Why does a man make a woman jealous?
How to stop a lover being jealous of his wife - how to cope with feelings
The main reasons why a guy makes him jealous In most cases, if a guy starts flirting
poems to ex-girlfriend
How to renew a relationship with an ex-girlfriend? I want to establish communication with her
You can be friends with your ex-girlfriend “Let’s remain friends!” - can often be heard from the mouth
What does it mean if a guy doesn't respond to messages: 5 reasons
My boyfriend is not talkative to my family and friends. What should I do? I'm moving away from everyone because of him
Why text a guy who ignores you? Ideally, a girl should not be intrusive and
How to become an introvert: basic personality traits, advice from psychologists
Who is an introvert? An introvert (from the German introvertiert - “turned inward”) is a person who is focused
How to make your husband leave if you no longer want to live with him
Be capricious more. I don’t like it, I don’t want it. Have you heard about a fur coat with mother-of-pearl buttons?
L. Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance (mechanisms of information selection)
Cognitive dissonance theory Leon Festinger - creator of the cognitive dissonance theory Cognitive dissonance theory -
Why did I stop loving and hating my husband after the birth of my child?
November 16, 2019 Psychology of relationships Fedorova Victoria When the relationship between a man and a woman is only
How does hysteria manifest itself?
7 tips from a psychotherapist for correcting hysteria in children and adults
How does a person react to a situation when something doesn’t suit him? Negativity becomes natural here.
Anginophobia - a person’s fear of suffocation
Breathing is the most important physiological process. Thanks to it, all vital systems and organs function normally
Collective crowd hallucinations
Collective hallucinations: what causes them, what causes them?
Author: Oleg Maltsev According to medical reference books, hallucinations are a mental disorder, the basis of which is