Girl resting on guy's shoulder
Useful tips: what to talk about with a girl on the first date
Give value unselfishly: tell more yourself Tell more yourself! By giving more - thereby
ignoring one of the oldest types of emotional abuse
Neglect is one of the oldest types of emotional abuse. Psychologists' point of view
The appropriateness of ignoring For example, the mother-in-law responded somehow rudely to her daughter-in-law’s question. It is worth considering whether
How to deal with her jealousy? Signs and causes of female jealousy
Female jealousy and its causes. How to stop being jealous of your partner?
Peculiarities of female jealousy Jealousy is defined by psychologists as a negatively colored sense of ownership in relation to
Self-esteem of junior schoolchildren as a means of increasing academic performance.
Self-esteem of a schoolchild is the child’s attitude towards himself, his abilities, subjective capabilities, traits
Psychology of pregnancy: mood and fears of pregnant women
How hormones affect the body of an expectant mother To deal with the emotions of a pregnant woman, it is important
Successful couple
How to motivate a man to earn money: 5 tips from Olga Romaniv
How to motivate a man to take action? Relationships in the family are built by two participants, that is, a man
Why men are afraid to get married, and what to do about it
Gamophobia is the fear of marriage. When agreeing to get married, a person makes a very serious
Upset woman
9 female complexes that prevent you from loving and being loved
. A psychological complex is a distorted idea of ​​oneself, one’s mental abilities and physical
What is psychiatry and who is a psychiatrist?
What is this “The priority of the clinical method, the subordinate position of instrumental methods give rise to accusations
behaviorist approach
Behavioristic approach to the organization of training and education
The classical behaviorist approach is one of the main directions in psychology, the method of which is