Positive thinking: when you fell down the stairs and are glad that you went down so quickly

It's no secret that thoughts have a huge impact on our lives and destiny. Some scientists and researchers have come to the conclusion that human thoughts have their own wave that communicates with the Universe. This is why it is extremely important to think correctly. Have you ever wondered why some people have everything: work, home, family, money, and luck, while others have nothing. The answer is actually simple. We ourselves find negative or positive things for ourselves every day. We attract into our lives what we think about consciously or unconsciously. In order for our mood to always be good, so that it inspires us to new things and victories, we need to think positively and say words out loud as often as possible to lift our spirits.

Positive thoughts about work

Success at work and advancement up the capricious and sometimes unstable career ladder depends not only on our skills, talents and diligence. Thoughts also play a significant role in this, the mood with which we take on a new job, with what feelings we cross the threshold of the office. Everyone has failures and difficulties. This is not a reason to let negativity in. Below is written how you should approach work and everything connected with it. Encouraging phrases are especially needed for those who have a difficult, stressful job.

  • Open, doors, the God of work has come to conquer the heights of labor.
  • Salary is one more day closer.
  • Sunday and Saturday – you need rest from work. We will take a rest from our hearts. And we will start working again.
  • It seems that my salary card has become heavier, has the money really arrived or has the card gotten better?
  • The one who gets out of bed early is not fired the longest.
  • Life is beautiful when you are happy to rush to work in the morning, and happy to run home from work in the evening.
  • My cockroaches have no time to create chaos in my head; they are forced to work for me from morning to evening. Sometimes I give them lunch.
  • The clock is ticking, the money is flowing.
  • Those who work from the heart are paid with the soul.


In fact, the concept is not at all difficult to master. There are laws of positive thinking - there are only 4 of them. By adhering to them, you can radically change your life by 280°.

Law of Attraction

All things and living beings in this world attract similar things. Evil tends to evil, bad - to bad, good and good - respectively. The more negative the thoughts and the more disgusting the mood, the worse life becomes. If you think about the bright, believe in the positive, be an optimist, everything around will be the same: environment, circumstances, luck.

Law of Giving

Before you can receive something, you must first give. If you want to be loved, love yourself. If you need money, donate. If you feel lonely, show attention and tenderness to others yourself. Don't swear at home, but hug your loved ones. Don't intrigue at work, but help someone. Provide clients with only high-quality services. And then the Universe will return everything to you in full.

Retroactive law

When irritation rises in your soul and accusations and offensive words are ready to come out of your mouth, you need to do everything exactly the opposite. Smile and say something nice. If you want to cry, laugh. If you hate someone, sympathize with that person. This will allow you to create a positive world around you. If you train, negative emotions and thoughts will come less and less often.

Law of Positive Thoughts

You need to sit down and think about your life. But not in the same way as before: everything is bad, nothing works out, I don’t want anything. First, a positive, bright goal is set. Then the tasks that need to be solved to achieve it are written down. All these attitudes must be optimistic. No negativity or negative particles. If you reread (preferably out loud) your goals and objectives every day, soon the Universe itself will help you achieve what you want.

Motivating positive thoughts for every day

Every person has their own goals in life. Going to them can sometimes be difficult. To make it more fun, easier and more productive to pursue your dreams, it is important to stock up on witty, motivational thoughts. Motivation is the best push, driving force and basis for success. The positive thoughts of successful people have one thing in common - in them you can feel a bright self-love and self-respect. After all, without having such a state of mind, it is difficult to achieve love and respect from anyone.

  • God has given me everything I need to succeed. All that remains for me is to correctly use what I already possess.
  • Sometimes the road to a dream is much sweeter than the dream itself.
  • I can do it, I can handle it, I can do everything. I can easily overcome difficulties. I will survive all the difficulties, I will pass the tests with pride.
  • There is no fear as such. Fears are the fruits of our imagination. There is nothing to be afraid of.
  • A coward doesn't drink champagne.
  • Everything has a beginning and an end. If you feel bad now, remember that your bad condition will soon come to an end. It will certainly give way to good things.
  • Life is not a zebra at all, but a rainbow.
  • Changing your life does not mean changing something radically in it, but changing your thinking. As soon as your thinking changes, goodness and prosperity will knock on your door.
  • Life is an ocean, and my dream is a boat. Sometimes the boat suffers from the winds, but I can swim.
  • I am not one of those people who are afraid of other people's envy. If people envy me, it means I'm damn lucky and good.
  • He's not wrong, stupid. A smart person makes mistakes, analyzes his mistakes and moves forward, having learned a valuable lesson.
  • After night there always comes day. Calm after the hurricane.
  • Life is good. Live without haste.
  • I have two rules in life. First of all, I never give up. Secondly, I always remember the first rule.
  • Discipline is the root and foundation of success. Know how to control yourself and you will become who you want to see yourself.
  • Always listen to your heart and do what you think is right.
  • There are differences between people, but most often in intelligence. Don't be afraid to love because of your age.
  • Each of us has the best teacher, whose name is Life. She will teach you everything that can make you happy for free.
  • Always smile. This is the best way to deceive, conquer, make yourself and others happy.
  • Don't listen to threats addressed to you. No one will bury you while you are alive. And if he tries, remember that you are a seed that will bear even more fruit.
  • Remember that you have no gift more valuable than your time. Give it to yourself more often.
  • Parents are better than any cool SUV. They will instantly pull you out of the deepest hole.

How to think positively?

A good question, given the abundance of negative factors surrounding a person. The poor political and economic situation in the country, low social standards, environmental degradation and much more do not contribute to optimism. In such conditions, bad mood and negativity drive a person even more into depression. Positive thinking is the most important way to combat the imperfections of the world.

To develop this skill, the following techniques are suitable:

  • Motivational books and videos;
  • Communication with positive people;
  • Success Diary;
  • Clearing speech from negative words;
  • The ability to give thanks;
  • Affirmations and affirmations;
  • Proactive life position.

All this develops positive thinking and optimism. It is advisable to apply these methods together, combining and complementing them.

Motivational books and videos.

Just like knowledge that comes to us from external sources, certain personality traits begin to develop when a person learns about such an opportunity. For example, someone grows up in a family where pessimism dominates. He doesn't even know that there is another way of looking at the world. Family friends adhere to the corresponding attitude in life, only reinforcing this type of thinking. By chance, this person finds a motivating book that promotes positive thinking. This new opportunity resonates in his soul, turning his worldview upside down and radically changing his future life. By drawing inspiration and ideas from the stories of people who have achieved success, you can learn a lot from them, thereby attracting good events into your own life.

Communication with positive people.

It is equally important to surround yourself with those who are optimistic about the future. The phrase “Whoever you hang out with, you’ll gain from” is always relevant. It’s good when there are people who set positive example by their example. It's always pleasant and comfortable with them. Communication brings pleasure and attracts positive thoughts. Such people never pull down or “clamp their wings.” On the contrary, they move confidently through life, inspiring others to experiment and be creative. People do not choose their family, classmates and classmates, but with whom to be friends, build relationships or work is everyone’s conscious decision. So, in situations where there is a choice, it is better to make it in favor of those who give confidence in their abilities.

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Success Diary.

In order to maintain positive thinking every day, it is advisable to regularly remind yourself of your, albeit minor, victories. For these purposes, it is recommended to keep a Success Diary. You should record all your achievements in it, starting from your school years, and possibly even earlier. By rereading this diary, a person strengthens faith in himself and his capabilities, and creates a certain positive emotional aura. It works on the principle of logical inference. If it worked before, it will continue to work accordingly. Such a diary is most important during periods of failure, when a person begins to become disillusioned with himself. Literally a five-minute boost of positivity restores self-confidence and fuels the desire to achieve your goals.

Clearing your speech of negative words.

Words are identifiers of human thoughts and worldviews. In addition to the fact that they tell others about the peculiarities of our inner world, they also “brainwash” us ourselves. The more often a person says certain words, the more they influence his subconscious. How to think positively when everything sounds negative? And it comes from his own mouth. It is necessary to remove all pessimism and uncertainty, as well as obscene words, from your vocabulary once and for all. This way, others will begin to perceive the person positively, and he himself will further isolate himself from the negative.

The ability to give thanks.

Gratitude is one of the most important things in the world. By the way, even animals can experience it. To be grateful means to appreciate the good things in life. According to the principle of feedback, since good deeds evoke a feeling of gratitude, then a person’s gratitude in return attracts goodness to him.

They are more willing to help someone who appreciates it and knows how to say thank you. Moreover, at the moment of gratitude, a person additionally emphasizes to himself that he has something to be grateful for. Positive thinking is strengthened by positive words. And saying “thank you” to a person is the best wish in his direction, meaning the phrase “God bless.”

Gratitude sows the seed of joy and happiness in the soul of the person to whom it is addressed. Thus, goodness is returned to those who bring it into the world. If you follow this principle, then there will be less room in life for negativity.

Affirmations and affirmations.

Psychological tricks to help you practice self-hypnosis. Affirmations are the regular repetition of life-affirming phrases, and affirmations are questions asked positively to oneself. For example, “Employees value and respect me” (af (afformation). There are several options for developing positive thinking: video, audio, or on your own. There are many videos and audio recordings with affirmations for every day posted on the Internet. But the most effective are those which a person pronounces himself, putting his own energy into them.

The effect of affirmations is to “reflash” one’s subconscious, when a person, through volitional efforts, forces himself to believe in what he wants. Afformations are aimed at logical confirmation of their goals. A person finds answers that satisfy his needs, thereby further strengthening his self-confidence.

Proactive life position.

Positive thinking is closely related to the understanding that good and bad events in a person's life are largely determined by him. Of course, a meteorite “landing” on your head can hardly be called a personal choice, but in most cases a person decides for himself how to live. The ability to take responsibility for your life on yourself is proactivity. How to think positively if you “go with the flow” and show passivity? An active life position drives away pessimism, since a person realizes that it depends on him whether there will be success or not. To achieve his goal, he takes control of his thoughts and begins to positively assess his capabilities. Success comes to those who wait and believe in it.

There is room for many patterns in human life. The principle of feedback is one of the most basic and universal. Positive thinking attracts similar events, and vice versa. Achieving success becomes possible only if you believe in it and make every possible effort to achieve it, driving away even the shadow of doubt.

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Thoughts that make us happy

Happiness is always near us, it does not come from somewhere, it originates in our hearts. To become happy, it is enough to think correctly. What thoughts can make us truly happy and please us? What fun, mood-lifting phrases should always be in our daily vocabulary?

  1. At any moment you can raise your head and look at the sky. It calms, gives hope and helps to heal from sadness.
  2. Each of us has our own soul mate. Everyone finds it sooner or later. I'll find it too.
  3. It's nice to open the window in the morning and breathe in the fresh morning air. No one can take away three things from you: sun, fresh air and a smile.
  4. Music heals the soul best. She is always with me.
  5. There are people in whose arms we forget about all the bad things. With them we are who we are without pretense and falsehood. We are ready to do anything for them. We run to them when we feel sad. Who are you thinking about now? He is the reason for your happiness.
  6. Hearing children's laughter is extremely pleasant. Children are pure creatures. Their love fills the soul with light and the heart with warmth. If you want to be happy, always be close to your children.
  7. True friends are like the wings of a person. With them you don't have to worry about falling. With them, any adversity is not scary. You can do absurd things with them and then laugh about it for a long time. If you have at least one such friend, then you are a happy person.
  8. It's good that they came up with a telephone. I can dial the number of the person I miss and hear his voice.
  9. If I cry, it doesn't mean I feel bad. Maybe my heart is full of joy and happiness. Tears of happiness are the sweetest.
  10. There is nothing that I cannot change about myself and my life. Everything is in my hands.
  11. Humor is the wings of man. He will get you out of the most terrible troubles and scrapes.
  12. My parents are alive and well, what could be better than this?
  13. I enjoy eating my mother’s pies. Some people dream of food, while others don't have a mother. I am the luckiest person in the world.
  14. I'm my own best friend. I will not deceive you, I will always support you in a difficult situation and will be there for you 24 hours a day.
  15. Sweets come with different fillings, just like life. I came across a life filled with happiness.
  16. Forget adversity, don’t be afraid of the weather, is there a strong wind? Wear a warm sweater. Be brave, go ahead. Find your happiness, build yourself a home.
  17. A person doesn’t need much to be happy: a mug of hot tea, a warm blanket and a loved one nearby.
  18. If I do not yet have happiness, it is only because it is huge, and its steps are too small to quickly reach me.
  19. I always say only good things about myself. After all, people are interested not in who disseminated the information, but in what they disseminated.
  20. Let there always be bright joy in your heart, hope in your soul, and faith in your eyes.
  21. I now have the most suitable moment, the most necessary age in order to sincerely love, boldly dream and stubbornly achieve.
  22. Happiness does not have any keys, codes, or locks. The door to it is always open and awaits daredevils.
  23. I was born for one thing - for happiness.
  24. Thank you is the best word in the vocabulary of a happy person. It inspires and makes you stronger.
  25. I am that I am. You can either love me as I truly am, or step aside and give way to those who are ready to do so.
  26. It is pleasant to swim in warm water, but it is even more pleasant to swim in happy and kind moments.
  27. I'm not afraid of trouble. The faster I get to the bottom, the easier and sooner I will swim to a smooth surface.
  28. Morning is hope. If your morning has come, remember that everything is fine with you.
  29. The best recipe for endless happiness. Hug, hug and hug your loved one again.
  30. It's never too late. Always fight for what is important to you.

Many people often complain about failures in life, about problems and endless difficulties. The whole point is that they think wrong. Thoughts shape our state, which becomes our life. Cool words and phrases to improve self-esteem and mood should become our constant thoughts. Below is the table. She will show how not to think in various situations and how to think. It will help turn a negative into a real positive.

How not to think. How to think.
My husband left me. I am a loser. A person unworthy of me disappeared from my life. He made room for someone who would truly love me and make me happy.
I `m fat. I am a woman with appetizing, curvy figures. I have many places for sweet kisses.
At work, the boss again scolded me for the report. I can't do anything. The boss told me that it wasn’t working out for me. This is an opportunity to redo everything and then surprise the boss. After all, I learn from my mistakes.
I am forced to live with my wife's mother. My life is a mosquito. I get to know better the mother of the woman I love, who greets me every evening with a delicious dinner and sits with our children.
Nobody loves me. I just haven't met the person who is half of my soul.
It's raining and slushing again. I hate autumn. Autumn is the best time imaginable. Rain heals the soul, the sky smells of wisdom and silence.
They're delaying wages again. I hate work. The salary will be paid later, which means the money will last longer. I love work because it feeds me.

Positive quotes to lift your spirits

  1. Hard times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep moving. Difficulties ultimately create strong people. (Roy T. Bennett)
  2. No matter what you're going through, there is light at the end of the tunnel. It may seem difficult to get there, but you can do it. Just keep working and you will find the positives. (Demi Lovato)
  3. The more you are positive and say, “I want to have a good life,” the more you build that reality for yourself, creating the life you want. (Chris Pine)
  4. Adopting a positive attitude towards everything that happens can work wonders. Adding years to your life, spring to your step, a sparkle to your eyes. (Christie Brinkley)
  5. Natural ability is important, but you can achieve a lot without it if you have determination, drive, desire and a positive attitude. (Unknown)

  6. Surround yourself with positive people who believe in your dreams, support your ideas, support your ambitions and bring out the best in you. (Roy T. Bennett)
  7. Stay positive. Forgive others. Invest in yourself. Trust your instincts. Don't let others ruin your day. Do things that bring you joy. Love yourself. (Lewis House)
  8. Sometimes the best thing you can do is not to think, not to be surprised, not to imagine, not to obsess. Just breathe and trust that everything will work out for the better.
  9. Don't just learn, but gain experience; don't read, just absorb. Don't just change, but transform; don’t just bind, but protect; Don't promise, but prove. Don't criticize, but encourage; don’t just take, but give; not just see, but feel. Don't just dream, do it; It is not enough to hear, but listen; don't just tell, but show. Don't talk, act. Don't just exist, but live! (Roy T. Bennett)
  10. Dedication, faith and a positive attitude are all important if you are going to succeed, be it in sports or business. (Donald Johanson)

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Thoughts to help you love yourself

If you don't love yourself, then your life will never be happy. People will treat you the way you treat yourself. Every day you need to devote time to yourself and conversations with your own self. Below are the reasons why you should love yourself. I love myself because I...

  • Kind. I never refuse help to anyone or cause harm to people.
  • Smart. I like to read good books, I try to be erudite.
  • Beautiful. I have many advantages. People compliment me. For example, my eyes are like the endless sky.
  • I take care of my parents. I am grateful to them for everything they do for me.
  • I respect my elders and give them my seat on the bus.
  • I'm talented. Many people like my work.
  • I am a faithful and devoted friend. I will never set up a comrade, I will never betray him.
  • I'm economical. I'm clean. My house is never a wild mess.
  • I can cook. I love pampering my family with goodies.
  • I am always honest with others. I can't be a hypocrite. Everything that is on the soul is on the tongue.
  • I am responsible. You can rely on me. I always keep my word.
  • I am stubborn and purposeful. I am not afraid to move forward towards my dreams and achieve my goals. I'm punchy.
  • I'm interesting. People like to talk to me. I'm good at holding conversations.
  • I'm grateful. I thank people for what they do for me and always appreciate other people's help.

Cons of Negative Thinking

Today, many individuals have begun to think about the influence of mental activity on their existence. Modern psychology considers mental processes as a reflection of objective reality and its comprehension. The very concept of mental activity has a lot of definitions and is so weighty and vague that few people understand how significant it is in human existence.

Objectively, thinking can be represented as a kind of tool used by a person in daily activities, the quality of which and the ability to use it are determined by the quality of being of the user himself.

Conventionally, thinking is divided into negative and positive. The first is a primitive level of development of thought processes and is based entirely or to some extent on the lived experience of the individual and others. Every experience is riddled with pain and failures. Therefore, as an individual grows older, his thinking becomes more and more negative. This creates insurmountable obstacles on his path in life, giving rise to serious problems and increasing the destructive essence of negative thinking.

Thus, the individual’s existence turns into a vicious circle - the growth of negative thoughts leads to an escalation of problems, the increase in life problems generates even more negative thinking.

Negative thoughts are based on the denial of what is unpleasant for the individual, causing discomfort. By focusing on the annoying aspects of reality, the individual seems to be trying to get rid of them in this way. In this case, the following happens: the individual, focusing on unpleasant things, immerses himself even more in them, beginning to see in more detail the aspects that cause discomfort. This prevents him from noticing positive things and focusing on pleasant moments that bring pleasure.

Thus, the individual ceases to see the good only due to the fact that he lets it out of the focus of attention.

The result of this is the presentation of life as a rather complex and unpleasant thing. Focusing on the negative aspects of life leads to erroneous ideas - a person evaluates life not objectively, but through the prism of his own negative experience. Such people do not know how to notice the good in little things, and therefore they are not able to enjoy life. For them, existence is a daily struggle with problems, overcoming illusory barriers, which are often created only thanks to their mental negativism. They cannot set themselves up for positivity and good luck, since their subjective reality looks like a series of troubles and problems.

Focusing on the negative moments of reality, the individual is in constant confrontation with them: he looks for those to blame, spends a lot of time and effort in order to explain why what is happening is so bad, denies the chances of improving life, and looks for reasons why nothing will improve. Such a person rejects everything new, looking for many reasons explaining why it is not good and what troubles it may entail.

People with negative thinking are not able to discern new opportunities that are generously presented by existence almost every second.

Below are the main characteristics of an individual prone to negative thinking:

– dissatisfaction with existing life;

– avoidance of receiving new information;

– a tendency to live in the ordinary course of life;

– search for imperfections of the new;

- nostalgia;

- searching for reasons explaining why it is impossible to live better, why certain plans may fail;

– the desire to get everything without investment or effort;

– unwillingness to cooperate;

– negative ideas about the environment;

– searching for tricks and bad background in your own or other people’s successes;

– a model of existence based on the principles of “not doing” (don’t stand out, don’t sin);

– anticipation of bad times, preparation for the worst consequences;

stinginess in the material sphere and emotional manifestations.

An individual prone to negative thinking does not know what he wants. His aspirations are uncertain. Moreover, their basis is in the tendency to make their own lot in life easier.

The benefits of positivity.

Firstly , according to the principle of feedback, a person receives a response from the Universe to which he subconsciously tunes himself. Our thoughts determine words, actions, surroundings, and events. If you follow this logical chain, then positive thoughts attract more success and reasons for joy into a person’s life. This is a law of psychology that works equally in both directions. That is, similarly, a person attracts failures or disappointments. To prevent this from happening, you need to have a certain degree of optimism.

Secondly , a positive mood produces a noticeable therapeutic effect. This is due to the production of “happiness hormones”, which have a beneficial effect on all human systems and organs. Serotonin, dopamine, endorphins and other substances normalize blood pressure, improve metabolic processes, give additional strength and energy, and stimulate activity.

Thirdly , positivity can be considered as a guiding “star”, telling a person that he is on the right path. This statement is comparable to the concepts of vocation and destiny. When someone chooses the wrong road, disappointment or failure awaits them. This all causes negative emotions. On the other hand, by choosing the right path, a person achieves greater success. He feels "at the right time, in the right place." The whole world reinforces these feelings.

Vivid examples of the effectiveness of positive thinking are given in the famous book of the American writer Napoleon Hill “Think and Grow Rich”. True, it is worth noting that even the author himself points out the need to supplement correct thoughts with specific measures for their implementation. It is foolish to count on a prize in the lottery without ever buying a ticket. Also, positivity, not backed up by effort, only leads a person into the world of illusions and self-deception. This is one of its disadvantages, which we will discuss later.

Disadvantages of positivity.

At first glance, it may seem that positivity has no drawbacks, but upon closer examination it becomes obvious that not everything is so simple.

Firstly , excessive positivity may indicate a person’s carelessness or arrogance. Lack of seriousness sometimes prevents you from looking at events soberly. Instead of taking the necessary measures, an overly optimistic person hopes for chance, missing the precious moment. As a result, for example, he loses a customer or even a job. There is a saying that a pessimist is a well-informed optimist. Of course, you shouldn’t dramatize either, but carelessness often leads to negative consequences.

Secondly , the positive thinking of one can be perceived as ridicule of others. Not all people tend to accept difficult situations with a smile on their face. An optimist in their company will look, at least, strange or frivolous. On the one hand, it is worth choosing your environment more carefully, forming it from like-minded people. On the other hand, optimists must be balanced by realists, otherwise solid “rose-colored glasses” will not make it possible to foresee difficulties and plan ways to overcome them. So, it is advisable for any optimist to learn to communicate with less positive people, sometimes showing a little more involvement and seriousness.

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Thirdly , constant positivity pushes towards the superficiality of relationships, especially if it begins to closely border on indifference. This is also bad. Such a person values ​​his surroundings, friends, and partners less. Doesn’t try to keep a girl with whom temporary difficulties have begun, under the pretext “if not one, then the other,” etc. Of course, you can adhere to such a life principle, but there are no ideal people, so the “merry fellow” risks being left alone. It is not necessary to appear as an emotionless “robot”, without problems and difficulties. People love sincerity and sometimes those who are not afraid to show their concern inspire more trust in them than always positive interlocutors.

But the listed shortcomings absolutely do not negate the importance of positivity in a person’s life. It’s just that this quality must be constructive and meaningful, so as not to cloud the mind with unnecessary illusions, lulling vigilance. We’ll talk about methods for developing a positive attitude later.

What is positivity?

Positivity is positive emotions that are associated with good spirits, optimism, and cheerfulness. In addition, there are other definitions that are related not to psychology, but to technology. Thus, in photography, the term positive refers to the final version of the photograph. The musical instrument of the same name is also known, which became widespread in medieval Europe.

Positivity, like its eternal antagonist – negative, reflects the duality of the world . There is good, but there is also evil. Good things happen, but sometimes bad things happen. The same applies to a person’s relationship to himself and the world around him. It can be positive or negative. It is impossible to assert that positive thoughts are the only true ones, again, because of the duality of the world. The “golden mean” is important, since an overly optimistic attitude can lead a person into the world of illusions, not allowing him to adequately assess events. Negativity helps you to be more constructive, to evaluate the situation more carefully, calculating all possible options.

Positive thoughts are important, but they must be balanced with a certain amount of skepticism, otherwise the person risks treating the situation superficially, thereby missing important details. This belief corresponds to the synton approach, which introduces a kind of triad: positive, constructive, responsibility. The absence of at least one of these components puts any undertaking at risk of failure. Of course, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of positivity, but you should not rely solely on it. Let's look at its strengths and weaknesses.

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