Consultation for teachers “Creating conditions for a child’s self-realization and ensuring his psychological safety”

Conditions for self-realization of children

Modern psychology teaches: each individual has inclinations that will help him in due time to become an individual. It is known that a bud will turn into a flower in the presence of water, light and heat. Likewise, a person’s abilities can reveal themselves only in the presence of a number of favorable conditions:

  • socio-economic;
  • cultural;
  • educational;
  • genetic.

The situational environment in the family is of decisive importance for the child. Dad and mom must create a microclimate in the house that will be optimal for nurturing the talents of their child.

The most important role in this is played by a positive assessment of the child’s performance. Instead of scolding a little person for his mistakes and mistakes, you should encourage him every time: “Don’t be upset, next time you will succeed.” This approach strengthens the child’s faith in his own abilities.

Many child-loving parents, trying to give their child all the best - things, school, section, tutors, university - cause irreparable harm to him. From the cradle, a child is immersed in a competitive environment.

The spirit of competition haunts him in endless competitions, shows, and exams. Everywhere he is compared to someone. He inevitably loses to others in some way. This hits children’s pride, especially if at home the child is constantly given family idols as an example. Thus, parents themselves deprive the child of the opportunity to express his individuality.

Self-realization and place in society

Psychologists have established a direct connection between personal self-realization and a sense of personal worth. It turns out that people who unexpectedly achieve financial success or find themselves in the rays of fame do not feel completely happy if they fail to realize their natural inclinations.

The whole point is that their energy was directed in the wrong direction. At the same time, it is difficult for Fortune’s unexpected favorites to realize what exactly they lack for complete bliss.

Creative self-realization of children

Creativity plays a special role in the life of a little person. It is a mistake to perceive it simply as entertainment or a hobby. This is a form of interaction between a child and the world around him. It awakens positive feelings and emotions in him, allows him to realize desires and needs that are often difficult to convey in words.

Creative activity contributes to:

  • development of aesthetic taste;
  • socialization and knowledge of the world in general;
  • instilling discipline and self-control in a child;
  • acquiring unconventional thinking skills;
  • opportunities to express yourself.

The success of children's creative self-realization depends not least on how adults manage to create an atmosphere of understanding and stimulation for new successes.

Any, even insignificant, achievement of a little creator is of enormous importance for his further development. Every triumph on stage, in the gym or in the art studio will have a positive impact on a child's self-esteem and self-affirmation.

How to teach a child independence

To solve emerging problems on your own - teaching this to a child is not as difficult as it seems. To begin with, you can invite him to prepare a workplace for drawing if he wants to draw. Clear the work area, find paints, an album, fill a glass with water - and the task, divided into subtasks, will be solved by itself. Such tasks help the child learn perseverance and patience in achieving their goals. Watch the video “How to Raise a Confident Child”

Free choice as the key to success

Some experts call creative self-realization the cornerstone of the entire process of personal development. At the subconscious level, we all feel the need to embody our abilities.

It is extremely important that parents do not interfere with their child in choosing an activity to his liking, but completely help him and encourage his hobbies. If the child’s internal search is blocked or adults forcefully impose on him their ideas about the “good and eternal,” this can lead to a complete collapse of the individual’s self-realization.

Professional self-development of a teacher as it is

Professional self-development of a teacher is a conscious process aimed at improving and developing pedagogical qualities in accordance with social requirements and a personal development program.

In a certain sense, the future of the country is in the hands of teachers, as they educate the new generation. What our children will be like when they enter adulthood largely depends on them. That is why at the present stage of development of society there is a question of training “effective” teachers who, in the conditions of mass education, are able to provide a high level of education and take care of the health and leisure of their students.

Professional self-development of a teacher involves the use of specially developed techniques , the use of which allows one to increase the level of pedagogical competence. Standard methods include: retraining and advanced training courses, subject commissions and methodological associations, schools of excellence, seminars for young teachers, creative communities, pedagogical readings, etc.

However, in order to become a real “pro” in your field, seminars and courses alone are not enough. Regardless of what subject the teacher teaches (mathematics, science, Russian, or any other subject), it is impossible to improve the efficiency of one’s work without systematic independent study.

From the point of view of the psychology of teaching, a person cannot develop harmoniously without successfully mastering his profession. A teacher works with people and his own personality is the main working tool . Therefore, to become a professional, a teacher needs to strive for personal growth.

The conditions of the modern world pose a task for teachers: to use new methods and forms of self-education. Professional self-development of a teacher is the driving force on the path to personal progress. The teacher must conduct practical work on himself, undergo professional training and retraining.

professional self-development of a teacher

Self-realization of preschool children

At three years old, the little man is already somewhat aware of his individuality. He now wants to decide for himself which toys to play with and which friends to meet. It is at this stage of development that the basic moral principles and guidelines are laid.

The child gets acquainted with such important postulates of human existence as:

  • friendship;
  • attachment;
  • preferences;
  • responsibility.

It's time to teach him to rely on his own opinion, to encourage him to search for non-standard ways out of familiar situations. The most effective self-realization of preschool children is carried out in groups of peers, in interaction with experienced educators and teachers.

However, this does not mean that mom and dad can calmly withdraw. The lion's share of responsibility for the process of developing a child's personality still lies with them. In any life situation, the child should feel the support of his parents and be confident in their readiness to help in difficult times.


A bright personality is the most valuable acquisition for a person. The task of parents is to be the first to discern and develop it in their child. Having set out on the path of self-realization, he will achieve everything he wants. And, no less important, will never suffer from an inferiority complex. Awareness of his own importance and self-respect will serve as a guarantee of success and happiness in the future. Isn't this the ultimate parental dream?




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Play as a means of self-expression for children in the preparatory group

Play as a means of self-expression for children in the preparatory group

A role-playing game is a genuine social practice of a child, his real life in the society of his peers. Therefore, the problem of using games for the comprehensive education and development of a preschool child is so important for school pedagogy. An important role in maintaining gaming activity, introducing creativity into it, and creating interest in the game undoubtedly belongs to the teacher. Only an experienced teacher who knows and takes into account the individual and age characteristics of preschool children, who knows how to create play associations not at his own discretion, but based on the interests of the children, is able to make role-playing play an exciting process, during which children are drawn into close-knit groups and can realize themselves and willingly participate in game activities.

Role-playing game in its developed form, as a rule, is of a collective nature. This doesn't mean children can't play alone. But the presence of children's society is the most favorable condition for the development of role-playing games.

The purpose of the seminar is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of educators when organizing role-playing games; improve the ability to find a way out of difficult pedagogical situations, expand teachers’ understanding of methods and techniques for managing role-playing games; develop a creative approach in organizing and managing the game, improve the pedagogical skills of educators and their creativity.

Principles of organizing a story game

First principle

: lies in the fact that in playing together with children, the position of the teacher is that of a “playing partner” with whom the child feels free and equal to the adult.

This leads to the second principle

: The teacher should play with children throughout preschool childhood.

The third principle

organizing a story-based game is to orient the child both to the implementation of the game action and to explaining its meaning to partners - an adult or a peer.

Game management steps:

preparatory (enrichment with impressions during classes, excursions, targeted walks, creation of an object-based play environment);

main stage (beginning, progress, end of the game, the teacher uses direct and indirect techniques);

participation in the game (advice, reminder, etc.).

And now I would like to highlight the main points of the methodology for using a role-playing game:

Game selection.

Determined by a specific educational task.

Pedagogical development of a game plan.

When developing a game, we strive to maximally saturate it with game content that can captivate the child, determines the intended roles and means of game organization.

Introducing children to the game plan and finalizing it together

. The teacher conducts a conversation in order to involve children as much as possible in discussing the game plan and developing the content of role-playing actions.

Creating an imaginary situation

. Preschoolers always begin role-playing games by assigning figurative meanings to surrounding objects: chairs - train, bushes - border, log - ship, etc. Creating an imaginary situation is the most important basis for the beginning of a creative plot-role-playing game.

Distribution of roles

. The teacher gives everyone the desired role, suggests a sequence of playing roles of varying degrees of activity, and looks for opportunities to affirm the child’s position in the team through a play role. In order to prevent conflicts between children, we use counting rhymes, drawing lots, chips, symbols, badges during the distribution of roles, and the children themselves can offer a role to other participants in the game.

Beginning of the game

. To evoke a positive perception of the game in children, we use some methodological techniques, for example, you can look at albums, watch video material, listen to audio messages, and use TSO for gaming motivation. To create genuine interest in children in a particular game. But sometimes, when necessary, when preparing a group of children to act out a game episode, we distribute the main roles among active children with well-developed creative imagination. This allows you to set the tone and show the children an example of interesting role-playing behavior.

Saving the game situation.

You know that there is a certain condition for children to maintain a strong interest in the game. Therefore, we set the tone in dealing with children at play, using conventional gaming terminology, we try to play up any activity of the children’s team, we carry out all measures of pedagogical influence on children in a playful way without destroying the game situation, during the plot-role-playing game we include extensive creative games or games on areas with identical scenes.

Ending the game

. When developing a game plan, we outline the expected ending in advance, but it is worth considering that any role-playing game can continue until the children lose interest. And it can even last up to an hour and a half. We care about such an ending to the game that would make children want to preserve in the life of the team all the best that the game brought with it.

Organization of role-playing games in older preschool age.

By the age of five, children have developed such methods of constructing a story-based game as conditioned actions with toys and role-playing behavior.

Older preschoolers are ready to master these skills for a number of reasons. The volume of knowledge about the environment increases, the interests of individual children in certain aspects of life are determined and specified. Each of the children strives to realize their own, already quite complex, idea in the game. At the same time, the child’s desire to play with peers becomes increasingly stronger.

In order for children to realize their creative potential and act in a coordinated manner, it is necessary to master a new, more complex way of constructing a game - joint plotting.

We start playing together with children with a partial change - gradually the teacher moves the children to increasingly complex transformations of a familiar plot, and then to jointly inventing a new one.

When the independent story-based play of older preschoolers changes, under the influence of the systematic formation of new gaming skills in them, first of all, an attitude arises to invent a new, interesting game. The plots unfolded by children become more diverse and complex, acquiring a multi-themed character.

Organization of the game in senior and preparatory groups

In order to truly transfer children to a new high level of story-based play, one must have a good idea of ​​its further revolution.

One of the lines of development of story-based play for preschoolers is fantasy play. Older preschoolers are ready to master it. In a story game, pre-planning and strict adherence to a plan are not typical. This reveals its specific features - optionality, freedom of choice of actions. In order for children to realize their creative potential and act in a coordinated manner, despite all the whimsical nature of their individual plans, it is necessary to master a newer, more complex way of constructing a game—joint plotting. It includes the child’s ability to build new sequences of events, covering a variety of thematic content, and at the same time be oriented towards peers: indicate for them what event he would like to unfold at the next moment of the game, listen to the opinions of partners; the ability to combine events proposed by himself and other participants in the overall plot during the game.

Joint play with children should begin not with inventing completely new plots, but with partial changes - “loosening” already known ones; Gradually, the adult moves to increasingly complex transformations of a familiar plot, and then to the joint inventing of a new one. The most convenient for such a gradual “loosening” are the plots of fairy tales known to children. A fairy tale is, by its nature, akin to a game: it immerses one in an atmosphere of convention and fiction, extremely attracting children. First of all, it is necessary to orient children to listen to each other and continue the partner’s story. This can be done by “remembering” a famous fairy tale together. The retelling should take place in a free environment, without assessing the quality of the child’s speech and requirements for the accuracy of the story. It is only important that the child conveys the general meaning of the next event in the fairy tale.

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