../../The concepts of “self-actualization” and “self-realization” in psychology


Abraham Maslow coined the concept of “self-actualization.” This is an American psychologist, the creator of the humanistic direction in psychology, the author of the book “Motivation and Personality.”

He gave different definitions of self-actualization:

  1. In early works, the term was defined as a person's desire to move upward. This is the continuous realization of one's own potential, the fulfillment of one's destiny. He put into this concept a tireless desire to achieve harmony of soul and body. In this context, self-actualization is a process of growth.
  2. In later trainings the term is described as a result of growth. Maslow says that self-actualization is the full use of one’s own capabilities and talents, personal health.

Personalization is part of self-realization. Defined as the need to be an individual.

Self-actualization Maslow

How to find yourself and your purpose in life: what does it mean and where to start

Personal self-actualization is an issue that the famous American scientist Maslow (author of the famous theory of the pyramid of human needs) has studied extensively. According to Maslow, the main meaning of self-disclosure is that a person gradually learns to suppress all attitudes “imposed” by society and replaces them with his own attitudes. Usually this process is combined with an active search for truth and the meaning of life.

The desire to prove oneself and realize one’s talents is natural for any mentally healthy person

Characteristics of a self-actualizing person

Maslow describes the self-actualizing individual as a person from whom nothing has been taken away. And an ordinary person is a creature who has drowned out the talents given by nature.

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Parameters of personality self-actualization:

  • realistic assessment of one’s own activities;
  • accepting oneself with shortcomings;
  • natural treatment of people, without pretense;
  • actions and actions are aimed at achieving the goal;
  • need for privacy;
  • no dependence on the environment;
  • even ordinary things are perceived as a miracle;
  • ability for sensitive interpersonal relationships;
  • freedom from prejudice.

But self-actualizing people are not ideal. Like others, they can be angry, irritable, boring, and selfish. A sign of a developing individual is temperamental outbursts. The characteristic of interpersonal relationships is the ability to quickly change from deep to cold.

Self-actualizing people can be boring

In his research, Maslow gave the following example of the process of self-actualization: a woman who realized that she did not love her husband. She divorced her husband with cruelty and coldness, without worrying about his feelings. The realization of her potential was inadequate and developed into selfishness.

Self-actualization as a factor in the professional development of a secondary school teacher

Bibliographic description:

Shinkorenko, A.V. Self-actualization as a factor in the professional development of a secondary school teacher / A.V. Shinkorenko.
— Text: immediate // Problems and prospects for the development of education: materials of the I International. scientific conf. (Perm, April 2011). - T. 1. - Perm: Mercury, 2011. - P. 189-192. — URL: https://moluch.ru/conf/ped/archive/17/112/ (access date: 10/08/2020). The problem of self-actualization does not have a very long history in psychology, but it quickly became a key system-forming element of the humanistic trend in modern psychology and pedagogy. Research on this issue conducted by such scientists as S. Buller, A. Maslow, G. Allport, K. Rogers. E. Shostrom, V. Frankl, L.I. Antsiferov, prove the existence of the need to develop effective support for the self-actualization of the teacher’s personality, since only a self-actualizing personality can both successfully develop in the pedagogical process and teach successfully. These scientists define the concept of “self-actualization” in different ways, for example, in the psychological dictionary edited by A.V. Petrovsky and M.G. Yaroshevsky, this term stands for “a person’s desire for the fullest possible identification and development of his personal capabilities” [1, p. 349], according to A. Maslow, self-actualization is “the desire to become everything possible: it is the need for self-improvement, for realizing one’s potential. [2, p.354]

What do we mean when we use the term “self-actualizing personality”?

According to A. Maslow, “a self-actualized person is characterized by the following set of properties, each of which in a civilized society should be accepted as positive for both the individual and the whole society: effective perception of reality and comfortable relationships with reality; acceptance (of self, others, nature); spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness; service; detachment, need for solitude; autonomy, independence from popular culture and environment, will and activity; a fresh look at things; higher experiences; brotherly attitude towards people; faithful interpersonal relationships; democracy; the ability to distinguish means from ends, good from evil; philosophical sense of humor; creation; resistance to cultural influence" [3, p. 27]

Self-actualizing people, without exception, are involved in some business, in something outside themselves. They are devoted to this work, it is something very valuable to them - it is a kind of calling, in the old, preaching sense of the word. They are doing something that is a calling of fate for them and that they love so much that for them the division “labor - joy” disappears. One devotes his life to the law, another to justice, someone else to beauty or truth. All of them, in one way or another, devote their lives to the search for “existential” values, that is, the search for certain values ​​that are genuine and cannot be reduced to something higher. There are about fourteen such B-values: truth, beauty, goodness, perfection, simplicity, comprehensiveness, etc.

Despite the fact that the need for self-actualization is a fact that does not require proof, only a small percentage of individuals can be called self-actualized (according to various sources, from 1 to 5%), although the self-actualization desire is characteristic of all people, starting from the first childhood “I am myself!”

Research shows that the development of self-actualization of the personality of teachers should begin already at the stage of professional training, during the period when the necessary pedagogical skills are being formed, since knowledge of the basic needs of the student can indicate to the teacher the features of those pedagogical conditions that the teacher must create for consistent and successful development of the child's personality. Consequently, it is necessary to design the pedagogical process in such a way that future specialists have the opportunity to consciously demonstrate independence, introspection, self-criticism, self-esteem and other qualities that are part of the self-education of the individual.

The problem of forming the need for self-actualization in the pedagogical process, due to the presence of a large number of diverse factors, is one of the most complex, however, according to A. Maslow, there are eight ways of self-actualization [4, p. 102].

First, self-actualization means experiencing fully, vividly, and unselfishly with full concentration and absorption, that is, experiencing without adolescent shyness. At the moment of self-actualization, the individual is entirely human. This is the moment when the “I” realizes itself. Nowadays we can see how something of childish indifference reappears in young people who want to appear cruel, cynical and wise from experience; something innocent and fresh is reflected in their faces as they fully commit to experiencing the moment. The key to this is selflessness. Our young people suffer from a lack of selflessness and an excess of shyness and self-importance.

Secondly, the very word “Self-actualization” implies the presence of a “I” that can be actualized. Man is not malleable wax. It is always already something, at least some core structure. A human being already has at least a certain temperament.

Thirdly, it is necessary to imagine life as a process of constant choice. At every moment there is a choice: advance or retreat. Either a movement towards even greater protection, security, fear, or a choice of advancement and growth. Choosing development over fear ten times a day means moving ten times towards self-actualization. Self-actualization is a continuous process; it means multiple separate choices: to lie or remain honest, to steal or not to steal. Self-actualization means choosing from these opportunities opportunities for growth. This is what the self-actualization movement is.

Fourth, when you doubt something, try to be honest, do not defend yourself with the phrase: “I doubt it.” Often when we doubt, we are untruthful. Turning to yourself, demanding an answer, means taking responsibility. This in itself is a huge step towards self-actualization. Whenever a person takes responsibility, he self-actualizes.

Fifth, so far we have talked about experiencing without criticism, about choosing growth over choosing fear, about listening to the voice of impulse, about honesty, and about taking responsibility. These are steps towards self-actualization and all lead to better life choices. The person who does these small acts in every situation of choice will find that they help him better choose what suits him constitutionally. He begins to understand what his purpose is, what the meaning of his life is. A person cannot make good life choices until he begins to listen to himself, to his own Self at every moment of his life.

In order to express an honest opinion, a person must be different, independent from others, must be a nonconformist.

Sixth, self-actualization is not only a final state, but also a process of actualizing one’s capabilities. This, for example, is the development of mental abilities through intellectual activities. Here, self-actualization means the realization of one’s potential abilities. Self-actualization is not necessarily about doing something out of the ordinary; this could be, for example, going through a difficult period of preparation for the realization of one’s abilities. Self-actualization is work in order to do well what a person wants to do.

Seventh, the highest experiences are moments of self-actualization. These are moments of ecstasy that cannot be bought, cannot be guaranteed, and cannot even be sought for.

You can, however, and vice versa, put yourself in conditions under which their manifestation will be extremely unlikely. Giving up illusions, getting rid of false ideas about yourself, understanding what you are not fit for, what is not your potentiality - this is also part of the revelation of yourself, of what you really are.

Almost everyone experiences higher experiences, but not everyone knows about it. Some people withdraw from these short-term subtle experiences.

Eighth, to find yourself, to discover what you are, what is good and what is bad for you, what is the purpose of your life - all this requires exposing your own psychopathology. To do this, you need to identify your defenses and then find the courage to overcome them. This is painful because the defenses are directed against something unpleasant. But giving up protection is worth it.

Thus, from the point of view of the theory of self-actualizing personality, a person’s task is to become what is possible - himself - in a society where conditions are not conducive to this. A person is the highest value and, ultimately, is responsible only for becoming successful.

It is also possible to identify a number of conditions under which the effectiveness of professional self-actualization of teachers is achieved:

  • the presence of a motivational sphere for self-promotion for professional self-actualization of the individual, stimulating the interest of the teacher’s personality in realizing his creative potential;
  • taking into account the individual characteristics of the individual that determine creative self-expression, its essence, and the degree of significance in professional development;
  • awareness of the significance of the humanistic value of the creative individuality of the individual;
  • the organization of training of future teachers should contribute to the formation of the following qualities of a professionally self-actualizing personality: professional self-esteem, professional creativity, professional-cognitive needs. professional synergy, flexibility of professional behavior, professional value orientations and time competence.
  • the development of students’ ability to comprehend the results of their activities and the activities of students, carried out in various organizational forms of education, allows them to select such methods of teaching activity that are an “impulse” for the development of creativity;
  • mastering knowledge about the phenomenon of self-actualization, ways of self-actualization, and creativity is combined with its implementation in the pedagogical process.

Thus, the characteristic features of personality self-actualization are, on the one hand, the desire of teachers and students - future teachers - for active and creative interaction with the outside world (acceptance of the values ​​of Truth, Goodness, Perfection, etc.), and on the other hand, there are difficulties in self-understanding and self-expression, distrust of oneself, one’s own capabilities and human nature in general.

In this regard, as psychological support for the purpose of self-disclosure, self-knowledge, self-awareness, as the most important stages of self-actualization, in the process of professional training, as well as in teaching activities, it is necessary to organize (as an elective) a special course, including lecture-practical and training sessions.

  1. Brief psychological dictionary / Under the general editorship. A. V. Petrovsky and M. G. Yaroshevsky; ed.-compiled by L. A. Karpenko. - 2nd ed., Rostov-on-Don: 1998.
  2. Maslow A. Self-actualization. Psychology of Personality. Text. M.: 1982.
  3. Maslow A. “Motivation and personality. St. Petersburg: 1999.
  4. Maslow A. Psychology of Being. M.: 1997.

Key terms
(automatically generated)
: Self-actualization, life, moment of self-actualization, pedagogical process, experience, Petrovskoe, professional training.


Humanistic psychologists divide self-actualization into:

  • deep and superficial;
  • passive and active;
  • harmonious and problematic;
  • energetic and cautious.


The second name for this type of personality actualization is essential. The individual strives to develop his own personality. It goes through two stages:

  • identifying needs and requirements;
  • searching for ways to implement.

To self-actualize, a person sets a goal and identifies needs. He is engaged in self-discovery. If he finds it difficult to understand himself, he turns to a psychologist.


In everyday life, the idea of ​​self-development has become cheap. Superficial actualization of one's own personality does not imply self-knowledge.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

A person realizes existing opportunities, and does not discover new things in himself.


The peculiarity of passive implementation is the independent development of the intellect and psyche, without the active attitude of the person. New abilities appear naturally.


A self-actualizing person develops a goal. He approaches it by solving problems, attending trainings, and studying with a psychologist. The person is problem-centered. He lives to work, and does not work to live.


Harmonious actualization of personality does not disturb the balance of other human qualities. Mental health does not suffer. New abilities and talents develop gradually, without compromising existing character traits. A person does not experience constant fatigue, the process brings pleasure.


The rush to become the best version of yourself takes a toll on your mental health. Untimely or strenuous self-expression harms a person.

Intense self-expression harms a person - he becomes sad

He becomes irritable and tired. The actualization process should be carried out in moderation and be gradual.


Carl Rogers spoke in favor of the cautious method during trainings. According to his theory, the main thing in the process of actualization is to open the individual’s perception to his own needs and the needs of others. If this is achieved, the person's subsequent actions contribute to moving forward. According to Carl Rogers, constant struggle to achieve a goal is not necessary.


Maslow supported the concept of energetic actualization. He argued that a person must constantly discover new talents. Study new technologies and move forward. The ultimate goal is to fulfill your own mission. Nothing can force a self-actualizing person to turn away from this path.

Areas of the self-actualization process

Self-improvement is necessary for successful social and political activities. With its help, a person finds a new hobby and improves professional skills.

If you don’t want to give up and are ready to really, and not in words, fight for your full and happy life, you may be interested in this article .

It is easier for self-actualizing individuals to create a strong family.

Socio-political activity

Self-realization is a necessity for any politician. To achieve heights, you must constantly develop. Studying politics as a hobby opens up a new side of personality.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

Interests and hobbies

The emergence of new hobbies is an effective method of developing self-actualization. Any activity is suitable: dancing, board games, knitting, driving, etc. The main thing is that the hobby is new. You should have fun and try to achieve perfection.


A self-actualizing person strives for deeper relationships with loved ones than an ordinary person. This applies to a greater extent to people who have similar character traits. Two actively self-realizing people get along well together.

Self-actualization of one family member develops the rest

Such people have a narrow circle of friends and do not scatter themselves with strangers. But they feel empathy towards a person with a different temperament.

Self-actualization of one family member contributes to the personal development of the rest. Relatives take his behavior as an example.

Parents want their children to be the most successful. They try to motivate troubled teenagers. But until the child himself feels the need for self-development, adults will not convince him.

Professional work

Professional self-actualization is the search for oneself in the profession, one’s own role in the team, setting new goals and searching for prospects. The result is new mental and physical capabilities.

Set yourself the ultimate goal of learning a new professional skill related to your own field of activity.

An acute problem is the formation of self-actualization in pedagogy. According to the Wortman test (forms filled out by teachers during the 2020 study), 90% of teachers surveyed in Russia have 4th degree creativity, 10% have 5th degree. 4 and 5 are extremely low indicators.

Due to insufficient motivation, the level of teaching falls.

Self-actualization of personality

It should be noted that specialists such as K. Rogers and A. Maslow were more interested in the problem of self-actualization. Thus, the very essence of this concept comes from the classical directions of humanistic psychology. Moreover, the formation of the term is directly related to the formation of humanistic psychotherapy in the middle of the 0th century, when it took one of the leading places along with psychoanalysis, which was already popular by that time.

Taking as a basis the processes of self-actualization themselves, the movement is considered as a direction based on the belief that each individual has the ability to achieve absolute disclosure if he is given the freedom and the necessary conditions for this. In this case, the subject will be able to fully determine and direct his own destiny.

Some experts, in particular A. Maslow himself, believed that precisely such mechanisms as self-realization and self-actualization of the individual represent absolutely leading human needs, capable of replacing even food and sleep. Experts also identified a number of qualities, some common characteristics of the character traits of individuals who are very successful in self-actualization or have already reached great heights in it:

• Such people often do what they love throughout their lives. • They are not subject to outside influence and are in complete control of their lives. • The individual strives for constant improvement and development. Likes to gain new information through reading. • Usually these are highly creative individuals. They are also often prone to positive thinking. • Open in the emotional sphere. It is much faster and easier to forgive yourself for any breakdowns or incontinence in a sensitive person.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that such an approach is the “golden key” to a happy life, because such people are in complete harmony with themselves.

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Human need for self-actualization

The need for self-actualization is the degree to which the internal need to realize potential talents is manifested. The side of development depends on the orientation of the individual, which is not subject to external factors, but is exclusively a spiritual impulse.

The degree of need for self-esteem has been interpreted differently by famous psychologists. Maslow argued that self-actualization is not the greatest need. It comes into effect after satisfying hunger and thirst.

Goldstein believed that self-awareness is the strongest human need. An intensively developing individual forgets about thirst and hunger for a while.

Maslow called the need for self-actualization personal health. A person will achieve health if the need is moderate and timely.

Hierarchy of needs, or the path to self-actualization

The need for self-actualization, although the highest, is not the only human need. From the point of view of A. Maslow, the question of its satisfaction arises only when and if the needs of the lower levels are satisfied. This psychologist formulated the principle of a hierarchy or pyramid of needs, which serve as motivation for personal development. There are a total of five levels in this pyramid:

  1. Physiological level. It contains all natural, biological needs: food, water, warmth, biological partner, health, etc.).
  2. The level of security is not only the need for the absence of a threat to life and health, but also the need for peace of mind, confidence in the future, a well-paid job or a comfortable home, peace and prosperity.
  3. Social level. It contains the needs for a comfortable social environment, friends, loved ones, family.
  4. The level of self-esteem is the need for self-esteem, self-acceptance and pride in the results of one’s activities.
  5. Level of self-actualization. At this level, according to A. Maslow, there are needs for creativity and socially approved activities, for personal harmony and beauty, for the fullest possible realization of one’s own “I”.

If you build a hierarchy of needs in the form of a pyramid, then self-actualization will be at the very top, and it is based on all lower levels. This is very important, since a person thinks about higher-level needs only if the lower ones are satisfied. From a hungry person who does not have proper housing, one should not expect not only harmonious development, but also self-respect. And he begins to think about family no earlier than he has dealt with the first two levels.

But this does not negate the importance of the highest level to which one must strive. Moreover, A. Maslow only called a person who has reached the level of self-actualization a psychologically healthy person.

Maslow's pyramid

According to Maslow, all human needs are innate. They are located on five levels of the pyramid. Basic needs are located on the first level. After satisfying the underlying needs, a person fulfills the higher ones.

Levels of Maslow's pyramid of needs:

  • physiological needs;
  • safety;
  • Love;
  • respect;
  • self-actualization.

Physiological needs include hunger, thirst, and sleep. Security is understood as the need for order, freedom from fear and anxiety, and stability. Love – for wife, husband, children, friends. Respect – by strangers and by the person himself.

Sleep is one of the physiological needs

Subsequently, Maslow added two more needs to the pyramid: cognitive abilities (this includes skill, understanding, knowledge) and aesthetics (harmony, beauty). He placed them under the need for self-realization.

What hinders self-actualization?

The process of realizing potential is hard work. The following factors stand in the way:

  • laziness;
  • self-disappointment;
  • public pressure;
  • low self-esteem;
  • lack of motivation.

You can overcome these obstacles on your own. If you want to develop as a person, but are unable to overcome yourself, a psychologist will help. He will find the roots of the problem, make a diagnosis and select individual therapy.

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