porous chocolate
Trypophobia: how to overcome the pathological fear of holes and openings?
What is trypophobia? Trypophobia is the fear of clusters of small holes. The patient experiences irrational
Girl tying her shoelaces
How to change for the better: 7 tips to improve your character
Greetings, dear reader! The desire to change your life for the better is a natural desire for everyone.
Autogenic training: description of the method, relaxation exercises
In moments of stress, despair, despondency, everyone at least once tried to console themselves. "All will be
Dissociative (conversion) disorder - symptoms and treatment
What kind of diagnosis is this? You need to figure out what kind of diagnosis this is in order to find
How to survive a divorce from your husband
How to help your son divorce his wife. Divorce from my husband: how is it easier to endure? You are the initiator of the breakup
If you are concerned about the question: “How to survive a divorce from your husband?”, then it means that it is given to you
Why the upper lip twitches: the main reasons, what to do
Nervous tic - its types, diagnosis, how to get rid of it
Facial tics are quite common. It can occur in both older people and
5 stages of accepting the inevitable using the example of a breakup in a love relationship
In the face of unhappy circumstances, a person experiences corresponding emotions. In our bereavement we
Only lovers will survive: how to get out of a triangular relationship and is there any point in it?
Loyalty = self-respect My opinion is categorical: if a man openly cheats, he has no place in
examples of responsibility from life
What is responsibility in a person’s life: the importance and meaning of feeling
Hello, dear readers! In the article “About Me” I wrote that I decided to use this online diary
What is adultery? What punishments do different nations have for adultery?
KtoNaNovenkogo FREQUENTLY QUESTIONS You are here September 14, 2019 Adultery is... Reasons for adultery How