

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Fear of conflicts

There is no such person who would not find himself in a conflict situation. Often the conflict that begins escalates into assault. Of course, this situation does not happen to those who believe that any dispute can be resolved through dialogue. But unfortunately, in the absence of arguments, for some, the use of force becomes the only option.

It is especially difficult to find a compromise in adolescence and resolve conflicts with children raised by the “street”.

How to resolve conflicts without fighting, psychology

I was often provoked into fights in clubs and there were many cases when guys wanted to fight with me.

How to resolve situations peacefully and calmly without fighting:

  • Look the aggressor straight in the eyes and listen to him , without showing the slightest aggression on your part. Project only calmness through your gaze.
  • There is no need to look with bullish eyes , otherwise nothing will work out. If you don't make eye contact, you won't be able to control the situation.
  • A person can tell by your eyes whether you are afraid or not.
  • Just listen to his position and do not reinforce the person’s negativity in any way..
  • Don't adopt the angry communication style of an emotional person . Speak in your calm, confident voice.
  • When the aggressor realizes that you are not feeding his emotionality , reach out and shake his hand. This will close your conflict. The maximum that can happen is that he will not want to shake hands and will leave, satisfying his satisfied ego.

Do not feed a person’s negativity and aggression in any way! Don't give him any fuel for his anger!

That's all. In fact, only practice and acute conflicts will make you understand that they are not so acute.

You can't fake the ability to fight

If you are confident and can stand up for yourself, a person will feel it. He himself will understand the unnecessaryness of the fight.

Confidence in fighting ability cannot be faked.

If you don't know how to fight, then you can't stand up for yourself.

No matter how hard you try to show the opposite with your appearance, the truth always comes out. Therefore, training and practicing martial arts is important to suppress the fear of fighting.

Be fearless . This is your solution to the problem.

How to stay calm and not worry before a fight

How to stay calm and not worry before a fight

In the early 90s, several people from my martial arts section joined criminal structures. Everyone chooses their own Path of Extreme. It was these guys who pointed out that the technique taught to them about maintaining composure before hand-to-hand combat really works. It helps to calm down before a fight, extreme sports and in an emergency situation.

About the method in the words of a practitioner:

The best recommendations, according to the author of the blog “The Path of Extreme” (, are the words of a real user who has been in dozens of street fights with and without bladed weapons. Such showdowns were popular at the very beginning of the criminal 90s, when there were few unregistered firearms on hand.

From the memories of a former student (edited):

Often before a hand-to-hand fight at a “strelka” (a meeting of criminal gangs to sort things out - author’s note) there is some free time when the “elders” talk, exchange opinions, claims and sometimes try to resolve the issue without a fight. All this time you are “undermining” (in a state of expecting the worst, possibly with a fatal outcome - author’s note). At these moments, your breathing exercise helped best (addressing me - author's note). Thanks to him, we remained calm, were better prepared for the fight, controlled the periphery better and often emerged victorious only due to our composure.

About the technique of maintaining calm

The exercise is based on the knowledge I acquired while studying Wu Shu and Hatha Yoga in the mid to late 1980s. The main principle of the exercise is to distract consciousness from one’s own fear and at the same time mobilize one’s internal and external forces. It's about breathing.

We have already written about the importance of breathing and the possibility of using it here and in this article, but now we will use this vital property of the body to achieve calm during an emotional crisis. We will need a little imagination and basic knowledge.

Exercise to stay calm

There are three main types of breathing:

1. Upper (chest, often used by women). 2. Average general (diaphragm, normal breathing of most men). 3. Lower (most often used as special breathing, natural for yogis).

Of all the ones listed, we are interested in the last type. Lower breathing is performed exclusively from the lower abdomen, with the abdomen (bottom) falling inward and protruding when exhaling and inhaling. The chest and diaphragm do not work at this time.

The essence of the exercise is to focus on your lower breathing and count your inhalations and exhalations. I emphasize once again that special attention must be paid to ensuring that the chest and diaphragm are constantly in a state of full exhalation - that is, they are not involved at all.

The score is made depending on the level of tension of the situation. If the level is average, think like this:

• Inhale on 21-22-23 (exactly “twenty-two”, not “two”, since pronouncing this number to yourself corresponds more to one second than just the number “two”). • Exhale on 21-22-23.

If the situation is critical, add one number to the inhalation and exhalation (21-22-23-24). If the maximum of the crisis is another number, etc. This will allow you to focus on mobilizing your internal strength, calm your heart rate, saturate your body with oxygen in the right amount, and most importantly:

• Adequately and calmly, without emotions, assess the surrounding tactical situation: the alignment and balance of forces, terrain features, escape routes, options for action, etc. Naturally, you need to practice in advance.

Another Simple Method to Calm Yourself from Zen Buddhism

• Sit or stand straight. • Select a point 30-40 cm in front of you, in the air (that is, in empty space without reference to objects). • Inhale slowly through your full diaphragm. • Immediately after you start exhaling, hold your breath (you have time to release a maximum of 5% of your lung volume - this is for mathematicians). • Look at a point in space, count to one hundred, don’t think about anything (in this position it’s easy - see for yourself) and hold your breath for as long as possible, at least a minute. • Exhale slowly.

It didn’t help the first time - repeat the procedure. But in most cases, if the situation is not particularly critical and you are not a very emotional person, it acts immediately.

From the author:

As for ordinary life, it is worth remembering three rules and a fourth opinion, which complement and balance each other:

1. 90% of everything in the world is absolute nonsense (philosophers and psychologists). 2. A bolt based on the opinions of others makes life much easier (F. Ranevskaya). 3. Do not allow other people’s doubts into yourself (Buddhism, the Chan school (Japanese “Zen”)). 4. We are only guests in this world, but this does not mean that we should spit in it (author).

Peace of mind to all of us, friends!
It is calmness that will help you survive in extreme situations and live a full life. Source: OUR FACEBOOK PAGE: WE ARE VKONTAKTE:

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