Personal effectiveness and methods for increasing it: TOP 10 recommendations for increasing productivity

The concept of personality as a subject of social relations

Definition 1
Personality is a person who is the subject of social and conscious activity. He has self-knowledge and consciousness.

Definition 2

Personality is a concept that was developed to define the social nature of a person, highlighting him as a subject of sociocultural life and a bearer of individuality, which is revealed in the process of communication and conducting social activities.

In the broadest sense of the word, personality is defined as an individual and the main subject of relationships, who is endowed with socially significant traits.

What is personality? Author24 - online exchange of student work

Figure 1. What is personality. Author24 - online exchange of student work

Definition 3

Personality structure is a set of social and psychological properties, actions and relationships of a person that have developed in the process of his development. The personality structure includes all the psychological and physiological characteristics of the human body.

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In sociology, it is customary to highlight the social character of the individual, in other words, only thanks to the life of a person in society is his emergence and development possible.

Useful habits

On a note! Highly productive people have their own healthy habits . Thanks to them, the personal effectiveness of a leader or any person striving to become the most successful in a particular area develops.

Here are some of them:

  • Finish any task you start.
  • Practice all your actions until they become automatic.
  • Don’t feel sorry for yourself and work hard on self-development.
  • Set only clear goals.
  • Set priorities.
  • Be able to organize yourself.
  • Meet deadlines.
  • Always prepare for work.
  • Follow the plan.
  • Be able to objectively identify shortcomings and work on them.
  • Receive criticism calmly and balancedly.
  • Think about the result, not the process.
  • Don't put off important things.
  • Be able to distribute your internal resources.
  • Divide your life into areas and identify the main tasks in them.
  • Learn from competitors.
  • Think carefully about your actions.
  • Know how to make your work easier.
  • Be inspired, motivate yourself and others.
  • Create a healthy atmosphere in personnel management.
  • Regularly monitor your activities.

Determination of social effectiveness of an individual

Definition 4

Social effect is a broad indicator that characterizes the degree of satisfaction of an individual and society as a whole with the quality of life lived.

The social effectiveness of an individual is an indicator that determines the improvement in the quality of life of an individual and the population. In many sources on sociology you can find another definition of this term.

Definition 5

The social effectiveness of an individual is the harmonious development of the individual, the formation and satisfaction of his spiritual and moral needs. In other words, everything that brings benefit to an individual or society as a whole, satisfying all human needs, is called the social effectiveness of an individual.

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Physical health

Health formula. Mental health. Physical health

Physical health is the basis of energy that gives you the strength to achieve any heights . When you feel lethargic, skip workouts, and don’t watch your diet, then you are unlikely to be able to give your best in business and activities.

For all your actions to be effective, you need to maintain proper health. A healthy body will also strengthen your spirit, your mental health and your emotional well-being.

It's worth restoring your body's natural energy, which will only happen when you start moving enough. Dancing, gymnastics, yoga, exercises - all this will make your body stronger and energize you.

Watch your diet . It should be moderate and healthy. Drink more water, eat fruits and vegetables.

When you begin to maintain your health level, you will immediately notice changes in the rhythm of your life. The body will feel light, stress resistance and interest in activities and activities will increase.

Push yourself to take action when you feel lazy, because every minute is an investment in organizing your physical and mental health.

You will be able to increase your focus to stay fit. This will give strength for future projects, activities and endeavors.

Algorithm for the formation and development of social effectiveness of an individual

Since the social effectiveness of an individual is a complex of factors and indicators that satisfy a person’s needs in society, it is necessary to understand what criteria an individual’s social satisfaction depends on.

If we consider the social effectiveness of an individual at the state level, then it is determined by both social and economic factors. With a developed social sphere in the country, the economic sector will also be high. Thanks to the harmonious development of both sectors, the population will be satisfied with the level of quality of life.

Definition 6

Quality of life is a certain value that directly depends on the standard of living of the population, its complex characteristics.

Definition 7

The standard of living is a state that is determined by the provision of people with material and moral benefits.

Quality of life can be determined by a number of objective and subjective indicators. Objective ones include the consumption of food, various material goods, the quality of housing conditions, the development of the service sector, education, cultural and social security of the individual. Subjective indicators include personal satisfaction with work activity, social status, family and financial situation.

The concept of “standard of living” includes many elements: health, food quality, environmental safety, quality of clothing, social security, working conditions and salary satisfaction.

Indicators of living standards are:

  • material income per capita, which is determined by the level of wages, the amount of social and pension payments, benefits, the consumer price index, taxes;
  • provision of housing and living conditions;
  • number of free social services: utilities and consumer services, healthcare, education;
  • unemployment rate and population expenditure structure.



We are often faced with a choice: how best to act in some situation. Continue receiving higher education or get a job and devote all your energy to your career. Choose a job with higher earnings or one that will give you more chances for growth.

When you find yourself at a crossroads, you need to understand what you prefer most . To do this, you need to analyze the choices you have already made before. Determine in advance those values ​​and beliefs that are closer to your true self.

You need to identify your strengths and weaknesses. Your personality is built on their basis. Before you talk about yourself, you need to clearly define your main features.

Clarity makes you confident. And confidence in your qualities is the root of your personal effectiveness. Therefore, try to understand your own values, beliefs and personal principles.


  • What is personal effectiveness
  • Why is it important to evaluate and improve personal effectiveness?
  • Who is recommended to increase personal effectiveness first?
  • When personal effectiveness is formed
  • The basis of personal effectiveness
  • Methods for increasing personal effectiveness
  • Planning
  • Prioritization
  • Concentration of attention
  • Gradually giving up gadgets at work
  • Limiting time spent on social networks
  • Monitoring your well-being
  • Entering Flow State
  • Know how to rest
  • Stop overworking
  • Learn to delegate authority
  • Laziness and fear of change as obstacles to success
  • Personal effectiveness and self-education
  • Personal effectiveness and comfort zone
  • Personal effectiveness in the company
  • Conclusion

Be self-organized

Be self-organized. Discipline

Organization is a key quality of an effective personality . Punctuality, discipline in relation to your personal or work tasks, is necessary so that your time does not go to waste.

It is worth learning to structure your daily activities, start planning things and not deviate from these plans. Then you will become productive, energetic and discover how much “free” time you will have.

Don't put off your work without a good reason. Can you do something now? - do so. Don't let procrastination get the better of you.

Laziness, dislike of work, fear of mistakes, or just a bad mood. Once you manage to cope with these factors, it will bring great pleasure and you will feel like a winner.

The book “Eat the Frog! 21 ways to learn to keep up”, authored by American writer Brian Tracy. This book explains in clear language why a person does not spend his time effectively and what needs to be done to complete all his tasks quickly and correctly. Check out this book if you want to improve your organization and overcome laziness.

Constant self-development

Constant self-development. Ladder of self-development

Even the same action can always be performed in different ways. Advertising agencies come up with new ideas for promoting the same product over and over again.

Pepsi or Coca-Cola keep coming up with new methods to sell their product.

Top companies annually introduce new strategies to improve the personal effectiveness of employees. All processes continue to develop and accelerate . We need to accelerate even faster. Don't miss the opportunity to develop.

From a small push-button telephone to advanced touchscreen smartphones. From huge computers to ultra-thin MacBooks.

Look around you, change is everywhere. Therefore, this inevitably concerns you personally. Evolution affects both living and non-living objects. Everything develops, and humans are no exception. You need to develop both your physical skills and abilities, as well as your internal qualities, and master new knowledge.

As you age each year, some vital changes occur on a mental level. You learn new knowledge, you find new ways to communicate effectively with people, you learn new facts, you experience new problems.

To a certain extent, you develop naturally, and after that you must make a conscious effort to improve your old, practiced skills and abilities.

Travel, read, indulge in new hobbies. Be active and strive for change .

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