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Decoding the concepts: introvert, extrovert and ambivert

There are several basic personality characteristics that make each of us unique. These include the concepts of introversion and extraversion, which were identified by the famous psychologist G. Jung.

In the accepted classification, there are three types of people: introverts, extroverts and ambiverts. What characterizes each type and what is the difference?

Who is an introvert


is a person who is turned inward. This type of personality is immersed in their emotions, experiences and thoughts.

Introversion is understood as a person’s orientation towards himself. This concept implies the predominance of the individual’s inner world over interest in the surrounding reality and other people.

Who is an extrovert


- this is a person who directs his interests to the outside world, turns more to other people than to himself. Extroverts are communicative, optimistic people, dependent on communication.

Extraversion is the process of expressing feelings, emotions and thoughts outward. The concept presupposes the direction of the inner world into objective reality, the outpouring of the content of the personality to the outside.

Who is an ambivert


is a person who combines the qualities of introversion and extroversion. At certain moments, a person listens to himself, wants to be alone, to reflect.

Under other circumstances, a person strives for communication and self-expression. In psychology, it is believed that an ambivert is the most stable and stable personality type, since it manages to avoid the extremes inherent in the other two types.

In a pure state, extroverts and introverts are not so common. Usually we can only talk about dominant personality traits.

Read online “An Introvert in an Extroverted World” by Elizaveta Romantseva – RuLit – Page 1

E. Romantseva

An introvert in an extroverted world

© E. Romantseva, 2013

© Vector Publishing House LLC, 2013

I'm an introvert. Why not?

I was once asked why I often use the answer: “It’s not for me.” I answered something, in the same familiar phrase, and then thought about it. And my thoughts led to the question of what initially underlies the definition of “this is for me” and “this is not for me”, “I can do this, but I can’t do this”, “here is my world”, “here is not mine” world”, “I am like this”, “I am not like this”. Perhaps there is no single reason, but there is a complex of all sorts of different ones, but... But as for communication and attitude towards people around me - what determines my frequent “this is not for me” when it comes to meetings, companies, events, large projects, public speaking, guests, demonstrations and field trips, active participation in a dispute, emotional response?

I feel uncomfortable. People feel uncomfortable with me. At least for those who are not used to this. But it turns out that many people are not used to it. What's the matter? This is not just a character trait or an innate harmfulness. This is innate, but not misanthropy, but introversion.

I admit, I am an introvert. And I admit this more than once on the pages of a book written for people like me. For what? Then, to prove that introversion is not a sentence or a diagnosis, but a given, with which a person can very well be... whatever he wants within the limits of the given. Then, perhaps, to show those who consider themselves an introvert the strengths of this quality and the ample opportunities for success, happiness and other joys of life. That's it! Introversion does not cancel out the joys of life, any of them, including the joy of communication. However, it adjusts the forms of their receipt. The book was written for those who want to know the whole menu of introversion, the position of the introvert in modern human society, his strengths and weaknesses, potential and limitations, opportunities and failures.

Personally, I don’t like to say “This is not for me” too often, simply because nature has awarded me and part of humanity with such a mental quality as introversion. It’s better to say “This is for me, but.” Or better yet, “I choose this,” and whether it is my choice or not, actions will decide. So this book is for introverts living in our extroversion-oriented world. It was written by an introvert to explore the causes of some discomfort in existence and figure out how to get more comfortable in life, how to act more effectively, given the fact that you are an introvert.

Introversion and extroversion

People are divided into different categories, but two of them are fundamental. Firstly, people are male and female, and secondly, introverts and extroverts. No connection was found between these two typologies, but both of them carry fundamental psychophysiological differences between people. I won’t consider the question regarding men and women now; let’s turn directly to the topic of the book: introverts and extroverts.

Swiss psychologist Carl Gustav Jung identified two psychophysical features that greatly influence people’s communication with others, and their very attitude to life. Since then, psychology has known two types of human personality with opposite basic foundations. They are distinguished by the nature of the movement of libido (vital energy). Extraversion is characterized by the direction of libido towards the outside world, and introversion - into the loved one.

Libido, according to Jung, is a person’s mental energy (sexuality is one of the many possible manifestations of this energy, but not its specific variety). Jung views this force as analogous to qi or prana in Eastern concepts. An extrovert prefers social and practical aspects of life, operations with real external objects, while an introvert prefers immersion in the world of imagination and reflection.

An extrovert is aimed at wasting his own energy, moving it towards surrounding objects, an introvert is aimed at accumulating, moving energy into the inner world.

These are either innate properties of the human psyche (however, there is no reliable and factually proven data on this matter), or they are formed during the perinatal period and in infancy. Thus, you can simply perceive this feature of yours as a given, like the color of your eyes or the shape of your ears.

However, I would suggest, for greater practicality, to consider extra- or introversion not only as a fact, but also as a process. And don't forget about it. In some people, the process of movement of vital energy outward dominates, in others - inward. If you accept this concept, you can try to do several interesting things from a practical point of view.

Characteristics of an introvert

It’s easy enough to recognize an introvert in any company. He can sit all evening with a glass of wine and contemplate what is happening around him, thinking about something of his own.


Such people rarely show their emotions; they are reserved and taciturn. Introverts give the impression of being calm people, but this is not entirely true. They are not used to venting their inner feelings on others. Introverts are more interested in understanding their experiences alone.

Positive traits of introversion include


  • Independence from other people's opinions. An introvert's own value system is strong and unshakable. He is confident in his judgment and will not change his principles to please others.
  • Stable external reactions. You can be sure that in the heat of a quarrel an introvert will not splash hot tea in his face.
  • Thoughtfulness, perseverance, ability to take responsibility. An introvert often reflects, so he knows his strengths and weaknesses; he seeks support within himself, without appealing to others.

Introverts also have their disadvantages that hinder progress towards success.


  • High level of sensitivity and self-criticism. The personality is prone to deep introspection and self-criticism, which adversely affects the psyche.
  • Restraint of emotions, which can lead to psychosomatics. There are feelings that cannot be kept to yourself.
  • Inability to make the right contacts, poor communication skills. An introvert has difficulty getting along with people and does not know how to ask for help. It is difficult for a person to build social relationships; she is indifferent to the opinions of other people. Negative traits hinder career development and adaptation in a changing external environment.

Introvert: how to survive in an extroverted world?

What should we, introverts, do? People who are sometimes vulnerable and reserved, who love peace and quiet, who have nothing against fascinating communication, but in an exceptionally narrow circle of people and on immediate topics?..

In my article I will not talk about introverts and their antipodes - extroverts, I want to outline the two main difficulties that I, as an introvert, have already encountered, and some thoughts on achieving a more comfortable life in the “actively communicative world”.

1. Communication with people. From personal experience, I can say that it is very difficult for an introvert to get along with an extrovert. If communication is simply formal, then an introvert can withstand it with minimal losses, but extroverted relatives and close acquaintances who love to chat about nothing exhaust introverts emotionally in such a way that it is felt physically (weakness, detachment, desire to hide).

What should opposite spouses do? Well, imagine, you, an introvert, want to read a book in silence after work, and your extroverted half, having not talked enough at work, tries to stir you up and gets offended if you don’t react.

Introverts do not like empty talk. But this does not mean that they are completely silent, no! If an introvert likes the topic and the company, he can happily talk about something for a long, long time.

2. Work. In 80% of cases, work involves, in addition to direct responsibilities, constant social contact - bosses, colleagues, customers, and sometimes the work itself is direct communication, for example, a sales manager, telemarketer. From my own experience, I can say that an introvert can easily endure formal communication with colleagues (without “heart-to-heart tea parties”) and superiors (if necessary); but if his work presupposes that same sore “communication skills,” then things are more complicated... Constant communication exhausts the introvert, sucks all his strength, and as a result, coming home after work that is not so tiring in essence, the introvert feels overwhelmed and depressed - squeezed lemon, in general.

You can say - find a job you like, an introverted one! Yes, there are such specialties - writer, editor, artist, accountant, finally, but if you look at it, the path to an editor or writer who does not write for the table, but receives decent money for his work, is not so short and easy. Until then, what should we do? Burn out on “communicative jobs”?..

It may seem that introverts are some kind of arrogant, touchy people, but this is not the case at all. These are people who do not need external support, they draw strength from their inner world and are not afraid of boredom, because... they always have something interesting and useful to do. But in order to have something to feed himself, an introvert needs to constantly replenish his energy supply. This is what he does, reading a book in solitude, thinking, drawing something, just doing whatever he likes.

So what to do?.. What should an introvert do, who often feels that the world is extremely hostile towards him and oppresses him with his emotions, his rules and guidelines?

1. Developing self-confidence is beneficial for everyone, but especially for an introvert. This way he can get rid of many worries and anxieties.

2. Improve communication skills - sometimes through force, through “I don’t want/can’t”, but even if you are not at all sociable and you are happy with it, you will have to establish minimal contacts. And it’s better if you have at least some idea about it. You shouldn’t force yourself, just look at this situation differently - now you have become a writer, write to yourself calmly, and then go to the editor. And if you can’t put together a few words in a conversation with an editor, what will happen then? Introduced? That's right, everyone needs minimal communication skills, including introverts.

3. Relaxation - do you feel tired and exhausted? Was your day too busy with communication? Turn on pleasant music, turn off the lights, or better yet, light candles or an aroma lamp, take a comfortable position and just relax for 20 minutes... Don’t think about anything, don’t analyze, just relax .

4. Introverts are most often people who are aesthetically inclined towards themselves and towards life, do not miss this in yourself. Develop your sensuality, develop yourself, treat yourself with love and care. And in no case do not consider yourself wrong! Of course, for society you may be strange and incomprehensible, but this means that you are not like everyone else, that you are special, you understand yourself, your nature and treat yourself with respect.

The most important thing I want to say to all introverts is: under no circumstances should you break your nature in the name of some social principles. Just learn to be plastic, flexible in life, but don’t break your essence, your “bone” and don’t let anyone break it. There are few of us introverts, but this is our highlight - we are special specimens. Be yourself!

Tags: self-education, psychological types, socionics, personal psychology, communication psychology, problem solving, psychological problems, introvert

Characteristics of an extrovert

An extrovert strives for publicity; he needs to participate in public events where there are large crowds of people. Such a person always strives to be the center of attention. At the party, we immediately recognize him: he actively communicates with all the guests, comes up with competitions and fun, and pulls us by the hand to dance.


All the energy of an extrovert goes outside, while an introvert tends to accumulate it. On the other hand, energy reserves are replenished through active communication with others. An extrovert can be easily identified by his direct gaze; in dialogue, he always looks into the eyes of his interlocutor.

The benefits of extraversion include:


  • Openness and sociability. An extrovert will tell you everything about himself and will be happy to listen to your problems.
  • Optimism and good nature. A person is always ready to help and is attentive to the needs of loved ones. He is not prone to judgment and moralizing.
  • Active, wide range of interests. You will rarely find an extrovert at home on the couch. He is directed towards the outside world: today - a swimming pool, tomorrow - a cat show.
  • A large number of friends and acquaintances, which helps in career advancement and business.

There are also negative aspects


  • An extrovert literally wastes energy; without proper return, he can feel empty and lack of strength.
  • During times of forced loneliness, a person cannot concentrate on himself and becomes depressed. It seems to him that “life is passing by.”
  • Strong dependence on the opinions of other people.
  • Expressed extroverts cannot be and live alone; if fate puts them in this position, then isolation becomes a problem. A person cannot even sleep in an empty apartment.

Sometimes extroverts give the impression of being superficial and frivolous people, incapable of introspection, which is not always true. An extrovert with a healthy psyche is quite capable of studying and adjusting his strengths and weaknesses.

Characteristics of an ambivert

Ambiversion involves a combination of the two personality types described above. Depending on the circumstances, a person is an extrovert or an introvert.


An ambivert can easily join any social group if necessary. However, he will not show that assertiveness and obsession inherent in an extrovert. A person listens to the emotions of others and tries not to offend, which distinguishes him from an introvert who is immersed only in his own experiences.

An ambivert's personality is open to communication, but he also knows how to listen without interrupting or making comments. Therefore, an ambivert has many acquaintances and has established long-term interpersonal contacts.

An ambivert can work independently or in a team with equal ease. For an extrovert, hard, monotonous work is always a burden; participation in a common cause is more important to him. An introvert, on the contrary, prefers to work alone, when no one distracts from the process.

These people are very flexible and adaptable. They subconsciously understand when to be active and when to remain silent. They always try to find a way out of difficult stories, without splashing out emotions like extroverts, but also without withdrawing into themselves like introverts.

How to understand whether I am an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert

To understand what type of personality you are, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the characteristic features of each of them in a concentrated form.

Personality typeDominant characteristics
IntrovertDoes not strive to get into noisy companies and public events. It is difficult and long to experience failures and setbacks. He speaks little and listens a lot. Lives in the world of his fantasies. Holds back emotions. Likes to philosophize. Gets attached forever, knows how to remain faithful. Has patience. Meticulous, observant, focuses on details.
ExtrovertStrives to make new acquaintances. Easy to climb. Sociable, talkative. Emotional. Everything that's inside instantly spills out. He puts himself on display and dreams of being the center of attention. Can't stand loneliness. Focuses on the opinions of others.
AmbivertHe understands the mood of other people well and is intuitive. Equally psychologically stable alone and in company. The choice is always made based on one’s own feelings. Able to adapt to external conditions. Depending on the situation, he becomes a participant or an observer. Expresses emotions in adequate doses, does not keep them to himself, but does not become hysterical.

If you have any doubts about your affiliation, we suggest you take a short test.

Answer only “yes” or “no” to the following questions and statements.


  • Do you need new places or people to be happy?
  • Do you easily give up on original plans?
  • Do you need the support of loved ones to make a decision?
  • Does your excitement often give way to low mood?
  • Do you act first and think later?
  • Can you bet on anything when you're excited?
  • Do you like to talk about yourself and your emotions?
  • You don’t know what melancholy and melancholy are.
  • Do you meet the opposite sex without false modesty?
  • You don't worry about what you might have said or done inappropriately.
  • Do you not return your thoughts to this or that task if it has already been done?
  • You prefer not to dream, but to act.
  • When choosing between reading a book and going to a party, you will choose the party.
  • Are you like a fish in water in a big company?
  • Do you like it when everyone's eyes turn to you?
  • You do not know the feeling of guilt and remorse.
  • You cannot stand monotonous routine activities.
  • You love meetings where people joke with each other.
  • You talk a lot and with pleasure.
  • Your sleep is sound, no thoughts can interrupt it.

Let's start counting the results. If you answered yes to 10 or more questions, then your type is “extroverted.” The more “yes” answers, the more pronounced the typical characteristics of an extrovert are in a person. Think about whether you should learn to understand yourself and listen to your inner voice?

If there are less than 10 positive statements, you are an “introvert.” Is your number of “yes” approaching zero? Then introversion can become a problem. Ask a close friend to describe you from the outside. Most likely you have a gloomy appearance and drooping shoulders.

If the answers “yes” and “no” are approximately equal, congratulations, you are an ambivert. This is the most stable type that achieves the greatest success.

How can an introvert change his personality traits and become an extrovert?

First you need to answer the question: “Do I need to become an extrovert?” After all, the opposite type has many disadvantages that we mentioned. If a person is comfortable with an introverted existence, then there is no need to change anything.

When introversion has become a problem and a person has literally withdrawn into his experiences, you can work on the skills of an extrovert. It is problematic to do this on your own, since changing types is subject to adjustment with great difficulty. It's better to see a psychologist.

You can help yourself if you start listening more to what other people say. Try to overcome the desire to delve into yourself, look at the world around you, notice everything interesting and useful in it.

Don't hide your emotions, express them outside. If you are angry - show it, if you are happy - dance or sing. Discuss your feelings with people. Don't be afraid to look on the bad side. By and large, we are all similar to each other and experience the same emotions.

Go out into public, attend public events. Don't be shy about people, meet people, communicate more. You come to an exhibition - discuss new paintings with a random visitor, work out in the gym - ask your neighbor how he achieved such outstanding results.

Over time, extroverted skills will become a habit, and you will not feel awkward or displeased from communication.


It would seem that introverts prefer to be alone for as long as possible. Therefore, self-isolation should seem like paradise for them. However, his relatives may find themselves in a closed room with an introvert, creating a number of uncomfortable moments .

  • It is worth remembering that for introverts, communicating with other people is more a forced measure than a pleasure.

During self-isolation, it is better for interventionists to agree with relatives about the personal space that is important to them.

An introvert needs to be alone sometimes to do his own thing. In his own corner, an introvert will be able to immerse himself in his inner world. Introverts during self-isolation can start reading books that they had put off reading before, watch movies, and online lessons.

  • Extroverted scientist Lisa Koenzig says isolation is a blessing for introverts. This psychological type will be happy to sit at home as long as the government says. Introverts adapt much faster than extroverts.
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