What should a healthy person be like? Signs of a healthy person

Human physical health is the natural state of the body, determined by the normal functioning of all its organs and systems. Stress, bad habits, unbalanced nutrition, lack of physical activity and other unfavorable conditions affect not only the social sphere of human activity, but also cause the appearance of various chronic diseases.

To prevent them, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, the basis of which is physical development. Regular fitness classes, yoga, running, swimming, skating and other types of physical activity help keep the body in good shape and help maintain a positive attitude. A healthy lifestyle reflects a certain life position aimed at developing culture and hygiene skills, maintaining and strengthening health, and maintaining an optimal quality of life.

Physical health, what is it?

Physical health, as an important component of a person’s overall health, can be defined as the harmonious functioning of the body, with the full implementation of all its internal and external functions.

By internal functions in general we mean the maintenance of internal homeostasis, the proper functioning and interaction of all major organs and the brain, as the main control system of our body.

External functions, taken generally, are expressed in the body’s ability to move and navigate in space and time. Receive external information (sounds, images, various energy fields) and convert it into the necessary signals inside the body for further interpretation. Give answers in the form of sounds or actions. Undoubtedly, here the mental and physical components of a person must interact synchronously and be closely connected.

Types of health


This is the natural state of a living organism, one that is provided by nature. Only a physically healthy body can perfectly perform the functions inherent in nature. The body self-regulates, easily adapts to new conditions, physiological processes proceed harmoniously. Often, painful conditions negatively affect the psychological state and even the human psyche.


This is a state of a person’s psyche in which he experiences mental comfort, reacts adequately to what is happening, has no problems with sleep, and fully rests. Violations in this area often affect general tone and physical health.


This type of health is directly dependent on environmental settings. It is a reflection of a particular person’s contact with society, a person’s well-being and the possibility of protecting one’s own health. Poor social health causes physical and mental deterioration.

Indicators of health and physical development

5 conditions for maintaining physical health

How to maintain physical health? Let's see what is meant by the word "saving". The word “preservation” itself is generally associated with something established, extended over time, some kind of long-term perspective, a process that does not change quickly, and is maintained in a certain state for a long time.

In contrast to the word “strengthening” which in our case is associated with a dynamic action that takes a little time, but is periodically repeated at short intervals.

What basic conditions (out of many declared ones) for maintaining physical health can be identified and included in the system of long-term methods?

  1. Long-term maintenance of a healthy lifestyle (HLS) in terms of physical health. Most often, most people begin to pay attention to this after the body ceases to cope with the loads that modern man has. And he naturally begins to experience malfunctions, which are expressed in the form of all kinds of diseases. Of course, modern medicine makes it possible to cure many diseases, especially at the very beginning of their development. But very often the consequence of the disease is treated. And if the cause is not removed, then the likelihood of new failures in the body reoccurring is extremely high. And in order to reduce this probability to the maximum, it is worth turning to healthy lifestyle technologies as early as possible. Choose for yourself those methods that are suitable at this stage and be sure to follow them.
  2. Ecology! It is clear that if you live in an environment where poisonous yellow clouds overhead, or black smoke often obscures the sun, and water bodies are polluted with waste from the activities of bipeds who call themselves intelligent, then you don’t even have to mention good health.

    The author, in his distant time, had to live in such an environment for a couple of years. Well, since I was not a native inhabitant of those places, I clearly understood that I might not survive the third year. We had to urgently evacuate to more favorable places. A person cannot yet quickly adapt to different environmental conditions, so it is worth living in places with an acceptable ecology for people.

  3. Attitude to life is also one of the important factors influencing health and well-being. I think it is no longer a secret to anyone that maintaining a positive background to what is happening to us, as well as positive words and thoughts that we release into space, directly affect both physical health and what is happening to us will be. If we spread negative emotions, words and thoughts for a long time, then we should not be surprised at what will happen to us and complain about life. And it is clear that a positive attitude must prevail over negative emotions in order for us to implement our plans. Otherwise, you will see how all your undertakings crumble like a house of cards when the wind blows.
  4. Bad habits . Habits do not change at the snap of a finger, and some remain with us since childhood. To change our usual patterns of behavior and actions, we need to consciously try. Well, habits that harm the normal functioning of our body and often lead to serious illnesses are also well known. Here are the most common of them: excessive alcohol, a lot of smoking, and finally drugs. When we work them out, thinking that it will work out, since the body can cope so far, then we must understand that - It won’t work out! Quantity will gradually turn into quality, especially with age. And there are no guarantees that you will be able to wean yourself off them. The body already functions taking into account the consumption of these substances from the outside, and it may be possible to return back, but it will be very difficult. So, it’s better, of course, not to develop such habits, and if you already have them, understand their consequences, and try to roll back, the sooner the better.
  5. Strong immunity is an important foundation on which our physical health rests. It is a strong immune system that allows us to cope with various pathogenic viruses and bacteria that constantly besiege our body. And you will need to take care of strengthening your immune system almost throughout your life.

If in our youth we somehow don’t notice that our immunity is weakening, then over time it will be very noticeable.
Our life, with stress, often with strong negative emotions, and the lack of necessary supportive measures to improve health, greatly affects our immunity. He needs to be supported. How to do this? In addition to well-known physical exercises, this should include hardening procedures, baths, healthy sleep, rest, breathing and meditative practices. Everyone can choose the necessary procedures for this themselves or on the advice of specialists. But it is definitely worth doing this and it is better to do it constantly in a suitable mode.

Expert opinion

Svetlana Syumakova

Physician-therapist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, highest medical category, expert in the field of general health improvement of the body

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The influence of healthcare on a person’s lifestyle cannot be discounted. Among the health promotion activities carried out by healthcare are: • General improvement of the body; • Eating organic products; • Maintaining personal hygiene at home and in the workplace; • Routine vaccination.

Physical activity is the key to health

Health is a state of complete physical comfort. But a person will not be able to feel great without moderate exercise. Daily morning exercises, as well as walks in the fresh air, will give you excellent health and a boost of energy. Simple physical activity helps strengthen the immune system, improve metabolism, normalize blood circulation and blood pressure.

state of physical health
Physical activity should be planned in accordance with age and body characteristics. This is especially important when it comes to the health and physical development of children. Excessive stress can be dangerous for a small body. Older people should also exercise with caution. It’s good if the classes are supervised by a specialist.

The human body gets used to any physical activity over time. Therefore, for classes to be effective, the number of exercises must be increased.

How to improve physical health, 5 main ways

To improve physical health, you can find a lot of tips, rules and recommendations on the Internet. There are a lot of them, and you can get confused if you don’t bring it all into a system, highlighting general patterns. Let's create such a system and look at the main ways to improve the health of the body:

  1. Physical activity - This is the first and most common thing that allows us to systematically strengthen our body if we do this constantly in a certain schedule and mode. The very concept of physical activity includes such actions as: walking, running, swimming, climbing, spinning, jumping, all kinds of physical exercises and other voluntary types of movement.

  2. Such constant activity allows you to significantly improve and maintain the physiology of the body at the proper level, increase energy, and strengthen the immune system.

2. Nutrition is the second factor that greatly influences our condition and health. It is clear that we will not last long without food and water, but it is very important to understand what we supply to the body. What material is needed to break down and obtain the necessary components and energy involved in maintaining our performance at the proper level.

It is clear that if you eat everything, especially various types of fast foods that have become popular in the last decade, then the disastrous result of consuming such food can be observed in a short time. The second factor is the liquids that we pour into the body. If instead of the necessary oils you fill your car with something mixed with sawdust, for example, then it won’t drive for a long time.

So it is here. Sometimes you watch how you drink a huge amount of drinks like Pepsi or Cola, and you think how the poor liver cleanses all this toxic chemicals for humans, and how long it will last in such conditions. With such food, obesity is not the worst thing that awaits lovers of all this.

There is a much more serious illness when most human systems refuse to work with such an attitude. Therefore, if it is better to immediately understand this and start eating healthy foods and try to drink as much ordinary water as possible (not from the tap, of course, but purified, but just water), then the body will thank us with good condition and tireless performance.

Expert opinion

Olga Tsaregorodtseva

Doctor-nutritionist, specialist in safe, physiologically balanced nutrition for healthy patients and therapeutic nutrition for sick people

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Sedentary work and constant consumption of high-calorie junk food leads a person to obesity. This is followed by a series of painful conditions: shortness of breath, heart failure, diabetes mellitus, problems with blood vessels and joints. There is only one conclusion: pills and medicines cannot help here. You will help yourself. But as? This is constant movement, sports, exercise, and just regular long walks

3. Sleep, rest, daily routine - all these components of our life are also necessary for the full health of the body and, of course, the psyche, if the functioning of which is not correct, the physical basis of the human being will suffer serious disruptions. I think there is no need to describe much here, these are quite understandable and natural things.

Let's briefly go over the main points:

a) It is clear that sleep should be sufficient for the body to fully rest, cleanse it of everything unnecessary and, so to speak, “tidy the house.” Everyone here has their own sleep time, usually from 6 to 8 hours. Well, if you periodically do not observe or often violate this function, which is so necessary for maintaining health, then immunity will decline and slowly, as they say, “go crazy,” which will certainly affect our general well-being and health.

b) Changing work and rest greatly helps to maintain good physical and psychological shape. I think everyone understands the need for such cycles and everyone has something to remember about this. Many people are good at working, but they often fail to relax. Everyone has their own reasons, but this must be done. Moreover, in most cases it is worth choosing a full-fledged active holiday to gain strength and recover.

c) Daily routine , this is a category that usually few people pay attention to. As it goes, so it goes. But a regime chosen for yourself helps a lot in not wasting energy, completing assigned tasks more efficiently and quickly, receiving positive emotions, and developing a state of self-confidence... Of course, on vacation, say on the weekend, you can and should change your workday routine and spend it without any mode, or choose a weekend mode J. This way you can relax more fully in a short time.

4. Yoga, meditation, breathing practices - these are the elements of our life that we thought we could do without, but it’s better to have them in your life arsenal and practice them.

Yoga classes can significantly improve the condition of our body, strengthen our health, and learn to be attentive and conscious about our lives.

Meditation can initially be used as a good practice for concentration and developing mindful attention, which will also be a good contribution to our physical health.

Breathing practices, such as pranayama, wushu, qigong, where breathing plays an important role, help increase the energy of our body, balance, and significantly improve the functioning of all organs. Therefore, if possible, it is also worth finding time to practice such techniques.

5. Personal hygiene - I think it will now become an integral part of our lives for a long time. After the viral pandemic that the world is currently experiencing, most people have realized the importance of personal hygiene procedures, which are not something that complicated and do not take much time. But they can significantly reduce the risk of diseases from all kinds of microbes. bacteria and viruses that constantly want to settle in the human body and live well off of it :)

Only this causes problems and troubles for a person with the need to treat the body and remove the diseases that these invisible cohabitants carry. This is where it’s time to remember immunity, which is the main barrier to the penetration of these uninvited guests. Just as we helped him, so he will help us!


The concepts of adequate existence and perception of the world around us play an important role in our lives.

But rarely does anyone think seriously about what a truly healthy person is (both physically and mentally).

This is understandable: for people who feel well, this is not so necessary, and patients, as a rule, think only about their illness.

Therefore, probably, the very concept of a “healthy person” looks somewhat blurry.

In this article we will try to formulate just some principles by which this can be determined.

Healthy people

It is rightly noted: health is what is remembered when it goes away.

In fact, this is one of the most important criteria for the full life of people, regardless of their well-being and race, religion and significance. Moreover, health and illness as concepts cannot be considered independently of each other. It is not possible to find a clear and absolute line.

That is why, probably, in many medical reports, professional doctors write: “Practically healthy .


Of course, not all people in the world look the same. There are different body shapes and types, weight, height, national characteristics and other important characteristics. What is good for one may be harmful for another.

But in general, we can take as a basis some basic general criteria by which a healthy person is determined.

In a physical context, this is an individual who does not have bad habits and regularly performs sports activities.

In psychological terms - a positive attitude towards existence, the ability to communicate with others like oneself, observance of moral and religious laws.

Healthy people, as a rule, are immediately recognizable in a gray crowd; they exude a pleasant and quite powerful aura of well-being. Others seem to be drawn to them, unconsciously (or consciously) trying to recharge themselves with the energy of harmony.

In this context, we can say that a healthy person is one whose physical abilities, strength, emotional feelings, and spiritual development are in harmony with each other.

Medical examination criterion

It may seem very simple: if you are not sick, then you are healthy. But sometimes this is not the case, and a person is unaware of the disease living in him. This becomes known quite by accident, as a result of routine tests or ongoing examination.

Therefore, it is very important not only to feel good, but also to listen to the opinions of doctors. And if the doctor tells you that you are healthy, then this is really so.

Feeling good

At the physiological level, an individual's well-being may consist of specific manifestations.

  • There is enough (and even excess) energy to carry out everyday activities: going to work, doing household and family chores, and housekeeping. And, what is typical and especially important, do not feel unhappy at the same time!
  • Healthy and restful sleep. It’s easy to wake up, start your daily activities without tension and swaying, feeling cheerful and energized after a night’s rest.
  • There is regular (at least once a day) bowel movement. Sometimes this factor is not given due attention, but in vain! After all, irregularity is the key to poisoning the body with waste products, and slagging (especially after forty) cannot lead to anything good: a person begins to get sick, immunity decreases, and a loss of strength appears, indicating general and regular poisoning of the body.

External signs

The image of a healthy person, as a rule, consists of external signs characteristic of the species: a physique that is not overloaded with extra pounds, complexion and skin, a smile - and many other nuances. Let's look at some of them.

  • When you smile, your gums and teeth have a pleasant, healthy color. This in itself already says a lot: that the person eats properly and there are no intestinal diseases. Healthy gums should not be dark red or purple in color. Otherwise, it may signal hidden existing diseases.
  • Human hair can also tell a lot in the context of health and proper nutrition. If a person has brittle and oily hair, this may indicate incipient problems. In a healthy person, they are shiny and not brittle, without visible damage. And excessively dry ones indicate a lack of vitamins and amino acids in the diet.
  • Language can also tell you what kind of person is healthy or not. It’s not for nothing that doctors ask you to show your tongue at the appointment! In a healthy person, this organ has a characteristic pink color, without a white (or yellowish) coating.

What should you do to be healthy?

Much depends in this regard on a balanced diet. If you don't feel completely healthy, try starting with this.

Analyze whether your diet is calculated correctly, whether it contains enough vegetables and fruits, vitamins and microelements. It will not be amiss to estimate how many kilocalories per day you spend, and how many you consume when eating. For many people, even those who appear healthy, all these parameters do not stand up to criticism.

Set up your daily routine. Sleep should be long, at the right time - but not excessive (about 7-8 hours).

And don’t forget about exercise: it needs to be done daily, especially for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle.


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