Features of the psychology of poverty: what does it consist of?

The term “psychology of poverty” has gained mass appeal thanks to business trainings. Official psychology does not consider the psychology of poverty as a separate subject or condition, since its philosophy follows a slightly different course than success training and training for high earnings. Nevertheless, the phenomenon of the psychology of poverty (however, not considered by everyone as a real phenomenon) has generated a lot of discussion both in the academic community and (for the most part) among popular mass figures and practitioners.

How to get rid of the psychology of poverty


As soon as a person realized that he could not survive alone, communities began to be created where there were never people equal in wealth. There have always been people who knew how to get wealth and keep it, and those whose wealth did not linger. Many believe that it was easier to achieve goals in the past, but even today many make their way from the very bottom. This happens because some are focused on achieving their dreams and achieve this by any means, while others are afraid to take risks and change something in their lives. A constant lack of money and a reluctance to change one’s financial situation is the psychology of poverty.

It is common for people to strive for stability. If a person lived his entire childhood in poverty, then already at a conscious age, even if he achieves incredible success in business, he will not strive to spend money on pleasure, but will count every penny. The “Christmas Carol” about Scrooge, familiar to everyone from childhood, most fully describes this human state of mind. This story is based on real events and reflects how a poverty complex develops into pathological stinginess.

An inferiority complex is a leading complex that gives rise to a series of behavioral deviations. This is a normal phenomenon of the human psyche. A person who has been abandoned by his significant other will start fleeting romances in order to stop suffering for her. An inferiority complex often transforms into a poverty complex. This is the whole psychology of poverty.

What is meant by the psychology of poverty?

The psychology of poverty is certain stereotypes of thinking that do not allow a person to improve his financial situation.

Have you noticed that people with the same income level can make completely different impressions? One is poorly dressed, complains that there is always not enough money, and is used to cutting corners on himself. And the other one, on the contrary, looks successful and often pampers himself.

The first character is unlikely to change anything in 5, or even 10, years. But for the second one it’s the other way around. Soon he can make a fortune and quickly acquire many material benefits.

The differences in the psychology of these two categories of people will be discussed further. They lie not only in a rational approach to spending money, but also in differences in thinking that lead to wealth or poverty.

Psychology of poverty, habits and differences of a beggar person


The signs of the psychology of poverty are quite varied.

  1. Buying expensive things in order to keep up with the canons accepted in a certain social circle. This is a complete inability to manage your finances.
  2. Self-pity, constant complaints.
  3. Lack of confidence in one's own capabilities. Hope for money to come out of nowhere: winnings, inheritance.
  4. Reluctance to change jobs with low pay because they are stable.
  5. Inability to correctly assess sources of income and benefit from them.
  6. Saving for yourself and your loved ones. This refers to buying cheap food for your family to save money.
  7. Fear and reluctance to make efforts in trying to achieve financial well-being.
  8. Reluctance to throw away trash. Many people have a urge to keep old things, even when they have fallen into disrepair and new ones have already been purchased (books, things, equipment, furniture).

Robert Kiyosaki's aphorism about poverty

Reasons for genetic programming for poverty according to N. Grace

Well-known lecturer and business coach Natalya Grace identifies 4 factors that genetically program poverty :

  • The presence of dirt and old things everywhere, the reluctance to replace or clean them, explaining this by lack of funds.
  • Philistinism. Consuming everything old and spoiled, and everything new is left for a rainy day.
  • Cinderella complex. Unbridled accumulation of funds, fear of spending money on yourself, life surrounded by everything old.
  • Subconscious programming. It is inevitable when constantly observing the impoverished situation.

Poverty syndrome

The poor man's syndrome is instilled in us from our school desks. We are always told that poverty is not a vice. Here there is a clear influence of public opinion, which already implants a deliberately incorrect attitude in the child’s subconscious. There is nothing shameful in the fact that a person wants to look good, wear beautiful clothes and use newfangled household items, but they are trying their best to convince us of this, killing all high aspirations in a person in advance. Poor man's syndrome is more a sociological term than a psychological one. Poverty includes the concept of not only a meager income, but also a habitual way of life that is passed on from one generation to another. The psychology of poverty also includes stereotypes imposed on people in childhood.

Such norms of behavior pull a person deeper and deeper into their pool and do not allow them to get out of there, pre-programming their consciousness for poverty:

  • First, the children are taught that there is nothing to do at the resorts, there is a dacha where they need to work;
  • then they condemn the rich, saying that they stole everything;
  • Afterwards they say that there is no need to get a higher education, you still can’t jump further than a janitor.

The psychology of poverty and poverty syndrome are synonymous concepts that involve humbly accepting one’s situation. This is a lack of faith in yourself, in the possibility of changing a predetermined scenario.

By the way, religious beliefs also do not contribute to the growth of self-esteem. In many beliefs, everything that can bring pleasure to a person is sinful.

In certain social groups, a common passive line of behavior develops, which they do not cross. Over time, people begin to feel comfortable in the image of a victim who belongs to a low-income social group. This is how the understanding begins to form that everyone owes them.

A similar example is some single mothers and large families, who are classified as vulnerable segments of the population. They don’t pay money for food in kindergartens and schools, their children go to university for free, regardless of their level of knowledge, and parents don’t even try to make attempts to improve the well-being of the family on their own. As a result, children from such families believe that everything in life will be presented to them just like that.

Part 5. Hatred of other people's success

One of the most serious problems of Homo N. is the inability to follow the example of successful people. This group of behavioral patterns and attitudes is so harmful that it deserves special mention.

  1. Neighbor's cow

Homo N. sincerely hates a successful neighbor, colleague, classmate. He is even ready to sacrifice his own cow, just so that his neighbor’s two die. Gouge out your own eyes if your neighbor loses two. Instead of focusing on his own affairs, Homo N. wastes his energy and nerve cells on paying attention to other people's lives. Sometimes he even wastes his time on dirty tricks and intrigues.

And why aren’t useful connections being established?

  1. Devaluing other people's achievements

Homo N. is sure that successful people have everything much easier than him: studies, career, business. Typical words from the vocabulary of Homo N.: “lucky”, “and I’m here like a fish on ice”, “that’s also an achievement for me”, “yes, I would with such money/talents/starting conditions”, “everyone around is thieves”, “ probably through connections."

And Homo N. is firmly convinced that bosses and businessmen are idle, amusing themselves by “spreading rot” of their subordinates. (Homo N. himself would have done exactly this if he had been “placed”).

It would seem that the person is jealous. But everything is much worse: Homo N. is closing the doors to a normal career and honest business.

  1. I would steal too, let them teach me...

Homo N. will never forgive his neighbor for buying a new car, but he bows to wealth and power. And secretly admires theft on a global scale.

According to a survey by the Public Opinion Foundation, representatives of the poor largely believe that success is achieved through meanness and cunning. At the same time, the rich ranked labor first in this survey.

But Homo N. will never believe that it works. Therefore, he tries to build a career by pleasing his superiors, intriguing and trying to break through to the “feeding trough”.

  1. Unsuccessful environment

Hatred of those who are better makes Homo N. avoid their circle. He is much more comfortable among people like him and those below him. Let them drag you to the bottom rather than cause an inferiority complex! (Successful people form their social circle exactly the opposite.)

And from here - all the same “broken windows”. The circle is closed. Is it possible to break it?


The psychology of poverty can be easily corrected. The main thing is to correctly assess the situation and understand the difference between reality and far-fetched facts that prevent you from achieving financial well-being. First of all, you should start with your attitude towards yourself, your inner “I”. Learn to see the positive in yourself, not just the negative.

Before you get rid of the psychology of poverty, look at the reasons that brought you to this state. Don't be afraid to go against generally accepted standards. When a goal seems unrealistic, do not despair. Streamline the task by dividing it into equal parts. Start with the simplest one and see how step by step you can achieve success in any field of activity. Human possibilities are limitless, we need to use them correctly. So it is with the psychology of poverty. It needs to be transformed into a positive trait that will spur movement.

Use the slightest opportunity to earn extra money, don’t be content with little. Money is not evil, as we are told. If you have money, you will not become a bad person. You can simply realize yourself in life.

Principles of Wealth

How to get rid of poverty?

The negative model of poverty will not be eliminated immediately. This process requires a lot of effort, time and patience. It is worth trying some positive attitudes that will help neutralize negative thinking patterns:

Take fate into your own hands

Don't be afraid to take responsibility for your actions. Gain psychological maturity. Rethink your actions: now no one but you deserves praise for your successes and no one but you is to blame for your failures.

Change your social circle

Make acquaintances with successful and useful people who can share their experiences with you. Don't spend time with whiners and losers. If you do not have the opportunity to be surrounded by influential people, then at least watch videos of business trainings and interviews with successful people.

Constantly learn

New knowledge needs to be acquired throughout life, and not just in college. Analyze the labor market and decide what services you could offer to society. Be motivated by the success of famous people.

Create a plan for financial growth

Start with small goals. Change your strategy as opportunities arise.

* * *

So, the psychology of poverty is not a sentence or karma. It is quite possible to get rid of this condition, because in this case the struggle is worth the result.


Signs of a poverty complex are immediately visible. These are special behavioral characteristics that are provoked by the same incorrect attitudes. A person does not want to show that he is poor and tries with all his might to maintain his reputation in public. This is one example when a person simply does not know how to manage money correctly. In pursuit of “rich man standards,” a person spends fabulous sums on completely unnecessary fashion items, leaving no money for food. With his entire appearance, he tries to show that he is wealthy, leaving a tip for the waiter in an expensive cafe, but at home he may not have furniture.

The reasons for this attitude towards one’s own money are hidden in the social norms imposed on us in a certain society, and the lack of education. This often happens with schoolchildren, especially teenagers, when they start begging for a terrible thing that is not needed, but only because some Dima or Olya has it. These Dima or Olya humiliate other children, citing the fact that they have this thing, therefore they are better. Parents, heeding the pleas of their offspring, buy the item instead of conveying to their consciousness the correct attitude.

In this case, the psychology of the poor person is to create the illusion of wealth. But it is important to understand that visibility does not make you rich, but the opposite.

Expensive car

Attributes of wealth do not always mean a person is successful

Part 2. Why money doesn’t like beggars

This is a consequence of the above problems with planning, thinking and lifestyle. It's hard to get out of poverty if you handle money in such a way that it wants to run away from you!

  1. One candy, but today

The dominant financial strategy of Homo N. is “here and now.” In a psychological experiment, when making a choice between one candy now or two tomorrow, some preschoolers prefer to be patient. But for an adult infected with the psychology of poverty, it costs nothing to buy an expensive item and then borrow “until payday.”

  1. What is two and two? You need to look at the contract

Representatives of this social stratum, as studies have shown, are characterized by problems with everyday mathematics: they often, even with a calculator, cannot calculate the overpayment on a credit card or the benefits of a deposit. It is not surprising that in most cases, after a big win in the lottery, Homo N. plunges back into poverty. And he even becomes poorer than he was.

  1. Gobsek's savings

However, some Homo N. go to the other extreme: they deify primitive hoarding and pessimistic saving - for a “rainy day”.

It is this category of people who hide bills under the mattress and develop Plyushkin syndrome. Such people even save on flushing the toilet. And if they forked out money for a fur coat, they will keep it in the closet until the moth eats it.

“And why do you need us? - Big money asks. “You’ll get by.”

  1. Greed

Even that there is greed - redneck! Homo N. is afraid to overpay, “squeezes” tips, and demonstrates the basest qualities when dividing the inheritance. It is Homo N., having bought himself an expensive thing, who raises a scandal at school: “Why should I pay for an excursion for a child?!”

  1. Pettiness

It manifests itself in different ways: in saving “on matches”, in calculating after dinner in a group who ate how much, in worries about the ruble overpaid ten years ago (how can one forget such an insult!). And most importantly, this pettiness permeates the consciousness. Hence - petty vindictiveness, rancor, inability to forgive and let go of the situation. A man with a broad soul is not about the hero of our novel.

The consequence of general pettiness is the small goals of Homo N. He does not know how to dream big.

Well, his money is also small.

  1. Focus on survival

Homo N. is a down-to-earth person. He strives to satisfy only the needs from the lower levels of Maslow's pyramid. Even dreams of luxury are of the nature of “eating better and sleeping better.” Craving for aesthetics? Social recognition? Self-actualization? No, I haven't heard.

  1. This is not for us

Typical installation of poverty from “hereditary”. Having failed to achieve success, Homo N. tries to shorten the offspring: “Where are you going? This is not for people like us! Every cricket know its nest!” These mental formulas are subject to the most severe burning.

  1. "I have enough"

Homo N. is prone to self-deception. When he wants an apple, but for some reason it doesn’t want to fall into his mouth, he uses the argument of the fox with the grapes from the fable. “I don’t need this,” our character consoles himself. (“It’s not necessary, it’s not necessary,” the money shrugs and moves away.)

But here’s what’s interesting... Give Homo N. something for free - and it will immediately turn out that not only is it necessary, but also “give more”!

  1. Where are you, goldfish?

So we have reached one of the key characteristics of all citizens infected with the psychology of poverty. Their favorite fairy tales are about a goldfish, a magic pike, and so on. In trading, by the way, such individuals also occur. But they don’t stay for long - the dream of winning the jackpot ruins them.

If you don’t want to join this community, erase the word “freebie” from your vocabulary! Forever.

  1. Hate and love for money

Where does all this come from? The point is the overly emotional attitude of Homo N. towards the golden calf. On the one hand, he is convinced that money is evil. On the other hand, he deifies money, attaches increased importance to it, and craves to possess it. A painful passion that... scares away the object of adoration.


All complexes come from childhood, so it is necessary to give children the right psychological education in a timely manner. There is no need to prove to anyone that you are rich. No one has the right to condemn a person for being poor or rich. Today there is money, but tomorrow it may not be there. Everyone remembers how the currency changed and people lost a lot of money in their savings books. Back then people wanted to increase their capital, but it turned out the other way around.

Children must understand that any thing is money. You need to clearly distinguish between things that are necessary and those that are needed for fun. For example, a computer for a student in an institution where the main subject is computer science is a necessity, but a game console in adolescence, by and large, is not needed.

Just because there is no game console, the child does not become bad or defective. He must understand this first of all. Healthy self-esteem also plays a big role. If a child understands himself in society, understands his importance, it will not even occur to him to ask for a meaningless thing that everyone has. Identical things make us a herd, eradicating uniqueness, individuality, laying into the subconscious an attitude of the same type of behavior.

Income distribution

People with different income levels have different distributions of cash flows.

Wealthy people often adhere to the “norm” strategy when receiving and spending money. They realistically assess their needs and capabilities, earn as much as they planned, spend as much as they need, and make savings.

People with average incomes usually live according to the “plain” strategy. They earn exactly what they plan to spend. With such a strategy, a person is deprived of any financial development. He always has a need to cover his expenses and has no time to grow. Accordingly, there is no question about accumulating funds.

And finally, people whose income is below average usually follow the “pit” strategy. They make big plans for their money, yet they earn little and spend a lot. Over time, the inability and unwillingness to earn money leads to the fact that a person is constantly in material subordination. He blindly fulfills the demands of the one on whom his material condition depends.

The poor value money, and the rich value time.

People who dream of wealth are absolutely sure that if they have money, they will be able to enjoy a long luxurious life. They spend a lot of time working, but are unable to realize their potential.

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People with significant capital value only time. They understand that they cannot extend it even if they have a lot of money. They try to gain as much experience as possible to change and improve their destiny. They are focused on leading a fun and productive life, so they never refuse to help others.

Why can't you get out of poverty?

The question of why some people live in wealth and others in poverty has worried humanity since ancient times. Social injustice throughout history has more than once become the cause of conflicts between representatives of the upper and lower classes. The poor grumbled, rose up to fight the rich, took everything from them and established new orders. And still, after the coup, there was no equality in society. As before, some prospered and became rich, while others remained in need.

After analyzing the activities of representatives of various strata of society, sociologists and psychologists came to the conclusion that the culprit of all human material problems is a special internal attitude - the psychology of poverty.

In other words, according to experts in the science of the human soul, poor people themselves are to blame for their problems. Poverty, just like wealth, has its reasons. And these are not natural disasters, a curse or chronic bad luck, as many tend to think. The root of poverty is not buried so deep.

Attitude to money

One scientist and researcher found that people with high incomes are more likely to see a connection between money and achievements than others. As income increases, the role of money in a person’s life first increases and then decreases. This is some interesting psychology. Money is needed most of all by those with an average level of income. It was also noted that as income increases, a person’s tendency to conceal the amount of their earnings increases.

Research shows that a person's attitude towards factors such as power, quality, prestige, anxiety and mistrust does not depend on the amount of money. In other words, the level of happiness is not directly related to the level of income. There are much stronger sources of happiness: leisure makes us 42% happier; family – by 39%; work (as a way to realize one’s potential) – by 38%; friends – by 37%; relationships with the opposite sex – by 34%; and, finally, health – by 34%. Attitude towards money expresses a person’s unmet needs and determines the model of his behavior in the sphere of social and economic relations.

Attitude to money reflects the following factors:

  1. Taboo about money. Today, talking about intimate relationships is less taboo than talking about money and the income level of the interlocutor. Questions about the level of earnings are considered bad manners.
  2. Age and gender. Men are more rational than women when it comes to spending money. When there is no opportunity to buy something, it is the girls who are most upset. The older a person is, the better he knows the value of money.
  3. Personal characteristics, in particular self-esteem. The lower it is, the more importance a person attaches to money.

Psychology of poverty and wealth

Attitudes towards material wealth are formed under the influence of such factors:

  1. Early childhood experiences.
  2. Intergroup rivalry.
  3. Beliefs.
  4. Parental attitude towards money.

Each of us has a certain “financial corridor”, and we unconsciously strive to be in it. At an unconscious level, a person sees and notices only those circumstances and facts that correspond to his personal beliefs, ignoring information that does not correspond to his picture of the world. To expand your capabilities, you need to get out of your comfort zone, learn to admit your mistakes and constantly try something new. The psychology of poverty rejects development and greatly limits a person, preventing him from realizing his potential.

People of low income are always skeptical

If a person receives a low salary, then he is almost always dissatisfied with his life and the behavior of others. In any individual he sees a fraudster who is trying to deceive other people. Often poor people needlessly blame other citizens, and are also skeptical not only about work, but also about leisure.

Rich people are more gullible. They often leave apartments or cars open, since they get all the property quite easily. The poor know how to value their goods, so they try in every possible way to protect themselves from thieves and scammers.

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Beggars assume, rich check

Quite often there is a need to find out the answer to a particular question. People who do not have significant wealth tend to trust assumptions and unverified facts.

People who have significant capital are accustomed to checking absolutely any information. Therefore, if they are interested in the answer to any question, they consult specialists and also study reliable sources of information.

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Bad habits

Spending on regularly rising prices for cigarettes and alcohol is a significant blow to a family budget with a low income. Sometimes a couple of trips to a bar or restaurant can cause such significant damage to your wallet that in the time remaining before payday you will have to save even on the necessary things.

Love a healthy and wholesome vacation: swim on the beach in the summer, take nature walks in the golden autumn, ice skating and skiing in the winter. Choose an activity you enjoy that is not too financially burdensome.

Save the money you save and achieve your goal to stop being a poor person.

Goal formation

Scientists have proven that success is most often achieved by those who clearly know what they want. One of the most prestigious universities in the world conducted a survey with one simple question: “Do you set clear, written goals for the future?” The result showed that 3% of respondents write down their goals, 13% know what they want but do not write it down, and the remaining 84% do not have any clear goals other than to graduate. Ten years later, the same people were asked about their income levels. It was found that respondents who had goals but did not write them down earned twice as much as those who did not set goals. But the most interesting thing is that the same 3% of survey participants who wrote down their goals earned ten times more than everyone else. There is, perhaps, nothing to add here.

The TV is broken. I need to save up and buy a new one

You cannot immediately afford to buy such a necessary thing as a TV, because there is no stabilization fund. There are two comments here. Firstly, there really is life without TV. Secondly, it is dangerous to exist in our state without savings. Even with our savings we can suffer. So it’s better to put it off at least a little.

The poor buy big TVs, while the rich boast large libraries

Beggars prefer to spend their free time watching various television programs or films. They do not want to develop and learn, so they cannot create or come up with new ideas.

Rich people spend their leisure time reading books. With the help of printed publications, they gain a lot of new knowledge and skills, so they can easily realize their unusual ideas and original ideas.

Thus, there are certain things and features by which one can determine whether a person is rich or poor. This is especially clear in relation to surrounding people, in terms of the speed of solving problems and in behavior in society.

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