Depression: treatment with folk remedies at home

What is depression? From a conversation with psychotherapist S. V. Timofeev Depression or sadness - one of the seven deadly sins described in the letter of John Chrysostom (envy, stinginess, fornication, gluttony, pride, despondency, anger). The accelerated pace of life, lack of physical activity, and high intensity of work cause constant nervous tension in people. If external reasons such as loss of loved ones, divorce, chronic illness, constant lack of money, misunderstanding of loved ones are superimposed on this background, then life begins to lose meaning. Such a person is constantly in a gloomy state, everything falls out of his hands, he becomes apathetic, absent-minded, irritable, and begins to think about suicide.

Depression (from Latin deprimo - “to crush”, “to suppress”) is a mental disorder. The main symptom of depression is low mood and a decrease or loss of the ability to experience pleasure (anhedonia). Additional symptoms of depression may include low self-esteem, inappropriate feelings of guilt, pessimism, difficulty concentrating, sleep and appetite disorders, and suicidal tendencies. Severe forms of depression are characterized by the so-called “depressive triad”: decreased mood, slow thinking and motor retardation.

Depression can be a symptom of some physical illnesses and a side effect of some medications and treatments; If the cause of depression is not obvious and the depressive disorder occurs without external influences, such depression is called endogenous.

Disease or something else?

Today, folk remedies for depression (as well as medications) are widely advertised. This is not surprising, because depression is a real scourge of our time. Scientists suggest that in half a century, a third of the world's population will suffer from this disease. Just imagine: what can a teacher who is in such a state teach? Can a doctor interact effectively with a patient if he is severely depressed? But it is precisely those who work in the “person-to-person” system who are most susceptible to such ailments. Therefore, treatment of depression, including folk remedies, is an important area for further research.

Most often, when we talk about depression, we mean a bad mood that is associated with life's troubles. But things are not so simple here. If the problems go away, then the condition should return to normal. But if the event that caused the stress is long in the past, and the person still cannot come to his senses, then we can talk about a disorder. This is an independent disease that is included in the group of affective disorders.

Causes of depressive disorder

This problem may be caused by an unpleasant event .

But depression can also occur for no particular reason. In such a situation, the patient simply feels empty and sad inside.

It is difficult to identify any specific cause of depression; most likely, the disease is a cumulative result of medical, genetic and environmental factors.

A deterioration in the general psychological state can occur as a result of various events:

  • job change;
  • career change;
  • divorce;
  • death of a loved one.

All of them can provoke feelings of sadness , which can be short-term or longer lasting.

How to recognize the problem

Feeling that the condition is getting worse every day, a person can come to the appropriate conclusion himself and begin treating depression with folk remedies. But it’s better to consult a specialist. It will help you diagnose and determine exactly what problem you are dealing with. The main symptoms of depression are:

  • A person cannot feel joy, the state is depressed;
  • It is impossible to find or even imagine an activity that would bring pleasure;
  • No interest in life;
  • It is very difficult to focus on anything;
  • Trouble remembering, leading to misunderstandings at work.

If, in addition to this, you have noticed obsessive thinking syndrome, when the same thoughts return and constantly scroll through your head, then treating depression with folk remedies becomes an urgent necessity. Additionally, there is fear and apathy, a feeling of fatigue and sleep disturbances, loss of appetite and weight loss.

Mechanism of action of herbal antidepressants

Herbs such as Rhodiola rosea or Ashwagandha protect the body, work in balance and reduce levels of cortisone, the brain-fogging hormone. When cortisone levels are high, the patient experiences fatigue, memory damage, and lack of emotions.

St. John's wort is an adaptogenic natural remedy that stimulates the production of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in the human brain. Due to the action of these three neurotransmitters, mood improves and symptoms of depression are smoothed out. However, you need to take St. John's wort only in strictly prescribed doses and under the supervision of a specialist. This medicinal herb does not interact with all herbs, so it may cause the opposite effect.

The mechanism of action of natural antidepressants helps improve sleep, reduces symptoms of depression, concentrates attention, helps fight fatigue and tearfulness, and relieves irritation.

Assess the clinical picture

Treatment of depression with folk remedies is effective and reliable only if we are talking about the initial stage of the disease. Advanced cases can be overcome only with the help of an experienced psychotherapist, and in some situations only a psychiatrist can do this.

But usually they start with the simplest thing, because the patient wants a “magic pill” to take and become like before again. Therefore, pharmacological drugs, diet, and homeopathic remedies are chosen. In addition, heavy artillery, that is, antidepressants and tranquilizers, can also help.

Pamper the body, heal the soul

Treating depression with physical activity is another important step. We offer several effective exercises. You will only need 90 seconds (30 for each), and your mood will improve significantly:

  • Stand up, straighten up, stretch, put a smile on your face, even if you don’t want to. Hold your facial muscles in a smile for 30 seconds. Already 50% of depression has disappeared.
  • Spread your arms wide to the sides as if you are going to hug someone. We lower them along the body, imagining how the arm muscles send a positive impulse to the body. Repeat 5-7 times.
  • Rub your thighs with your fingertips with strength and good thoughts. We charge the body and allow it to invigorate.

playing sports

On your own

If you feel that you can completely cope on your own (usually patients who are deeply immersed in a state of depression are well aware that they cannot get out on their own), then there are a number of techniques that will help you with this.

  • Folk remedies for depression help well when a person additionally creates suitable conditions for this. The first step is to normalize your daily routine. Break your whole day into three sections. The first is for professional duties, the second is for physical exercise, and the third is for favorite activities.
  • Adequate sleep is an irreplaceable medicine. Try to spend at least 8 and no more than 9 hours in bed.
  • Depression is a complex and multifaceted condition. Not only the nervous system and mental state are affected, but also the physical body. To reduce this impact, you need to monitor your diet, eat nutritiously, introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet, take vitamins, but do not overeat. In the morning you need to eat fruits and nuts, milk. Include steamed vegetables in your lunch meal and wholemeal bread. In the evening, be sure to have legumes, green vegetables, cheese, and milk. And the most valuable product is apples, combined with honey and milk.

Daily regime

The following will also help cope with depression:

  1. Water procedures. A contrast shower is useful for depression: it improves blood circulation, invigorates and gives strength. For anxiety, which often accompanies depression, herbal baths with chamomile and mint will help.
  2. Massage. Massage using aromatic oils is especially useful: the smell has an additional positive effect on the psyche. You can also do self-massage, for example, gently massage your head, neck, and shoulders with stroking movements. After the massage, it is recommended to relax in a chair with your eyes closed.
  3. Gymnastics. It will be difficult for a depressed person to force himself to start exercising, but if he can still overcome himself, he will quickly notice that physical exercise perfectly improves his mood. This is due to the fact that physical activity triggers the production of pleasure and happiness hormones. Exercises need to be selected that are feasible so that gymnastics does not turn into torture.
  4. Correction of the daily routine. It is important to fall asleep and wake up at the same time, and the duration of sleep should be sufficient: at least 7-8 hours. It is also useful to keep a diary and write down your plans for each day.
  5. Meditation. This relaxing practice is beneficial for everyone. Take a comfortable position, turn on special music, even out your breathing, concentrate on it and try to get all depressing thoughts out of your head. Regular meditation will quickly restore peace of mind.

If traditional methods of treatment have not brought significant improvements, you must inform your doctor so that he can select the appropriate medications.

Some subtleties

People most often imagine that folk remedies for depression and anxiety are sold in pharmacies and look like pills. In fact, this is not true at all. First of all, this is the order of business and the optimization of work and rest schedules. Please note the following points:

  • Develop the habit of keeping your back straight. Surprisingly, such a simple technique helps change a person’s physical well-being and psychological well-being. A person with a straight back and a raised head simply cannot feel bad.
  • Increase your magnesium intake. It is not necessary to buy tablets at the pharmacy. If your diet includes nuts and beans, cauliflower, buckwheat and wheat groats, raspberries and strawberries, black currants and blackberries, rye bread and cheese, tomatoes, then you don’t have to worry about a lack of magnesium.
  • Eating natural sweets and avoiding unhealthy foods. And this is also an important point. Many people try to eat away their bad mood with sweets and cakes. It is important to overcome this thought and buy dried apricots, prunes, and figs. Unlike confectionery products, dried fruits help no worse, but at the same time they do not put off extra pounds.

Water treatments

Cold water drives away depressive thoughts

  • Fifteen minutes spent in a medicinal bath will relieve stress and lift your spirits. To prepare a bath, 100 grams of black poplar leaves, if available, you can add poplar buds, boil for half an hour in a liter of water. Strain the broth and pour into bath water.
  • Cold water invigorates and drives away depressive thoughts. Take a cold shower every day. If your health allows, jump into a bath filled with cool water, and decide to take a cold douche. In the summer, go to the river, sea, pond as often as possible - swimming in natural reservoirs is the best water procedure. After the bath, dousing yourself with cool water is obligatory; not everyone decides to jump into the snow, and not everyone will be able to do so under conditions.

Herbal medicine

What else can you do if you experience the symptoms listed above? Treatment of depression with folk remedies, even in the presence of modern antidepressants, does not lose its relevance. Medicinal herbs can compete in effectiveness with medications. There are several recipes, each of which can be a real salvation for you.

  • Take 20 g of plantain and St. John's wort leaves, rose hips, add 10 g of motherwort and thyme, as well as 5 g of valerian and veronica herb. The finished mixture needs to be poured with 400 g of boiling water. In about 20 minutes the tea will be ready. You need to drink it instead of dinner.
  • The second prescription involves a strong sedative effect. Take one part each of valerian roots, hop cones, as well as two parts each of mint and motherwort. Mix everything thoroughly and take 1 tablespoon of the prepared mixture. Pour boiling water over it and consume 2 times a day for a month. How effective is this treatment of depression with folk remedies? Reviews say that a person does not feel excessive sleepiness, while the feeling of anxiety leaves him quite quickly. Good sleep and appetite are replaced, and faith in one’s strength returns. At the same time, these herbs help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Often during depression, people complain of severe diarrhea or constipation of a neurogenic nature. Headaches and increased blood pressure of the same nature disappear.
  • Another magic recipe that allows you to effectively treat depression at home using folk remedies. This collection perfectly helps to cope with the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia. You will need to take elecampane root (50 g) and valerian root (40 g). This mixture should be poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and left for 40 days in a dark place. Shake the mixture regularly. You need to take the medicine before going to bed, 1 teaspoon, diluting it with water to 30 ml.

Helpful Tips for Combating Depression

To overcome an illness without drugs, you need to try to change your lifestyle and worldview. No methods will yield results if a person does not want to change anything about himself. Some recommendations will help you get rid of despondency and regain the joy of life.

  • Stick to a daily routine, sleep at least 8 hours a day, spend most of your free time not on the couch in front of the TV, but in the fresh air.
  • Play sports, exercise, jog daily, take a cool or contrast shower in the morning.
  • Find something you enjoy and do it often. This could be knitting, drawing, beading, wood carving, growing indoor plants, playing a musical instrument, dancing, singing and much more.
  • Train yourself to analyze the situations that caused you stress and look for their causes.
  • Avoid feelings of guilt, do not engage in self-flagellation. Accept yourself for who you are.
  • During depression, do not do rash actions and do not make important decisions (firing from work, divorce, moving). Remember that you are currently depressed, and when it passes, you may regret what you did.
  • Share your experiences with loved ones, don't keep everything to yourself.
  • As soon as the blues begin to attack you, go to a crowded place - to visit friends, for a walk, on an excursion, to the zoo, or just to go shopping. Don’t withdraw into yourself, don’t be left alone with melancholy and despondency.
  • Read books on the topic of fighting depression. On the Internet you can find a lot of psychological literature on this topic. There are also special forums where you can chat with people who also suffer from this disease.
  • Avoid watching news and political programs that can depress even the most cheerful person. Switch to humorous programs and comedies. Remember that laughter causes a rush of endorphins - the hormones of happiness.
  • Learn to see the positive sides in everything. It's not as difficult as it seems, you just need to set yourself the goal of doing it all the time, and after a while you will notice that the world is full of bright colors.

If all of the above tips and folk remedies do not bring the desired result, you need to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist. Perhaps you have advanced depression, which only a specialist can cure. After completing the course of treatment, you will get rid of melancholy and despondency and again live a full life.

To perk up

There are other medicinal herbs that are also great for treating depression. Prepare great tea at home that will give you an unforgettable taste and lift your spirits. To do this, mix 1 teaspoon each of thyme and St. John's wort, yarrow and catnip, and lemongrass fruit. Pour the finished mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. After about an hour you can enjoy a wonderful drink.

It should be noted that this recipe is an auxiliary one, which perfectly helps to treat depression with folk remedies. Those who have been cured leave reviews on thematic forums, where they confirm that in case of a serious condition, you must definitely seek help from a psychotherapist, and when “light at the end of the tunnel” appears, finish treatment with medicinal herbs. In general, depression “sits” in a person’s head, and if you get it out of there, the clouds will immediately clear.

Types of depression


The person experiences constant anxiety and a depressed state. This is the most common type of depression. Neurotic It happens if a person experiences pressure on the psyche for a long time. He cannot get rid of the thought that life is not fair to him. The feeling of self-pity becomes obsessive. Eyes "wet together."

Sleep disturbances and headaches are constant companions of neurotic depression. Psychogenic This type of depression develops as a result of some kind of great loss. This could be the death of loved ones, dismissal from a job that was joy and brought good income, etc. The future has no prospects. Thoughts of suicide appear. Postpartum In the first month after the birth of a child, a young woman develops fear of the future.

It seems to her that she will not be able to cope with the worries that arose with the birth of a child. Against the background of hormonal changes in the body, the psyche became very vulnerable. The worst manifestation of this type of depression is that a young mother does not feel love for her child. Circular This is a seasonal type of depression. There may be autumn, spring or winter depression.

Pamper yourself

It's no secret that some foods help us cope with the most severe stress. So say “yes” to bananas, they contain the “happiness drug” or mescaline. Pears and chocolate are an incredibly delicious combination. Well, it may not be useful, but sometimes you can pamper yourself. Tea with lemon and honey tones and awakens the body. Do you remember the delicious mixture that your mother fed you as a child? Dried apricots and nuts, raisins and honey, mix all this in a blender in equal proportions. Eat 2 tablespoons twice a day and feel a surge of energy.

Calming fees

Calming collection No. 1

Ingredients: valerian, lady's slipper, soapwort, hops, drop cap, bumblebee, pepper, lobelia, black cohosh - mix the herbs in equal parts.

  1. Pour one teaspoon of herbal mixture into a liter of water and boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat, when the broth has cooled, strain.

Takes a soothing decoction of 40 milliliters in the morning and evening.

Calming collection No. 2

Take equal quantities and mix: prunes, artichoke, alfalfa, flax seed powder, gentian, marshmallow root, apple root, alfalfa.

  1. Then take 3 tablespoons of this collection and pour 2 cups of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes and strain.

The finished tincture should be drunk one tablespoon at a time for 10 days before meals.

Then you need to take a break for 10 days, after which the course of treatment is repeated.

First problems

It's no surprise that most people experience postpartum depression within the first month. We will now look at the symptoms and treatment with folk remedies. Most often this is emotional instability, tearfulness, increased fatigue and reluctance to care for the child, and a bad attitude towards him. The underlying cause may be fear of the future. Women are afraid of not being able to cope with family responsibilities, of losing their husband’s favor; for some, the most worrying thing is the loss of financial independence. However, most often hysterical women, for whom strong mood swings were typical before pregnancy, are prone to severe postpartum depression.


Some herbal remedies can raise or lower blood pressure. It is important to strictly adhere to recipes and not to overuse medicinal infusions and decoctions, since many plants are poisonous. Folk remedies for the treatment of neuroses should be used with caution for people with kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract, gout, arthritis, as well as problems with blood clotting. During pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is necessary to first coordinate treatment with traditional herbs with your doctor.


The fair sex has a more delicate psyche, so women are much more susceptible to stress, and therefore to disorders such as depression. Treatment of symptoms in women with folk remedies can become an event that is repeated from time to time, since the difficult conditions of modern life contribute to the accumulation of stress. Aromatherapy can be a great help because it is affordable and universal, suitable for almost everyone and works great. By the way, it has a much weaker effect on men.

Treatment of diseases with the help of essential oils has been known to man for many thousands of years. A simple aroma lamp can delight the soul and give you a boost of energy. What works for one may have the opposite effect on another. Let's look at the symptoms and oils that can help.

How to help someone suffering from depression

A depressed person does not realize the seriousness of his or her condition.

A person who is depressed does not realize the seriousness of his condition. Relatives and friends who have noticed that something is wrong with him are simply obliged to help.

Surround him with care, but then make sure that she is not too intrusive. Be understanding of the oddities in the behavior of a person close to you, do not regard them as whims. Try to organize your daily routine so that the patient sleeps at least eight hours a day. Diet is also important in the fight against depression. Some patients begin to “eat” their heavy thoughts.

Symptom and treatment

  • If you have trouble sleeping, headaches and anxiety, then try heating citrus, juniper and rosewood, mint and cypress, patchouli or marjoram oils in a lamp or a simple spoon. It is also important that you like the scent itself.
  • If you feel melancholy and despondency, then bergamot and geranium, sandalwood, orange and jasmine are perfect.
  • Doctors themselves advise their patients to use rose, violet, and tea tree oil to get rid of obsessive fears and mental disorders.
  • Before bed, you can use vanilla and ylang-ylang oil to relax. The smells are very different, so everyone will choose their own.
  • If you have work that requires high concentration, then stress protectors - rosemary, eucalyptus, orange and cardamom - will help you.

Treatment of depression with folk remedies

The smell of myrtle is the worst enemy of depression

  • If you can get myrtle flowers somewhere, consider yourself very lucky. Freshly picked and dried flowers will also come in handy. There is nothing worse than the smell of myrtle for depression. Brew tea with them, add water to your bath. You can sew up loose bags and hang them around the apartment.
  • Baths with the addition of lemon balm and mint infusion are also a good remedy for depression.
  • Carrot juice has a strengthening effect on the human nervous system. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure and drink a glass of juice every morning. And its joyful color will lift your spirits for the day.
  • Eat bananas. They lift your mood thanks to mescalin, a hormone found in large quantities in meat. Tasty and completely inaccessible treatment.
  • Prepare and drink chamomile aster infusion. By drinking three glasses a day, you will feel how your good mood returns.
  • Ginseng has been used to treat depression throughout time. One hundred grams of powder from the roots or leaves of ginseng, brewed in boiling water and left for three hours is an excellent remedy. Drink the infusion little by little – one to two teaspoons per serving.
  • Alcohol tincture of ginseng also strengthens the nervous system. Take the same 100 grams of powder and steep it in a liter of alcohol. One-time dose – twenty drops three times a day.
  • Peppermint tea or lemon balm tea, drunk before bed, will help cope with insomnia and emotional stress caused by depression.
  • If you notice that depression has become your frequent guest, stock up on tincture, the recipe of which has been known since the eighteenth century. This tincture was used to treat depression in girls in German monasteries. In one liter of vodka, add the finely chopped zest of one lemon, ten grams of lemon balm, two buds of dried cloves, 10 grams of nutmeg and coriander. Leave for three weeks and strain. Add the tincture to tea or take 10 drops separately two to three times a day.
  • Alcohol tincture of capion is a known remedy for depression. Sold in pharmacies, but can be prepared at home. Pour one hundred grams of a mixture of roots or stapion with 100 ml of vodka and put it in the refrigerator for twenty days. Drink the tincture for about a month, twenty drops a day.

Peony tincture is a well-known remedy for depression.

  • An infusion of knotweed herb will have a good effect. Brew one pot of herbs in a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes, strain. Drink the prepared infusion half a glass at one time.
  • Primrose leaves will also help fight depression. Warm up the thermos well. Add a pinch of primrose and 250 ml of boiling water. After three hours, strain. Drink the resulting water infusion in three equal portions a day.
  • An excellent remedy for depression is chicory root decoction. You need to boil a spoonful of root in a glass of water for about half an hour. Drink after straining three times.
  • A water infusion of white chalk shoots will ease the condition. Grind the herb, brew one large spoon with a glass of boiling water, wrap and leave for thirty minutes. Divide the resulting infusion in half and drink it in the morning and evening.
  • An infusion of angelica rhizomes will help. Place a spoonful of medicinal raw materials in a glass of boiling water. Drink three times a day.
  • An infusion of oat straw may be tasteless, but effective. Pour two pinches of crushed straw into a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water into it and leave for three hours. Strain and drink equally twice.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

Originally from China, the ginkgo tree is now grown throughout the world. It is distinguished by the bright yellow color of its leaves in cold weather. Ginkgo biloba has received attention in the medical community for its ability to reduce symptoms of Alzheimer's disease or other types of dementia in older adults. Although the exact mechanism is unclear, ginkgo may help improve blood circulation in the brain and has a protective effect on nerve cells. Although the research is still inconclusive, there have been several experiments proving this effect.

A 2010 systematic review concluded that ginkgo helped improve cognition scores in people with Alzheimer's disease. One study found a similar effect compared to the standard drug Aricept, which is used to treat Alzheimer's disease. We hope that further research will continue on this issue so that clearer conclusions can be drawn.

Ginkgo may interfere with blood thinners and many other medications, so check with your doctor or naturopath before taking the plant.

Doctor's Best, Extra Strength Ginkgo, 120 mg, 120 Veggie Caps

Post-traumatic syndrome

Occurs after suffering mental or physical trauma. This could be robbery, rape, or being held captive. After suffering from conditions, a person from time to time experiences the same sensations of fear; it may be associated with a specific place or people with whom the victim may subsequently meet. Major depression can only be treated by professionals.

This syndrome can also be manifested by loss of appetite, insomnia, irritability and depression. PTSD requires medical intervention and long-term treatment. In some cases, hospitalization of the patient is indicated.

And a few more tips

Once you withdraw into yourself, you won’t get lost for long...

  • Do not shy away from friends, do not refuse an invitation to spend an evening in pleasant company.
  • Remember your hobby - it will distract you from bad thoughts.
  • Watch less TV, and if you really want to, then only good films and comedies. Horror films or films with tragic endings are not your kind of cinema.
  • Aromatherapy, massage and acupuncture - together or whatever you can afford - are also great for helping with depression.
  • Give yourself a half-hour rest every day. Turn on soft, pleasant music, lie down, close your eyes and enjoy the sounds. At the same time, try not to think about anything.

If you are visited by depression, and you understand your condition, you still need to pull yourself together and try to overcome the disease. We hope that the tips we have shared with you will be useful to you. And, remember, “Once you leave yourself, you won’t get lost for long”...

Exercises for depression

One and a half minutes of exercise - and you’re completely fine.

  • Stand up straight, lift your chin up as if you are very proud of yourself. Smile! Do not want? Smile anyway! This exercise relieves depression by 50 percent.
  • Extend your arms to the sides as you would when preparing to hug someone you are excited to meet. Feel the surge of strength and lower your hands, at the same time imagining how your hands are sending you a graceful impulse. Do the exercise five times.
  • To recharge yourself with joy, you need to rub your fingertips very hard on your thighs. Try it, it will definitely help.
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