Mergers and acquisitions. Are you prone to emotional dependence?
Merging in relationships. There are relationships in which people merge with each other, become one
Techniques for reflecting content: paraphrasing and summarizing
Using the “Paraphrase” technique in managing conflict communications Buyer: “You can’t organize anything properly!
How to learn to joke well in any situation: how to be funny with a girl
Hi all! Today we'll talk about sociability. As you know, man is a social being. This means,
Tolerance in psychology is... Concept, definition, main types and psychology of relationships
Frustration - what is it in psychology, definitions in clear language and examples from life
Tolerance in psychology is absolutely the same concept that is widespread in
Depression after the death of a loved one: how to get out
0 12205 January 18, 2020 at 04:54 pm Author of the publication: Tatyana Kuzmina, education consultant
Communication and speech. Types and functions of speech. Non-verbal communication.
Introduction Graduates of Russian universities are required to have not only high professionalism,
Methodological recommendations for primary school teachers “School maladaptation of first-graders, ways to overcome it”
School maladjustment - what is it, the concept With the beginning of educational activities in the child’s life
Piracetam analogues without side effects
Efficacy of the drug in VSD As is known, when diagnosing Vegetative vascular dystonia, first of all
Common mistakes
How to win over a woman: practical advice
What does a woman want? You don’t need to conduct a survey to find out what girls expect from a man.
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How to break the energetic connection with a man: 2 techniques
How to get rid of the energy connection between a man and a woman? To break the energetic connection