An ambitious person and ambition: what do these words mean?

Ambition is a person’s desire to obtain a high position, certain honors, to achieve visible successes recognized by the environment and ideally having a specific dimension, expressed in grades, numbers, awards, trophies. For an ambitious person, it is important to have the highest results. The concept of ambition is revealed through its two roots and means love of honor.

Ambition, the meaning of the word is synonymous with vanity. In its extreme expression, ambition can rush towards greed, which, however, is in close connection with the acquisition of material gain, while vanity and ambition use specific physical benefits only indirectly.

Definition of the term ambition

Wikipedia gives us the following definition of the term “ambition”: the character-based desire of an individual to achieve success in accordance with personal goals in such areas of life as personal productivity, success, recognition, influence, leadership, knowledge or power.
Thus, ambition is an individual’s desire to achieve certain successes. We can conclude that this quality is positive in nature, because an individual’s desire to achieve heights cannot be considered a negative personality quality. However, many psychologists take the opposite point of view. This is interesting: what is the condition for successful activity?

An ambitious person in psychology is an individual who is in constant search of veneration and respect from other people. He likes it when people literally “look into his mouth”, admiring his exploits and successes. Such people can be found both in fairy tales and in real life. Let's give an example from the literature. A character named Ambitious appears in a popular fairy tale for adults. Saint-Exupery perfectly represents the individual in The Little Prince who wants everyone to admire and imitate him.

Ambition in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox considered this quality negative, sinful. A Christian believer should be simple and not strive to stand out from others. The desire to be better than other people, to achieve more than them, can upset the Lord. Good deeds should be done selflessly, without seeking fame, recognition or obtaining any value.

In Catholicism and Protestantism, however, this quality is not considered so negative. Wealth in these branches of Christianity is a sign of God's favor, his blessing. It is important, however, in what way a person achieves benefits: if his actions harm others, cause them pain, discomfort, he should begin to correct his behavior. The tendency towards ambition in religion can be good only if a person does only good deeds to obtain some benefit.

Signs of an ambitious personality

The term “ambition” can be broken down into two words: honor and love. The phrase “love honor” sounds positive only if the individual who craves honor actually does good deeds and achieves success towards his goal. The other side of this aspect is the desire to achieve set goals no matter what, while infringing on the interests of others and putting one’s own person above others. In psychology, this is an indicator of selfish behavior, which is not a positive personality trait. Many great psychologists have said that selfishness is a sin of the human soul.

This is interesting: will is what it is, the basic concept.

There are several signs by which you can recognize an ambitious person.

  1. Selfishness is the first sign of a selfish individual. A person striving for veneration is an egoist. In ethics, there is the concept of “exploitative orientation,” according to which a person uses the people around him to achieve his own goals. Such people are not accepted by society; it is difficult for them to make friends and acquaintances. For an ambitious person, honor is just a mirage that they want to create in order to rise in the eyes of others.
  2. The ambitions of ambitious people are usually too high, but not justified. An individual may set too many goals that he cannot achieve both physically and emotionally. An ambitious person may lie about the amount of work he is able to do. Such an individual can easily lie for his own benefit.
  3. Pride is one of the characteristics that distinguishes an ambitious person. It should never be confused with pride. Pride is one of the deadly sins. Such people usually have high self-esteem; they have a high opinion of themselves and their capabilities. Such people are also not accepted by society and are rejected by it.
  4. Overreacting to criticism is a fairly common symptom found in ambitious people. When forming a personality, two paths arise - accept criticism and adequately evaluate it, or reject criticism and react sharply to it. People who desire honor usually cannot take criticism well and react aggressively and irritably.

Three main factors influencing ambition.

Success for ambitious people is the same physiological need as food and sleep. But besides physiology, other factors are at work here:

  • Self-esteem . Statistically, people with high self-esteem are more ambitious, demonstrate their superiority more often than others, and achieve better results.
  • Features of psychology. Extroverts are more focused on communication and recognition, so success is more important to them. Introverts, on the contrary, prefer to avoid the opinions of others, so they think about success less often.
  • Family History and Education . If a person is raised in a family that places a high value on ambition, they are more likely to grow up to be ambitious. Such people know that a priori those around them expect success from them.

But talent is not considered an essential part of ambition. On the contrary, in practice, the most ambitious people are those who could do little.

Take the test: introvert or extrovert?

How to get rid of ambition

The roots of this quality lie in childhood. If a child has always been taught to be first, get excellent grades, excel in all activities, and do everything “better than everyone else,” he may develop a desire to receive honors and praise for the work he does. It is worth remembering that ambition is a negative and positive quality that has its advantages and disadvantages. If an individual feels that he wants to get rid of it, it is worth looking for the reasons for the emergence of such a character trait in early childhood.

There are various trainings and exercises that allow you to fight ambition.

This is interesting: what is the connection between activity and human qualities?

An important point in any of these exercises is determining the individual’s self-esteem and correct analysis. Self-esteem can be:

  • adequate;
  • inadequate;
  • average;
  • high;
  • low.

The ideal indicator is an average adequate self-esteem. With adequate analysis, people who strive for veneration notice that their self-esteem is high and inadequate. In some cases, ambitious people have high adequate self-esteem.

Ambitious people in some cases actually achieve great success. A striking example is Steve Jobs. He considered himself an ambitious, moderately selfish person who reacts sharply to criticism. Thus, each individual decides for himself whether ambition is a positive or negative personality trait, and then decides whether to get rid of this quality or, conversely, develop it.

Beware: ambition!

When ambition is inherent in a good person, it is constructive, healthy and positive for others.

If it becomes a property of a bad person, then, being at the disposal of a destructive personality, it can have an unpleasant effect on people’s lives, especially when such a person gains power.

It makes sense for society to cultivate healthy professional and career ambition in people. It is healthy ambition that motivates productive social activity. Therefore, it is considered an extremely positive personality trait. By developing healthy ambition, a person can achieve unprecedented heights.

meaning of ambition

This is a completely normal and natural desire to provide your family with housing, a garage, a garden, or even a swimming pool. Even more natural is the desire of a person to give his children the best education, to send them abroad to ski or sail on a yacht. These are just applications in life. But will people work overtime if they are not lured by such a bait? Who will study scientific treatises day and night if he does not expect to receive an academic degree in the future?


the desire for external honor, honour, respect, honor, promotion and, as a result, the tendency to act in immoral ways.

Like most young ambitious people in literature, he pours out on paper the stock of information he picked up the day before (O. Balzac, Eve's Daughter).

Love is a desired madness, ambition is a serious stupidity (S. Chamfort).

Ambition engulfs small souls more easily than large ones, just as fire engulfs straw and huts more quickly than palaces (S. Chamfort).

We are usually driven to make new acquaintances not so much by fatigue from old ones or love of change, but by dissatisfaction with the fact that people we know well do not admire us enough, and the hope that people we do not know well will admire us more (La Rochefoucauld).

What we take for nobility often turns out to be disguised as ambition, which, despising small benefits, goes straight to the big ones (La Rochefoucauld).

Do not seek earthly glory for yourself in any matter: earthly glory fades away for those who love it. For a while, like a stormy wind, she breathes on a person, and, having taken away from him the fruit of his good deeds, she soon leaves, laughing at his foolishness (G. Konstantinopolsky, Stoglavets).

Wed. desire for fame; vanity.

Ambition is a person’s desire to obtain a high position, certain honors, to achieve visible successes recognized by the environment and ideally having a specific dimension, expressed in grades, numbers, awards, trophies. For an ambitious person, it is important to have the highest results. The concept of ambition is revealed through its two roots and means love of honor.

Ambition, the meaning of the word is synonymous with vanity. In its extreme expression, ambition can rush towards greed, which, however, is in close connection with the acquisition of material gain, while vanity and ambition use specific physical benefits only indirectly.

How to develop ambition?

Having ambitious goals is good. If you want to develop ambition, here are some valuable tips:

  1. It is necessary to repeat positive statements as often as possible. These are statements that resemble self-compliments. With their help, you can improve your self-esteem and problem-solving skills in stressful situations.
  2. It is important to concentrate on what you can get and think less about what you can lose.
  3. It is necessary to think about failure as a process of elimination.
  4. You should enjoy your successes, but not get hung up on them.
  5. You need to set specific goals and at the same time create a strategy to achieve them. Defining short-term and long-term goals. What matters here is to reward yourself every time you achieve your goal.

What is ambition?

An ambitious person himself can be aware that wherever he finds himself, he is ready to impose his own rules, even on people he has just met. Admitting a mistake brings him painful sensations, the thought that he deserves more does not leave him. An ambitious person wants to have no competitors in any field - except himself. Ambition for him is the engine of progress, a means of achieving personal goals. Such a person does not stop there, he constantly strives for more, which means he becomes stronger, ready to work harder and improve.

Vanity and ambition make an individual selfish and even unpleasant to others. Pride takes possession of a person and makes him look at the world from a distorted angle. Inflated self-esteem no longer corresponds to current conditions. It already seems to a person that he has the right to impose his opinion on others, he becomes uncooperative in a team, and it is difficult for him to find a common language with those around him. The thirst for success forces you to enter into a deal with conscience, to go over your head for the sake of victory. Such individuals often eventually achieve their goal, but remain lonely, with an abundance of mental trauma and emotional blockages.

Psychoanalyst Karen Horney explored the concept of ambition as one of the neurotic needs - a painful desire for personal achievement. His self-esteem depends on whether a neurotic person manages to be the best. We all come across an example of neurotic ambition already at school, we know children who suffer from a low grade, which for them is a blow to their pride. In adulthood, this develops into the desire to be the best lover, writer, athlete, to have the highest performance in production, prestigious awards, to earn the most.

Neurotic ambition is less harmful to others than other neurotic needs of the aggressive type, because it is directed at its owner. Ambition has a destructive effect on him personally, bringing an inability to accept himself as he is, to the fullest and with all natural emotions, feelings, and experiences to live his life. Such a person must definitely get grades, prove through his activities, first of all, to himself that his “I” exists and has weight. It is extremely important for him to capture and record his activities in order to present its results to others as proof of his existence. This directly affects whether a neurotic person will be able to reduce the level of anxiety, which is off the charts, if he does not have visible, visible evidence of his productive and efficient activities.

Neurotic ambition also forces a person to take destructive actions - the desire to defeat his obvious or imaginary rivals, to win in competition and competition by any means.

How to identify that ambition is neurotic in nature? Its symptom is an acute fear of failure, which in neurotic vanity is perceived as humiliation. Another factor is the relentless pushing of oneself to greater achievements, which occurs despite the incessant anxiety. Awards and trophies do not bring such a person joy; there is no experience of genuine deep satisfaction from them. Achievements only push you to even higher levels, which will help you deal with anxiety. They simply reduce anxiety and feelings of hatred for a short time - they calm the inner critic, the internalized accuser. Such a neurotic has no peace with himself, does not accept himself.



What is its effect on the soul?

Dejection is a grave passion that can destroy the soul. The word “despondency” means carelessness, carelessness, complete relaxation, loss of spirit. This passion consists of relaxation of all the forces of soul and body, exhaustion of the mind, laziness towards all spiritual endeavors and work, abandonment of all Christian, saving efforts, and despair.

Dejection means the same laziness, only worse.
From despondency you will weaken both in body and spirit. I don't want to work. and you do everything carelessly, and the whole person weakens. In despondency, a person remains lazy, careless, without any spiritual success; then he becomes fickle, idle, careless about any business. From despondency comes idleness, drowsiness, timelessness, restlessness, wandering, fickleness of mind and body, talkativeness and curiosity.

Dejection is born from a soaring mind, and a soaring mind comes from idleness, vain readings and conversations, or from a satiated belly.

Dejection sometimes comes from pleasure, and sometimes because a person has no fear of God.

Dejection is relaxation of the soul and exhaustion of the mind.

Each of the other passions is abolished by one virtue that is opposite to it, while despondency is an all-destroying death. When despondency enters the soul, a person at that hour does not imagine that he will ever be able to get rid of them, he has thoughts that today is so bad, and then, on other days, it will be even worse, and it seems to him that he has been abandoned by God and God has nothing to do with his despondency or that this happens apart from the Providence of God and with him only this, but with others this has not happened and does not happen. But it’s not like that, it’s not like that. God sends temptations to everyone so that virtues arise in people. Soon, without fail, there is a change in this and then - the mercy of God and consolation. If despondency arises from laziness, then you need to develop a sense of responsibility. Don't put things on the shoulders of your loved ones that you should do yourself. Always look for something to do for your mind and body. Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


Gloomy, depressed state of mind, hopeless sadness. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


Hopeless sadness; oppressive boredom.
Find out the meanings of words in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. VANITY AND HOW TO FIGHT IT Vanity is one of the eight main passions, the desire for vain, that is, vain, empty glory. Vanity is the desire for vain, that is, vain, empty glory. Why empty, vain? After all, people sometimes strive for a really very high position in society; their ambitions are limitless.

The word “vain” also means “perishable, fleeting.” Any earthly glory, in comparison with what the Lord has prepared for those who love Him, is only dust and ashes, steam rising from the ground and immediately disappearing. But earthly glory is futile not only on the scale of eternity. Even in the short period of our earthly life, fame, high position, position, fame are the most unreliable and short-lived things. But, nevertheless, many people strive for fame, honor and respect. And some make an idol out of it, turning vanity into an end in itself. But not only those who are completely obsessed with this passion suffer from vanity. Unfortunately, vanity is inherent in all of us to varying degrees. Everyone wants to look better in their own eyes, and most importantly, in the eyes of others, better than they really are. Any of us is pleased when he is praised, appreciated, and not scolded. Almost everyone strives to occupy a significant position in the society in which they move. But this is not what the Lord teaches us.

What does the word vanity mean? This word is two syllables; it is composed of two meanings: vain and glory: from this it is clear that a vain person loves vain glory and in this he delights in the feeling of arrogant pride.

Sins of vanity are sins against the second commandment, since a person, in the place of God, puts as an idol his own “I” and how he looks in the eyes of people:

Pride and vanity are related to idolatry because the proud person values ​​his abilities and advantages above all else, and thus they are an idol for him; and the vain person wants others to honor this idol. This attitude of the proud and vain was even sensually manifested in the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, who erected a golden idol for himself and ordered to worship it (Dan. 3).

There is also a vice close to idolatry - this is hypocrisy, when someone uses external works of piety, such as fasting and strict observance of rituals, to gain the respect of the people, without thinking about the internal correction of his heart (Matthew 6:5- 7).

The second commandment prohibits pride, vanity and hypocrisy and thereby teaches humility and doing good in secret.

Although vanity has many faces and is divided into different types, there are two types of it: the first makes us exalt ourselves with carnal, visible things, and the second, because of spiritual, invisible objects, inflames us with a desire for vain praise. When vanity is overthrown, then it rises even stronger.

All passions, having been overcome, wither, become weaker every day and in time diminish and subside, or at least, with the resistance of the opposite virtues, they can be avoided; and this passion, being overthrown, rises stronger; and when they think that she has been killed, she is strengthened even more alive by her death. Other passions usually only attack those whom they have defeated in the struggle, but this passion persecutes its winners even more cruelly; and the more she is crushed, the more she reeks of the pride of that very victory. And this is the subtlest cunning of the enemy, so that it forces the warrior of Christ, who was not defeated by the enemy’s weapons, to fall from his own arrows.

Vanity is not weakened by either desert or age.

Other passions are sometimes calmed down with the help of a place, and after the removal of the object of sin, or convenience, or the reason for it, they are usually tamed and reduced, but this passion penetrates even to those fleeing into the desert, and the place cannot exclude it, nor does it weaken from the removal of an external object. . For it is inspired by nothing other than the success of the virtues of the one it attacks. Other passions, as we have already said, sometimes weaken and cease over time; and this passion, if there is no careful diligence and prudence, even time not only does not suppress, but, on the contrary, encourages even more.

Vanity is more dangerous when combined with virtues.

Other passions, with the opposition of virtues opposite to them, openly, as if at war on a clear day, can be more easily overcome; and this one, clinging to virtues, interfering with the formation of the army, fights as if on a dark night, and therefore more insidiously deceives those who did not expect and were not wary of her.”

Manifestations of vanity. How to recognize this passion in yourself?

When the passion of vanity begins to develop, a person does good deeds not for the sake of God, not selflessly, but for the sake of satisfying his pride, secretly flaunting his “kindness” and his “deeds” to himself, or in order to receive praise from others. As a result, his entire structure takes a wrong direction.

Vanity can be a passion, the meaning of life, or it can be small, everyday, but this does not mean that it is not dangerous, because a mighty tree grows from a small seed, and “a big river begins from a blue stream.”

Vanity and conceit love to teach and instruct.

You recognize a vain person by his special ability for flattery, for helpfulness, for lies, for everything mean and base. VANITY IS

The search for human glory. Boasting. Desire and search for earthly honors. Love of beautiful clothes, carriages, servants and beautiful things. Attention to the beauty of your face, the pleasantness of your voice and other qualities of your body. Shame to confess your sins. Hiding them in front of people. Craftiness. Verbal justification. Disclaimer.

Vanity and pride are of the same origin and have the same properties, but their action and signs are different. Vanity tries to catch the praise of people and for this it often humiliates itself and pleases people, while pride breathes contempt and disrespect for others, although it also loves praise.

We need a test, or temptation, for our salvation: can I assure myself that I do not like to be vain? Here it is necessary to withstand reproach and contempt from people: and if the heart is not offended, then it does not seek its glory. And if he is embarrassed by reproaches, then from this his cowardice and passion for human glory will be known.

We must fear these beasts: pride, vanity and evil conceit; these passions are very secretive; they take on different types of virtues and therefore are not quickly recognizable; We need to have a strict and difficult test of ourselves: are these secret destroyers of our souls nesting in our hearts?

Observe and you will see that indecent vanity is decorated with clothes, incense, numerous servants, aromas, and the like, right up to the grave.

Vanity makes the angry meek before people.

Vanity can have not only rough, direct forms, but also dress itself in humble, even monastic, clothes. Paradoxically, a vain person can even perform ascetic deeds and be proud of his “humility.” Fueled by vanity and the enemy of the human race, such a would-be monk can be very successful in his “exploits,” but the Lord will certainly humble him. Two brothers lived in Constantinople, laymen; they were very pious and fasted a lot. One of them went to a monastery and became a monk. He was visited by his brother who remained in the world. Then he saw that the monk was eating at lunchtime, and, tempted, said to him: “Brother, in the world you did not eat food until sunset!” The monk answered him: “It’s true! But in the world I was fed through my ears: empty human words and praise fed me a lot and eased the labors of asceticism.”

“From the hidden, secret vanity, let us move on to the open. Vanity is a very powerful motivator that helps people achieve great success. Let's look at the so-called “stars”, famous people whose activities are related to art, show business or sports. These people almost always serve the idol of vanity. They place the best years of their life, health, family happiness, and motherhood on the altar of this deity. Everything that is usually of great value to a person is sacrificed to vanity. All for the sake of one thing: to stay a little longer on the crest of glory, to bask in its rays. A famous opera singer, who recently divorced his wife, was asked what was higher for him: family or career, success; he confidently replied that he would even sacrifice his family for the sake of growth in his profession. Singing and music are the most important things in life for him.

What about professional sports? This is sheer vanity. Childhood, youth, health, all free time is given over to hanging a gold-plated or silver-plated circle made of far from precious metal on the chest. Superhuman efforts are being made, the body is working for wear and tear. For professional athletes, almost every night is torture for them; their whole body, all old injuries and fractures begin to ache. There is even a joke: “If an athlete doesn’t have any pain in the morning, it means he’s already dead.” And how much intrigue, envy and crime there are around show business, sports and politics!

If a person is already rooted in the passion of vanity, he cannot live without fame, life loses all meaning. Aging “stars” take advantage of any scandal, even directing and creating it themselves, in order to stay at the top of the star Olympus for at least a couple more years. Although, it would seem, everything that was possible has already been achieved, all awards, titles, regalia, and wealth have been received. Vanity is a drug, without it their life is impossible. Vanity goes hand in hand with envy. The vain person does not tolerate competition or rivalry. He is always the first and only. And if someone is ahead of him in something, black envy begins to gnaw at him.

It is very difficult to communicate with a person who is vain, narcissistic, and prone to boasting. After all, the word communication means that we have something in common with the interlocutor, but the vain person is only interested in his own person. His “ego”, self-esteem is above all. The pronoun “I” and its case forms “at me”, “to me” occupy the first place in his speech. “All this, at best, causes smiles from others, and at worst – irritation, envy and alienation.”

“When we start any good business, we need to be especially on guard so as not to be captivated by vanity. After all, very often, when we help people, deep down in our souls we are driven by pride and vanity, and, having seemingly accomplished a good deed, we can spoil all the work by expecting vain praise. He who works for the sake of vanity and praise already receives a reward here, which means he will not receive it from the hands of the Creator. Sometimes we can observe how easily and quickly things go if we are driven by vanity, and, conversely, with what difficulty and what temptations a truly good deed, started without a secret desire to receive praise and self-satisfaction, sometimes progresses. If we have succeeded in anything, we need to more often remember the words of the prophet David: “Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to Your name give glory” (Ps. 113:9). And it is especially useful if we are not only not rewarded for our work, but, on the contrary, are even reviled. St. Isaac the Syrian says: “Drink reproach as the water of life.” This is the kind of thing that will truly benefit the soul. And “God gives thanks for the ungrateful,” as one of my good friends, now deceased, said.

Praise harms a person. Praise is the same as tripping someone running... but some people are out of breath!

Why not sometimes praise others? - It happens that they praise. Good involuntarily evokes praise; praise revives the praised and gives him wings. But this is not a safe matter. It can seed conceit, and further lead to arrogance and pride.

“Having raised the daughter of Jairus, the Lord “strictly ordered” her parents “so that no one should know about this” (Mark 5:43). This tells us: do not seek glory, and do not strain your ear to hear people’s praises, even though your deeds are of such a kind that they cannot be hidden. Do what the fear of God and conscience force you to do, and treat human talk as if it did not exist at all. And look after your soul: as soon as it leans in the slightest degree towards this side, return it to your rank. The desire for people to know is driven by the desire for praise. When there is praise, then the goal seems to be achieved, and this undermines the energy and stops the praiseworthy activity, therefore, the continuation of the praise. It turns out that anyone who wants people to know his good deeds is his own enemy! What people praise, they do good, for what is good if not praised? But don’t have this in mind, and don’t expect it, and don’t look for it. If you indulge yourself in this, you will be completely spoiled. One indulgence will lead to another. Doing the same things more often will turn into a disposition, and you will become ambitious. And when you get to this point, then not all your deeds will be praiseworthy, and your boasting will be reduced. For lack of external praise, self-praise will begin, which the Lord called blowing a trumpet before himself. This is even worse. The soul then becomes petty, chases only tinsel, and you don’t expect true good from it. Whoever reproaches us gives us gifts, and whoever praises us steals from us. Flattery is a hidden crime against one’s neighbor, committed under the guise of goodness.

Sensible people should avoid being flattered and flattering themselves.

One should shun flatterers more than arrogant people. For such honor does more harm to the inattentive than insult, and it is more difficult for a person to gain the upper hand when he is flattered than when he is insulted.

As much harm as our friends do to us when they praise and caress us, our enemies do just as much good when they speak ill of us, although fairly, if only we want to take proper advantage of their reproaches. After all, friends often flatter us out of love, and enemies expose our sins. Out of pride, we do not see our shortcomings, but out of enmity, they look at us carefully and with their slander put us under the need to improve. And so their enmity becomes a source of greatest benefit for us, because, admonished by them, we not only recognize our sins, but also lag behind them.

Praises are puffed up to the point of madness and with their sweetness they destroy what deserves reward.

Why do you seek praise from people? Don’t you know that this praise, like a shadow, dissolves into thin air and disappears? Moreover, people are so fickle and changeable: the same people praise the same person today, and blame tomorrow.

The significance of praise usually burdens the conscience no less than sins.

Those who praise us increase arrogance in us, arouse pride, vanity, carelessness and make the soul pampered and weak.

Avoid human approval - and then you will receive many praises from both God and people.

Why do you examine your virtues and flaunt them? Or don’t you know that by praising yourself, you will no longer be praised by God?

A person carried away by fame is incapable of thinking anything great and noble; he inevitably becomes shameful, low, dishonest, insignificant.

When a reckless thought comes into your head - to count any of your good deeds, immediately correct yourself for this mistake and quickly count your sins, your continuous, countless insults to the All-Good and Righteous Master, and you will find that you have them like the sand of the sea, and virtues, in comparison with them, are as good as non-existent.

Vanity prevents a person from seeing his sins. Vanity blinds a person's mind. In his distorting mirror, he sees himself full of all merits and virtues, a righteous man, not in need of a doctor, not in need of a Savior - he is unable to see his sins, and therefore to repent of them and through repentance receive healing from God. And thus he remains a slave to passions, thinking that he has already been saved by his imaginary virtues.

External glory enhances internal ignominy, and imaginary health, instilling in a person the idea that he is really healthy, does not allow treatment.

Why do holy people (perfect), who have seemingly conquered all passions, see their sins as countless as the sand of the sea? Precisely because they overcame vanity and acquired humility. They have no need to appear in their own eyes and the eyes of other people less sinful than they are. Approaching God, they see themselves as insignificant before the greatness of the Creator. The closer a person is to God, the more objectively he evaluates himself.

Fighting the passion of vanity

The passion of vanity is opposed and overcomes by the virtue of humility.
In order to resist the passion of vanity, one must realize the deep mental and physical weakness of a person, and therefore one’s own weakness. Following the Word of God: “Without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:4-5),

We cannot do anything good on our own, but only with the help of God, and therefore we must give all the glory to God alone, thank Him for everything good, and reproach ourselves for the faults and imperfections of our deeds, even if, due to our weakness, we cannot see our own. flaws. We also need self-reproach in any unpleasant case: we must learn to blame ourselves for everything, not others.

The vain person sees the world as if in reverse perspective. He thinks that what is actually insignificant is important. And by humbling himself, striving for what is above and despising the worldly, temporary, transitory, a person learns to see things in the true light, in the light of God’s truth. Then he can see the futility and insignificance of worldly glory, the temporary - small and unworthy of attention, and the great and eternal - truly great.

How to overcome vanity? Let us contrast glory with glory. Just as we despise earthly wealth when we look at the wealth of heaven, and do not value this life when we think about a much better life, in the same way we can despise the glory of the present world when we think about a much higher glory, about true glory.

Why can’t you overcome vanity when others overcome it, having the same soul, the same body, the same appearance, living the same life? Think about God, think about the highest glory, contrast it with the present - and you will soon leave behind vanity. If you absolutely desire glory, then seek true glory. Is glory the kind that makes you seek honor from those below you and has a need for it? Honor consists in enjoying glory from those above. If you absolutely desire glory, then seek better glory from God. Having loved this one, you will neglect that one, you will see how dishonest she is, and until you recognize this one, you will not see how shameful she is, how ridiculous she is. And while this passion possesses us, we cannot see what this evil is.” The beginning to the destruction of vanity is guarding the lips and loving dishonor; the middle is cutting off all conceivable tricks of vanity; and the end (if there is an end in this abyss) is to try to do in front of people what humiliates us, and not feel any sorrow at it. The fight against vanity does not stop until death. Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language


Unjustified arrogance, arrogance, desire to be an object of veneration. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


, -I, Wed. An arrogant desire for fame, for veneration. Someone is obsessed with vanity.
SOURCE https://xn—-8sbauh0beb7ai9bh.xn--p1ai/ PASSION AMBITION Ambition is the thirst for fame, honor, the desire for an honorable position.

In the Evangelist Luke we read about what happened at the Last Supper, when our Lord Jesus Christ told the apostles that one of them would betray Him. Of course, this terrible news struck the apostles, and they asked each other who could have done this. But immediately, not finding an answer, they began to argue with each other about which of them should be considered greater.

How could this ambitious dispute arise among them, who had just heard the terrible prophecy of their Teacher about His betrayal by one of them and about His impending suffering and death on the cross?

Even the disciples of Christ had enormous power of ambition over their hearts. In the Evangelist Matthew we also read something similar and equally incomprehensible.

The Lord Jesus Christ walked with His disciples to Jerusalem and, approaching it, said to them: “Behold, we are ascending to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the high priests and scribes, and they will condemn Him to death; and they will hand him over to the pagans to be mocked and beaten and crucified; and on the third day he will rise again” (Matthew 20:18-19).

And again, something incomprehensible to us: having just heard this terrible prophecy, the mother of the apostles James and John, the sons of Zebedee, especially beloved by the Savior, approached Him and asked Him to let them sit with Him, one on the right, the other on the left in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Again we see a flash of ambition in the hearts of the apostles at such a terrible moment.

Can we then say that holy people are free from the passion of ambition, so characteristic of most of us who are far from holiness? Yes, we can, I will answer this question, for we know that the apostles of Christ became perfect and holy, alien to all mental and physical defilement, inaccessible to any temptations only after the miraculous descent of the Holy Spirit on them on the day of Pentecost.

People living under the Old Testament became saints when they obeyed God's laws and His 10 Commandments. After death they went to heaven. Jesus Christ opened the way to the Kingdom of Heaven. To get there you need to fulfill the 10 commandments of God and remove passions (gluttony, love of money, fornication, anger, sadness, despondency, vanity, pride) from your soul. He gave us a New Covenant, which came into effect after His resurrection. To overcome passions, you need to sincerely repent of your sins before Jesus Christ and He will give you the Holy Spirit to help. You need to be a very diligent student so that the Mentor does not leave you.

The grace of God is the Holy Spirit. Ambition is one of the most disgusting manifestations of pride. It plunges a person into many vices and crimes, makes him unhappy for himself, and most importantly, vile before God. (Luke 16:15). Anyone who is high-hearted is unclean before the Lord (Proverbs 16:4). Let us consider this vice and show all its disastrous fruits.

Firstly, the desire for honor is a very dangerous desire for the peace of life of ambitious people. Another aspires to a high place: but does not notice the abysses, that is, the dangers that are on the way to him or surround him. Someone, for example, says: let me sit in the seat of justice, but does not assume that perhaps this place is surrounded by networks of slander, that it is waiting not for someone who would appear on it, as on a throne, in a blaze of glory, but one who, on it, as on an altar, would sacrifice his peace of mind, his benefits, and sometimes the favor of many powerful people in order to save one powerless one.

Secondly, the desire for exaltation reveals in seekers of glory and honor the flaw that they have not sufficiently delved into themselves, into their abilities and into their inner state. Such ignorance of oneself and the extent of one’s strengths and abilities is a common shortcoming of people who have a desire to exalt themselves. They are ready to take any place that promises satisfaction of this desire: but they do not know that, perhaps, the first work that this place will require will lead them to exhaustion, the first danger will put them to flight.

Thirdly, the desire for exaltation is accompanied by a violation of peace between people. Peace and love are most often and most often dried up by pride and ambition. The luxurious easily makes friends with the luxurious, the selfish, if not in company with the selfish, then runs away from him: but the ambitious tries to overthrow and destroy the ambitious, and does not leave anyone in peace and quiet, because his last goal is to see everyone under his feet.

Efremova T.F. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

ambition Love of honors, desire for them.

S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.

ambition - Thirst for fame, honor, desire for an honorable position.



Pride is divided into pride and self-esteem Pride and pride

The concept of “pride” is one of the leading ones in the entire complex of eight deadly sins (gluttony, love of money, fornication, anger, despondency, sadness, vanity, pride).
All of the above passions can lead to committing an evil act. If a person brings evil to another person or animal, then he commits a sin. It underlies or intersects with such vices as greed, envy and anger. For example, the desire to get rich ( Greed
) is caused by the fact that a person wants to become not just rich, but richer than other people, he envies (
) because he does not allow the thought that someone lives better than him, he gets irritated and angry (
), when another person does not recognize his superiority, etc.

However, in the minds of many people, the concepts of “pride” and “pride” are closely intertwined with each other, and as a result, some people completely confuse these terms, while others consider them completely opposite in meaning. Our thoughts, mood, life position and success in society depend on how we relate to these differences. What is pride - a necessary quality of a self-sufficient person or the first step to mortal sin - pride? Let's try to figure this out. How does the Ozhegov-Shvedova explanatory dictionary of the Russian language define the word “pride”? Pride

: 1. Self-esteem, self-respect (for example, “national pride”). 2. A feeling of satisfaction from something (“pride of victory”). 3. Arrogance, an excessively high opinion of oneself, arrogance (“because of his pride he is not friends with anyone”).

Thus, from these definitions two main components of pride are visible. One is positive in nature (the first and second meanings), and the second component reflects the negative side of this term, when a person unreasonably elevates himself (thereby belittling other people). If pride is based on a person’s successes, his hard work, talent, etc., then a positive assessment of his personality or achievements is well deserved, but if a person, without sufficient grounds, considers himself better than others, then he takes sin upon his soul. Thus, from these definitions two main components of pride are visible. One is positive in nature (the first and second meanings), and the second component reflects the negative side of this term, when a person unreasonably elevates himself (thereby belittling other people). If pride is based on a person’s successes, his hard work, talent, etc., then a positive assessment of his personality or achievements is well deserved, but if a person, without sufficient grounds, considers himself better than others, then he takes sin upon his soul.


The positive character of pride is self-esteem.
It is based on self-esteem. Only a person who has honesty, justice, courage and humility in his character can give himself a correct assessment. For example: The person did something wrong. He understands this, it is a shame to admit what he has done, but after reflection, he resigns himself to the thought of defeat and courageously admits his mistake in front of everyone. If you do this constantly, then honesty and justice develop and become established in a person’s character.

2. Companions of pride and its other names

The properties of pride include the following qualities: a high opinion of oneself, vain, hypocritical, stubborn, capricious, suspicious, uncontrollable, restless, picky, vain, narcissistic egoist, touchy, impudent, extravagant barchuk, quick-tempered, inclined to criticize and condemn, power-hungry, arrogant , envious, irreconcilable, vindictive, cruel, quick to insult, caustic, pathologically active, a rebel against all authority, a bearer of a revolutionary, nihilistic spirit, etc.”

To make it clearer, let's break everything down into groups.
The first group of personality traits reflects a thirst for power and open contempt for people occupying a lower social position
This is arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance, arrogance and swagger, as well as inflated self-esteem and pride. The second group of personal qualities shows a person’s desire to achieve more than he has
This is ambition and ambition. The third group of personal qualities is a reflection of selfishness combined with bad manners. These qualities demonstrate a person’s willingness to go ahead for the sake of his own interests
This is rudeness, impudence, selfishness, insolence, impudence, insolence, shamelessness, shamelessness. The fourth group reflects a thirst for fame
, and not always justified.
The main quality here is vanity. In addition, this group includes boasting and arrogance. The fifth root of pride is narcissism,
which includes qualities such as narcissism and self-satisfaction.

S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.


, -i, w. (high). Excessive pride (in 1 and 4 meanings). Curb the meanings of words in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language.

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Ambition, how to get rid of it?

If you begin to notice that your child has begun to show symptoms of neurotic ambition, you need to convince him that you will love and accept him even regardless of what grade he gets from school. And let me feel your unconditional love. Tell him stories about failures from the lives of those around him, stories related to falls - so that from these examples the child learns to feel that all failures are just feedback. Try to reduce the fear of failure so that it is not associated with humiliation, thereby redirecting or softening neurotic ambition, making it less acute and painful. In general, as for other neurotic needs, according to Karen Horney’s approach, to resolve this complex it is important to weaken the idealized image, inflated ideas about oneself, learn to accept oneself, and treat oneself without hatred and contempt.

There is an interesting opinion that ambition, as opposed to laziness, is the main driving force of humanity. A person constantly wants more, looks at those around him and notes their successes: getting promoted, buying a new car, vacationing at a fashionable resort with an abundance of impressions.

Ambition gives rise to a reluctance to feel like a loser and to win against everyone all the time. Indeed, it drives a person forward, learning from others and receiving examples - he is motivated to achieve his own success. People create innovative technologies, develop science, someone has been in space, invented social networks, and the rest are reaching for the best, trying to acquire it and prevail. And so humanity moves forward thanks to ambition and the rules of success. But is such ambition the only and true guarantee of strength and success?

Many people disagree with this view, arguing that true talent does not need ambition; ambition can even be a sign of the absence of talent and its sublimation.

Ambition can have different natures. That ambition that is associated with the desire for possession and dominance is usually considered a negative quality. In contrast, some highlight healthy passion, which motivates and helps to reach the top following talent.

There is an aesthetic theory of Chukovsky that only what a person does not want turns out well. That is, non-pragmatic activities bring brilliant results. An example is Steve Jobs, who became a truly great businessman not due to the desire for money, success, or honors. He was passionate about the idea of ​​​​creating something fundamentally new and very valuable for humanity, putting all his strength into his aspiration. That is, for success you need to set yourself a high, ambitious goal, which should not be pragmatic - but higher than just a desire, for example, for money, which will only be a consequence.

Or maybe ambition is a desire for immortality? The desire to leave something behind. “I owe everything that is best in me to death.” After all, if our life were not finite, if it were not for the need to realize ourselves in this allotted area of ​​life, then there would be no incentive to create, stand out, be remembered, leaving a mark. The idea of ​​death very strongly encourages one to leave behind some recognized values, a good or famous name, which is a kind of synonym for honor. From this point of view, ambition reveals the meaning of the word not through the love of honor, but as a desire for personal honor. And this motivation is considered harmonious, as it contributes to true growth. So we can talk about ambition at different levels.

Ambition and an ambitious person: how to recognize and what it means, how to get rid of it

This term expresses a character property that manifests itself as clearly expressed personal goals, motives and methods of achieving fame, primacy, honorable position and recognition in any field of activity.

The word “ambition” sounds rather pompous, but if you look at its components, you can find the fusion of two simple words: honor and love.

Such a phrase has a positive connotation only when an individual, striving to earn “honor,” performs good deeds without infringing on the rights and freedoms of other people, and climbs the career ladder with dignity and honor.

But the reality is that often the meaning of the word “ambition” is not so noble - it means a person who craves honor at any cost, such a person, putting his person above others, goes to his goal, sacrificing those around him. This quality in psychology is an indicator of selfish behavior. And as many great psychologists have said, selfishness is “the sin of the human soul.”

Ambitiousness - good or bad

Ambitio is translated from Latin as “excessive conceit and heightened self-esteem.” These are claims for respect and recognition, the individual’s confidence that he deserves the best.

Distinctive properties of ambitions:

  1. Understated. They occur in people with low self-esteem, too modest and shy, and unsure of themselves. An individual has a feeling of guilt for his success. There are many factors that inhibit desires: negative internal dialogue, tightness and conflicts. All this prevents people from seeing their own potential.
  2. Overpriced. Incorrect comparison of the responsibility taken with the real ability to withstand it. The individual does not compare his talents and abilities with the real complexity of the task. He imagines himself to be the center of the Universe, grabs onto everything, and when something doesn’t work out, he gets offended by the whole world and withdraws into himself.
  3. Adequate. The balance between ability and task complexity is the ideal “golden mean”. Reasonable prioritization and competent assessment of one’s strengths. With adequate ambitions, great breakthroughs are made, the individual moves forward, without losing family and friends due to overly inflated self-esteem or, conversely, softness.

So, is being an ambitious person good or bad? On the one hand, such people persistently achieve their goals. Moreover, no woman will look at a man who does not have big plans for the future. On the other hand, this quality can acquire very negative and destructive manifestations.

The most important thing is to achieve a balance between getting your own way and not harming others in the process. If an individual is well-educated and understands that when achieving his goals there is no need to infringe on the interests of others or attack their dignity, then he will achieve what he wants without making enemies and ill-wishers.

You need to achieve what you want, but you don’t need to be blind and not notice other people. You should choose a wise, experienced patron and trust him, measure your capabilities with the tasks, and also have enough common sense so that in case of failures you do not blame anyone but yourself, and extract valuable experience from them.

The video discusses the importance of determination in life.

What is ambition: manifestations and properties

Ambition determines a person’s specific actions in achieving a career and individual success. A person striving to realize ambitious goals strives with all his might to do his job better than others, constantly improves, develops willpower and potential.

An intelligent and decent person is distinguished by ambition, which is justified by his knowledge, truthfulness, and nobility. The importance of ambition in the life of such a person does not prevail over his humanity. He stands out from the rest with his clear head and kind heart.

Differences between vanity and ambition

One would think that vanity could be called a synonym for ambition. However, vanity is focused more on a cheap effect; this is suitable for ephemeral people, buffoons.

In comparison with this character trait, ambition is achieved through a deeply thought-out project.

This is a serious, focused and long-term process of achieving success, at the top of which the brilliance of the merits of her “climber” will be clearly and clearly reflected.

True ambition can only be satisfied by well-deserved, and not contrived, fame. Such an ambitious person evokes sincere respect.

Where do the roots come from?

For those who are interested in what ambition is and where it comes from, such a personal quality appears as a result of a person’s internal need to assert himself and prove to the whole world his value and significance, to receive tangible evidence of his merits.

Ambition is more of a masculine quality. It should be on par with such masculine qualities as determination, responsibility and self-confidence. Try to find a woman who would be satisfied with her state of affairs, because women are desire-producing units.

A man, as an ambitious person, will accumulate women’s desires in his mind and subconsciously strive for more in order to provide himself and his companion with a better standard of living.


Is ambition good or bad?

Where is the line between healthy ambition and ambition? For example, an athlete or actor must consider himself the best - otherwise he will not achieve high results. Self-confidence, positioning himself as the best and believing in this encourage him to work hard on himself. Having looked at the views on this issue over the past 2000 years of history in different movements, we will even see contradictory approaches in religions. In Orthodoxy, the dogma of self-abasement runs through the doctrine like a red thread. Career, pride, the desire to be first, to achieve heights and to prove something to oneself or others are considered bad, following the Bible’s instructions to be last. In contrast to them, modesty, self-abasement, awareness of one’s insignificance and humility are cultivated as the only way out. Ambition here is associated with pride and is considered a sin.

Catholicism has a different approach - a person must be respected, and not stoop to self-abasement and sprinkle ashes on one’s head. A person here is no longer bad, but in Protestantism he is even good - success, work, money, prosperity are considered as gifts from above, a blessing. This approach promotes advancement in life and creation, even at the level of an entire nation. Beautiful architecture, comfortable cars, quality items and good education - these are the things we associate with the European and American ways of life, professing Catholicism and Protestantism. However, with an excess of attention to such benefits, the line between healthy ambitions, a generally positive aspiration for success and ambition is lost; success becomes an end in itself, subordinating all a person’s aspirations.

The approach, rather characteristic of Orthodoxy, that it is necessary to preserve the soul and fight the passions of ambition, in its excess also produces distortions in the human soul, envy of more successful people appears and a craving for comfort simultaneously with extreme condemnation, which splits the psyche, forcing a person to use the whole a complex of psychological defense mechanisms. Which ultimately does not contribute to victory over ambition, but, on the contrary, polarizes the psyche and gives new turns to intrapersonal conflict.

Of course, the truth is in the middle. With a more careful, scrupulous study, we will restore the balance by finding a common original meaning, which later developed into countercurrents. The instruction to sit in the last place sometimes looks somewhat manipulative, as if I was deliberately humiliating myself, and secretly, with the same thirst for success, I hope that I will be elevated. This is an allegorical instruction, but it has a deep meaning. Do not sit in first place - do not try to be a leader in form. And sit on the latter, first becoming it internally and proving with all your being that you are the first - so that this is recognized by the people themselves. At the same time, the elevation itself should not have significance for a person, but only internal deep work on oneself, which bears fruit and is not an end in itself. Self-abasement is an extreme, which is confirmed by other gospel advice - for example, knock so that it is opened, seek and find, do not bury talent in the ground. It shows that if you believe, you can achieve anything. Faith, which moves mountains, gives high self-esteem, which, together with hard work, leads to success.

It turns out that it is an active life position that is preached in Christianity. There is no need to worship first place or money, no matter what it takes to reach for them for the sake of honors and pride. This is revealed in the instruction not to try to serve two masters - God and Mammon, where Mammon personifies earthly blessings. They are not bad in themselves, like wealth, which is not evil, but good if it is a means to higher goals. And the line between ambition and ambition is achieved in the Christian position by the fact that a person’s attention should not be focused on gaining honors, he should not dream of self-exaltation, and being elevated by other people, he should remain modest and continue to work on himself. It is this formula that leads a person to genuine victories and lays down the mechanism of success.

Ambition for a contemporary

What is ambition for a modern person? In fact, various types of aspiration have existed at all times. For example, a young man dreams of becoming an athlete. They ask him: “Why, why?” If he answers: “I want to become a great champion in the world, so that I have awards and respect!” Ambition is obvious here. The most striking and accurate example.

what is ambition

Let's consider another option. The man got a job. He is a simple employee with a small salary, but he has the ability to manage. He has a big family and doesn't have enough money. For the sake of his loved ones, and also for the sake of his colleagues, he strives to become a leader. Having become a director, he earns money for his family, pays employees fairly, helps them, and strives to be everyone’s friend. Can such a person be called ambitious? Of course not. On the contrary, if a simple worker dreamed of becoming a director for the purpose of leadership and honor, then he most likely would not become a subordinate friend and assistant.

General information

An ambitious person is a person who wants to be the best. Such an individual craves power and wants to show his superiority. However, with moderate manifestation of this quality, ambition is a healthy desire to improve oneself and one’s capabilities. It helps an individual set certain goals and achieve them, despite the difficulties that arise. Such an individual is a winner by nature.

The word ambition describes a quality of character manifested by the expressed goals of an individual, the desire to achieve primacy, the need to be recognized in one's field of activity.

In reality, this quality is often determined by the indicator of selfishness.

A decent person can be ambitious, and this quality is confirmed by his nobility and truthfulness. Ambition in such a person does not destroy humanity. Such a person will have a kind heart and a pure mind.

This quality develops when an individual needs to prove to everyone and to himself his own importance. Ambition is more characteristic of the male gender. A man with healthy ambition will strive to achieve more and move up the career ladder, because he must take care not only of himself, but also of his partner and children.

Ambition, as a psychological component of a person’s personality, is an ethical quality and is determined by the interaction of the individual with society.

If this quality is found in a kind person, it has positive manifestations and does not harm the environment. If a bad person, then, being in the power of a destructive personality, this quality can negatively affect those around him, especially if the person has power.

Ambition has two enemies: the victories of other people and unfulfilled dreams. For example, a situation where an individual is overly arrogant reveals that he does not have enough talent. Then the dream he wanted to strive for will remain so until the end of his days.

Ambition and ambitiousness

Ambition is understood as ambitious claims, the desire to achieve set goals. Here is the desire to obtain a certain status, to achieve a worthy position. When we talk about healthy ambitions, we are talking about all those motives that encourage a person to strive to become more successful. Thanks to them, there is a desire to achieve your goals and become more successful. However, if ambitions are not justified, then a person can look very funny.

Ambition can be very beneficial for every person. So, it’s difficult for those who want to climb the career ladder to do without it. Here the winner can be the one who, in addition to professionalism, also has such important qualities. Ambition often helps in sports, since a strong-willed person is unlikely to agree that participation is important. He will definitely want to become a winner.

Advantages and disadvantages

Moderate ambition allows you to achieve great heights

Ambition can have both positive and negative sides. It is believed that many of humanity's achievements would not have been accomplished without this quality. It allows you to move on, create new discoveries. The fruits of ambition are:

  • scientific and technical developments;
  • works of art;
  • discoveries in medicine that make it possible to resist serious diseases.

It is worth considering that here we are talking about a moderate manifestation of ambition. However, in a situation where the satisfaction of one’s needs, one’s ego comes first, and the good of society comes second, then nothing good can be expected from such a person. A person has a destructive complex of hatred, envy and high self-esteem, which lead to spiritual breakdown.

If, in the presence of ambition, there are no other positive qualities, then it manifests itself negatively. If, along with it, there is determination, responsibility, dedication and perseverance, then the owner of these qualities can do anything. Having healthy ambition, an individual can direct all his strength to achieve his goal. If there is hypertrophied ambition, which is not supported by its significance, then in its manifestations it approaches vanity. A person becomes dissatisfied with his life, experiences anxiety, and envy.

Arrogance and Ambition

Ambition is often associated with arrogance. This is due to the fact that it is important for a person to be confident that he can achieve his goals. However, if he has doubts at the very start, then his goal will be unrealistic. People with ambitions are controversial. On the one hand, they delight because they know what they want, but on the other hand they can cause negative emotions because they can commit immoral acts. Sometimes this happens when it comes to painful ambition. This quality becomes good or bad in the hands of the person himself.

How to deal with ambition

The roots of self-obsession originate in childhood. The kid wants to be the best, tries to do well in school, and waits for his parents’ praise. At such a moment, it is extremely important that mom and dad convey to the child that they will not love him less if he makes a mistake and fails. It is necessary for the child to realize that he does not always have to strive to be the best in order to succeed.

  1. You need to realize that you are not an omnipotent person and are imperfect. There are no people who have only advantages and no disadvantages.
  2. Learn to set goals that you can realistically achieve over time. Moreover, to begin with, it is better to set goals that can be achieved in a day or two.
  3. It is necessary to continue to engage in self-development, but at the same time it is important to take into account the opinions of the people around you and their interests.

Society must instill in a person career and professional ambition and its healthy manifestation. So this quality will allow you to have productive social activities. If a person manages to develop ambition and uses it moderately, he will be able to achieve a lot.

Now you know what an ambitious person means. As you can see, such a person can be quite successful and reach great heights. However, with a pathological manifestation of ambition, its owner harms both himself and his environment.

Where do the roots come from?

For those who are interested in what ambition is and where it comes from, such a personal quality appears as a result of a person’s internal need to assert himself and prove to the whole world his value and significance, to receive tangible evidence of his merits.

Ambition is more of a masculine quality. It should be on par with such masculine qualities as determination, responsibility and self-confidence. Try to find a woman who would be satisfied with her state of affairs, because women are desire-producing units. A man, as an ambitious person, will accumulate women’s desires in his mind and subconsciously strive for more in order to provide himself and his companion with a better standard of living. By the way, women easily recognize vanity, which does not make a person pleasant at all, but only repels him.

what is ambition

Only those who see their success and recognition of merit ahead are ready to work. Anyone who is convinced of their own importance gains self-respect and a healthy sense of self-esteem. Respect does not need words; when a person is respected, he feels it, just as those around him, seeing the attitude of others towards him, are imbued with a feeling of respect for him.

Ambition, built into the psychological organization of a person, acts as an ethical quality of the individual and is revealed in the interaction of a person with society.

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