Personality properties in psychology. What is it, examples: mental, volitional, emotional, individual, dynamic, classification
Personality structure according to Platonov. Psychology of Personality
Personality structure. Personality is a stable system of completely individual, psychological, and social characteristics. Psychology, how
what is interpersonal conflict
Question. The concept of intrapersonal conflict, interpersonal and group conflicts. Their structure, classifications and resolution methods
Interpersonal conflict is a confrontation that arises in the process of an individual’s communicative interaction with the social environment.
Temporal lobe epilepsy: signs and treatment of pathology
Symptoms and prognosis for temporal lobe epilepsy in children and adults
The development of an epileptic lesion in the temporal lobe of the brain leads to the progression of a certain form of epilepsy. IN
Fundamental error
Attribution - what is it? Examples of attribution in psychology
What is causal attribution? Causal attribution in psychology is the phenomenon of interpersonal perception in which
what is pyromania
Pyromaniac - what does it mean?
Pyromania - what is it Pyromania in psychology is a mental disorder for which
Hebephrenic schizophrenia
Hebephrenic form of schizophrenia: characteristic signs and treatment
Description of the disease Pathology is diagnosed in young people. The hebephrenic form of schizophrenia is characterized by childish behavior,
Congenital and acquired epilepsy: causes, signs and differences
Epilepsy is a chronic disease in the human brain, the manifestation of which is directly related to
Agitated depression: causes, symptoms, treatment methods
Frequent feelings of anxiety and excessive excitement are the first signs of agitation page » Hysteria »
Logoneurosis (stuttering) in adults. Treatment, what it is, symptoms, causes
Stuttering in adults: causes and basic methods of correction
Types Stuttering that occurs in adults manifests itself only in communication with others, if the disorder
Cryptogenic epilepsy with generalized seizures
Historical facts Epilepsy has been known since ancient times. According to legend, the famous