New reality: Live communication becomes a sign of wealth

Pros and cons of online communication

communication on social networks
Articles on the topic

First of all, let’s find out how a conversation via a computer or telephone can be useful:

  1. An opportunity to make acquaintances with people who suffer from complexes, fears, and shyness. Thus, some manage to find life partners.
  2. You only communicate with those you want. There is no point in being a hypocrite and tolerating the presence of unpleasant people.
  3. There is an opportunity to thoughtfully and competently formulate your thoughts.
  4. At the same time, you can search for any information on the Internet and look smarter to your interlocutor than you are.
  5. In a critical situation, you simply interrupt communication, blacklist the person and forget about his existence.
  6. Regular typing on the keyboard develops fine motor skills.

Communication on the Internet apparently has many positive aspects. But there are still more negative ones.

Nothing can replace live communication. Along with virtual friends, there must also be real ones.

Having determined the advantages for ourselves, let’s consider the disadvantages of Internet communication:

  1. You cannot see the reaction of the interlocutor during correspondence. This significantly reduces the quality of communication.
  2. Everyone has the opportunity to think and abandon their initial thoughts. Sincerity and emotionality are lost.
  3. Looking into a person's eyes, we subconsciously read a large amount of information about him. You can't do this by looking at a computer screen.
  4. Even numerous emoticons are not able to make a message come alive.
  5. Speech quality suffers. Having become accustomed to abbreviating words when corresponding, a person carries this into life.
  6. It often happens that we send our very personal messages, photos, videos to the wrong address.
  7. Online dating is often a complete disappointment. A person tries to show only his best sides, to embellish himself.
  8. Young people who prefer virtual life often experience fear of real people, and they develop a lot of complexes.

Mothers of teenagers can say a lot about the pros and cons of online communication. Children feel free on the World Wide Web. Many of their misdeeds go unpunished, which strengthens their self-confidence. This behavior carries over into the real world, where crimes have to be answered.

There is an opinion that there are some advantages of live communication. On the importance of live communication

We live in an age of rapid development of new technologies. Computers, digital television and video equipment, mobile phones, game consoles and all kinds of gadgets have become part of our lives. These devices help us in work, study, and communication. And we often also relax in front of the screen: we watch movies, “hang out” on social networks. The same applies to our children. According to the UN, more than 90% of children worldwide spend about four hours a day online. This is 28 hours per week, which significantly exceeds the time of “live” communication. Meanwhile, excessive immersion in virtual reality can have far-reaching consequences for all generations. What is the problem and how can it be solved?

The Dangers of Overexposure to Screens

Constantly sitting in front of a monitor greatly affects the vision of both children and adults.
Lack of movement (hypodynamia) leads to a decrease in adaptation to stress: the child grows physically weak, and adults “accrue” excess weight and related diseases. The virtual also affects the worldview of a person, especially a small one, who, unlike an adult, is not able to critically evaluate the deluge of information from the Internet and absorbs everything. At the same time, his mind, soul and tastes are formed. Such children and adolescents also have retardation in speech development. According to statistics, 25% of children around the world aged 4-5 years need special speech therapy help. Why is this happening? While in virtual reality, the child hears human speech in the dialogues of the heroes of their favorite films. But at the same time he does not participate in them. And to master speech, it is important to participate in a conversation, to include thoughts, actions, and feelings in it. The heroes of the films do not address him personally, so their communication for him is an empty phrase.

Why is nonverbal communication so important?

From the above, a simple conclusion follows: when in front of the monitor, a person - be it a child or an adult - is in silent solitude.
And no matter how interesting and exciting spending time on a computer or mobile device may seem, virtual reality is unlikely to fully replace live communication between people. Because it involves not just the exchange of information, but also uses means of non-verbal communication. That is, facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonations, etc. Thanks to non-verbal signals that complement speech and convey emotions, our communication in the family, with friends, classmates, and colleagues becomes more effective. We begin to understand our interlocutors better and can predict what impression we will make on them. And no text messages with emoticons instead of emotions can replace the tenderness of a mother, the attention of a father, the smile of a loving grandmother, a welcoming hug from a friend, not to mention the time spent together with the closest people.

The advantages of live communication are obvious!

It is the time spent together that contributes to the displacement of virtual reality by real communication and opens up opportunities for human self-expression through means of non-verbal communication.
In other words, children, adolescents, young people, and adults begin to see by their own example the obvious advantages of live communication in the family, at school, at university, and in a group of friends. Moreover: live communication allows adults to “reach out” to their children, especially those in “difficult” adolescence. There are still many opportunities for developing communication skills today. This includes organizing home holidays, going to the movies together, going on vacation in nature - you can’t list everything. To a no less, if not greater, extent, the break with virtual reality is facilitated by games - sports, role-playing, board games. I would like to focus especially on board games. The word “developing” is often used to describe them, and rightly so. They contain one of the main postulates of learning - from simple to complex.

Alternatives to virtual

Board games create a unique atmosphere of communication, especially in the family.
They become a kind of bridge between generations, promote mutual understanding between adults and children, and help establish the necessary contact. Board games are safe for the eyes, which is their huge advantage over spending time in front of a computer screen. They help develop the child’s creative abilities, promote the development of qualities such as memory and attention, spatial imagination and logical thinking. Many board games, as well as puzzles - and this should be especially said - are aimed at intellectual development. Including hundreds of interesting questions and answers to them, such games are guaranteed to provide children, and sometimes adults themselves, with comprehensive knowledge in various areas. Many board games are specifically designed for the whole family. Fun and laughter, interesting moments in the game - all this leaves the most unforgettable impressions.

Currently, the range of board games by manufacturers is constantly expanding, and it is no longer just about throwing dice and moving chips. There are many versions equipped with electronics, which embody the most exciting and daring ideas that can captivate, give new knowledge, broaden horizons, and facilitate communication. At the same time, becoming a worthy alternative to the excessive and unhealthy hobby for virtual reality.

Nowadays, when there are so many means of communication in the world (cellular communications, the Internet with all its communication possibilities), at any moment we can contact the person we want to talk to, and often this is much more convenient than meeting the person in person. to discuss some issue or just talk about some general topics.

Therefore, we sometimes forget what it is to really communicate, without any devices, and the topic of the importance of live communication

is becoming more and more relevant. Let's talk about this topic too...

But before we begin, I want to say right away that I am not at all an ardent opponent of modern devices and technologies. It’s just that sometimes, thinking about how much time we spend at the computer, hanging out on social networks, immersing ourselves in the virtual world, shutting ourselves off from those useful things that we could do, I understand that everything must be in moderation, otherwise we we may lose...

Let us try to figure it out. Why is it so necessary for us to communicate with our own kind in person? How can only correspondence communication with people harm the development of our personality?

In no case can the virtual world replace live communication. Communicating on social networks, hanging out in front of the TV and computer games, we replace live communication with the virtual world that is convenient and beautiful for us. We create it the way we want it, while at the same time moving away from reality and becoming more and more immersed in it.

By creating our own virtual world and immersing ourselves in it, we significantly limit ourselves in live communication and many consequences follow from this.

It even comes to such cases that millions of people make virtual dates for themselves, portraying themselves as who they really are not, wishful thinking, thereby plunging more and more into an invented fairy tale, and developing a complex towards the living communication.

Such communication is not only undesirable, it is unacceptable for the development of a person’s personality. As a result, a person develops a false worldview, which takes him further and further into an imaginary world. A person thus deceives himself and others, without even noticing how deeply he is mired in this.

In connection with the problem described above (and not only this problem), in many countries around the world there is already talk of limiting access to some social networks, as this is already developing into a rather serious social disease.

Thus, when a person tries to talk to a healthy normal person, there is a high wall in front of him due to the fact that they put pressure on his self-esteem and interfere with communication with normal people.

The problem is so serious that people who, for some reason, suddenly lose the opportunity to be in their virtual world, easily fall into stress, their nervous system is in a breakdown and they have an unbalanced mental state.

Think about the last time you were at an orchestra concert, at the theater, traveling, or just sitting in a cafe with friends or family. Remember how you felt there. The virtual world of the Internet or telephone communication cannot give such feelings in the original. These are living feelings, which means they are transmitted directly through direct interaction between people. Therefore, live communication is necessary to be emotionally healthy.

Let's find out why we still need live communication and what it really gives us. To do this, please answer a few of the following questions:

  • Is the issue of marriage relevant to you, if so, do you think that in order to achieve this goal, it will be enough for you to attend online dates and write to someone in a chat?
  • Or would you still like to really get married and spend your whole life with a person who is close to you not only physically, but also spiritually? Who has a good sense of humor and is easy and pleasant to communicate with...

  • Do you want to have a job at one level all your life or do you want to develop in this direction? You may ask how this relates to the ability to communicate. And I’ll tell you that by being able to communicate effectively with people in the real world, if you want, you can get a better paid job at the first interview without problems, since most employers are looking for people who are able to work in society, while creating an atmosphere of friendship and unity among other workers.
  • Do you want to develop the ability to respond correctly under unforeseen circumstances, or in some stressful situations, finding the key to others through the ability to communicate well and gain people's trust?
  • Do you want to be the life of the party and at the same time have many friends who can support you in any situation?
  • Such questions are endless, so we will not continue listing them. If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, then it becomes clear that it is important and necessary for us to work on our ability to communicate with people live, that we need to sit less in our virtual world!


    Your comments on the article are welcome!

    We live in a society. Every day we have to meet and talk with those with whom we are connected at home, on the street, at work - our whole life. Teaching a child the first skills of interacting with society is the task of the family.

    How do you express your thoughts?

    When leaving our apartment, we meet neighbors, at work we are among colleagues, and on public transport we are surrounded by fellow citizens. Whether we like it or not, we have to communicate. We communicate through speech that others can understand. It is very important to hear the voice of the interlocutor, his intonation.

    Words play a huge role in communicating with each other. Each sentence expresses thoughts and feelings. This promotes mutual understanding. Of course, there are certain rules for verbal communication. Living in a certain place, a person quickly learns speech etiquette. Adults understand that permitted words and expressions in a friendly company are different from a business conversation. Words for communication must express ideas clearly, be precise and clear.

    It is worth noting that the means of communication are not only words, but also the characteristics of the voice, its timbre, soft or harsh sound, whether the voice sounds soft or loud, fast or slow speech of the interlocutor. The role of intonation with which a thought is conveyed is also important. Intonation can convey a real palette of feelings, our attitude towards the interlocutor. With gestures, facial expressions, and expressive movements, a person strengthens his speech, it acquires liveliness and intelligibility.

    What prevents family communication?

    Now, you must agree that communicating over the Internet does not fully color our speech. You can simplify expressions, use colloquial words, supplement the speech typed on the keyboard with various emoticons - and yet this will not replace eye-to-eye communication, real sincerity and sincerity.

    The development of society is subordinated to the achievements of science. There were times when home telephones were not available to all citizens. There were pay phone booths on the streets. There were no computers. People met and communicated more often. Then suddenly everyone, including children, had mobile phones. Everything is in touch. There was absolutely no time to meet friends for tea or play something. It’s not a rare sight when in the evening each family member sits near his laptop and plays his favorite games.

    However, it is already noticeable how the renaissance of board games is coming. People are beginning to understand that live communication is more important than sitting in front of monitors. Every year more and more board games appear on the market. They are produced in millions of copies and do not sit on the shelves.

    We promote live communication

    What is sometimes more attractive than computers? The main thing is live communication. Board games are designed for two or more participants. Choosing an exciting board strategy game is not difficult these days. There is such a wonderful game Activiti .

    This fun can captivate both adults and children. It does not require any preliminary preparation: once you get ready for a party, and after dinner it is useful to have fun.

    The task is simple and at the same time complex. You need to break into several teams, and then pull cards out of the deck. There is a word written on the card, but it must be explained to the members of the other team using facial expressions, pantomime, drawing, or a synonym. It only takes one minute to convey the meaning. This is where there should be mutual understanding, intelligence and a sense of humor! You can imagine how much laughter and pleasure this game will cause in a group!

    From Guest
    The twentieth century was marked by the use of new means of communication. First of all, here, of course, we must mention the telephone, the role of which in a person’s life is constantly increasing. The telephone is a technical invention, and at first it was thought of as a way of operational business communication. However, very soon it began to serve the need for interpersonal communication. This invention practically destroyed letter writing, and this loss is apparently irreparable.

    Other technical inventions - primarily radio - had a rather positive impact on culture - at least in that they made music and, to some extent, literature in its live sound an accessible object of cultural consumption.

    The emergence, and then the further rapid development of television, often raised concerns about whether television would replace the book. Something like this actually happened, but gradually it became clear that, basically, TV and books can get along quite well. Some concern, however, is caused by the new distribution of time among the younger generation to the detriment of books in comparison with television.

    Another thing is the invention and penetration into private everyday life of such a thing as a computer. A computer with gaming programs becomes a universal toy for children of any age and even for adults. In general, a computer provides the opportunity for inexhaustible and interesting contact with its user.

    What is the result of such a situation? A very unpleasant consequence of computerization is the displacement in the user’s mind of the “real” reality and the virtual reality (failure to distinguish between the fictional world and the real world). But the problem is further aggravated by the nature of computer games: a lot is based on aggression and cruelty (for now these are symbolic, conventional murders, but who can guarantee that in the minds of a player, especially a teenager, convention will not be confused with reality?). Also, the virtual world becomes a substitute for the real world.

    (According to A.B. Esin)

    1.Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

    2.What four technical inventions are considered by the author?

    3.Explain the meaning of the term “means of communication”. Why is radio considered a means of communication?

    4.Suggest what human needs television serves. Identify any two needs and illustrate serving each with a specific example.

    6. There is an opinion that some of the advantages of “live” communication between people are lost when using technical means. Do you agree with this opinion? Give two arguments to support your position.

Rules of communication on the Internet

rules of communication
There are a number of rules that must be followed when communicating electronically. At the same time, it does not matter to whom you write and on what issue.

Forums, various communities, games, websites have their own rules of communication.

virtual contact

Read them before starting work to avoid problems:

  1. Remember the rules of good manners. Address your interlocutor as "you".
  2. Nobody likes obsessiveness. If your message or comment remains unanswered, please be patient. Perhaps the person is very busy and will write to you later.
  3. If you run your own blog, try to answer questions as quickly as possible. Perhaps for some they are of great importance.
  4. When entering a discussion, do not stoop to insults.
  5. It is prohibited to publish information from personal letters in the public domain.
  6. For sending spam you will be blocked or blacklisted.
  7. Rules of communication on the Internet advise us to re-read letters before sending. You can correct mistakes, remove or add something.
  8. Don't put your whole life on display. Personal information and photographs may fall into the hands of scammers.
  9. There are a lot of beautiful words in the Russian language. Try not to shorten them. It's disrespectful and ugly.
  10. Avoid pathos and negativity.
  11. Try not to clutter your social media feed with information on only one topic. If you value the number of subscribers, then be more diverse.
  12. Technical terms and little-known vocabulary are not suitable for correspondence with friends and subscribers. When communicating with you, a person should not feel uncomfortable and look for every word in the dictionary.
  13. Do not go offline while communicating. No one will like this habit. You will get the same effect if you frequently reload the page.
  14. Communicate with other people the way you would like to be communicated with you.

a wide range of exciting communication
Knowing how to communicate online will help you transfer this experience into real life. To avoid experiencing all the disadvantages of virtual life, limit your time behind the monitor. When meeting with loved ones and friends, keep your mobile phones in your bags, try to look into them less often. Live communication brings people together and makes life brighter.

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