Article “Implementation of the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of the Russian Federation”

Spiritual growth

There is no one way for everyone. Each of us is unique. Everyone has their own methods of passing the path and achieving their goals. Each of us has our own purpose. The Universe gave life to some to start a happy family, and to others to become a loner who seeks the truth in this world. But despite this “difference,” everyone will fulfill the WILL OF THE CREATOR! For him, we are all equal and he has only one measure - our spiritual development.

What is meant by spiritual development of the individual?

Spirit is not something abstract. This is not just another artistic image to indicate the level of human development. The spirit is an immortal particle of divine fire placed in every person by the Creator. The spirit is the highest ability of the human soul, through which a person knows God. The human spirit contains Divine grace and is its conductor for all the powers of the soul.

“Every person has a spirit - the highest side of human life, a force that draws him from the visible to the invisible, from the temporary to the eternal, from creation to the Creator. This force can be weakened to different degrees, its demands can be interpreted crookedly, but it cannot be completely drowned out or destroyed. She is an integral part of our humanity.”

Saint Theophan the Recluse

Spiritual development lies in the need to reveal your creative potential to the fullest, to go through your “I” PATH in order to get closer to the Creator! Engage in self-development, do what your heart is in and never look at others. Everyone moves along a vector that has developed over a million incarnations. There are a large number of spiritual teachings and practices. There's a whole boom right now. Everyone became interested in spiritual development. But there is nothing strange in this, because now our Earth is at the beginning of its next round of development. And we must all comply with this.

What is psychoanalysis?

The concept of psychoanalysis, as Freud himself admitted, intertwined philosophy with psychology and psychiatry. Its main provisions cannot be demonstrated or proven. However, it is the link between the state of the human body and its psyche at the moment when a physical illness caused by a mental disorder occurs.

The word heals, it can upset, the word can please or kill. In psychoanalysis, the main method of influence and treatment is a conversation between a doctor and a patient. It is in a conversation, skillfully guided in the right direction by a psychotherapist, that the patient reveals his secrets, discovers complexes, reveals the sources of his condition, hidden in the depths of his subconscious.

Thus, psychoanalysis is a set of methods and techniques for researching and influencing the human psyche. The main thing in psychoanalysis is the influence of the unconscious on a person’s conscious actions. It is the determination of how much the instincts inherent in a person determine his behavior and personality manifestations that is the basis of the theory of psychoanalysis.

An important place in psychoanalysis is occupied by the personality of a person. Through psychoanalysis, Freud defines personality and describes the effects on it. The basis of psychoanalysis is the theory of psychosexual personality development. As a psychiatrist, Freud generally perceived all phenomena related to personality development through the prism of sexuality - explicit or hidden.

psychoanalysis of personality development photo

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On the Internet you can see a large number of trainings on personal growth. But my opinion is that personal growth without spiritual growth is impossible. These are two sides of the same coin. There are many people around who have learned to achieve various goals. But are these their goals? If you ask if a person is happy, you will most likely hear a negative answer. This is the reason that a person is more concerned with personal growth and forgets about his spiritual development. We have learned to look only outside ourselves and have forgotten about our inner world, where our SPIRIT lives.

You need to learn to talk to your spirit and be a more spiritual person. But here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the term “spirituality” is not “religiosity”. Religion can only cause struggle. I once met a Christian grandmother who rejected other religions and believed that there was only Jesus. I didn’t argue with her, I simply ended the conversation politely, realizing that this person was far from spiritual, but simply “zombified.” The basis of spirituality is love. When you Create with love, it means you create in unity with your spirit. Then you can be called a spiritual person.

Where to start spiritual development?

When I began to engage in spiritual growth, I soon felt changes in all 7 areas of my life. I discovered my amazing inner world with many talents. I learned to create faster with the power of thought. There is more energy, relationships with parents and friends have improved. Creative ideas and inspiration began to come. I even bought myself markers so I could immediately sketch out the “insights” that came in the middle of the night! I understood my purpose. Quickly synchronized with my flow of abundance. I wanted to live and create with love, to help other people become more harmonious.

Spiritual development is a very important aspect in the life of every person. This is a very big and labor-intensive work on yourself day after day. It is necessary to develop spiritually throughout your life. We need to learn this ourselves and teach our future generation. Look around. Anger, hatred, resentment, short temper, irritability, constant complaints against each other, wars, murders for money - all this is a big wave that has covered our society. Each of us is stuck in the material world and cannot continue our development as part of All This Great Creativity.

Choose what you like. Personally, I do yoga. This concept of self-improvement is very clear to me and fits my lifestyle. Perhaps some other direction will suit your spirit. What needs to be said here is that you should never get hung up on one thing. Of course, if you like to meditate, then go ahead. But everything flows, everything changes. Create your own teaching with which you will live harmoniously. It will also be changeable, but the most important thing is that it helps to effectively reveal your potential of the Creator and increases your spiritual development as an individual!

Life is the best spiritual practice, it is our best teacher. Become more aware every day. Learn to observe the events of your life, understand the signs that the Universe gives. Observe nature, learn from it. Look at everyday things and phenomena in a new way. The outer world is just a mirror of your inner one. Start looking more inside yourself. The external scenery itself will begin to change following the change in internal potential.

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Psychoanalytic concepts of personality

Wilhelm Reich, Karen Horney and Erich Fromm.

Freud's psychoanalysis (Freudianism) consisted of a systematic explanation of unconscious connections through the associative process. Freud proposed a new structure of the human psyche, dividing it into ego (“I”), superego (“superego”) and id (“it”). Freud subjects all mental states, all human actions, and then all historical events and social phenomena to psychoanalysis, that is, he interprets them as a manifestation of unconscious, and above all sexual, drives. Freud also introduced such concepts as libido (the unconscious desire for pleasure) and sublimation (the repression and transformation of sexual desires into other types of activity). He spoke of the conflict between the unconscious libido and the “principle of reality” to which consciousness adapts. That is, Freud paid great attention to the sexual nature of man. If we consider psychoanalysis as a system of scientific knowledge about worldview, psychology and philosophy (part of psychotherapy, see above), then Freudianism is the general name of various schools and directions that seek to apply the psychological teachings of S. Freud to explain phenomena related to man, society and culture.

In 20-30 years. In the 20th century, a new direction in psychology developed from Freudianism - NEO-FREUDISM, founded by the followers of Sigmund Freud, who accepted the foundations of his theory, in which the key concepts of Freud's psychoanalysis were reworked. Neo-Freudianism connects Freudian psychoanalysis with sociological theories. Having criticized a number of provisions of classical psychoanalysis in the interpretation of intrapsychic processes, but leaving its most important concepts (irrational motives of human activity, initially inherent in each individual), representatives of neo-Freudianism shifted the center of gravity to the study of interpersonal relationships.

Erich Fromm.

The leading representative of neo-Freudianism was Erich Fromm (03/20/1900 – 03/18/1980). According to Fromm, classical psychoanalysis contributed to the enrichment of knowledge about man, but it did not increase knowledge about how a person should live and what he should do. In his opinion, Freud tried to present psychoanalysis as a natural science, but made the mistake of paying insufficient attention to ethical issues. Fromm sought to shift the emphasis from the biological motives of human behavior in psychoanalysis to social factors, to show that “human nature - human passions and anxieties - is a product of culture.” He believed that there is nothing innate about personality. All its mental manifestations are a consequence of the individual’s immersion in various social environments.

For Fromm, neuroses are symptoms of a person’s moral defeat in his life, including in the struggle for freedom. Neurosis can be understood as an unsuccessful attempt to resolve the conflict between an insurmountable internal dependence and the desire for freedom, a conflict that has a moral background. In many cases, neurotic symptoms are a concrete expression of a moral conflict. This means that the success of therapeutic efforts depends primarily on understanding and addressing the person's moral problem.

“neuroses are the expression of moral problems, and neurotic symptoms arise as a consequence of unresolved moral conflicts.”

The main moral problem of modernity, as Fromm saw it, is man’s indifference to himself. The task of humanistic psychoanalysis is to reveal by a person the truth about himself, to identify those psychological orientations in the world, thanks to which his social character is formed (an intermediate link between the socio-economic structure and the ideas and ideals dominant in society), to comprehend moral problems that contribute to understanding that man is the only creature endowed with conscience. And that love is a creative activity, and not a blind passion leading to crazy actions.

Fromm's personality theory is an attempt to overcome the limitations of psychoanalytic theory with its biologizing determination of personality development and to consider the role of sociological, political, economic, religious, and cultural factors in its formation.

Karen Horney

According to Horney, pronounced basal anxiety in a child leads to the formation of neurosis in an adult.8) To cope with basic anxiety, the child resorts to defensive strategies, which are called neurotic. needs, or neurotic. trends. These are excessive needs 1) for love and approval; 2) in the partner’s management; 3) within clear restrictions; 4) in power; 5) exploiting others; 6) in societies, recognition; 7) in admiration of oneself; in ambition; 9) in self-sufficiency and independence; 10) in perfection and irrefutability.

Later, these needs were combined into three main ones. categories, each of which represents a strategy for interpersonal relationships with the goal of achieving a sense of security, that is, reducing anxiety. Each strategy is accompanied by a leading orientation in relationships with other people: 1) orientation towards people; 2) orientation from people; 3) orientation against people. According to these types of orientation, three types of neuroticism were identified. Personalities: compliant, aloof and aggressive. A healthy person uses all these strategies, but flexibly changes them according to circumstances.

Wilhelm Reich

Reich's psychotherapy is based on the idea of ​​transforming the movement of orgone energy. The concept of “orgone energy” corresponds to the Freudian concept of “libido”. The origin of the word “orgone” is related to the words “organism” and “orgasm”. Reich believed that orgasm regulates the body's energy. When functioning healthily, orgone energy forms free flows.

However, the movement of energy can be blocked. This happens when people. does not freely express his feelings and they are repressed into the unconscious. Protective formations (see Protective mechanisms) form the armor of character as a specific one. personal functioning profile, allowing one to avoid certain needs and experiences. Physiol. the manifestation of this process is bodily armor (muscle tension that ensures the expression of a given emotion). Bodily armor is found in specific. posture, gait, facial expression. For example, unexpressed aggression creates tension in the facial muscles (jaw block) and manifests itself in clenched fists. Blocking orgone energy leads to the inability to experience orgasm and interferes with the spontaneous manifestation of people. in other spheres of life.

Tips for spiritual development from Nepalese sages

1. Speak slowly and think quickly. 2. Don't judge people by their relatives. 3. When you say, “I love you,” tell the truth! 4. When you say, “I'm sorry,” look the person in the eyes. 5. Never laugh at other people's dreams and dreams. 6. Give people more than they expect, and do it joyfully. 7. Always keep your favorite poem in your head. 8. Don't believe everything you hear, spend everything you have, sleep until you get enough sleep. 9. Great love and great achievement always require great risk. 10. When you lose, try to learn a lesson, if not something useful, from it. 11. Respect yourself, respect others, be responsible for all your actions. 12. Don't let a small argument ruin a great friendship. 13. When you realize that you have made a mistake, try not to hush it up, but to quickly correct it. 14. Spend some time alone every day. 15. Be open to sharing, but don't let go of your valuables. 16. Sometimes silence is the best answer. 17. Read more books. 18. Believe in God. 19. When arguing with loved ones, refer to the current situation. Don't remember the past. 20. Read between the lines. 21. Share your knowledge with children. Today this is the only known way to achieve immortality. 22. Be gentle with the earth. Don't litter. 23. Never interrupt when people flatter you. 24. Do not interfere in other people's affairs, do not give empty advice. 25. Don't trust those who kiss you without closing their eyes. 26. Once a year, go somewhere you haven’t been before. 27. If you earn a lot of money, use some of it to help others. 28. Remember, not getting what you want is sometimes luck. 29. Listen to doctors, but learn to break some of their prohibitions. 30. Measure your success by what you had to sacrifice to achieve it. 31. Your “I” is the end point of your journey. 32. Treat love and cooking with reckless carelessness - do not love and do not cook according to other people's recipes.

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