Channels of information perception
Visual, auditory, kinesthetic - types of perception
Every person is endowed with five basic senses: vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste. But, in
Victoria Gresko negative thoughts positive self-development emotional literacy, About the environmental friendliness of our thoughts, News Self-development and personal growth Articles,
Summary of a developmental lesson in psychology “Who Am I?” What am I? (2nd grade)
2 2407 October 1, 2020 at 07:38 pm Author of the publication: Sofia Ulantikova Who am I? What
Spiritual power means the degree of dominion of the spirit over the body and soul
What is fortitude – what is it like and how to develop it in yourself?
Internal attitude Strength of spirit is an internal state. If earlier we considered how to develop it
Children's shyness: causes, signs and methods of correction
Quiet, shy, timid, shy, modest
How to raise a beech You might be surprised, but people are not born shy - they are made. Can
Anxiety in modern society: definition, meaning and influence of this phenomenon on people’s behavior
Definition in psychology Anxiety in psychology is an emotional response that arises in a subject in
How to make a guy fall in love via correspondence so that in reality you turn out to be even better?
Is virtual love through correspondence possible online?
Social networks have become our faithful companions. In them we talk about our lives, find communities
Where to find motivation and how to motivate yourself: effective methods and pitfalls
What is self-motivation The definition of motivation originates from the Latin movere - movement. Self-motivation
10 amazingly simple tips on how to learn to speak beautifully
Why good diction is needed Good diction implies clear pronunciation of words and correct placement
How to recognize a psychopath? The main signs and differences between psychopaths and normal people
Human Personality as a Changing System The line where pathology begins beyond the norm is quite blurred
Description of different personality types and their characteristics
Stirlitz or Hamlet: how to find an ideal partner using socionics
There are different relationships between different socionic types. Since there are 16 sociotypes, then, accordingly,