How to stop constantly being jealous and beating yourself up
Ivan Vdovin 1775 1 0 Harmonious relationships are a very delicate matter, you need to learn to possess them,
Schizoid personality disorder - treatment in Moscow
Schizoid personality disorder: symptoms, treatment
Medical information is reliable Checked by Shaidullin Renat Flyurovich Reason and emotions... They write a lot about them
Meditation for dummies: how to start, what to do - and why not everyone needs it
Not all of my ten years have been easy, nor should they have been. IN
Normative and comparative-evaluative functions of the reference group
The definition of a reference group can sound different: A reference group is a certain group of people who
Relationships of convenience
Marriage of convenience. How to calculate who to marry
Not all relationships are based on pure love. Some of them were created based on
polygamous girl
What does a polygamous man mean? Normal or pathological?
In the Russian language there is a capacious and not entirely censored analogue of the concept “polygamous woman”, which
Exalted is Wikipedia
Exalted man and female exaltation in psychology
Emotions and feelings are an integral part of a person. We rejoice, laugh, cry, sad, yearn. Through emotions
twin method
Article on the topic “Twin method of studying the child’s psyche”
Background F. Galton was the first to establish this method in 1875. In his
How to deal with pride?
Methodological development “Final final essay on literature. Direction “Pride and Humility”. “What is the difference between pride and arrogance”?
Pride should not be confused with pride. A person can experience a feeling of pride when he is happy for his
financial problems
Stages of stress in psychology. What is it according to Selye, Torsunov, characteristics
Emotional stress is a phenomenon provoked by strong negative emotions, requiring you to get out of your comfort zone.