Psychiatrist and psychotherapist: what is the difference and when to contact them

Who is a psychotherapist and what does he treat?

A psychotherapist is a specialist with a higher medical or humanitarian education who treats borderline mental disorders using psychotherapeutic methods for this purpose. Borderline disorders are mild symptoms of mental disorder that occur in medically healthy people.

A psychotherapist, depending on his basic education, can be a psychiatrist. Thanks to his higher medical education and specialization in psychiatry, this doctor has the right to treat patients with any mental disorders, make a diagnosis and prescribe medications. This physician has clinical experience and must be licensed to practice as a psychotherapist.

Pathologies that a psychotherapist works with include:

  • depression;
  • panic attacks and anxiety;
  • addictions – alcohol, gaming;
  • post-traumatic disorders;
  • psychosomatic diseases.

The area in which a psychotherapist works is determined by his specialization. Thus, specialists in cognitive therapy most often work with neuroses and post-traumatic disorders, psychoanalysts - with psychosomatic diseases.

Psychotherapy in combination with well-chosen medications gives the best results. Some psychotherapists are proficient in hypnosis and use it to help patients.

About the psychologist

The first thing worth noting about the presented specialist is that the psychologist is not a doctor. This is the main difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist. What follows from this? A psychologist, due to the specifics of his professional activity, is not capable of diagnosing or treating. He has a completely different task: to help the patient restore his normal mental state. A person must gain peace of mind, confidence in himself and his strengths, and develop social and communication skills. If one or another individual continues to have negative consequences of overstrain (physical or mental), then a psychologist should come to the rescue here too.

what is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist

Psychologists cannot be found in hospitals or clinics. As a rule, they are located in private labor or educational organizations, conduct trainings, test people for their level of intelligence, etc. Married couples, growing children, people who have lost someone close to them, and other categories of people can receive professional advice from a psychologist.

Thus, the tasks of a psychologist include working with healthy people who have some problems in life. Precisely with healthy people - because otherwise they would have to make a diagnosis and carry out treatment.

What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a psychologist?

By learning their profession, psychologists or psychotherapists master the knowledge accumulated by humanity about the human psyche. They consider how it works, what and how it influences our mental life, what are the stages of mental development at different ages, what psychological problems does a person solve at different periods of his existence, what are mental disorders and various psychological problems associated with. The specialist will learn how to help a person facing certain psychological problems and difficulties in life.

Psychology belongs to the humanities (not medical). A psychologist does not have the right to diagnose a client, treat mental illness, use pharmaceuticals in therapy, or perform medical manipulations, unlike a psychotherapist.

But psychotherapy (a therapeutic technique of verbal influence) in Russia is practiced by both psychotherapists and psychologists who have undergone special additional psychotherapeutic training, in addition to basic education.


A psychoanalyst is a psychotherapist who does not use medications. His main tool is the methods of psychoanalysis, with the help of which he treats mild mental illnesses and establishes their cause.

Famous psychoanalysts: Sabina Spielrein , Sándor Ferenczi , Donald Winnicott , Joyce McDougall .

*Basic methods of psychoanalysis:

  • Free association is a psychoanalytic procedure in which a person freely talks about whatever comes to mind, no matter how absurd or obscene it may seem;
  • Dream interpretation allows the psychoanalyst to understand the patient’s repressed desires, which could provoke a mental disorder.

When should you make an appointment?

You can contact a psychologist in cases where you realize that you cannot cope with problems on your own. It is worth contacting a psychiatrist when a person has severe mental disorders or severe drug addiction.

Making an appointment with a psychologist for the first time does not mean that a person is necessarily mentally ill.


Depression is a mental disorder characterized by a depressive triad, which includes decreased mood, disturbances in thinking (a pessimistic view of everything that is happening around, loss of the ability to feel joy, negative judgments), and motor retardation.

Only specialists who have received special medical education or have been trained in psychotherapeutic methods can treat depression. Psychiatrists (medics) can prescribe medications (antidepressants, tranquilizers). Only they understand which drug and in what doses is appropriate in each case, because they know how to determine what biological reasons provoke the development of depression.

When treating depression, an integrated approach is justified when the acute stage of the condition is relieved with pills prescribed by a psychiatrist (when you simply don’t have the strength to get up in the morning, do self-care, thoughts of suicide arise), and then a psychotherapist deals with the correction of the condition.

Depression does not necessarily have its roots in infancy, but its origins are always associated with the first 10 years of life, when the core of personality and an optimistic outlook on life are formed. This requires support from parents in the difficult process of child development, tolerance and respect for his desires and needs. Depression occurs as a result of a lack of such support against the background of natural anxiety and feelings of helplessness for the child.

Therefore, in most cases, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist working in the field of psychoanalysis if you have a depressive disorder. This is due to the fact that the goal of therapy is awareness of the conflict and assistance in resolving it constructively: learning to find a balance of independence and intimacy, developing the ability to express one’s feelings constructively and at the same time maintaining relationships with people.

During an appointment with a cognitive psychotherapist, therapy is aimed at resolving the patient’s current problems and relieving behavioral symptoms - passivity, refusal of pleasure, monotonous lifestyle, isolation from others, inability to plan and engage in purposeful activity.

Life shocks

A psychologist is needed to make grief bearable, to alleviate suffering, to help a person stop blaming himself for what happened.

Emotional and psychological trauma is the result of stress, the strength of which turned out to be excessive for the psyche. As a result of this, a person loses a sense of security, experiences powerlessness and helplessness.

There are situations in which pain relief is the only way working with a psychotherapist can help. We are talking about those events that a person initially could not influence in any way. This is, for example, the death of a loved one, injury or serious illness that led to limitations, or violence suffered.

But events also happen, the outcome of which a person can influence. This is, for example, divorce or separation from a partner, infidelity, business failure or dismissal from work. What happened cannot be changed, but studying it can help understand what led to such sad consequences. At an appointment with a psychologist, an adult will learn to be more effective in the future.

Seek professional help if:

  1. Things are falling apart for you at home and at work.
  2. You suffer from anxiety and fear.
  3. You cannot be in an intimate relationship, you are afraid of intimacy.
  4. You suffer from sleep disturbances, nightmares and flashbacks of traumatic memories.
  5. You increasingly avoid things that remind you of your injury.
  6. Are emotionally distant from others and feel abandoned.
  7. Use alcohol and drugs to make yourself feel better.

Psychosomatic problems

A visit to a psychologist is necessary when it comes to the psychological background of the physiological manifestations of the disease.

But it is important to distinguish, on the one hand, mental disorders with somatic manifestations, and on the other, somatic diseases, where mental factors play an important role.

The first - mental disorders with somatic manifestations - should be considered as “core” diseases for psychiatrists and psychotherapists, the second - somatic pathologies with mental conditioning and clinical manifestations - are the prerogative of general practitioners, but require the involvement of psychiatrists and psychotherapists in the therapeutic process.

Anxiety states

You should make an appointment with a psychologist if you are experiencing increased anxiety.

If we take into account the psychological theory about the causes of anxiety disorder, then feelings of anxiety, as well as phobias, may initially arise as a conditioned reflex reaction to any irritating stimuli. Subsequently, a similar reaction begins to occur in the absence of such a stimulus. A specialist will help identify the causes of anxiety and eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

The biological theory suggests that anxiety is a consequence of certain biological anomalies, for example, with an increased level of production of neurotransmitters - conductors of nerve impulses in the brain. Therefore, in this case, the help of a psychotherapist may be required.

Thus, doctors noticed that bringing physical indicators back to normal has a pronounced healing effect on a person’s emotional state and cognitive abilities. “Physics” and “psyche” are interconnected and interdependent to such an extent that disturbances in one area will sooner or later inevitably affect the other.

Panic disorder

Panic disorder (episodic paroxysmal anxiety) is an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent, unexpected panic attacks. A panic attack is a sudden period of intense fear that may include a rapid heartbeat, sweating, shaking or shortness of breath, numbness in the limbs, and a feeling that something bad is going to happen. The maximum degree of symptoms lasts for several minutes. Perhaps in the future the person will have fears, accompanied by avoidance of places in which he encountered an attack.

The only sure option for overcoming episodic attacks of panic anxiety is to select an individual treatment method, which must necessarily include:

  • use of medications;
  • psychotherapeutic work;
  • influence through hypnosis.

Dissatisfaction with life and dissatisfaction with oneself

Dissatisfaction with life as a personality quality is the inability, when aware of one’s existence, to experience peace, calm and humility every time, to show positive emotions when mentally comparing one’s goals, desires, intentions, hopes with actual results, one’s current state with the past, when weighing prospects for the future and comparing your life with the life of those around you.

Consulting a psychologist will help cope with this problem.


Psychological is a person’s internal problem associated with his world map, value system, needs, interpersonal relationships, etc.

During psychoanalytic therapy, the patient can resolve the following psychological problems: lack of self-confidence, melancholy, loneliness, chronic bad luck, inability to build friendships or love relationships, obsessive fears.

When should you contact a psychologist?

It is worth imagining a situation where a person with a certain set of life problems does not know which specialist to turn to. What reasons should there be for an individual to turn to a psychologist for help?

What is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist and psychotherapist?
There can be a huge number of reasons. A person who wishes to see a psychologist may experience:

  • extreme degree of dissatisfaction with one's own life;
  • constant stress and depression;
  • post-traumatic complications;
  • difficulties with adaptation to the place of study, work, etc.;
  • difficulties in finding a common language with the family;
  • misunderstanding on the part of the family or any other people, etc.

There are really many reasons to see a psychologist. Who is a psychiatrist and what is he needed for? What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist? These questions can be answered further.

What to say at an appointment with a psychotherapist?

It is important for an adult psychologist to tell the truth. You cannot hide anything from the doctor or distort the truth, since the specialist may make the wrong decision, which will affect the quality of treatment.

Don't be afraid to ask questions, they should answer you. And if you do not ask them, then do not be offended that you receive little information about your condition and the treatment process. The patient's activity stimulates the doctor to work more thoughtfully.

Asked Sep 17, 2018


Tell us, who is a psychotherapist, what does he do, who and what does he treat? I'm also interested in the difference between a psychotherapist, a psychologist and a psychiatrist.

Thank you in advance!

07/08/2019, 23:00 answered the question “ Psychotherapist - who is he and what does he treat?”


Hello! Let me try to explain.

Psychotherapist: who is he and what does he treat?

A psychotherapist is a specialist who does not treat mental illness and physiological trauma, but is able to help the patient cope with pathological mental conditions caused by overwork, stress, psychological trauma or inherited predispositions.

Mostly, those who suffer from:

  • various neuroses and psychoses;
  • bulimia and anorexia;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • anxiety and panic states (attacks);
  • various kinds of phobias;
  • apathy towards the world and people around;
  • bad habits (drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, and so on).

How does a psychotherapist work?
Treatment approaches vary from specialist to specialist, as psychotherapy becomes more extensive every year. However, there are three basic principles of any practice:

Psychoanalysis is work with a person’s subconscious, attention is directed to his instincts, associations, motivations and defense mechanisms, thanks to which the specialist receives all the knowledge necessary for further treatment.

The existential approach is a technique that includes a thorough study of the patient, his personality and lifestyle, followed by a detailed analysis of each period of life, a certain psychological chain is built that helps to find the root of the problem and identify solutions.

Gestalt therapy is based on self-awareness, responsibility for oneself and regulation of one’s own psyche, aimed at countertransference and closure of disturbing situations.

Whatever one may say, a psychotherapist heals by talking, so during sessions it is recommended to open up as much as possible and in no case oppose yourself to the specialist.

Medications are not the basis of therapy, but an addition that helps you relax, focus on the task at hand, and feel better in a short time.

What is the difference between a psychotherapist and a psychologist and a psychiatrist?

A psychologist has a higher education in the humanities, and a psychiatrist has a higher medical education. It follows from this that a psychologist is a specialist who recruits and advises absolutely healthy people who do not have any mental disorders. Even if a psychologist-psychotherapist conducts a private practice and identifies symptoms, he does not have the right to diagnose and prescribe treatment for a patient. A psychiatrist-therapist, in turn, has the right to treat mental illness and prescribe drug therapy.

Both can work in clinical settings or privately, including online consultations. Many specialists prefer to choose a narrow focus, for example, drug addiction and sexology. Or they focus on non-standard treatment methods, such as art therapy or play therapy.

Read more about the differences in these professions

Psychotherapy refers to a system of therapeutic effects on the human psyche. Psychiatrists treat many mental illnesses that arise as a result of various stresses, are inherited, and are caused by mental trauma in childhood. However, these diseases should not be in any way associated with severe brain diseases or other fairly serious physiological injuries. A psychotherapist certificate can only be issued if you have three years of experience in the field of psychiatry and have received additional specialized training. As a rule, you should make an appointment with a psychotherapist in advance, since good specialists always have a lot of patients.

A psychotherapist in his specialty has the right to make diagnoses, as well as prescribe and carry out various treatment methods. Unlike a psychiatrist, who treats his patients exclusively with medications that tend to affect the functioning of the brain, a psychotherapist, first of all, focuses on methods of persuasion and can only supplement them with medications if absolutely necessary.

Modern main directions

Psychotherapy nowadays applies many different directions and methods to treatment. Depending on the number of participants, both individual and group training can be conducted. The main ones include:

1. Psychoanalysis, with the help of which the human psyche is considered in the ongoing subconscious processes, such as instinct, motivation, defense mechanisms, which make it possible to determine the psyche and consciousness as a whole.

2. Gestalt is a therapy that is based on self-regulation of the psyche, as well as its self-awareness.

3. The direction of existential psychotherapy, which does not study any individual mental manifestations in a person, but considers his entire integrity of life, including a person’s connection with different people and with himself.

Types of illnesses that a psychotherapist treats

The list of diseases that a psychotherapist treats includes: severe depression, the causes of which are very diverse; various neuroses; presence of mental trauma; acquired very bad habits, such as alcoholism and drug addiction; gambling addiction, food abuse; various types of nervous system overstrain, chronic fatigue, excessive anxiety; panic fear and various phobias.

Treatment options

The main treatment method used in psychotherapy is conversation, which has the strongest impact on the mental consciousness and subconscious of patients. The most important rule that determines the effectiveness of treatment is the active and voluntary position of the patient, his trust and openness to influence, his desire to find out the problem and get help. The client has the right to make his own choice of the method that suits him best.

The main ways are:

Method of conversations and discussions with the patient. Conducting psychoanalysis, with the help of which hidden opinions and motives for action are revealed. An encoding method that causes commands to be executed unconsciously. Bioenergetic therapy based on controlling feelings and physical processes. Cognitive-behavioural therapy, in which the patient is taught self-control. The use of hypnosis. Neuro is linguistic programming based on the modeling of behavior, speech, memory management, etc.

The main goals that need to be achieved with psychotherapy include:

insight, which means understanding; catharsis, i.e. providing emotional release; co-ownership or so-called coping; stress relief (relaxation).

A psychologist will help a person understand himself, understand difficult life situations, and more easily survive age-related crises.

Frequent stress and depression are a reason to consult a psychologist

Psychotherapeutic methods of treatment

At the moment, psychotherapy already has a fairly wide range of approaches to the treatment of one or another psychological disease. However, three of them should be especially highlighted; these are the so-called fundamentals of psychotherapeutic “art”:

• Psychoanalysis. The object of work in this psychotherapeutic method is the subconscious, as a concept that has a direct impact on the human psyche and his consciousness; • Existential approach. The peculiarity of this technique lies in the complete study of the patient’s life and the compilation of a kind of life psychological chain. Thanks to this chain, it is possible to determine the roots of a particular human reaction to certain situations, which is subsequently used in treatment; • Gestalt therapy. This technique is based on the principle of self-regulation of the human psyche.

Features of psychotherapeutic influence

As stated above, the psychotherapist’s main tool is the “word,” that is, treatment through direct communication. By influencing the conscious and unconscious of the patient during a conversation, the doctor has the necessary influence on the patient, contributing to recovery.


When contacting a psychotherapist, you must always remember what treatment is, this is a purely voluntary matter, so you do not need to oppose yourself to the psychotherapist during sessions. Moreover, some aspects of treatment can be adjusted directly by the patient: this relates to the choice of the treatment method that will be most suitable for him. A number of such methods of influence include:

• two-way conversation; • various types of coding, also using hypnosis; • NLP; • bioenergy technique of influence; • psychoanalysis; • cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (anger management, etc.).

What does a psychologist treat?

The main functions of a clinical psychologist

– treatment and prevention of mental, psychosomatic diseases, borderline disorders, developmental anomalies. The specialist has extensive practical and diagnostic experience, works with sick people, adults and children who are at risk, supports recovering patients to prevent relapse of pathologies, and recently people have been turning to the doctor with various forms of addiction.

What problems does a psychologist eliminate?

  • personality disorders - low, high self-esteem, which arose against the background of improper upbringing, abusive relationships, excessive parental care, and the wrong choice of life path;
  • mild stages of phobia;
  • initial degree of neuroses;
  • age crises;
  • problems in the intimate sphere;
  • stress;
  • personal and interpersonal problems;
  • psychosomatic disorders, impaired memory, attention, perception of information, thinking;
  • a family psychologist helps resolve conflict situations in the family;
  • psychologist-perinatologist - the specialist’s activities are aimed at providing psychological support to pregnant women, the doctor helps to avoid or cope with postpartum depression, works with surrogate mothers;
  • a social psychologist studies the interaction of different groups of people.

Psychologists work wherever there are people - in the army, business, law, sports, trust services.

You can get a profession as a psychologist at almost any humanitarian university; this specialty does not belong to a purely medical field; a doctor does not have the right to prescribe medications, unlike. A psychiatrist deals not with mental disorders, but with brain diseases that negatively affect the human psyche.

There is a child psychologist’s office in kindergartens and schools; the doctor monitors and corrects the stages of children’s development, draws up reports for commissions and teachers, and gives recommendations to parents.

The task of a psychologist is to conduct psychological diagnostics, help the child get rid of complexes, and identify talents. The doctor promotes creative development, instills positive attitudes, and draws up individual correctional programs for students, children, parents, and teachers.

Constant manifestations of uncertainty are a reason to consult a psychologist

A child or school psychologist is contacted if a child is very shy or overly excitable and active, has low self-esteem, autistic character traits, has no hobbies or friends, develops Internet addiction, or exhibits aggressive behavior towards animals and people. Signs of mental problems may include the habit of biting nails, thumb sucking, a tendency to wander, and a sharp deterioration in academic performance.

The main psychosomatic manifestations are excess weight, lack of appetite, dyspeptic disorders, neurodermatitis, hypertension, problems in the sexual sphere. In children - stuttering, nervous tics, enuresis.

Differences between a psychologist and a psychotherapist and a psychiatrist

When a person experiencing psycho-emotional problems understands that he is not able to cope with them on his own, he can come to the right decision - seek professional help. In this case, he is faced with the question of who exactly can help him - a psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

We can say that all these specialists help restore mental health, because the particle “psycho” is the soul translated from Greek. But there is a difference between a psychologist and a psychotherapist - in what kind of help they can provide to a person who turns to them. There are also certain indications for contacting a psychiatrist. To make an informed choice, it is important to understand the difference between the responsibilities of a psychologist and a psychotherapist, and the work of a psychiatrist.

These specialists differ primarily in the education they received. Psychologists, as a rule, are engaged in counseling and correction. They usually work outside the walls of medical institutions and do not make medical diagnoses. A psychologist differs from a psychiatrist in that he does not prescribe medications. Psychotherapists, unlike psychologists, can diagnose psychosomatic diseases. There are other differences to consider when choosing a professional to help you with your mental and mental health needs. It’s better to start by understanding how a psychologist differs from other specialists of a similar profile.

Where does he receive it?

It is almost impossible to find a good psychologist in regional clinics; at best, a specialist sees in large regional hospitals and research institutes. Not all compulsory medical insurance policies stipulate the provision of free psychological consultations; before visiting a doctor, this issue should be clarified with the insurance company.

Most psychologists are engaged in private practice in clinics and specialized centers. All services in such institutions are paid, the price of an initial consultation is 3.5–4 thousand rubles, the cost of a full course of treatment starts from 12–15 thousand rubles.

What does a psychologist do at an appointment?

You can make an appointment with a psychologist on your own initiative, or on the recommendation of another doctor. To receive effective professional help, a person must be extremely frank at the appointment.

Consultation stages:

  • establishing emotional contact between specialist and patient;
  • to clarify the problem, it is important for the doctor to understand how the person himself sees it;
  • joint development of a treatment plan;
  • selection of effective treatment methods;
  • psychological support.

For closer communication, establish emotional contact with the person

During the conversation, the psychologist receives information not only from the patient’s words, he analyzes non-verbal signals - the duration of visual contact, gestures, facial expressions, intonation.

A psychologist can save a person from a problem only if the person himself wants it and makes every effort to get rid of a psychological disorder or addiction.

What diagnostic methods does it use?

In the diagnosis of psychological pathologies, only specific tests are used; laboratory or instrumental examination methods are prescribed by the doctor if serious physical problems are suspected.

Research methods

NameWhy is it carried out?
Rorschach testDetermination of the level of self-esteem, level of anxiety, identification of hidden fears, level of stress resistance, character traits.
Luscher color testDetermination of emotional state, causes of stress.
Szondi testIdentification of goals, aspirations, drives.
Personality questionnaireThe method is aimed at a thorough study of personal characteristics.
Beck Questionnaire, Montgomery, Hamilton ScaleThese studies are designed to determine the degree of anxiety, depression
Cognitive State TestAllows you to quickly identify impaired cognitive functions and determine the level of dementia.
Determination of the level of intellectual development.
Rosenzweig testThe psychologist identifies how the patient reacts to failures and what methods he prefers to use to solve problems.
Mental State Rating ScaleAllows you to identify the presence of mental problems.
Sheehan Anxiety ScaleResearch is carried out in the presence of phobias and obsessive states.
Schulte table, 10 word methodThe specialist tests attention and memory.

Raven's test allows you to determine a person's intellectual abilities

Often psychologists use drawing tests in practice - they ask you to draw yourself, a house, a tree, an abstract person, a family, a fantastic animal. These simple methods allow you to determine the level of self-esteem, anxiety, the presence of internal conflicts, communication problems, and hidden needs.

Psychologists often have additional education as a psychoanalyst, which allows them to use the method of depth psychology in treatment.

Stress is as good for your mental health as regular exercise for strengthening your body. But each person has his own stress resistance limit, so negative consequences after emergency situations have varying degrees of manifestation.

Violations in mental health negatively affect the functioning of the entire body as a whole - performance decreases, memory and attention deteriorate, and psychosomatic diseases develop. To avoid all these negative consequences, it is enough to follow simple preventive measures.

Avoid stress to avoid emotional overload

  1. Avoid stressful situations, learn to stop their consequences - relaxing techniques, meditation, yoga, art therapy, water treatments, walks in the fresh air, and a change of environment will help with this.
  2. Learn to voice your complaints and grievances; if they accumulate, psychosomatic problems develop.
  3. Find a constructive way to release negative energy - dancing, active physical activity, general cleaning.
  4. Think positively - negativity literally destroys a person from the inside.
  5. Be able to forgive, let go of past grievances, failures, stop living in the past.
  6. Surround yourself with adequate, calm, balanced people, try to communicate more with children and animals.
  7. Love yourself, praise yourself every day even for small achievements.
  8. Get enough sleep, alternate work and rest - lack of sleep and overwork are among the main reasons for the development of psychological problems.
  9. Find like-minded people or a good psychologist who will help you cope with complexes and fears.
  10. If you cannot cope with a crisis or difficult life situation on your own, seek help from a specialist in a timely manner.

The healthiest foods for the nervous system are berries, bananas, tomatoes, herbs, cereals, dairy products, fish and seafood, as well as nuts and seeds.

Most people prefer to cope with psychological problems on their own; as a result, a minor disorder develops into an advanced form, when it is no longer possible to do without medication and inpatient treatment. Every person who is worried about their own health should understand that turning to a professional psychologist is not a shame, but is vitally important for stress, depression and phobias. For prevention, it is enough to visit a doctor once a year.

The rapid pace of life, frequent stress, overwork - all these factors negatively affect the human psyche and provoke the development of borderline disorders in adults and children. A psychotherapist is involved in identifying and eliminating the emotional instability of a person; the principle of treatment of a specialist is based on the joint work of the patient and the doctor.

A psychotherapist deals with mental disorders using various practices

Learning differences

Having dealt with each specialist separately, it is worth paying attention, finally, to the main question: what is the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist and psychotherapist? There are really a lot of differences here, and therefore they should be divided into two main groups: according to the form of training and according to the form of work activity.

what is the difference between clinical psychologist and psychiatrist

How are psychologists trained? At the moment in Russia there are a number of branches in the field of psychology. Here it is necessary to highlight the following types of psychologists:

  • educational psychologist - focused on working with children and their parents;
  • social psychologist - focused on working with adults;
  • legal psychologist - works in the field of committing offenses and crimes;
  • clinical psychologist - works with seriously ill people in hospitals.

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist? In the field of education, a psychiatrist goes through a fairly large number of disciplines, including medical treatment, psychoanalysis, psychodrama, the basics of behaviorism, cognitive therapy and many other branches of science. However, the practical activities of a psychiatrist seem to be much more important. It is worth talking about it further.

What does a psychotherapist treat?

The profession of a clinical psychotherapist requires a higher medical or humanities education and retraining in specialized courses.

A psychotherapist and a psychiatrist are practically the same thing; both doctors use psychotherapeutic methods in treatment and can prescribe medications to correct disorders, but the psychiatrist treats more severe cases.

The doctor will listen to you and find starting points for treatment

How does the first appointment go:

  • the doctor listens to complaints, finds out the purpose of the appeal, collects information about the person’s life and general well-being;
  • conducts tests that allow you to assess your mental state and determine your mental status;
  • the client needs to tell the doctor what results he expects from the treatment.

After the conversation, the doctor talks about possible methods of psychotherapeutic treatment and, together with the patient, develops a therapy strategy.

Most often, during sessions, the psychotherapist is positioned so that the client hears him, but does not see him - this technique helps the person feel relaxed, but at the same time understand that he is being listened to.

About the psychiatrist

The difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is primarily that the latter is a qualified doctor. He diagnoses and treats truly serious mental illnesses, including:

  • various types of psychoses;
  • obsessive states;
  • forms of schizophrenia;
  • manic disorders and many other types of mental illnesses.

psychiatrist and psychologist difference
Do not underestimate the significance of the disorders presented. These are truly serious ailments that can only be removed or corrected with quality treatment. A psychologist conducting “soul-saving” conversations is unlikely to help here. The only professional who could help a person in this case is a psychiatrist. It is worth talking about the forms of his activities in a little more detail.

What diagnostic methods does it use?

Since disturbances in the psycho-emotional state can be caused by various reasons, the psychotherapist uses medical and narrowly focused examination methods in diagnosis.

Types of psychodiagnostics:

  • Rorschach test with ink blots
    - allows you to diagnose neurosis, mania and phobias, depressive states, hypochondria;
  • apperception test
    - a person is shown different pictures and asked to describe what is happening in them; the method is used to diagnose neuroses, depression, psychosomatic and sexual disorders;
  • project drawing
    – a person’s drawings on a given topic allow one to determine the level of impulsiveness, intellectual maturity, problems in interpersonal relationships;
  • different types of neuropsychological testing
    to determine the level of intelligence, memory, and perception characteristics;
  • Questionnaires that a person needs to fill out on their own
    provide the doctor with information about the presence of personality and anxiety disorders, and allow them to determine the cause of bulimia, anorexia, and neurasthenia.

One of the practices for determining human development is drawing

Medical diagnostic methods include EEG, CT and MRI of the brain, Doppler examination of blood vessels, ultrasound of internal organs, general analysis of urine and blood - this allows identifying pathologies that should be treated by a psychiatrist.

To avoid the development of borderline states, each person needs to be able to relax and switch, rest, control emotions, and lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Advice from a psychotherapist:

  • find an interesting hobby, it’s good if the hobby is radically different from everyday activities;
  • Do sports and dance regularly - active physical activity helps get rid of negativity;
  • make new acquaintances;
  • without regret, part with people you feel uncomfortable with - any relationship, like a thing, can grow out of it over time;
  • do not focus on the negative aspects of what is happening around you, failures and bad days happen to everyone - draw conclusions, move on;
  • learn to be tolerant of your own imperfections and the shortcomings of other people;
  • try to spend more time in well-lit rooms, the interior of which is made in soothing colors - this promotes the synthesis of serotonin, the hormone of happiness.

To avoid meetings with psychotherapists, monitor your emotional state and lead a healthy lifestyle

Meditation, yoga, art therapy, aromatherapy, auto-training, pleasant music, walks in the fresh air - all these methods help you relax, find harmony, and avoid the development of mental problems.

Anyone can have psychotherapeutic problems; this does not mean that the person is mentally unstable or ill. When symptoms of a borderline state appear, you need to understand that he can handle it on his own, but you need to consult a specialist. At the initial stage, mental problems are eliminated using various methods - Gestalt therapy, hypnosis, art therapy, but if the disease becomes severe, drug treatment is required, and the patient will be placed in a specialized clinic.

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