About mindfulness: impaired concentration

Even in the most ideal relationships, sooner or later there comes a moment when a beautiful lady, when communicating with a man, increasingly begins to roll her eyes, pout her lips and sarcastically answer any question that her young man does not ask.

In just a few months, a girl can be reborn from a kind and affectionate lady into an absolutely angry creature, always whining and demanding attention from her boyfriend. Let’s figure out why a girl always doesn’t get enough attention from her boyfriend and whether it’s possible to rid a lady’s head of far-fetched problems and a sudden desire to throw a fit.

Why there is a lack of attention

When a relationship is just beginning, the attention on the part of the young man is even a little excessive in the direction of the girl: still, at the beginning of communication, the guy is most interested in the lifestyle of his chosen one, he wants to know in detail how she spent the day, what she ate for breakfast, when will he return from work and will he be able to spare half an hour from his busy schedule?

At the beginning of a relationship, a young man is ready to sacrifice his activities and interests, leave work early, walking on tiptoes past his boss’s office, refuse meetings with friends, making up a story on the go about how he suddenly fell ill, dismiss an incoming message from his mother, promising to call back... All this is just so that nothing distracts him from communicating with the mysterious lady.

The beginning of a relationship is a stream of calls, daily dates, sweet messages on social networks with wishes of good morning and good night, a time of unexpected meetings as soon as you find that you have free time, and constant compliments towards your partner.

True, over time, the endless flow of attention towards the girl becomes less and less, and now, you notice that messages wishing good night began to come to you not every day, sudden meetings at lunchtime were replaced by calls or correspondence on a social network, and your weekend dates have turned into endless meetings with friends, where you only get time alone when one of them goes to the toilet.

With the advent of such a period in a relationship, most girls begin to loudly hysteria, declaring that they do not have enough attention from their chosen one, and also eat themselves with the words “stopped loving”, “stopped liking”, “lost interest” and “lost interest”. Most girls, having discovered even the slightest coldness in the relationship on the part of their boyfriend, begin to think that their chosen one will soon break off the relationship, cheat with someone, or begin to accuse the girl of somehow changing since the beginning of their communication.

Unable to withstand the changes and succumbing to emotions, the girl runs to her boyfriend and tries to extract the slightest signs of attention from him, and she does this in a very interesting way, telling her boyfriend directly that he no longer likes her, because having written a message at night, he replied in the morning, although I was online. As a result, after several such emotional outbursts, where the girl is desperately trying to seem interesting again, the young man quietly runs away, completely losing sympathy for such a lady.


Causes of ADHD
Causes of ADHD

The development of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is hidden in several reasons that have been established by scientists based on facts. These reasons include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • pathological influence.

Genetic predisposition is the first factor that does not rule out the development of the disease in the patient’s relatives. Moreover, in this case, both distant heredity (that is, the disease was diagnosed in ancestors) and close heredity (parents, grandparents) plays a huge role. The first signs of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child lead caring parents to a medical institution, where it turns out that the child’s predisposition to the disease is associated precisely with genes. After examining the parents, it often becomes clear where this syndrome originated in the child, since in 50% of cases this is exactly the case.

Today it is known that scientists are working to isolate the genes that are responsible for this predisposition. Among these genes, an important role is played by DNA sections that control the regulation of dopamine levels. Dopamine is the main substance responsible for the correct functioning of the central nervous system. Dysregulation of dopamine due to genetic predisposition leads to the disease attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Pathological influence plays a significant role in answering the question about the causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Pathological factors may include:

  • negative influence of narcotic substances;
  • influence of tobacco and alcohol products;
  • premature or prolonged labor;
  • interruption threats.

If a woman allowed herself to use illegal substances during pregnancy, then the possibility of having a child with hyperactivity or this syndrome cannot be ruled out. There is a high probability of presence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a child born at 7–8 months of pregnancy, i.e. premature. In 80% of such cases, pathology occurs in the form of ADHD.

The reasons for the development of the disease in children are also identified if a woman, while pregnant, is addicted to taking artificial food additives, pesticides, neurotoxins, and other things. It is also possible to provoke this syndrome in adults due to addiction to dietary supplements, artificial hormones, etc.

The causes of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that are not fully understood are:

  • the presence of infectious diseases in a pregnant woman;
  • chronic diseases;
  • incompatibility of Rh factors;
  • environmental degradation.

It follows that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is an unusual disorder that occurs due to the action of one or more of the above factors. The most basic and proven reason is genetic influence.

What's Really Happening

Of course, not all young people begin to reduce the number of calls and SMS messages to their girlfriends, just because they began to like her less. Most often, the reasons for this behavior are very simple and do not boil down to the fact that your boyfriend has another object of sympathy on the horizon.

In most cases, the decrease in attention is associated with the guy’s personal problems, for example, with the mountain of work that needs to be done (after all, at the beginning of the month he was often freed early just to see you) or with constant messages from his close friends who vaguely believe that their friend may be sick for so long, finally, parents may intervene in your whirlwind romance, dreaming of seeing their son, at least for a couple of hours on a day off.

However, most girls associate the change in the regularity of calls and messages with the fact that the guy has most likely lost interest in her, therefore, in order to get these thoughts out of her head, he is obliged to call her and set up dates, sacrificing the hours that he needs to spend on sleep or to a business meeting with a colleague.

Any relationship cannot be built only on personal interests and you should always understand that it is impossible to spend all your free time with your chosen one, no matter how much you would like it.

In the end, remember that you somehow occupied your time before you met your boyfriend, so it is wrong to reduce your leisure time and thoughts to waiting for a call or a date.

Description and types

This disease is a disorder in humans that is caused by high intelligence. A person with such ailment has difficulties not only with mental development, but also with physical development, which is already referred to as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Children are the main group that is susceptible to the manifestation of this disease, but in rare cases, symptoms of malaise also occur in adults. According to many years of research, it has been established that the occurrence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults is associated solely with the nature of genes.

In children, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is quite common, and it can be detected both after birth and at a later age of the child. The syndrome occurs predominantly in boys, and only in rare cases in girls. If you look at the example, then in almost every classroom there is one child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

The syndrome is divided into three types, which are called:

  • Hyperactivity and impulsivity. This species is characterized by inherent signs of impulsiveness, short temper, nervousness and increased activity in humans.
  • Inattention. Only one sign of inattention appears, and the possibility of hyperactivity is eliminated.
  • Mixed look. The most common type that occurs even in adults. Characterized by the predominance of the first and second signs in humans.

In the language of biology, ADHD is a dysfunction of the central nervous system, characterized by the formation of the brain. Brain problems are the most dangerous and unpredictable diseases.

How to deal with it

It just so happens that, due to her emotionality, a girl needs to throw out all the thoughts that have accumulated in her head, even in a situation when she understands that her boyfriend is now busy and, with all his desire, cannot spare her a few hours for a date. In this case, close friends come to the rescue, with whom you can open a bottle of wine and throw out everything that has accumulated in their soul.

After such an emotional release when meeting your boyfriend, you will no longer want to throw hysterics, because you left all your emotions behind a glass of wine and watching the next episode of “Sex and the City.”

True, complain in a reasonable amount and remember that even the most patient friend may eventually give in to your problems.

Illustrations: Giulia Bersani


Doppler ultrasound
Doppler ultrasound

Diagnosis of the disease is not confirmed by any special equipment, but is carried out by monitoring the child’s behavior, development and mental abilities. The diagnosis is made by a qualified doctor who takes into account all information from parents, teachers and peers.

Diagnosis of ADHD is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Collecting information about the child regarding visiting a doctor.
  2. Study of dopamine metabolism.
  3. To identify the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe Doppler ultrasound, EEG and video-EEG.
  4. A neurological examination is carried out, during which the use of the NESS technique is possible.
  5. Genetic examination of parents to identify the causes of the disease.
  6. MRI. A complete examination of the person will show other abnormalities that could possibly influence the provocation of the disease.
  7. It is possible to conduct neuropsychological testing methods for school-aged and older children.

Based on all these methods, the preliminary diagnosis of ADD and hypersensitivity is either confirmed or refuted.

Love is the strongest vibration that exists

Science has proven that emotions such as love and fear have different vibrations. They can actually be measured. Love vibrates very quickly, while fear based on emotions (such as jealousy, possessiveness, hatred, greed) vibrates very slowly. When you surrender to beautiful emotions unconditionally, no fear will come. Love vibrations will make you feel good at any time.

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