Modern forms of marriage and family: basic concepts and brief description
Functions of the family as a social institution The main functions of the family include: reproduction, that is, continuation
Types of sensations in psychology Krutetsky
The role and types of sensitivity (sensations) in humans
Classification of sensations in psychology The oldest classification of sensations is its division into 5 points
Characteristics of conversation as a research method in psychology
Conversation Introduction to the experimental situation. This species is most often used for laboratory research. Establishment
Teen self-esteem: how to help gain self-confidence
October 28, 2018 Self-esteem Chernous Rose Do not think that teenagers are beginning to determine their own
How to stop being tired and start living
What psychological tests can you take to determine your mental state?
Physical and psychological states are two interdependent factors on which human health depends.
Memory in psychology. Properties, types, processes, functions, definition, disorders, classification, mechanisms
GOS / LATEST VERSIONS / 14. The concept of memory. Processes and types of memory
Definition Memory is involved in processing a huge amount of information. This information takes many different forms,
Induced sleep as a healing factor
The essence of hypnotic sleep Hypnotic influence changes consciousness. Using special phrases, the hypnotist immerses the personality
Adaptol, produced in tablets, is a tranquilizer, its action is aimed at relieving pain symptoms
The power of a word
How can you develop physical strength, with what exercises?
Many people think about whether words have power? Conversations with strangers, friends,
communication goals
Communication. Contents, goals and means of human communication. Types of communication in humans.
Every person who develops in social life has interaction with other people, and