Healing according to the theory of Liz Burbo. Your body says: love yourself

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Psychosomatics of dental problems is a direction in the study and overcoming of toothache and other dental problems, which is based on consideration of the integrity of the physical illness and psychological problems. In a word, toothache does not come to us because there is “little calcium in the body” or “we don’t brush our teeth well.” But because a person is mired in experiences that are signaled by the body (more about psychosomatics).

  • How teeth relate to psychology
  • Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, Valery Sinelnikov about the causes of dental problems
  • Psychosomatic features of toothache
  • How to deal with psychosomatic toothache?
  • Psychologist's advice
  • Psychotherapy

How teeth relate to psychology

In order to understand how teeth are related to psychology, it is worth considering why they are given to a person. This approach is advocated by Liz Burbo.

First of all, we are given teeth to grind food. After all, large pieces of food are not so easy to swallow. Therefore, it is believed that somatic problems with teeth can occur in people who cannot analyze the situations that have arisen, in people who are not decisive, as well as in those who “cook” for a long time in a solvable “unchewable” situation.

In addition, with the help of teeth we have the ability to bite. Bite in the animal kingdom can be associated with defense of oneself, one's territory and one's surroundings. Therefore, sometimes dental diseases are associated with a person’s helplessness, his inability to stand up for himself.

Michelle Cuff-fen says that the function of our teeth is heterogeneous, which is why they differ in shape and location. And the problems they signal are also different.

So, ON THE RIGHT SIDE, teeth may hurt because:

  • (not the upper jaw) a person cannot find himself, his place in life;
  • (on the lower jaw) a person cannot specify and it is difficult for him to stop at one thing and give life one vector.

ON THE LEFT SIDE, teeth may hurt because:

  • (on the upper jaw) a person cannot adequately and fully express his feelings, emotions and experiences, he is in constant “containment” of such manifestations and it is difficult for him to become “himself”;
  • (on the lower jaw) a person experiences problems with emotional connection with his family; he cannot normally and adequately show sensitivity and interact with those closest to him.

Active erasing of enamel may indicate that you allow yourself to be used, and the closest people take advantage of this most strongly: family, parents. Baginskaya and Shalila also say that teeth show “the penetrating power of a person.” Even the expression is “toothless man” in the sense of a person “who cannot achieve something, defend, break through.” Therefore, any problems with teeth indicate low perseverance and assertiveness of a person.

Psychosomatics Table of diseases (how to treat, what to pay attention to)

Each disease in this table of diseases has a link to a detailed description of the psychological causes of the disease (just click on the name of the disease).

The table and its articles were compiled on the basis of the works on psychosomatics by R.G. Hamer (“New German Medicine”), Gilbert Renaud (“Healing by Memory”), Claude Sabat (“Total Biology”), Christian Flesch (“Biodecoding”).

You can create harmony yourself

(Thank you very much to Louise Hay for her invaluable contribution to getting people to think about the connection between their stress and illness. However, R.H. Hamer proved this connection using biological laws, and therefore the interpretation of the causes of diseases of Dr. Hamer and his followers is much more accurate ).


Adenoids (click)

There are too many dangers around the child. Care and protection required. Huge worry over trifles.

Acne on the face (click)

Conflict of devaluation of one's appearance. Secrecy and shame associated with entering adulthood.

Allergies (click)

Separation conflict. The desire to separate from someone. Intense unexpressed anger.

Sore throat (click)

The recovery phase after the “unswallowed piece conflict.” First, a passionate desire for something, and then obtaining what you want.

Anemia (click)

Deep self-depreciation, lack of self-confidence. There is no unity in the family clan, the desire to destroy someone in the family clan.

Cardiac arrhythmia (click)

See Tachycardia, Bradycardia, Ventricular flutter, Ventricular fibrillation.

Arthritis (click)

Self-depreciation, lack of confidence in one’s own strength.

Astigmatism (click)

The inability to combine white and black. Suffering from what is happening very close. Refusal to obey someone.

Infertility (click)

A man or a woman are not each other’s “alphas.”

Insomnia (click)

The body's decision to remain awake to complete assigned tasks.

Myopia (click)

Someone is standing behind you. You need to keep an eye on what is dangerous and nearby. Reluctance to see what is happening around.

Bradycardia (click)

The desire to slow down the passage of time.

Bronchitis (click)

A threat on your territory and the inability to breathe calmly. Worries about ridicule and discussions behind your back.

Vitiligo (click)

The desire to be cleansed of unpleasant memories, of reproaches of conscience. The need to stand out, to be different from everyone else.

Hair (click)

Disruption of communication with the Creator and conflict of lack of home.

Sinusitis (click)

The recovery phase after the conflict of intolerance to the smells around and the conflict of loss of direction.

Hemorrhoids (click)

The main topics are “who am I (in any context)” and “why I can’t find a normal place for myself.”

Hepatitis (non-viral) (click)

The theme of hunger or lack of something.

Herpes (click)

Worries that there is some kind of separation between people, a long separation.

Hydrocephalus (click)

The theme of perfectionism. The inability to find a way out of the situation or make a final decision.

Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism (click)

1) The theme of time and speed, 2) The theme of injustice, 3) The theme of protection.

Hypertension (click)

1) I closed my heart from love. 2) I’m preparing to recapture my territory.

Glaucoma (click)

Topics: bring closer, speed up some event. Examine under a magnifying glass, carefully study, closely examine.

Headache (click)

Unexpressed anger, self-depreciation, regret about missed opportunities.

Throat (click)

A passionate desire for something: love, money, an expensive thing, status - but at the same time the inability to swallow an important “piece” for oneself.

Breast (mastopathy, breast cancer, breast duct cancer) (click)

The desire to help the sufferer is to symbolically feed with your milk (mastopathy, breast cancer). Desire to restore lost connections (ductal cancer).

Atopic dermatitis (click)

Separation conflict between mother and child.

Gums (click)

Periodontitis (including dental cysts), gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), periodontitis (periodontal disease), jaw cancer. Topic: people can’t hear my speech.

Hip dysplasia (click)

Questions of sexual relations, their correctness/incorrectness in the mother of the child.

Gallbladder (click)

Very strong, dull anger. Irritation. Territorial conflict with the inability to defend one's territory.

Stomach (click)

Misunderstanding + territorial conflict + indigestion (as a result of the previous two components).

Stuttering (click)

Two conflicting brain commands. Speak and be silent at the same time.

Wrist (click)

Clumsiness, inability to hold someone, mediator conflict.

Teeth (click)

Unexpressed aggression and the need to “grab your piece.”

Stroke (click)

The recovery phase after the conflict of inability to intellectually solve a problem.

Heart attack (click)

Resolving the conflict of loss of territory.

Sciatica (click)

Allowing chewing associated with lack of sex. Finally, you can go in the direction you want.

Collarbone (click)

Topics related to words: block, unblock, close, open.

Knees (click)

Rivalry with someone. Unbearable submission. Standing in one place for a long time.

Bones (click)

Strong self-depreciation, lack of self-confidence.

Laryngitis (click)

“They can’t hear me” and strong “female-type” fear.

Lung cancer (click)

Fear of death. Inability to breathe.

Lymph nodes (click)

Inability to defend yourself from attack.

Ankles (click)

Inability to sit on two chairs.

Elbow (click)

Stress from hard work. Commitments fulfilled to the maximum extent possible.

Uterus (click)

Return of maternal function to the grandmother; reluctance to have sex; betrayal of a lover; feelings about femininity.

Melanoma (click)

The need for protection, a threat to integrity.

Menstrual bleeding (click)

Feeling like all your energy is being sucked out. Worries about the inability to get pregnant. “The Unreliability of a Man.”

Ventricular fibrillation (click)

Attempting to pass through an impassable obstacle; forced to obey an order.

Uterine fibroids (click)

Failure to bear a child. Protection from the “entry” of a man.

Thrush (click)

Feelings of despair at not being able to feel love for yourself

Bladder atony (click)

An unconscious prohibition on oneself to defend one’s borders and mark one’s territory.

Periosteum (click)

Separation, separation, as a result of which a person feels severe mental pain.

Runny nose (click)

The air you breathe, the environment, the circumstances of life are not at all satisfactory.

Numbness of hands, feet

Intense fear turning into horror.

Fingers (click)

Failure to do work, inability to cope with something. Symbolic meanings of each finger in the text of the article.

Toes + “bone” on the foot (click)

Themes of relationships with mother and siblings.

Fractures (click)

Resolving low self-esteem conflict.

Liver (click)

The theme of hunger or lack of something.

Age spots (click)

The need for protection, a threat to integrity.

Pyelonephritis (click)

Themes of survival, territorial conflicts.

Shoulder (click)

What value do I have from my or someone else's point of view? Knocking down a door that doesn't

opens with the shoulder.

Pancreas (click)

The theme of non-recognition by the father of a child, deprivation of a name, inheritance. Suffering due to the inability to get the desired “piece”.

Hay fever (click)

Severe irritation, anger and its consequences (the story of one case of hay fever).

Kidneys (click)

Survival themes (pyelonephritis, kidney failure), territorial conflicts (stones), rigidity in beliefs (glomerulonephritis)

Prostatitis (click)

The desire to continue the family line. "Sour" wife. The desire to cleanse yourself of “dirt.” Problems at home.

Acne on the face (click)

Conflict of devaluation of one's appearance. Secrecy and shame associated with entering adulthood.

Sinusitis (click)

The recovery phase after the conflict of intolerance to the smells around and the conflict of loss of direction.

Foot (click)

Experiences associated with the mother and with one’s own motherhood.

Dry skin (click)

Inability to breathe freely and deeply

Tachycardia (click)

The desire to speed up your life.

Ventricular flutter (click)

Experiences of a “broken heart.”

Tuberculosis (click)

Fear of death. Inability to breathe. Pulmonary tuberculosis as a recovery phase after lung cancer.

Chronic fatigue (click)

Inability to determine the direction where to move. The seeming insolubility of the problems that have piled up.

Cystitis (click)

The need to mark your territory. Inability to organize your territory and find your place.

Neck (click)

Strong lack of confidence in one’s intellectual abilities, inability to turn one’s head in the direction one wants.

Thyroid gland (click)

1) The theme of time and speed, 2) The theme of injustice, 3) The theme of protection.

Endometriosis (click)

My home is not here, but somewhere else, I need to find my home”; the need to create comfort for yourself and your children.

Enuresis (click)

Lack of control over the mother's life. Desire to be cared for. Lack of control from the father. Unwillingness to endure and wait.

Epilepsy (click)

Incredibly strong, “animal” fear with a threat on one’s territory and at the same time the inability to move.

Cervical erosion (click)

The woman believes that she is not loved or wanted.

Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, Valery Sinelnikov about the causes of dental problems

Louise Hay, Liz Burbo and Sinelnikov paid a lot of attention to systematizing knowledge and observations of oral problems, dividing and classifying them. Their views on the causes are largely similar. So, in the books by Louise Hay “Heal Yourself”, Liz Burbo “Your body says: “Love yourself!” and Valery Sinelnikov “Love your illness”, in particular, it is said that there are main negative attitudes that affect the health of our teeth. This is prolonged indecision and inability to solve the problem; failure to recognize ideas for later analysis.

We can also say that, in addition to toothache, there are a number of other dental problems.

Liz Burbo considers bleeding gums in the aspect of the impossibility of implementing an already made decision. A person is afraid of the consequences of such an act. Perhaps this fear is even associated with a negative experience that a person cannot forget. But an important point in solving this problem is to analyze the real degree of risk. As well as building a more precise action plan. The main thing to remember is that only those who do nothing make no mistakes. If you strive for something, mistakes are inevitable and this is just experience.

Louise Hay says that bleeding gums may generally indicate an inability to make decisions and procrastination with them. She sees the solution to the problem in love and support for yourself. After all, even a person himself can help himself become decisive.

But Vladimir Zhikarentsev says that problems with gums can signal a lack of joy, with which all decisions should be made. He says that this problem is typical for people who are “forced” to decide on something, or they make decisions under pressure, “under pressure.”

Bad smell

Of course, bad breath can be associated with digestive problems. But this is another option. And it should be checked as well. But, if neither a gastroenterologist nor an ENT specialist can find the cause of the bad odor, then the problem is in our thoughts.

Liz Bourbeau says this can be a source of deep hatred towards oneself or people. thirst for revenge and anger. But, these experiences are so terrible. What we hide from the subconscious and gradually kill them there, which is why the smell appears. With its help, we keep people at a distance, although in fact we really need close and close contacts. To get rid of this, Liz suggests getting rid of false shame and trying to express your feelings. So that they do not stagnate inside.

Valery Sinelnikov writes that a bad smell is associated with old angry thoughts, which essentially “stink” both in the head and in the body. Only by finding and rethinking the situation can you get rid of this smell. The main rule is that any negative is worth remembering not for the sake of revenge, but for the sake of experience.

Louise Hay had the same opinion, who considered angry thoughts and a thirst for revenge to be the main destructive factors from within that lead to a bad smell. And the desire to forgive and live in love are the main healing forces.

Wisdom tooth

The psychosomatics of difficult and painful teething according to Louise Hay is associated with insufficient space in your mind to lay the foundation for your happy future. That is, blocks are placed for extensive personal growth. Pay attention to him, and the pain will go away.


According to Burbo, it may be associated with the peculiarity of a person who is inclined to complicate his life and invent problems. In addition, a frozen stone may indicate unprocessed aggressive moods that are “frozen in the mouth.”

So, if, after moving to a new job, you suddenly began to “grow stone blocks” on your teeth. Think about who and what irritates you so much, who you would like to be rude to or abruptly stop, and why you don’t do it. If the situation seems unsolvable to you, and you are not going to leave your job, seek advice from a psychologist.

Other problems

Of course, there are other oral and dental problems. You can get acquainted with them in more detail in the works of the mentioned authors. An interesting observation was also made by patients who began self-healing using similar methods.

It turns out that the absence of one of the parents (for example, a father) in a child’s life, and the associated experiences, often lead to improper development of the jaw and deformation of certain teeth.

And grinding teeth in a dream shows that the body is trying to get rid of accumulated resentment and anger.

The relationship between psychological problems and physical health

Psychosomatics (psychosomatic) is a science that studies the relationship between the state of mind and body, indicators of health from a metaphysical point of view, the term was first used by the doctor Heinroth in 1818. Many doctors believe that the root of many somatic diseases lies in incorrect psychological statements, negative thoughts and actions contribute to the development of various diseases.

Mental causes of illness:

  • the basis of psychosomatics is a psychological defense mechanism, repression, a person tries to drive away, drive deep into thoughts that are unpleasant to him;
  • from the point of view of bioenergy, negative thoughts destroy the body, the body becomes more susceptible to viruses, bacteria, it is worth changing some views on life in order to get rid of many health problems;
  • cure is possible only if a person can independently detect and eliminate psychological problems;
  • Every person has all the necessary tools for self-healing - the physical body contains mechanisms that help cope with any disease; you just need to provide the body with proper nutrition, good sleep and regular exercise.

Initially, the group of psychosomatic problems included 7 diseases - heart attack, ulcer, asthma, colitis, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus. But today psychosomatics works with all somatic diseases that are provoked by mental causes, wrong actions, there is a close relationship between diseases and sins.

Each person has an energetic shell that surrounds the body, the human body is very sensitive to thoughts, and if they are unhealthy, defensive reactions arise that cause an imbalance between the physical and spiritual aspects of life. Such disunity is a disease, so any health problem manifests itself at the energy level.

Any disease is a consequence of a violation of the energy level or vice versa

Traditional methods of treating somatic diseases are aimed only at eliminating problems in the physical body, symptoms of pathologies, healing eradicates the disease at the spiritual, mental, emotional level.

Psychosomatic features of toothache

Sometimes I suffer from toothache or other problems all the time. But dentists just shrug their shoulders: there are no cavities in the tooth. In this case, doctors begin to believe that the soreness is related to the gums or “hypersensitivity.” Various rinses are prescribed as treatment, which give only a temporary effect. If your teeth hurt, then psychosomatics will look for the cause not in holes or bad heredity, but in thoughts and experiences.

Surprisingly, if there are “true experiences” that provoke painful sensations, then the nature of the pain can change in moments: from an attack to complete healing. Although, if traumatic events last for more than one year and are deposited in our subconscious in whole blocks, it may take more than one month to heal.

How to deal with psychosomatic toothache?

Step number one is to find the negative attitude or, as it is also called, “blocking”, which led to the problem. Maybe. It will be necessary to remember the first traumatic situation or, finally, to realize which of your loved ones is using you.

Step number two is to find “harmonizing thoughts” that will help you cope with the problem. In this world, one thing can be considered from the point of view of “tragedy”, provoking destructive desires and needs; or maybe as a normal life experience. Learn to love yourself and your body. Listen to him and not accumulate the burden of unresolved problems.

Parkinson's disease

If you are afraid of someone or something for a long time and do not hold on to something, you are at risk of Parkinson’s disease, as a result of an unbearable load on the nervous system. This disease also affects idealists who are afraid to give in, simply relax and always “keep their face.”

Summarize. If we flatly refuse to see our mistakes, then they reach the bodily level. And this is the last chance to recognize the problem and solve it. When the body openly signals about its troubles, it is worth putting off all other issues for later and focusing on the most important thing - yourself. You can only help by understanding yourself thoroughly. So, you first need to identify the emotions that seem to be leading. Accept them. Understand and accept another person by putting yourself in his place. Maybe not right away, but it will gradually become easier. Be healthy!

Psychologist's advice

Currently, there is a lot of literature that can help you get on the path to self-healing. This is very convenient, since a person can deal with the material and his own life situations at his own pace. The downside is that sometimes we lack the strength, time and confidence to process these works.

In addition, a lot of experiences and thoughts end up in our unconscious, and it is not so easy to “get it” from there. Therefore, it is more advisable to work through the methods with a psychologist who can pay attention to this from the outside. Something you haven't even thought about.


There are many methods to reframe your negative experiences. These could be sessions of cognitive therapy, symbol drama, fairy tale therapy, etc. As well as to relieve tension and aggression, a number of approaches can be offered, including art therapy and meditation.

It is important to approach individually, choose a specialist and a technique that suits and pleases you. But do not forget that solving a number of problems may require your life-changing decisions and efforts. After all, what’s the point of understanding that you are being taken advantage of? The situation needs to be resolved, but here’s how – your psychologist or psychotherapist will help you with this.

Author of the article: Galina Nikolaevna Lapshun, Master of Psychology, I category psychologist

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