Strengths of a person in professional activities

Volitional personality traits

In the process of life, a person gains certain experiences.
Depending on what processes you had to go through, your character is formed. Overcoming obstacles helps to realize the will of the individual. Basic volitional qualities

DeterminationActive, conscious, motivational movement towards a certain result. It is divided into 2 types: • strategy – the ability to be guided by beliefs, certain values, ideals; • tactics – the ability to set clear goals and not be distracted in the process of achieving them
InitiativeHe is a certain “pusher” of determination. Initiative helps to overcome inertia and direct will in a specific direction
IndependenceAn active conscious attitude to act from the standpoint of one’s own beliefs and views, without being influenced by external factors
ExcerptAbility to overcome obstacles in achieving goals. Requires self-control and self-control, the ability to choose the best course of action
DeterminationManifests itself in the ability to quickly make firm, informed decisions and implement them. At the same time, thinking about your actions from different positions, going through antagonism of motives and internal struggle with yourself is not excluded.
CourageThe first step in developing determination is determined by the ability to overcome fears and the ability to take justifiable risks.
EnergyManifests itself in the concentration of internal forces necessary to obtain results.
PerseveranceIt is a character trait that complements energy and allows one to mobilize strength for a long process of moving towards a goal.
OrganizationA necessary quality that helps you intelligently plan and streamline your actions.
DisciplineManifests itself in the conscious subordination of personal behavior to socially accepted norms and orders, taking into account the requirements of action
Self-controlIt is a derivative of the component of discipline. Expressed in the ability to control one’s actions and direct behavior in the right direction, without succumbing to momentary impulses

What qualities characterize personality

On the way to the goal

The described basic qualities are interconnected and complement each other. Will is a conscious, acquired personality trait that is developed in the process of setting a goal, the ability to move towards it, overcoming obstacles, and the ability to take responsibility for one’s own actions.

Strong-willed qualities

The main volitional qualities of a person include purposefulness, self-control, independence, determination, perseverance, energy, initiative, and diligence.


- this is a person’s ability to subordinate his actions to the goals that need to be achieved, this is the mobilization of forces to correctly determine the ways, means, methods and techniques of his activities, this is the target orientation of decisions made and their implementation.

a strong-willed quality characteristic of people who control their thoughts and feelings, their actions and deeds. People who have self-control are balanced and consistent.


- this is a volitional quality; it lies in the ability of a person not to succumb to the influence of various forces that can distract him from achieving his goal. If a person unreasonably renounces his opinions and views and easily adopts someone else’s point of view, if he unnecessarily asks for help or prefers to act according to his usual pattern rather than independently and creatively, then it cannot be admitted that he has developed such a strong-willed quality as independence. There are, however, cases when negativism (an unreasonable desire to act contrary to someone) is mistakenly assessed as independence. Negativism is a sign not of strength, but of human weakness.


is a strong-willed quality of a person, thanks to which he is able to make timely, informed and firm decisions in various conditions of his life and activity. If a person in some difficult situation does not decide to act in a certain way because he is confused, if he hopes for a happy coincidence of circumstances or for unexpected help, then he cannot be called decisive. Such a person, as a rule, is unsure of his abilities, underestimates the capabilities and strengths of other people and, as a rule, doubts the successful outcome of the matter.


- this is a volitional quality, thanks to which a person can mobilize his forces for a relatively long and complex struggle with obstacles and difficulties encountered in his activities on the way to achieving fairly distant goals. Without persistence, without standing your ground and fighting to implement a decision, there can be no determination, independence, self-control and determination.


- this is a volitional quality, which represents a person’s ability to act quickly and with great exertion of his physical and spiritual forces. Directing his activities towards achieving a set goal, an energetic person, as a rule, does not retreat from difficulties; they do not demagnetize him, but, on the contrary, mobilize him. Such a person always strives for something, makes plans and carries others along with him.


- this is a strong-willed quality thanks to which a person acts creatively. This is the active and courageous flexibility of a person’s actions and actions that meets the times and conditions. Initiative manifests itself mainly intentionally, and not under the influence of an unaccountable spontaneous impulse. Initiative, as a rule, is associated with the tension of the physical and spiritual forces of the one who demonstrates it.


– this is a strong-willed quality of a person, which consists in the active, diligent and systematic execution of decisions made. An executive person feels the need to completely complete the work he has started or entrusted to him.

Finishing the consideration of the volitional sphere of a person, you are invited to carefully read the questions below and try to answer them with maximum objectivity (test No. 10). If you agree with the content of the question, put “yes”; doubts, uncertainty - “I don’t know” (or “it happens”, “happens”); disagreement - “no”.

1. Are you able to complete the work you have started that is not interesting to you, regardless of whether time and circumstances allow you to break away and then return to it again?

2. Can you easily overcome internal resistance when you need to do something unpleasant (for example, go on duty on a day off)?

3. When you find yourself in a conflict situation - at work or at home - are you able to pull yourself together enough to look at the situation soberly, with maximum objectivity?

4. If you are prescribed a diet, can you overcome all culinary temptations?

5. Will you find the strength to get up earlier than usual in the morning, as planned in the evening?

6. Will you remain at the scene to testify?

7. Do you respond to emails quickly?

8. If you are afraid of an upcoming plane flight or a visit to the dentist’s office, will you be able to overcome this feeling without much difficulty and not change your mind at the last moment?


9. Will you take a very unpleasant medicine that doctors insistently recommend to you?

10. Will you keep a promise made in the heat of the moment, even if fulfilling it will bring you a lot of trouble, in other words, are you a man of your word?

11. Do you hesitate to go on a business trip (business trip) to an unfamiliar city?

12. Do you strictly adhere to the daily routine: time to wake up, eat, study, clean and other things?

13. Do you disapprove of library debtors?

14. The most interesting TV show will not make you put off urgent and important work. Is it so?

15. Will you be able to interrupt a quarrel and remain silent, no matter how offensive your opponent’s words may seem to you?

Individual abilities of people

Individual psychological qualities of a person contribute to the achievement of success and excellence in a certain activity. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

There are different levels of ability:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of the algorithm of personal qualities and abilities of people is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

Classification of personality traits

The characteristics of people are assessed according to 2 parameters: internal and external. To consider the first ones, you need to talk with the person for some time. The second qualities are nothing more than a “signboard”; they do not always convey true information.

Inner world

It can be rich in content or primitive. In the first case, people will be drawn to the person, assessing his personal qualities. In the second option, there is unlikely to be a desire to develop relationships. To become in demand in any environment, an individual must:

  • look at the world positively;
  • be able to think freely;
  • do not depend on other people’s opinions (be yourself);
  • take care of others;
  • easy to make contact;
  • realistically assess the situation.

Note! A person needs to develop his inner world, constantly absorbing new knowledge and applying it in practice. It’s more interesting to communicate with a versatile, friendly personality

External surroundings

People are greeted not only by their clothes, but also by their ability to present themselves. A beautiful sign is formed from the created image and behavior of a person. They work on the surroundings:

  • attractive appearance;
  • ability to choose a clothing style;

What qualities characterize personality

Image works for success

  • beautiful body language;
  • artistry;
  • ability to conduct dialogue.

You can have a beautiful sign and at the same time have negative internal properties. Such disharmony cannot lead to real success.

What are the traits of an ideal person

In many ways, such people (not completely ideal, but ideal within the limits of the capabilities given to them) are not difficult to notice. It is quite possible that you know such “perfectionists” who differ from the rest in some completeness and completeness. After all, an individual who acts in accordance with an internal ideal, in fact, does not need anything, in general, a person’s ideal needs are minimal, refined and sublime, such a person does not strive anywhere in everyday life and is not subject to various “wants”, hence inner peace and tranquility manifests itself .

Moreover, if you communicate with such a person, then you yourself begin to feel complete satisfaction with yourself and everything else. Such sensations only appear when communicating with a truly fulfilled person, one who has nothing feigned or fake, who has calmness not due to complacency. This is basically how the traits of an ideal person manifest themselves in external space and interaction with others.

the most ideal person

Social and psychological qualities of personality

The properties and qualities of personality in social and psychological terms in social science do not have a single clear definition. In the scientific works of psychologists there are several different opinions on this topic. Here are the main ones:

  1. If we interpret the term “personality” as a synonym for the word “person,” then qualities mean characteristics. If personality is a component of qualities, then human traits are determined by social properties.
  2. Sometimes the concept of “socio-psychological traits” includes the opposition of basic and secondary properties (from the perspective of differences between personal and general psychological).
  3. The structure of an individual is perceived as a set of traits and properties. Or, on the contrary, as a specific system consisting not of qualities, but of other elements.

Based on this list, it is clear that it is difficult to unambiguously determine the socio-psychological properties of a person. Because, firstly, there is no specific list of such qualities and criteria for identifying them. Secondly, there are contradictions in the relationship between abilities and properties. All these aspects require close attention. Their essence will be studied by sociologists and psychologists for a long time.

Social and psychological qualities

Every day people have to interact with society, expressing their own communication skills and a complex of socio-psychological personality traits.

The concept of “personality” already presupposes a certain quality, since each subject must independently develop a personality in his own person. No one is born a person right away. This process of formation is influenced by a lot of circumstances and, above all, upbringing, the street environment, and living conditions.

Socio-psychological personal parameters are developed as a result of the influence of interaction with surrounding subjects, the result of which is the emergence of formed beliefs and social demands regarding oneself and society.

Psychological traits and social characteristics are formed subject to the presence of communicative interaction with social subgroups. The social characteristics of a person reflect his fundamental traits, which allow people to occupy certain positions in society.

Social and psychological parameters in the personality structure divide individuals into three types: athletics, picnics and asthenics.

People belonging to the first type have the traits of a socially energetic personality who strives to be in the circle of attention. An athlete wants to gain the trust of others and take a leading position in the social environment. Such personalities are quite expressive.

People of the second variety quickly adapt to new conditions. They build relationships with surrounding individuals in society, based on the ability to freely express their own beliefs, interests, principles, while avoiding conflict situations.

People belonging to the latter variety are characterized by low sociability. They are introverts who do not strive to acquire connections, relationships and new acquaintances.

Social and psychological qualities of a person are determined by:

– the content of a person’s worldview;

– interests and needs, the degree of rapid switching from one to another or their stability, insignificant content of interests and needs, or vice versa;

– the level of integrity of such a worldview and personal attitudes;

– the degree of awareness of one’s own purpose in the social environment;

– an extraordinary manifestation of a complex of various qualities.

Thus, for a prosperous life, a person should invariably develop social traits and psychological qualities in his own personality. Since the level of socio-psychological parameters of the individual has a direct impact on performance.

Moral properties of personality

At the genetic level, moral programs inherent in distant ancestors are laid in a person. These properties are adjusted by life under the influence of such factors:

  • family education;
  • the influence of the school and the yard company;
  • social and personal relations;
  • life experience.

Each aspect is subject to certain rules of moral behavior. They form the individual’s attitude towards himself and other people. Based on what values ​​were embedded in the inner world, moral qualities are divided into categories: humanistic, nationalistic, racial, religious-fanatical.

What qualities characterize personality

Morality is established in childhood

Only the first category refers to positive characteristics. It is based on respect for all people, regardless of their religion, nationality and race.

Traits of people that characterize their temperament

What qualities characterize personality

The innate qualities of a person shape him as a social being. Behavioral factors, type of activity and social circle are taken into account. The category is divided into 4 concepts: sanguine, melancholic, choleric and phlegmatic.

  • A sanguine person is a strong and balanced person who easily adapts to a new environment and overcomes obstacles. Sociability, responsiveness, openness, cheerfulness and leadership are the main personality traits.
  • A melancholic person is a weak and sedentary person. Under the influence of strong stimuli, behavioral disturbances occur, manifested by a passive attitude towards any activity. Isolation, pessimism, anxiety, tendency to reason and resentment are characteristic features of melancholic people.
  • Cholerics are strong, unbalanced, energetic personality traits. They are quick-tempered and unrestrained. Touchiness, impulsiveness, emotionality and instability are clear indicators of a restless temperament.
  • A phlegmatic person is a balanced, inert and slow person, not prone to change. Personal indicators show how to easily overcome negative factors. Reliability, goodwill, peacefulness and prudence are the hallmarks of calm people.

List of positive personality traits of a person starting with the letters A, B, C: description, adjectives, words

The letter a:

  • Authoritative – inspiring respect, distinguished from others by representativeness, greatness, status.
  • Aristocratic is a person who has a lot of refined and cultural qualities that seem to elevate him above other people.
  • Artistic – a person with extraordinary creative abilities.
  • Angelic is a person whose all qualities are so positive and positive that he can only be compared to an angel.
  • Active - a person who does not like to sit in one place and is always in the thick of things.
  • Neat - a person distinguished by special positive qualities, diligent and clean.
  • Appetizing - a person who is quite well-fed, but not overweight, who evokes tenderness and sympathy, as well as sexual desire.
  • Athletic – a person with a beautiful and toned figure, who is athletically trained.
  • Atypical - a person who is not like everyone else, he is unusual, extraordinary
  • Avant-garde is a person with an original style of thinking and unusual appearance.

Letter B:

  • Impeccable – ideal, possessing qualities that distinguish a person from others
  • Selfless - a very kind person who is able to help others without demanding anything in return
  • Catchy - a person who has a pleasant and bright appearance that attracts and makes him stand out from the crowd
  • Carefree - a person whose thoughts are carefree
  • Peerless - a person who is not like any other
  • Exciting - a person who makes you think about yourself, exciting your thoughts and body
  • Priceless - a person who has enormous value that is so high that it cannot be determined
  • Blessed is a person who brings joy and happiness.
  • Prosperous - a person with exceptional abilities, very kind and positive
  • Blessed is a very happy person
  • Brilliant - a person whose actions and deeds are very good and are always a level different from the rest
  • Lively - a person with a bright and violent character
  • Brilliant - a person who is constantly distinguished by something: character, good deeds, appearance
  • Cheerful - a very active, agile person who is always in the center of events
  • Divine - a person whose deeds, appearance or actions are compared to God
  • Experienced - a person with experience and a “baggage” of certain knowledge

Letter B:

  • Polite - a well-mannered and kind person who knows how to speak correctly and act well with others
  • A great person is a person whose actions and deeds deserve respect.
  • Cheerful – a positive person, a person with a sense of humor
  • Generous - a very kind person who knows how to forgive
  • Attentive - a person who is sensitive to people and important life events
  • Inspirational - a person who is permeated by inspiration, he is very sensual
  • Loyal – a person who is devoted to someone or something
  • Airy - a person with whom it is easy to communicate, he is never annoying
  • Omnipresent - a person who knows everything and tries to go everywhere
  • Prominent - a person who cannot be ignored or his abilities cannot be ignored
  • Magnificent - one who has special abilities incomparable to others
  • Exciting – a person who excites and evokes sexual fantasies
  • Magical - one whose merits are so good that they seem unreal
  • Impressive - the deeds or appearance of such a person leave an impression
  • Inflammatory - a person whose appearance or actions leave a warm and positive impression
  • Free - a person with free thoughts or behavior
  • Almighty - a person who can do anything

What qualities characterize personality
Positive human qualities

Concept of value

Many people are guided by their desires in arranging a family nest, the desire to find a loving spouse, good, devoted friends and life comrades, pleasant and friendly colleagues at work. This determines a person’s life priorities, which involve meeting his needs and needs. But what characteristic features should the person himself have? What qualities should you value in people?

The concept of value as such presupposes the awareness by a representative of society of the materiality, importance and significance of something or someone in his everyday life. Thus, that quality of a person as an individual that is assessed by others as significant and useful becomes valuable. The concept of value is determined by the totality of the positive qualities of a member of society, established by the norms and rules of morality and morality. At the same time, this or that value for each person is analyzed in his own way, from the position of his own worldview. Thus, what may be valuable to one representative of society is of little significance to another.

The ability to help each other in difficult times

Special professional qualities

Each of these properties is considered in accordance with professional significance. For example, driving is contraindicated for a person who is unable to distinguish colors (color blindness). A person with low numerical ability will not be hired as a leading economist.

It is also necessary to list the following personality qualities, without which mastering a profession will in principle be impossible:

  1. Properties of an individual-typological nature (endurance, physical strength, lability of the nervous system) - in other words, stress resistance.
  2. Analytical properties that allow you to acquire unique abilities over time. Example: “technical hearing” is the ability to understand the cause of a mechanism malfunction without instruments, only relying on experience.
  3. Attentiveness directly depends on a person’s interest and desire to have up-to-date information about reality and to adequately evaluate it.
  4. Psychomotor skills are the special properties and perceptions of a person that guide him when choosing a course of action to achieve his goals. It also includes the speed of analysis and the ability to quickly analyze a situation and make decisions. As practice shows, this skill can be trained well.
  5. Mnemonic qualities. Associated with memory. Professional memory is also freely trained.
  6. Imaginative features - the ability to imagine and complex thought processes
  7. Strong-willed qualities - they are not required for every profession, but they are always necessary to overcome difficulties in the process of work.

Personality traits that help you find happiness

Not all of the positive personality traits that can be useful to society are good and

Positive human qualities - photo 2
advantageous traits for the person himself. An example would be sacrifice, which involves giving up one's own interests for the sake of others. It is welcomed by society, but it can be negative for the individual who owns this trait.

Let's consider what characteristics individuals must have in order to find happiness:

  • Self-esteem is one of the high personal qualities inherent in people with the ability to assess their own capabilities, self-respect and understanding of their importance and value in society.
  • Thrift is a good quality that manifests itself in caring for the safety of one’s own and other people’s property, material assets, as well as peace of mind.
  • Perseverance in achieving goals is the persistent desire of a person with a strong inner core to achieve the intended goal, despite difficulties and obstacles.
  • Self-criticism is the ability to adequately assess one’s potential, capabilities and abilities, not to be categorical in judgment, and to listen to others.
  • Healthy egoism is a personal position that consists in prioritizing one’s own interests over the interests of the environment. The average between a person’s personal comfort and harmlessness to society.
  • Insight is the ability not to miss significant details that others do not see, as well as to calculate the development of the situation many steps ahead.

Intelligent characteristic

Positive human qualities - photo 3
Let's consider a number of human positive qualities that employers prefer. They are called intelligent. Employees are always valued at work:

  • neat, loving order and harmony in everything;
  • polite and tactful, respectful of others;
  • far-sighted, with excellent intuitive abilities;
  • creative, able to think creatively, outside the box;
  • wise people who know how and when to apply their knowledge and experience, as well as the ability to avoid getting into undesirable situations and wisely manage available resources;
  • self-critical, soberly assessing their own potential, able to notice and correct their own mistakes, able to recognize the experience gained;
  • tolerant, tolerant of others, different views, habits;
  • hardworking people who know how to be satisfied with their work and enjoy spending their efforts and time.

Social positive character traits

The standard of living is directly related to the degree to which people are useful to the society in which they find themselves,

Positive human qualities - photo 4
including different spheres: family, work, public, etc. Those who are helpful are treated with respect, valued and rewarded as they deserve. This is naturally perceived positively by a person, because it brings pleasure. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider the list with what positive qualities a person is in demand in society. It should be:

  • hardworking;
  • disciplined;
  • responsible;
  • sociable;
  • tactful;
  • friendly;
  • conscientious;
  • honest;
  • ready for self-sacrifice;
  • decent;
  • generous;
  • educated;
  • selfless.

Having positive qualities in your character will help you adapt harmoniously and take your place in an adequate society. If people regularly display such traits, then the risk of conflict situations in any area of ​​life and activity is significantly reduced. And this, in turn, allows you to effectively achieve the desired results.

What personal positive qualities of a person should be included in a resume?

If there are usually no difficulties with listing places of work in a resume, then it is often difficult to name your positive qualities. A person does not know how to evaluate himself objectively, which can be an obstacle. Another reason is that the applicant feels that he needs to be more modest and not paint himself in bright colors. This is a misconception, because your resume is a kind of presentation. Therefore, do not be shy and think carefully about which positive qualities you would most like to include in your resume.

The enumeration should be based on several rules:

  • be restrained in your presentation;
  • Don't make an overly long list;
  • get away from the stereotypes;
  • choose positive qualities for your resume in accordance with the requirements of the vacancy.

You should not be ironic or make jokes if you are applying for a position that requires a serious approach. You can show your humor only in cases where the proposed work requires exclusively creative qualities. In addition, try to show that you are exactly the person the employer is waiting for. Avoid terms such as communication skills: this is found in almost every resume and has long become a template.

Having trouble describing positive qualities in your resume?

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Work on yourself

A person's strengths and weaknesses are closely intertwined with each other. No one can boast that he is perfect and has no weaknesses. A self-sufficient person always admits that he has shortcomings. There is nothing wrong. After all, a person’s shortcomings are traits that, with volitional influence, make it possible to develop further, not to stand still. If you engage in self-development, then over time a person can turn all weaknesses into strengths.

It is not always easy to identify a person’s strengths and weaknesses. People are not inclined to hide their positive qualities; they know very well what they can do best. However, sometimes people overestimate themselves and do not always correctly assess their capabilities.

If everything is more or less clear with positive character traits, then with shortcomings everything is more complicated. Few people are able to honestly admit to themselves that they are excessively lazy, are constantly late, or cannot bring the work they have started to its logical conclusion.

What are human weaknesses? In most cases, people are characterized by laziness, excessive gentleness of character, shyness, problems with maintaining a daily routine, and lack of discipline.

Many human shortcomings can be easily corrected on their own, but others cannot be dealt with without the help of a psychologist. Some human flaws cannot be removed. According to them, experts advise adjusting your own lifestyle so that they do not cause inconvenience.

List of characteristics associated with an individual

What qualities characterize personality

There is a grouping of certain signs that make it possible to recognize a person, namely:

  • a subject who is aware of the totality of his inherent social features;
  • a person participating in the socio-cultural life of society;
  • a person who has individual characteristics that are manifested in social relationships through communication and work activity;
  • the individual is clearly aware of his uniqueness and significance in the social world.

The concept of personality implies that the subject has a clearly expressed own opinion in relation to what is happening around him, that is, there is a worldview. An individual always asks philosophical questions about life, about its own significance in this world. In other words, there are ideas, views and life values ​​that shape a given person.

List of positive human qualities by group

It is quite expected that completely different qualities are valued in different areas of life. Let's look at them in more detail by group.

Positive qualities towards society


Surely, every person is pleased when they are treated kindly, and if this quality is clearly expressed in you, then, apparently, you make a pleasant impression on others.

Communication skills

A remarkable quality thanks to which you can find an approach to almost any person.


Many people want people to show interest in their problems and sincerely strive to take part in solving them. Of course, society values ​​such people.


It is especially valued in managers, teachers, doctors and many others.

Positive traits manifested in work


A person who puts maximum effort into doing his job well is likely to achieve this goal.


Anyone who has perseverance will probably not give up on something halfway, even if something doesn’t work out with him.


This very ambiguous quality can be very helpful in work - a person who does not work “automatically”, but tries to delve into the details of his activity, will clearly achieve a more impressive result.


If a person does his work carefully, then, for sure, he will not have to redo it, unlike many who do not have this feature.

Character traits in relation to life


If you are used to looking at life with optimism and looking for the positives in its manifestations, then most likely your life is easier than many others.


Someone who accumulates grievances and discontent for several years will obviously not be able to find peace of mind, unlike an easy-going person.


A person who is open to other people and to everything new often finds true happiness in life than those who try to isolate themselves from the world.


Of course, it is much easier for a non-conflict person to build relationships with people than a conflict person.

Positive qualities for a woman

A woman can act in several roles, and each of them has its own priority aspects.

  • Wife:
    caring, decency, loyalty, easy-going nature, kindness, sensuality, cleanliness.
  • Mother:
    easy-going, caring, kind, sensitive, patient.
  • Girlfriend:
    sympathetic, proactive, optimistic.

In general, there is no single image of the ideal woman. Some people believe that a woman should be ambitious, independent, and active, while others are convinced that a “real woman” is characterized by such traits as compliance and meekness.

Positive character traits of a real man

According to long-established social concepts, a “real man” should succeed as a breadwinner, as well as a caring and loving husband and father. When most women describe their ideal man, they often hear the following epithets: kind, generous, active, faithful, family-oriented, gentle, passionate, cheerful, caring, erudite, persistent, sexy, neat, enterprising, and so on.

When it comes to a man as a father, attentiveness, kindness, caring, a sense of humor, patience and others are mentioned as positive characteristics.

A good male worker must have hard work, punctuality, diligence, collectivism, and so on.

Moral qualities of a person

Morality is a set of voluntarily accepted rules for a person, which are of decisive importance in a person’s behavior and his attitude towards himself and others.

It is formed by the influence of many components:

  • family values;
  • individual experience;
  • school influence;
  • society.

Within the definition, there is differentiation into such subspecies as:

  • racial;
  • religious;
  • humanistic.

The role of moral positions is important for any social group. There is an opinion that racists, bigots and others lack moral principles and moral qualities. This judgment is erroneous and unscientific. Also, according to research, such social groups have genetic roots and cannot always be controlled by humans.

Moral qualities

Morality is the system of internal values ​​of a person that determine his behavioral response, attitude towards the social environment, close people and himself.

A person’s system of internal norms is developed as a result of the influence of many factors: family relationships, personal experience, school environment, social relationships.

Morality can be racial, humanistic, religious-fanatical, nationalistic, which is determined by the values ​​that were the basis for the formation of a person’s internal rules.

The moral formation of a child’s personality is determined by his perception of moral norms, knowledge of such norms, habits of behavioral reactions, and the internal position of the baby.

For the development of a child as a social creature, knowledge of behavioral norms is of paramount importance. The preschool age of the baby is characterized by the assimilation of social postulates of behavior through interaction with the environment (relatives, peers, teachers).

The assimilation of norms, first of all, involves the child’s gradual understanding and comprehension of their role, as well as the development of behavioral habits through interaction with society. A habit reflects an emotionally felt stimulating force - the child has to act, violating normal behavior, which creates a feeling of discomfort in the baby. In addition, the assimilation of norms presupposes that the child absorbs a certain emotional attitude towards the norms.

Important personality qualities, such as tact, correctness, respect, careful attitude towards heritage, nature - this is the basis on which the successful coexistence of a person in society is built.

Among the primary moral qualities are the following:

– philanthropy (selfless help to people, kindness);

– loyalty (this trait has two directions: towards oneself, that is, following one’s own principles, ideals, and outside, which implies loyalty to the Fatherland);

- respect;

– selflessness (actions without personal gain);

– spirituality (a characteristic that includes moral aspects and religiosity, which exalts the human spirit).

Volitional personality traits

Strong-willed qualities personally

What qualities characterize personality

compiled goals. Let's touch on the main ones.

Purposefulness is a person’s focus on the chosen result of an activity. This property is divided into a strategic variety and a tactical one. The first is, in general, a person’s actions based on his moral positions, values ​​and ideals. The second is the movement of the individual “step by step”, from one micro-goal to another until the result is achieved.

Initiative is a person’s focus on taking action. Usually precedes the beginning of a volitional act. Independent individuals have this property. Initiative is associated with independence.

Independence is a person’s voluntary and active attitude to make decisions in accordance with his principles and beliefs.

Will is not considered an innate quality, but is considered by psychology as a quality, the formation of which occurs on the basis of a person’s personal choice.

How to develop positive traits and qualities in yourself

As said earlier, everyone strives for happiness, and this need requires the pursuit of one’s own ideal, that is, such a way of activity, interaction and thought process that most corresponds to some internal indicator that is inherent in everyone initially. Of course, there is a truth in everyone, a model of what your ideal person looks like. Moreover, despite the seemingly significant differences, in the final sense, such an image is identical for everyone, as are the ideal qualities that each individual person may possess.

Probably the most essential activity that a person can have is movement towards the ideal, and this, in fact, ultimately determines any activity. Accordingly, it is advisable to reflect on how productively you yourself are moving towards your own ideal, because this is initially essential for yourself, since it determines the degree of happiness inherent in you. As you know, there are no limits to perfection, and in any version there is room for improvement.

character of an ideal person

Methodology characterizing the individual

There is a technique that explains how to characterize a person. It requires an analysis of the individual’s behavior and a generalization of the data obtained.

What qualities characterize personality

It includes the following stages of analysis:

  • I. Determining a person’s own opinion regarding himself. The character traits that appear in relation to oneself, namely modesty, or confidence, or uncertainty, the ability to calculate one’s own strengths, self-criticism, or determination and courage, or self-control and perseverance, or lack of will and lethargy.
  • II. Determination of the attitude of the analyzed subject to the people around him. If such qualities as honesty and justice, sociability and politeness, tactfulness or rudeness, contempt, etc. are present, then you need to find out to what extent.
  • III. Determining the individual’s position in society and the opinions of other employees about him.
  • IV. Determination of psychological characteristics, in particular the characteristics of memory, thinking and attention.
  • V. Determination of areas of interest to the subject, namely the labor, or educational, or sports, or creative sphere.
  • VI. Determination of emotional sensitivity to a particular situation. This may be a quick response when solving problems or, conversely, the absence of any reaction.
  • VII. Determination of the degree of responsibility. For example, he takes his job seriously and does it well, whether he takes initiative or not.

Thus, it is necessary to analyze the subject based on the required characteristics objectives.

What is value

Every person wants to have a good family, a loving partner, loyal friends, and friendly work colleagues. These are the values ​​that, along with health, self-realization, material well-being and personal freedom, are also the needs of the individual.

Everyone dreams of wonderful, close and trusting relationships, but few people realize what kind of partner such a relationship can develop with. Without the necessary knowledge, experience and a specific image of a valuable personality, it is difficult to appreciate the worth of the person you were lucky enough to meet.

No wonder there is a saying: “What we have, we don’t keep; when we lose, we cry.” Sometimes the value of a person is realized only when it is too late.

Value in the broad sense of the word is the importance, significance, benefit of something. A particular personality trait becomes valuable when it is assessed as significant and useful. A person becomes personally significant for another when a number or one of his valuable qualities is realized.

When a person’s behavior corresponds to what is proper and expected, he is liked externally or has something in common with the individual himself (similarity in appearance, interests, views, preferences always gives rise to sympathy), then he is assessed as good.

Any positive and even negative, but attractive personality traits can be perceived as valuable, but they are not always so.

Those qualities that are important and necessary for building adequate harmonious relationships .

The value of another person is determined by the value system of a particular person and society as a whole (moral and ethical standards). However, the value of any personality trait is relative . Depending on the society, type of relationship, age, gender, social status, mentality, etc., different character traits and behavioral characteristics are valued.

For example, such a quality as extreme scrupulousness characterizes a person as a good worker, but it can harm friendships. Another example: at 18 years old it is important for a girl that her chosen one has a sense of humor, but at 28 years old she already considers this absolutely unimportant and values ​​responsibility, honesty and care.

However, there are also human qualities that are certainly important and valuable for everyone.

What are the personality traits?

Personality qualities express

features of mental processes, states and properties of an individual, his character traits, temperamental features, specific behavior, interactions with other people, the environment, himself, that is, all the individual psychological characteristics of the individual.
In addition, a person’s personal qualities include
his existing knowledge, skills and abilities.

There are many classifications of personality traits and even more personality typologies based on these classifications. Psychologists have always been interested in the mystery of the human personality and they tried to sort it out “on the shelves.”

What qualities characterize personalityBut why does an ordinary person (not a professional psychologist) need to know about what personal qualities there are?
The fact is that knowledge generates self-awareness and increases awareness
A person who knows what personality traits exist can identify them in himself
, and then identify ways and directions
for working on himself

Also, knowing about personality traits, you can understand more about the people around you.

, learn how to properly build and maintain relationships.

The first stage of a relationship of any kind involves getting to know each other, which is essentially a clarification of personal qualities. When two people meet for the first time (be it a job interview or a man and a woman's first date), there is always a need to find out

what kind of person is in front of you? It is not for nothing that a resume requires you to indicate not only your work experience and basic data, but also list personal qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities.

So, if you need to know your personal qualities in order to understand how to further develop your personality, then knowledge of the personal characteristics of another person is important insofar as it allows you to determine compatibility with him and suggest what kind of relationship may develop. Positive personality traits are usually supported, reinforced and developed, while negative people try to correct, change or eradicate

Positive personality traits are usually supported, reinforced and developed, while negative people try to correct, change or eradicate.

But the division of personality traits into positive and negative is conditional

! It is based on generally accepted rules and norms of morality and ethics. You need to understand that such a subtle matter as a person’s personality, in fact, cannot be decomposed into “black” and “white”.

Personal qualities that are usually called negative are not absolute, but relatively

negative, just like positive qualities. For example, in a situation where you need to stand up for yourself, aggressiveness (which is considered a negative trait) becomes necessary and simply necessary.

What quality is valuable?

Positive human qualities - photo 1
In fact, the list of positive qualities is extensive, it has many advantages, we will present the main ones. This will help you understand and understand what is valuable in people, primarily for their environment:

  • Neatness - manifests itself in a caring attitude towards personal and other people’s things, and a person’s neat appearance. Neat people love order in everything.
  • Selflessness is the absence of the desire to benefit from one’s own actions. He will never ask for anything in return.
  • Tactfulness - this character trait is manifested in a respectful and polite attitude towards others, regardless of reciprocal behavior.
  • A person’s loyalty is a devoted attitude towards those close to him, as well as his own worldview and principles. You can always rely on people with this quality; they are constant and reliable.
  • Good manners are the manifestation of good manners and following a model of correct behavior in any situation.
  • Discipline is a person’s ability to meet requirements and fulfill all points of a specific routine. Friendship with discipline will help you manage time wisely and meet deadlines for completing tasks at work and at home.
  • Kindness is expressed in affectionate, caring treatment of people, responsiveness and the desire to come to the rescue and support in difficult times, without pursuing one’s own benefit.
  • Friendliness is the desire for pleasant communication in conditions of complete openness and sympathy. Thanks to this quality of character, you can have many friends among others.
  • Sociability is a property that allows you to easily communicate and be on the same wavelength with others.
  • Commitment is the ability to bear responsibility for one’s decisions, actions and their consequences. Such a person is considered mature.
  • Responsiveness is a manifestation of readiness to help out in a difficult period of life, without having a selfish motive.
  • Decisiveness is the willingness to carry out your plans under any circumstances.
  • Modesty is a character trait that manifests itself in tactful behavior and a reluctance to be or appear superior to others. He respects others, but is shy.
  • Self-confidence - allows you to evaluate your abilities and potential capabilities, control yourself in ambiguous situations.
  • Love of truth is manifested in the reluctance to deceive anyone. With an honest person it is reliable and safe.
  • A sense of humor - this trait allows you to perceive situations from a comical point of view, without losing balance and composure in any conditions. It is always easy and pleasant to communicate with people who have this trait.
  • Morality is considered one of the most positive characteristics, manifested in adherence to the principles of conscience, duty, honor, justice and other norms of spiritual values ​​of humanity.
  • Sincerity is a property that manifests itself in people’s ability to show their true emotions, feelings, and intentions.
  • Judgment is the ability to use your mind and life experience, analyzing actions, consequences, and drawing appropriate conclusions.
  • Optimism is a person’s ability to find a number of positive aspects under any circumstances, to trust others, to focus only on the positive, without turning a blind eye to problems.
  • Cheerfulness is a trait, the manifestation of which is associated with a constant cheerful mood, the ability to appreciate life and enjoy every little thing.
  • Courage is the ability to act without worry or fear, but without losing your sanity.
  • Justice is a personal property that is based on a clear understanding of the division between good and evil. He has an objective point of view on what is happening around him.
  • Tolerance is an attitude towards others, without doubting the correctness of someone else’s point of view and not allowing rude behavior with opponents.
  • Hard work is expressed in a positive attitude towards activity, work, and a willingness to happily spend one’s time on completing a task.

Positive human qualities

The list of positive qualities of a person is as endless as the list of negative traits. Perhaps most of all, such positive qualities

, How:

kindness, responsiveness, hard work, patience, diligence, responsibility, empathy, peacefulness, friendliness, morality, high personal culture, loyalty, unselfishness, sincerity, honesty, self-confidence, developed intelligence, prudence, determination, optimism, cheerfulness, practicality, activity , initiative, determination, courage, reliability, accuracy, frugality, punctuality, caution, attentiveness, charm, tenderness, caring and so on. These positive qualities give rise to corresponding skills and abilities: the ability to make friends, love, learn, create, work, and so on.

These positive qualities give rise to corresponding skills and abilities.

: the ability to make friends, love, learn, create, work, and so on.

As you can see, both the list of a person’s negative qualities and the list of positive ones includes not only those qualities that express the individual’s attitude towards other people and society, but also towards himself, work, things, and the world as a whole. This is because a person’s personal qualities are manifested in everything

: from who he works to what colors in clothes he prefers.

It is rare to meet a person whose personality contains only positive human qualities. But there are many people whose personality structure is dominated by

such qualities.

Any person always has conditionally negative personality traits, those that are worth working on, but their presence should not be a problem, but a stimulus for development and growth.

Every person can make sure that there are fewer negative things and positive personality traits prevail.


In what direction do you most often have to work on yourself?

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Negative human qualities

Negative qualities of a person
Negative qualities of a person are properties that are undesirable for the person himself and those around him and require correction; which are undesirable and require correction. There are a lot of them. The complete list could fill a small brochure. Just a few of them will be listed here:

  • deceit;
  • hypocrisy;
  • coarseness;
  • laziness;
  • tendency to depression;
  • aggressiveness;
  • hatred;
  • impatience;
  • passivity;
  • weakness of will;
  • cowardice;
  • touchiness;
  • sloppiness.

These and similar personal qualities of a person determine their corresponding summing up: a slovenly person will look unkempt and create the appropriate atmosphere around him. Irresponsible - work poorly and let yourself and the team down.

For those whose character is dominated by negative human qualities, there is good news: shortcomings can act as a “kick” to a rapid leap forward and internal growth. This is available to everyone.

Structural aspect of personality

For a more complete understanding of what qualities characterize a person, it is worth highlighting the structure of individuality. Conventionally, we can imagine four levels:

  • I. The level of temperament, including the characteristics of genetic predisposition, in particular the individual nervous system of a person.
  • II. The level of individual mental processes, revealing features determined by the peculiarities of perception and imagination, memory and will, sensations and attention, thinking.
  • III. A level that affects the experienced part of the personality, namely qualities in the field of knowledge, skills, abilities and habits.
  • IV. The level of social orientation includes features that reflect the individual’s relationship to the outside world. They guide and regulate the psychological foundation of human behavior - these are interests and views, beliefs and social attitudes, moral principles.

The connecting link between all four levels are such individual qualities that characterize a person as needs and character, abilities and egocentrism, which together with the above levels form the personal shell of the individual.

Possible options

When choosing what to write in your resume, focus primarily on the qualities inherent in you. Also consider the specifics of the position for which you are applying. You can use this list of strengths in your resume as a basis:

  • energy;
  • independence;
  • ability to make decisions;
  • stress resistance;
  • communication skills;
  • honesty;
  • excellent organizational skills;
  • creativity;
  • conscientiousness;
  • reliability;
  • focus on results;
  • discipline;
  • punctuality;
  • hard work, increased efficiency;
  • accuracy;
  • love for details;
  • initiative;
  • resourcefulness;
  • diligence.

When choosing from these examples of strengths, keep in mind that communication skills are good for salespeople, and love for detail is necessary for designers or accountants.

Good to know: Business qualities in a resume

Ability Indicators

Individual psychological qualities of a person contribute to the achievement of success and excellence in a certain activity. They are determined by the social and historical practice of the individual, the results of the interactions of biological and mental indicators.

There are different levels of ability:

  1. giftedness;
  2. talent;
  3. genius.

The development of an algorithm of a person’s personal qualities and abilities is characterized by the ability to learn new things in the mental sphere. Special features are manifested in a specific type of activity (musical, artistic, pedagogical, etc.).

The essence of human individuality and factors of its development

Note 1
The exceptional properties of each person are formed in the area of ​​three components. Individuality manifests itself in various spheres: mental, emotional, volitional, or simultaneously in all areas of human activity.

A person’s unique mental abilities are manifested in his ability to pay attention to what is inaccessible to other people, to assimilate information data in a certain way, at a more accelerated pace.

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Unique emotional qualities are manifested in the characteristics of a person’s mood, its manifestations and changes, and the manifestation of feelings in specific situations.

Individuality of volitional qualities presupposes differences in the characters of people, the manifestation of willpower, courage, bravery, and endurance.

Individuality develops under the influence not only of the internal development of the individual, but also through external influence factors. Thus, the media have a great influence on the formation of individuality. Various television programs lead to a one-sided perception of reality due to the suppression of thought processes by vivid screen images. A person experiences dysfunction in conducting analysis and self-analysis.

Note 2

The development of a person's individuality and the degree of its manifestation are determined by the complex interaction of these three elements of uniqueness and the amount of participation of each of them.

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The formation of individual qualities is greatly influenced by a person’s environment, his location in nature and society. Individuality is not a stable phenomenon. It can change during human life.

Factors in the development of individuality comprise three main groups:

  1. Heredity and physiological characteristics. It is assumed that human characteristics are genetically determined in external physical qualities and character traits.
  2. External environment. This includes where a person lives, the society in which he lives and the family in which he grew up. Their cultural tendencies and social stereotypes influence the formation of behavioral characteristics, the development of development directions, etc.
  3. Person's character. His further development and the formation of exceptional properties depend on the genetically inherent character traits of a person.

Three components of personality. Author24 - online exchange of student work

Figure 1. Three components of personality. Author24 - online exchange of student work

Human individuality is a fairly comprehensive concept. It is characterized by the following features:

  • love and faith. Through love, a person’s attachment to other people, society, and nature is formed. Faith helps to maintain strength in difficult situations, so to speak, “keep afloat”;
  • sensitivity. This trait reflects a person’s ability to show empathy, mercy, and compassion towards other people. If a person has such a property, then he will be well accepted in society;
  • constancy. This trait is good when building a communication system in society. It makes a person a desirable partner, since he is distinguished by the stability of his behavior and predictability;
  • dogmatism. The perception of the surrounding world is quite limited for such a person. He chooses for himself an authority and a dogma that he will follow, comparing all people with them and evaluating them from this point of view;
  • self-esteem. An adequate and reliable assessment of oneself and one’s capabilities helps a person achieve success in life;
  • self-control. A person must be able to coordinate his behavior, actions and deeds, be aware of their motives and correctly set priorities;
  • synthesis of information. If a person has this trait, then he will be able to perceive data and process it, decomposing it into parts and integrating information resources. It is the skills of data synthesis that indicate a person’s ability to analyze various situations, processes and phenomena and make clearer and more informed decisions in various areas of life.

In psychology, there is a wide variety of tests to determine personality types and personality. Science conducts research in this area and develops a variety of tests that allow us to determine the individual qualities of a person and his personality type. This may be relevant in the professional sphere. For example, when applying for a job, through testing, you can identify the individual traits of candidates and make a choice in favor of a particular one, based on the properties that are necessary to occupy a given position.

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