What does it mean to be a moral person from the perspective of different cultures?

To learn how to actively listen and speak persuasively, you must first find out what your attitudes, goals and desires are and, if necessary, adjust them. On the importance of moral principles

Moral attitudes are a set of beliefs that you accept without evidence, your belief that people will behave in a certain way, formed before they act. Attitudes accompany a person throughout his life, but they tend to change under the influence of various circumstances. In other words, we constantly make assumptions about events and people, just as other people make assumptions about you. Attitudes exist objectively and do not necessarily play a negative role. Information processing. Installations help to obtain information about the world around us. For example, when you are driving, your subconscious mind prevents you from getting distracted and tells you what to do at one time or another to stay safe. Preparing for difficulties. Moral attitude helps you prepare for difficult situations and tells you what to do if unexpected difficulties arise.

Gaining new experience. Moral attitude helps to formulate ideas about new people and events. It absorbs existing communication experience and suggests how to use it in the future. This way, you can avoid repeating previous mistakes and take reasonable risks.

Ideas about morality in different countries

Morality is an unspoken code that guides the life of society. In different countries, the concepts of “good”, “evil”, “bad”, “shameful”, “good”, “right”, etc. are interpreted differently.

what does it mean to be moral
What does it mean to be a moral person, for example, in Thailand? It is enough not to discuss out loud the life of the royal family, especially the actions of the king. In Russia, anyone can express their opinion about the personality and life of the president. From the point of view of Islam, a person who clearly follows the rules of Sharia is considered moral. The measure of morality is the motivation of his actions: sincere, selfish or hypocritical. Since ancient times, Jews and Christians believed that morality was sent by God and is a set of rules (10 commandments). It is quite natural that to the question of what it means to be moral, representatives of these societies will give different answers, corresponding to a specific culture and morality. But they will also have something in common: all cultures recognize that a moral person follows the laws and guidelines of the ethics that are accepted in a certain society, and never violates the laws (legal and moral) accepted in his environment. This is a correct but narrow understanding of morality. But there are also universal human values ​​in the world that do not depend on the characteristics of a particular culture. And from this point of view, the answer to the question of what it means to be a moral person will sound completely different.

Classification of moral principles

Morality is a fundamental factor in a person’s personal appearance, contributing to the development of a sense of duty, responsibility and a number of other highly moral qualities. People deprived of such principles become dangerous to society, sooner or later overstepping permitted social norms. Endless lies or financial fraud carried out for the purpose of personal gain, contract killing or physical betrayal of a spouse are the many facets of immoral behavior. In the 21st century, philosophers and practicing psychologists have identified the following series of universal moral principles from which a person’s personal appearance can be formed:


This facet of morality is closely related to the proverb “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” In ancient tribes, such a statement implied blood feud, which was considered an obligatory phenomenon. The emergence of civilization brought order to social unrest, taking on the functions of governance and justice. Today, the “Talion” principle remains an exclusively conditional concept, because officially such problems should be resolved exclusively at the state level.


A similar statement is found in the works of most great philosophers and thinkers who left a “mark” in the history of mankind. Buddha, Confucius, Muhammad and many other figures urged people to treat strangers as they would like to be treated. Over time, the axiomatic statement has turned into a universal commandment that guides the process of cultivating morality and ethics.

"The Golden Mean".

A well-known moral principle presented in the scientific works of Aristotle, who urged to observe moderation in actions and avoid extremes in one’s actions. If you follow the instructions of the Greek philosopher, then life becomes measured, and a person gains confidence in the future. The main thing is to maintain harmony between the inner and outer worlds, avoiding the emergence of personal conflict.

Maximum happiness.

This facet of human morality was examined and proven by the utilitarians John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham, who studied ethics at the US State Institute. This statement is based on the following formulation: an individual’s behavior should lead to an improvement in the lives of those around him. In other words, if you adhere to social standards, then a favorable environment for the coexistence of each individual is created in society.


A similar principle was proposed by the American scientist John Rawls, who argued for the need to equate social laws with internal moral factors. A person occupying the bottom rung in a hierarchical structure should have equal spiritual rights with a person at the top of the ladder - this is the fundamental aspect of the statement of the US philosopher.

It is important to think about your own personal qualities in order to engage in self-improvement in advance. If you neglect this phenomenon, then frivolity will develop into betrayal over time. A variety of changes that cannot be avoided will form an immoral image that is rejected by others. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to identifying life principles and determining the vector of your worldview, objectively assessing your behavioral characteristics.

Universal morality and ethics

Moral and moral values ​​are inherent not only in a particular society, but also in a particular person. They can change over time: a person and society develop, traditions and foundations change, new relationships arise. However, all peoples, regardless of the time of their residence on Earth, culture, religion and government, have absolute moral truths. Prohibitions against murder and theft are just two examples of universal human values.

They are necessary for the prosperity of every society and for the peaceful coexistence of peoples with different religions and cultures. From this point of view, the answer to the question of what it means to be a moral person will sound somewhat different. Suppose someone follows the laws (written and unwritten), does not swear on the streets, does not kill animals and people, does not disturb public order because it is prohibited or not accepted. Naturally, this person can be called moral. But if someone does the same out of his own convictions, then he is considered deeply moral. What does it mean to be a moral person? Follow the prescribed principles and rules to avoid condemnation or punishment. What does it mean to be a moral person? Understand the meaning of values ​​that are close to all people, follow morality not out of fear, but out of conviction.

Basic moral qualities of a person

Every person in life has to make his own moral choice: do something good or do something wrong, but achieve some result. This is a constant struggle between social values ​​and the inner world of each individual. All the most basic moral qualities are laid down in a person from birth, when he begins to understand and feel the attitude of his parents, then friends, peers and educators, teachers, when watching films, reading books, and so on. Thanks to all this variety of information sources, everything that is complex and multifaceted in human behavior that he builds for himself throughout life accumulates. There are no identical people, each has their own character, attitude to life, its values, and each has their own individual view of the world around them.

good and evil
Despite the fact that each person has his own character traits and temperament, there are still certain moral qualities by which people are assessed by society.

Positive character traits:

  1. good manners, that is, the ability to behave culturally in public in any public place (park, cafe, office, theater, and so on). In addition, culture of speech can also be classified as good manners. After all, it is very important that a person can express himself in an accessible language, without distorting words or using profanity;
  2. friendliness, that is, a friendly attitude towards other people and the ability to evaluate people not by their appearance, but by their spiritual qualities;
  3. politeness - the ability to treat older and older people, as well as one’s peers, with due respect;
  4. neatness defines a person by how he treats things, objects and how he performs any tasks;
  5. punctuality is a quality that gives rise to trust in a person, since it is much more pleasant to deal with someone who will do everything on time, come to a meeting at the appointed time, and not be late for a meeting, and so on;
  6. Confidence has always been a hallmark of a strong personality, which attracts attention and makes one admire it, since a confident person radiates strength;
  7. justice is a quality that allows a person to distinguish between good and evil and make the right decision based on his inner emotions and worldview;
  8. loyalty is what makes a person special. A person who is devoted to what he does is worthy of admiration, and especially when this quality is highly developed among people who love and value their family, friends, traditions and other values;
  9. sociability - the ability to make contact with others and maintain a conversation on all topics;
  10. Determination is an important moral quality necessary in any business. This character trait allows you to quickly make the right decision without hesitating for a long time;
  11. courage - the ability to show high spiritual uplift, which gives strength to solve any problem;
  12. frugality - the ability to preserve and value what a person has;
  13. responsibility - the ability to conscientiously fulfill promises and be responsible for their implementation;
  14. modesty is a rare trait that is characterized by the ability not to show off one’s qualities and feelings;
  15. sense of humor - the ability to subtly make fun of a situation at the right moment. This is very attractive to any person and makes the owner of this quality an interesting conversationalist.

    positive person

Bad moral personality traits

  1. coarseness;
  2. untidiness;
  3. impudence;
  4. deceit;
  5. arrogance;
  6. meanness;
  7. cowardice.

    rude man

Moral education

A person is born into society, therefore, from childhood he absorbs its morals. Unfortunately, it often happens that local ethics begin to prevail over universal human values.

And then Muslims oppose Christians, the crusaders try to instill their beliefs with the help of the sword, some countries bring their own “democracy” to their neighbors, without being interested in their beliefs. In today's turbulent world, it is especially important to instill moral and ethical foundations in a child from childhood.

What are they needed for

The direction of moral values ​​is determined by upbringing from childhood. They can be formed both positive and negative. Many nations have stereotypical moral principles necessary for building a civilized society, in which public well-being should become more important than personal advantages acquired at the expense of others. Moral principles regulate the thoughtfulness of statements and the evaluation of actions in advance of their commission. They advise taking into account the interests and rights of other people, which not every person actually does. Differences in people's moral values ​​can be so radical that contact can lead to a conflict situation.

Generalized ideas of morality are the concepts of good and evil, which differentiate morality and immorality. By tradition, goodness is associated with benefits for people. Although this concept has a relative meaning, because at different periods of time the benefit is assessed differently. Adherence to common moral traditions and canons, as well as inherent priorities, helps a person lead a harmonious and balanced lifestyle in society. And people whose rules and assessments do not correspond to generally accepted ones are often forced to exist separately, in isolation. An individual who commits unkind, impudent, humiliating acts deserves only disapproval and reproach.

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Moral principles allow individuals to:

  • comfortable to exist in the environment;
  • to be proud of useful and noble deeds, a clear conscience.

Special item

To this end, in 19 regions of the Russian Federation, a new subject “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (FRCSE) has been introduced into the school curriculum. What does it mean to be moral? What values ​​are close to people around the world? What moral values ​​underlie different religions? Why should people adhere to universal human values? Teachers teaching a new subject try to answer these and other questions. It is designed to develop motivation for conscious moral behavior, which is based on the ability to make the right and free moral choice.

orxe what does it mean to be moral

How are they chosen?

For many centuries, since ancient times, there has been the concept of eternal values ​​that have not lost their meaning in our days. Humanity has always condemned:

  • meanness;
  • ignobility;
  • perfidy;
  • deceit;
  • dishonesty;
  • slander.

The norm and correct behavior have always been:

  • decency;
  • nobility;
  • loyalty;
  • sincerity;
  • restraint;
  • humanity;
  • responsiveness.

Such qualities are directly related to the upbringing and self-awareness of the individual, the sense of the importance of these character traits. Compliance with a moral model requires the individual to voluntarily comply with ethical rules. Moral values ​​and norms are manifested by moral foundations:

  • hard work;
  • collectivism;
  • patriotism;
  • philanthropy;
  • good faith.

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Life requires from a person the ability to reconcile personal needs with the needs of society, the ability to treat fellow humans with attention, and build friendly relations with them on the basis of mutual assistance. Love for the fatherland is manifested in honoring the traditions of the native country, understanding the importance of making a contribution to the global civilization of our people. Diligence allows us to recognize the spiritual significance and importance of work for the sake of human self-affirmation.

Let's sum it up

So what does it mean to be a moral person? This means:

  • Adhere to the morals accepted in a particular society.
  • Be prepared to make the right and informed moral choice.
  • Consciously adhere to universal human values.
  • Be guided in your behavior by these values.
  • Be able to answer for immoral or immoral actions.
  • Understand that only adherence to moral principles helps to live spiritually in society, avoid wars, and develop.

Tyrants, dictators, despots, some modern politicians strive to dominate and achieve their own goals, ignoring moral principles and moral laws. Societies headed by such rulers are degrading. Tyrants, having reached the top, remain there alone.

What is included in the concept

Moral values ​​are understood as a system of people’s worldview that evaluates everything that exists from the point of view of good, objectivity, benefit and other qualities that correlate human actions with the prevailing order of social traditions.
The selection of significant moral priorities allows people to choose their attitude towards events and actions and analyze their behavior, as well as choose the value orientation of their characteristic understanding of morality. The final moral position is expressed both in individual specific actions and in the entire course of action. Moral values ​​enable people to determine their moral responsibility to family, friends, colleagues, society, and themselves; formulate your understanding of good and evil, objectivity and impartiality, decency and immorality. The main function of morality is the regulation of the behavior of individuals in society and the nature of their relationships, depending on their understanding of the basic categories of morality. The concept of morality plays an additional role in the formation of the individual’s consciousness, contributing to the emergence and strengthening of:

  • human judgments about the essence of life;
  • obligations to society;
  • need for respect from others.

Moral consciousness evaluates behavior and actions from a position of agreement with morality: approving, condemning, supportive, sympathetic opinions. A distinctive feature of moral values ​​is that they control the consciousness and behavior of a person in various areas of life:

  1. domestic;
  2. family;
  3. communicative;
  4. working

People encounter this everywhere and every day. Moral ideas strengthen the foundation of civilized relations that are created during the formation of society.

Theories of metaethics

Celia Green identifies two types of morality:

  • territorial and
  • tribal or folk.

Territorial morality is paradoxical in that people in it are divided into “us” and “strangers” supposedly for the purpose of survival. At the same time, the fact of hospitality to “strangers” is inexplicable.

This is interesting: what is society, what is its meaning in philosophy.


The psychology of operational activity also includes such a method of influence as imitation. What is it? The whole idea is that if a person has achieved something in life and become successful, then other people subconsciously begin to imitate him.

In order to provoke an individual to copy, it is necessary to always maintain the standard of living that initially interested him so much. That is, the object of imitation should always be bright, memorable, and arouse admiration.

System of moral principles

The meaning of moral values ​​depends on their level for various categories of people. There are universal, group and individual norms. Depending on the type of relationship, they can be mutually exclusive or complementary. The most important are the highest values. This is the ideal. The key idea of ​​modern science is that universal human norms prevail over group norms that serve the bourgeois class. They are part of spiritual, material and social values ​​and have national significance, defining social regulations, the concept of independence, objectivity, impartiality, and ethics. In the process of changing external conditions, they are capable of intraspecific transition. With the advent of innovations in society, modernized values ​​arise, and some of the old ones lose significance.

Self-improvement of a person involves following the principles of morality, and psychologists recommend following them every day: trying to become kinder, more attentive, caring, and responsible. Each individual must be sincere with himself, honest, principled; regulate your thoughts and emotions; fulfill obligations, prove words with actions. Compliance with these rules will help the modern citizen to enter today's society with dignity.

Aesthetic feelings

This category is responsible for the feeling of beauty, for the love of beauty, which arises in connection with phenomena and events that cause aesthetic pleasure and delight. These feelings are responsible for a person’s attitude towards objects and phenomena. For example, a person wants to learn to draw because this activity generates aesthetic feelings.

Every human activity is based on the attraction to beauty. Therefore, aesthetic feelings are realized in virtually any field of activity.

influence of others

Moral or ethical codes

Different religions have formulated fundamental principles of moral behavior. The following ethical codes are known:

  • The Ten Commandments of Moses are recognized by Christianity, Judaism and Islam, and are also basic to all world morality.
  • The golden rule is to treat others the way you want them to treat you.
  • Seven laws of the descendants of Noah - against murder, adultery, blasphemy, idolatry, theft, etc.
  • Yama and niyama in Hinduism are the prohibition of violence, theft, lies, promiscuity, and greed.
  • Eightfold Path of Buddhism

Morality has many aspects; with its help, the entire psycho-emotional sphere is regulated and streamlined, from individual decency to international relations.

In addition to ethics, the study of this subject is also carried out by the sociology of morality, which studies the nature of the formation of various value systems in individual social groups and the causes of emerging social conflicts caused by discrepancies in moral values, as well as possible ways to prevent them.

Morality is an essential condition for the existence of society. Its task is to make the life of each individual and society as a whole as good as possible by instilling in people the correct life priorities, values ​​and foundations that turn the individual into a highly moral member of society.

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