Depression in women, how to get out on your own - TOP 7 ways

The modern pace of life, constant stress, loneliness and many other factors inexorably lead to depression. Sooner or later, almost every modern person approaches a similar state. We will tell you how to overcome depression on your own, how doctors can help, and what causes it.

It is important to understand that such a condition is not the result of a person’s spoiling, bad character, pessimism or mood swings. To recover, the patient needs to understand how to overcome depression and learn to enjoy life.

Accept yourself in the state you are in now

There is no need to avoid a bad condition and fight it, this worsens your well-being even more.

You struggle and thereby harm yourself and your social skills.

If you resist feeling bad and try to avoid it, it only gets worse.

You must live it!

Depression is normal.

Especially for people who are engaged in self-development, work, do not get enough sleep, for all men and women - this is part of your growth, your path.

And she leaves as quickly as she comes.

Tell yourself: It is what it is. It may be unpleasant, but it’s all temporary and will pass! I'll move on.

And you no longer need any help from a psychologist for depression.

Redirect your focus to other activities: for example, work out at the gym

Take a break, redirect your focus from depression to other activities, such as:

  • physical exercise;
  • swimming;
  • Biking;
  • journey;
  • Reading books.

Completely and completely immerse yourself in another activity, shift your focus to it.

After a while, the problem that previously haunted you will seem petty and completely undeserving of your attention.

This way you will close your worries about how to get out of depression and believe in yourself.

Psychologists also share this effective advice.

How do the first signs of nervous exhaustion appear?

Diagnosis of the condition is often complicated by the sluggish course of the initial stage. In addition, people delay seeing a doctor because they are afraid to take antidepressants and talk about the symptoms they are experiencing.

As a rule, the initial signs of depression in women are mild. There are problems falling asleep, nightmares at night, and fatigue in the morning.

Usual responsibilities can become almost impossible to fulfill. Irritability, aggression, tearfulness are typical signs of depression and nervous exhaustion in women. Pessimism, loss of appetite, and concentration problems are common. Features of manifestations are not related to age. Signs of depression in women 30 years of age and older are practically the same.

depressed woman
Depression manifests itself as a decrease in interest in life

Cling less to positive emotions, don’t be afraid to lose them

How to realize and implement this:

  • Don't try to be perfect emotionally . By clinging to positive emotions and trying to hold on to them, your internal resistance to reality and what is happening will grow.
  • When you resist the appearance of bad emotions, you only increase their appearance.
  • All people on the planet are chasing emotions, states – things that come and go and are impermanent. And it is an endless race for what is impermanent.
  • If you don't tremble so much and are delighted with positive emotions , then you will suffer less from depression, and you will not be so affected by negative emotions.
  • When you are at an emotional peak , just enjoy the positive emotions and realize that this will not last forever.

Realizing this will answer your questions about how to get out of protracted depression on your own.

How Depression Begins: Activation of the Pain Body

The pain body has two modes of existence: passive and active. Existing in passive mode can be ninety percent of the time. In the life of a deeply unhappy person, the pain body can be one hundred percent active.

And if you are now depressed, your pain body is activated.

Your pain body feeds on experiences (in the form of thoughts). It, like any entity, strives to survive. And it can survive only if you unconsciously identify yourself with it. Then the pain body will come to life, take over you, “become you” and live through you.

When the pain body crushes you under itself, you yourself are drawn to the pain. Become either a victim or a criminal. You want to hurt or suffer pain. Both together, the difference is small. Of course, you are not aware of this and claim that you do not seek pain. But take a closer look at yourself - and you will definitely see: your thoughts and actions are subordinated to the desire to prolong the pain, to make yourself and others suffer.

Use meditation techniques to strengthen your energy field and immunity

How to perform this technique:

  1. Lie down on your back comfortably, close your eyes.
  2. Focus on your different parts of the body, neck, shoulders, arms, chest, hips, legs. Focus on each area of ​​your body for 15 seconds and feel the energy coming from within.
  3. Now move this wave of energy from the top of your head to your heels and back again. Feel it in your body, take your time.
  4. Now feel your entire body as a whole and sense the energy field.
  5. Keep your focus on this field for a few seconds.

Follow this technique and you will know everything about how to get out of depression yourself. You can read more about how to meditate correctly on the FeelPassion website here.

Pros of this technique:

  • gaps in your energy field are removed;
  • there is a feeling of integrity and inner fullness;
  • you strengthen your immune system, healing occurs.

Severe symptoms

Conventionally, the manifestations of the condition can be divided into main and accompanying ones. The diagnosis can be confirmed if at least 2 main symptoms of depression are detected; the number of additional signs present in women does not matter. The criteria of the International Classification of Diseases also establish the period of occurrence of manifestations.

Symptoms of depression in women before and after 50 years of age should be observed for at least 14 days. However, rapid development of nervous exhaustion in a short period of time is also possible. In this case, the diagnosis is also confirmed. How exactly depression manifests itself in women depends on the specific case. The presence of all these signs is not necessary.

Table 1. Characteristic symptoms of depression in women

SignsMore details
BasicProlonged depressed mood, loss of interest in hobbies, significant decrease in performance
Additional symptoms
PessimismThere is a sharply negative attitude towards life
Disparagement of personalityThere is an unreasonable feeling of guilt, a feeling of worthlessness, and self-esteem decreases
Sense of anxietyThere is groundless fear and increased anxiety
Difficulty concentratingIt is difficult to maintain attention on something for a long time, there is absent-mindedness and forgetfulness
Thoughts about deathIn severe cases, thoughts of suicide arise - a symptom of prolonged depression in women, fraught with danger
Weight fluctuationThere may be a decrease or increase in appetite. As a result, weight loss or gain
Sleep disturbanceA frequent companion to nervous exhaustion is insomnia. Possible difficulty falling asleep and waking up

There are other criteria that help the doctor both recognize depression in women and understand the severity of the condition. Pathology can manifest itself physically. Glycogeusia is characteristic of depression. This is the unreasonable appearance of a sweet taste in the mouth. Tension in the muscles, neuralgic pain, a feeling of stiffness in the chest, dyspeptic disorders, and pain in the head are detected.

symptoms of depression
Social symptoms characteristic of depression

Get enough sleep and get 8 hours of sleep to have a lot of energy in your body

The benefits of a good 8 hours of sleep:

  • When you sleep, you replenish your vital energy.
  • Your internal dialogue is turned off.
  • In a dream, you no longer have the worries that bother you in reality.
  • In a dream there is no past and no memory of a bad past, just as there is no future.

To fully replenish your vital energy from sleep, wear a night blindfold. When you are in complete darkness and there is absolutely nothing shining into your eyes, the energy after sleep appears many times more.

Make sure you close the window with curtains and there are no streetlights shining from the streets.

Why is it important to get enough sleep?:

  1. When you don't sleep enough, your psyche is more fragile.
  2. A person who does not get enough sleep in society will be more influenced by negativity; he will easily lose control over the situation and, above all, over himself.
  3. Thus, a bad experience is consolidated in the mind, which creates a desire in a person to close down and avoid this negative experience.
  4. Later this can result in internal pain. Therefore, it is very important to get enough sleep in order to worry less about thoughts about how to help yourself get out of depression.

How to survive this illness

How can you overcome depression on your own? Much depends on the patient himself. This condition can be overcome quite simply. You need to gather all your will and delve into your condition. Listen to your inner feelings, answer the question: “How do I feel? What hurts me now? When did it start? What could be the reason? The reason may be overwork, stress, a quarrel with loved ones or the loss of a loved one, pregnancy or abortion, etc.

With depression, the whole body suffers. Problems with the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, etc. may appear. This is the so-called psychosomatics - the root of all troubles with such manifestations lies in the patient’s own psyche.

As recent studies have shown, residents of cities, especially large ones, are more likely to suffer from this problem. They are constantly under the influence of stress factors, but at the same time they are so busy that they cannot even visit a doctor.

How to overcome bad mood and depression? Living in an overpopulated, noisy metropolis has an extremely negative impact on a person’s mental state. City patients do not know how to relax, rest, it is difficult for them to even notice the wonderful moments of their lives and appreciate them. They literally plunge into the frantic daily rhythm of life, constant stress, and negative environmental conditions.

Changing our attitude to reality

If you really decide to cope with depression on your own, it is important to change your attitude towards your responsibilities, affairs and reality in general. This will help you look at your problems from a different angle. If you motivate yourself correctly, the problem may not be as significant as it seemed at first.

Back of the head

Each of us has responsibilities - household chores, work, study, communication with our wife, husband, friends, colleagues, caring for children, etc. Every day, many important tasks are placed on our shoulders. If depression sets in, vitality quickly disappears, and the person finds it difficult to cope with these once familiar activities.

To fight the disease, you should not take on important tasks. Get your priorities right. If melancholy has begun, the main goal now is to achieve recovery. It is not so easy, you need to fight for it, make an effort so that the disease recedes.

Try to choose a work rhythm that is feasible for yourself so that it does not lead to discomfort. It is important to study how the body reacts to stress. Large matters and tasks can be successfully divided into small ones, then the disease will begin to recede, and you will have additional strength to overcome the disease.

Postpone all serious decisions

If you are going through a difficult period when you are overcome by despondency and fear, put off solving important tasks for now. Due to depression, the internal strengths and reserves of the human body are quickly depleted. Take care of them. If you make the wrong decision, this will further stimulate the development of the disease, so simply postpone this decision for the duration of the disease. Believe me, when remission begins, it will be much easier for you to cope with your tasks.

If depression sets in, do not make serious decisions and do not assign many responsibilities to yourself. It's time to rest. If the situation needs to be resolved urgently, do not be afraid to consult with your loved ones.

Avoid stress

You need to remove any possibility of stress. With depression, the threshold of resistance to stress is significantly reduced, that is, a person becomes extremely vulnerable, vulnerable, and ceases to adequately assess the situation. With euphoria, the patient thinks that he can do anything, but soon there comes a moment of panic when the world is painted in black tones. During this period, the patient cannot cope with the most basic tasks. This is a direct path to mental stress and nervous breakdown.

It is important to limit possible stressful situations, anticipate them, and avoid potential conflicts. If you have a job, it's better to take a vacation. Studying will also be problematic, so it’s worth taking sick leave. Depression needs to be treated comprehensively.

Setting the right goals

In order for melancholy to recede, there are a number of universal tips:

  1. Communicate more with different people. There is no need to isolate yourself, because loneliness is extremely dangerous with this disease. It is important to choose the right circle of people to communicate with. You should not include whiners, pessimists, aggressors, and manipulators. You are not on the same path with them. If you have no desire to engage in communication, you need to force yourself. Overcome your reluctance and start enjoying it. It is not for nothing that during psychotherapy the doctor tries to organize communication in a group of patients. It is interpersonal contact that can become a lifeline. Sometimes relatives lack tact and skills to properly communicate with the patient, but one cannot blame them for this. Try to accept their mistakes and forgive them.
  2. Do what you enjoy. You probably have a favorite activity. This could be playing a musical instrument, reading books, doing handicrafts, walking, watching movies, etc. Be sure to give yourself little joys, do everything that pleases you. Imagine that the doctor ordered you to experience joy, that this is medicine.
  3. Play sports. Physical activity has a beneficial effect not only on the body, but also on the psyche. This can be any exercise, exercise, yoga, gymnastics, Pilates, oriental dancing, cycling, etc. But you shouldn’t make great efforts, because while you are sick, your body is weakened. It may seem like doing even a simple movement is an impossible task, but it is not. Your psyche is tired, but your body is ready for action. Now all I have to do is force myself a little. It is physical activity that stimulates the production of endorphins – the hormones of joy. This is a direct path to improved well-being.
  4. Don't indulge in idleness. It is the lack of activities that can plunge the psyche into despondency. Just lying on the couch and suffering is a dead end. Take the first step towards healing - get out of bed, start cleaning your apartment, replant flowers. Don't indulge in laziness.
  5. Eat right. A balanced diet saturates the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements that nourish, among other things, the nervous system. A depressed person may completely refuse food or eat excessively; his feelings of guilt and feelings of worthlessness grow. When you refuse food, the body has nowhere to draw energy and vitality, and the condition worsens. Eat healthy foods that you like, drink more juices, include greens, raw vegetables, fruits, and cereals in your diet. Avoid alcohol.
  6. Don't be afraid to see a doctor. If you can’t solve the problem yourself, there is nothing wrong with consulting a doctor. Remember that depression is a disease.

Any method is good if it helps. Therefore, from the list above, you should choose what suits you specifically. A positive attitude is also very important.

Don't project the future and remove the focus from the past: work with what you have now

When a person focuses on future events, he loses the moment now and is in those mental projections that, most likely, will not even happen.

In addition, due to projection into the future, a gap, an abyss, is created in consciousness.

And in this abyss, a person loses himself, which creates a huge amount of fears, worries, and a feeling of uncontrollability of what is happening. We talk in more detail about getting rid of fears here.

You can always cope with the present time, but it is impossible to cope with the projections of the mind - just as it is impossible to cope with the future.

It is not for nothing that they say: “we will resolve issues as they arise.”

Always stay in the present moment to close questions about how to get out of deep depression on your own.

How not to deal with stress?

  1. Food. Many people, being in a stressful state, try to “eat it up” mainly with sweets and unhealthy foods. You shouldn’t do this - the stress won’t go away, but the extra pounds will add up very quickly.
  2. Alcohol, tobacco, drugs. All this gives only imaginary benefits, helping to forget about problems for a short time. The result is always the same: a person gets sober, problems, however, do not disappear anywhere, and a hangover only aggravates the situation.
  3. Video games, TV, series. Excessive enthusiasm for such things is a waste of time. No one forbids you to distract yourself by watching a new episode about the adventures of your favorite heroes or playing an interesting game, but you need to know when to stop.
  4. Excessive rest. Sleep should be healthy. This is considered sleep lasting 7-8 hours. Even if you want to constantly rest, you should not do this - it is better to consult a doctor. Excessive sleep will not lead to anything good. Instead of getting rid of stress, you will only get a loss of concentration, bad mood, excessive irritability and other aggravating factors.

The key for those who have lost their passion for life and see it as meaningless

  • Many happy people have already realized that life is meaningless. You are not the only unique person who has come to this. You're not special!
  • Just happy people made the choice to be happy with one understanding in their heads: “Life is meaningless! Ha ha! Well, okay! Let's continue to have fun and move on!"
  • Has life become meaningless for you? So do crazy things, reach new heights. You can also learn more about passion and motivation in life in another post.
  • Always have a goal in life, know what you want from life. Otherwise, the universe will not give you energy, because you have no goal and you don’t want to realize anything.
  • People with big goals always have a lot of passion, energy and motivation.

Don't make yourself a special victim, make a choice to move on and no longer worry about how to get out of depression on your own when you don't have the strength to do anything.

Video on how to get out of depression on your own


Usually because of small problems, people become depressed. Many people experience panic attacks. Also, people become depressed due to lack of confidence in themselves and the future. We hope that the advice of a psychologist will help you deal with your problem or that of a loved one.

Therefore, to understand how to get rid of depression forever. You need to be confident in yourself, approach everything with a positive attitude, and you will succeed.

Good luck in this difficult fight against depression.

Get out of the house more often to get some fresh air

Why is it important to breathe fresh air and go outside:

  1. strengthening the immune system;
  2. relaxation and peace for the nerves;
  3. it promotes good sleep;
  4. blood supply becomes better;
  5. metabolism in the body accelerates;
  6. long walks increase appetite;
  7. opens pores, has a positive effect on the skin.

It will be better to take walks than sit motionless in one place.

If your child sits at home a lot, it is not surprising that he is always feeling unwell. Remember that he needs to breathe fresh air more often, and no longer ask questions about how to help your daughter or son get out of depression.

What the wise Taoists came up with: the state of “not doing”

  1. Imagine such a time of your passivity among activity: when you were actively doing your business and then you give up on everything. Imagine a state when you don’t want to do anything: you don’t want to meet with friends, you don’t want to go anywhere - neither to work, nor to study.
  2. And you don’t have to get out of this state . If you don’t want to do anything, then you don’t have to do anything. And you no longer need help for depression at home when you simply follow these points.
  3. You are simply in this non-doing . You don't try to entertain yourself in this state. For example, there is no need to get stuck into computer games.
  4. You also go to the shower in the morning, sleep normally, go out for a walk somewhere, but this is not doing something intentionally in order to get something .
  5. If in this state you start to do something and feel: “ This is yours and this is the goal that you want to strive for from within ,” then you can try.
  6. If you feel squeezed at the same time , then this is not your option.

This is such an observational hibernation. You fall into this non-doing and just look at yourself. Remember this and know everything about how to get out of severe depression on your own.

You can also read about how to remove depression and despondency in another article.

The essence of the disease

Depression is often confused with a bad mood or bad temper. This is a disease that requires competent and systemic treatment. If you ignore such a difficult condition, it can become severe. It is with severe depression that a person loses interest in life so much that he is ready to end it.

Overcoming depression is a difficult task that the patient cannot always cope with on his own. The most difficult thing to overcome is the moderate and severe degree of the disease. A psychotherapist will tell you how to overcome severe depression. Here it is important to skillfully combine a course of synthetic antidepressants with other drugs, as well as psychotherapy.

The disease begins with a person losing emotional balance. The impetus for this can be troubles in the family, at work, at school, an unsettled personal life, the loss of a loved one, etc. Chronic stress is extremely dangerous. It undermines your health from the inside, every day, morning until evening. The disease can also be triggered by hormonal disorders and long-term therapy with certain medications.


Melancholy can be provoked by somatic and neurological diseases (hypothyroidism, stroke, multiple sclerosis, etc.), pregnancy, miscarriage. We have already told you how to overcome depression after childbirth. You can’t do this on your own, because a chain of chemical reactions is running in the body, which must be dealt with by a specialist or even several specialized doctors. Very often, mothers face depression during maternity leave or the postpartum form of the disease.

Susceptibility to depression may be related to gender. It happens more often in women. In men, this condition can be caused by stress, overwork, and alcohol. Constant drinking provokes rapid destruction of the psyche. Melancholy is often triggered by the death of a loved one, divorce, or separation from children.

Do the opposite and opposite of what depression tells you to do.

How to apply this in life

  1. If you woke up and thought, “I’m probably going to stay in bed all day,” then now you’re doing the opposite!
  2. You don't listen to depression, otherwise it will always have power over you.
  3. I encourage you, on the contrary, to call your friends or get out somewhere in nature.
  4. No matter how it sounds and no matter how much you want the opposite, you need to force yourself to get out of the house.
  5. You might have a great time! Who knows? But you will never know unless you challenge your condition. This way, you will no longer worry about how to deal with laziness and apathy.

Follow these rules and remember them.

By following them, for example, a woman after giving birth will answer questions about how to get out of postpartum depression on her own. Or the man will perk up and find himself.

How it works

  • If every time depression appears you just obey it , it will become even stronger and worse for you. As you continue to listen to this voice, you will feel worse and worse. Why do you need it?
  • So start doing positive things to be ready for a positive result ! For example, if you keep doing negative things, it would be foolish to expect a positive result.

Keeping this in mind, you will know everything about how to help a person get out of depression.

What not to do

Having figured out what to do when depression and apathy occur in women, it is also worth remembering the main points that should be avoided. What not to do:

  • Use medications and means to suppress emotions that were not prescribed by a doctor. Such behavior is fraught with aggravation of the situation and the final undermining of the human psyche;
  • Abuse alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco. It is much more difficult for a woman’s body to get rid of these habits than for a man’s. In addition, bad habits quickly drag on and bring only imaginary relief;
  • Neglect other people's help. The last thing to do during a period of depression is to close yourself off from the outside world and others;
  • Throw yourself into work. Workaholics often try to isolate themselves from problems by burying themselves in paperwork or taking on a heavy load, but this will provoke even greater physical and psychological exhaustion;
  • Dwell on the past. It is worth thinking more about the present and making plans for the future, it is good to include loved ones and family in them.

Do not take emotional suppressants

Do not deny yourself sweets: especially those who were previously on a diet

This especially needs to be done for those who were on a diet and denied themselves everything.

When you're feeling down, there's nothing wrong with indulging in sweets.

Diet negatively affects the condition.

Indulge yourself with goodies and sweets if you feel like it and want to.

In this way, you show care for yourself and provide a contrast to your taste buds.

You feel the taste of life.

If you are thinking about how to help your husband or your wife get out of depression, treat the person with something sweet.

For example, what do I like to treat myself to?:

  • airy chocolate;
  • bananas;
  • yoghurts;
  • delicious cupcakes;
  • cakes;
  • loaf with condensed milk.

Suffering is necessary until we realize that we no longer need it

  1. The situation is that people with difficult life circumstances are much more likely to start taking care of themselves.
  2. In the most desperate situations, a person can begin a search: a search for himself and finding meaning in suffering and life. As a rule, it is the deeply doomed people who begin to take care of themselves.
  3. Those who are doing well most likely will not want to question their well-being with their own thoughts. “Why ruin something that brings you pleasure?” – appears involuntarily in a person’s mind.
  4. Suffering is necessary because it creates conditions in which a person can no longer endure. Then the person begins to run, move, and look for solutions.
  5. Some discover a new world, a new self and change their lives . Some disappear into pleasures and various kinds of addictions.
  6. Nothing helps us grow like suffering and fears.
  7. Suffering is necessary until we realize that we no longer need it. Remember this, and you will close your questions about how to get out of depression.

What should relatives do?

The patient’s recovery largely depends on loved ones. It is important to support him, not to let him go deeper into his problems and focus on this condition. If possible, you can give him feasible instructions. Tell him often how much you love him and cherish him.

If the condition worsens, you should immediately inform your doctor. If the patient is not being treated in a hospital, you definitely need to spend more time with him. The most dangerous thing is to leave him alone with the disease. Then the person replays his problems, fears, and experiences in his head again and again, but he is not able to cope with them on his own.

It is important that the patient realizes and remembers that he is loved by his loved ones and is really needed by them.

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