Temperature changes during neurosis - what does this symptom mean?

Description of the pathology

In medicine, anxiety neurosis is classified as a mental disorder that can be caused by short-term or prolonged stress.

The most common cause of anxiety neurosis is emotional and nervous stress. The disorder can also develop as a result of increased physical and mental stress, or excessively strenuous activity.

The main symptom accompanying anxiety neurosis is a persistent feeling of anxiety and fear. It is accompanied by other symptoms from the neuro-vegetative system.

Anxiety syndrome can be a companion to depression and phobias. This mental disorder often affects young people aged 18 to 35 years.

According to statistics, women are twice as susceptible to neurosis as men. This is explained by the premature onset of menopause and hormonal imbalances.

Heredity plays a significant role in the occurrence of the disease. The likelihood of developing the disease is twice as high in people whose relatives have been diagnosed with anxiety neurosis.

The impetus for the development of the disorder can be given by hormonal imbalance and dysfunction of the endocrine system. Serotonin is responsible for changes in mood; the feeling of fear and anxiety is regulated by the hormone adrenaline. Structural changes in the brain and adrenal cortex, which produce hormones, can lead to the disease.

In people with a hidden or mild syndrome, an exacerbation of anxiety neurosis can occur due to the loss of a close relative or friend, their serious illness, moving to another place of residence, and sometimes in situations such as finding a new job or passing exams when entering college.

Anxiety neurosis can develop due to psychological or physiological factors. As noted above, hereditary factors also play a role. If a child suffers from a disease, it is advisable to start searching for the cause with relatives.

The group of psychological factors includes:

Here we will tell you what hysterical neurosis is.

  • dysfunction of the endocrine system, resulting in hormonal imbalances (structural changes in the adrenal cortex or brain, from where hormones are produced that regulate feelings of fear, anxiety and mood);
  • intense physical activity;
  • severe form or exacerbation of the underlying disease.
  • All of these phenomena are recognized as factors predisposing to the occurrence of neurosis. The immediate development of the disorder occurs with additional psycho-emotional stress.

    Separately, it should be noted that the syndrome occurs against the background of frequent or heavy consumption of alcoholic beverages. An anxious feeling in this case usually bothers you in the morning.

    The main disease in this case is alcoholism, and the accompanying feeling of excitement is one of the unpleasant manifestations - a hangover.

    Psychogenic causes of elevated temperature during neurosis:

    • childhood and adolescence against the background of VSD
    • endocrine pathologies in adolescence (hormonal changes)
    • stress
    • physical and emotional overload
    • Iron-deficiency anemia

    Personal characteristics of the patient:

    You are at risk if you have: a weak nervous system of a neurotic type, you are emotionally vulnerable, a hereditary predisposition, pregnancy, you are a resident of a metropolis.

    Emotional stress, heavy mental stress - all these are the main causes of increased body temperature during neurosis

    Symptoms and signs of anxiety neurosis

    Symptoms of anxiety neurosis include:

  • Periodic increased feelings of anxiety and excitement. When sensations become aggravated, a phenomenon called a panic attack occurs. It can last from 15 minutes to an hour. In general, the uneasy feeling lasts for several weeks or months.
  • A feeling of unreality of events happening around. Detachment.
  • Loss of orientation in space. Dizziness, blurred vision.
  • Periodic pain in the chest and heart area. Increased heart rate, feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness.
  • Hypochondria (imaginary diseases), excessive concern for one's own health. Sudden mood swings, increased fatigue.
  • Irritability, tearfulness.
  • Similar symptoms occur against the background of other pathologies, so at the first signs you should consult a doctor so that he can differentiate anxiety neurosis from other conditions (menopause, hyperthyroidism, pathology of the adrenal glands, epilepsy, heart and lung diseases).

    Such symptoms may occur during treatment with certain medications (for example, psychotropic drugs or psychostimulants), as well as during drug withdrawal.


    There are several types of hormonal depression, which depend on the severity of the disease:

    • Clinical depression. This is the so-called “classical” form of deviation. Characterized by a gradual development of symptoms. This diagnosis is made in the presence of three main factors: motor retardation, decreased mood, apathy.
    • Chronic depression . This form of the disease quite rarely develops against the background of hormonal changes. As a rule, the symptoms of this pathology are observed for two or more years. Moreover, in comparison with the form described above, they are less pronounced. The person is able to perform professional duties, communicates with relatives, but avoids other people and shows no interest in his hobbies.
    • Bipolar depression . It is the most severe type of disorder, in which mental disorders may occur. Patients experience sudden mood swings, irritability and tearfulness. He refuses to communicate due to slow speech and mental activity. In this case, immediate treatment is necessary.
    • Monopolar. Patients experience severe melancholy and self-esteem is significantly reduced. Such symptoms persist for a long time and require the intervention of a specialist.
    • Seasonal . It occurs in autumn and spring against the background of hormonal changes in the body. This is the mildest form of depression, which most women manage to cope with on their own.
    • Postpartum . The development of unpredictable disorders bordering on hallucinations and thoughts of suicide is possible. In some cases, patients develop postpartum psychosis, so you should consult a specialist at the very first symptoms of the development of pathology.
    • Dystrophic . The manifestation of the disease occurs due to attacks of uncontrollable irritability. Anger can arise for any reason. Such symptoms have no connection with fatigue and can cause severe aggression.
    • Adynamic . The patient experiences constant weakness. Even with minor loads, severe fatigue is observed. The person experiences a strong desire to be alone and avoids other people.
    • Ironic . In this case, ostentatious irony is used as a protective reaction of the body. This condition is extremely dangerous, since a woman only appears to remain socially active. In fact, she is deeply depressed with a high likelihood of suicidal thoughts.
    • Somatized . Against the background of this type of disorder, patients experience chest pain and migraines, as a result of which they sooner or later turn to a specialist. The main danger of this condition is the high probability that the manifestations of depression will be confused with the symptoms of other diseases, and the woman will be treated for non-existent diseases.
    • Asthenic . A woman becomes completely indifferent to the world around her. At the same time, her emotions and feelings are significantly dulled.

    There is a connection between depression and physical health. For example, cardiovascular disease can lead to depression and vice versa.

    depression after childbirth


    To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. Since the symptoms of anxiety neurosis are similar to the symptoms of other disorders, a visit to the following specialists is required:

    Of great importance for diagnosis is information about the presence among relatives of those who suffer from neurotic or mental disorders.

    Such disorders are characterized by suspiciousness, increased anxiety, emotional instability, poor tolerance to physical activity, and fatigue. All this can be inherited by the patient.

    How to treat

    Today, there are many ways to alleviate the patient’s condition, but the situation is aggravated by the fact that people turn to a specialist late. The disease is most easily treated at the initial stage.

    Many people fail to get rid of the disorder because they do not go to the doctor simply because they are afraid of seeing a negative reaction from relatives and friends.

    If you notice the first signs of anxiety syndrome, you do not need to self-medicate; you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

    The treatment method depends on the form and severity of the disease. If mild disorders are observed, psychotherapy, relaxing massage, acupuncture, and physiotherapy will be sufficient.

    The key point in psychotherapy is the patient’s awareness of his unhealthy psycho-emotional state. The patient needs to learn to identify cause-and-effect relationships of the disease. This will allow timely elimination of stressful situations that cause the disease.

    Both individual and group psychotherapy sessions are available. Communication with people suffering from similar problems will help you quickly analyze differences in needs and interests and establish a pathogenic relationship between stress and exacerbation of anxiety neurosis.

    Drug therapy includes taking tranquilizers, psychotropic substances, antidepressants and sedatives. In case of exacerbation, treatment of anxiety neurosis with medications should become the main focus. And only after the panic attacks have stopped can you begin psychotherapy.

    Traditional medicine and homeopathy are widely used in the treatment of anxiety disorders. They are based on taking soothing herbal remedies. Improvement usually occurs after six months of therapy.


    If a child is diagnosed with an increase in temperature due to neurological disorders, it will be enough to remove the irritant: walk with the child more often, adjust the daily routine, rest at lunchtime, drink decoctions with lemon balm. In such clinical cases, treatment of thermoneurosis will not be so problematic.

    Teenagers may be prescribed mild sedative drops or tablets. At the same time, vitamins and rest are prescribed. It is important to eat well and properly; medications may be prescribed to improve brain function. It is necessary that a calm environment be created at home: the teenager is recommended to avoid stressful situations and spend more time in the fresh air. In severe cases, sessions with a psychotherapist may be prescribed.

    Thermoneurosis in adults is treated using the following methods:

    • taking sedatives and painkillers;
    • taking medications to improve the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
    • acupuncture;
    • massage course

    The doctor may recommend changing jobs to improve the patient's emotional state or finding an activity that can relax the body. It is important to plan your workday correctly to avoid overload.

    Treatment of thermoneurosis with folk remedies is effective. Recipes based on the following products can be used regardless of the patient’s age:

    • cowberry;
    • plantain;
    • Crimean rose;
    • nettle;
    • chamomile;
    • Melissa;
    • licorice;
    • violet;
    • linen.

    Decoctions have a good effect on the functioning of the nervous system, strengthening it and saturating the body with useful components.

    Baths with the following medicinal plants are very effective:

    • juniper;
    • rose hip;
    • yarrow;
    • Melissa;
    • pine buds.

    Relaxing baths are recommended to be taken after a hard day at work - this is a good way to relax, eliminating negativity.


    The set of preventive measures includes:

  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • Allocating sufficient time for rest and sleep;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • finding a hobby or favorite activity that brings emotional satisfaction;
  • maintaining friendly relationships with others;
  • the ability to independently relieve stress;
  • auto-training to relieve psycho-emotional stress.
  • Why is it dangerous?

    If a person has only a superficial knowledge of the systems and functioning of his body, he may consider that anxiety neurosis is not dangerous to health. The rapid end of an attack without visible consequences misleads the patient. At the same time, internal anxiety does not leave him, and this is the main danger of the disorder.

    Cases of attacks will be repeated, and the fact that the patient subconsciously expects them only aggravates the situation. The periods between exacerbations will be reduced, and their intensity will increase. In this regard, neuroses in childhood pose the greatest danger, since the child cannot accurately describe the problem.

    Despite the fact that many effective methods of treating the disease have been developed, it is impossible to completely get rid of the disorder. Anxiety neurosis is considered a chronic disease, but this does not mean that it does not need to be treated. Anxiety neurosis is reversible - every patient should adhere to this attitude.

    We will talk about drug treatment of neuroses below.

    From here you will learn more about obsessive-compulsive disorder in children.


    Symptoms of neurosis with fever:

    • asthenia
    • elevated body temperature
    • pain in muscles and joints
    • "cotton" limbs

    Why does low-grade fever persist, what are its causes? Sometimes this condition was preceded by an illness and this may be its echo. When there was nothing like this, then we can talk about incipient dysfunction.

    To make a correct diagnosis, you need to use the method of exclusion: you need to exclude the presence of inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, and manifestations of chronic diseases. And if all these factors are excluded, and the numbers continue to remain at elevated levels, then it is customary to talk about vegetative neurosis.

    With neurosis, the body works in a stressful state. Stress can increase the temperature and here the body falls into a vicious circle: the immune system is weakened and does not perform its functions well, therefore, infectious processes develop, and they lead to a stressful state of the nervous system, unbalance the autonomic system and heat up already running processes.

    If the increase in temperature occurs from an inflammatory process, then we can say with confidence that the functioning of the immune system is impaired and this looks like enlarged lymph nodes and signs of disease on the mucous membranes. Accordingly, treatment will be successful if the causes are eliminated in all 3 directions: the functioning of the nervous and immune systems is restored, the infection is searched and found, and the mucous membranes are sanitized.

    1/3 of patients with neurosis have a low-grade fever. It is not dangerous, it may not be noticed by a person, but do not underestimate the situation, because... psychosomatic illness may develop.

    With neurosis, the body works in a stressful state

    Hormonal depression

    Hormonal depression is also known as “female” depression, since it often affects women who are subject to various fluctuations and changes in hormones in the body, emotional outbursts due to various situations occurring in their lives: pregnancy, menopause, etc. Experts have long seen connection between hormonal problems and a woman’s mood, and in some cases, severe mental disorders can be noticed - depression, anxiety, panic attacks, etc.

  • Puberty.
  • Pregnancy, childbirth.
  • Hereditary factor.
  • Menopause period.
  • Infertility, the inability to give birth to a child for a long time.
  • Depression and female hormones – hormone imbalance can cause severe forms of mental illness that men do not experience in their lives. Therefore, you should begin to treat the disease, but only after consultation with a qualified psychotherapist.

  • Sudden loss of vital energy. A person loses all desire to do anything, he withdraws into himself, as if recharging with new energy for himself.
  • Severe melancholy, loneliness.
  • A huge desire to blame everyone around for not doing everything as required.
  • Decreased performance.
  • The presence of several signs at once indicates that you really have hormonal depression, and not just a temporary bad or depressive mood. By the way, a mental disorder is different in that it can last for a long period of time without any improvement. In order to get rid of the disorder, it is necessary to normalize the level of hormones, and also try to solve the problems that caused it.

    If you notice the above symptoms, you should immediately contact an experienced psychotherapist. Some women ignore the signs of the disorder, but this is not the best method of getting rid of it, since the disease does not always go away on its own.

    However, psychotherapy is often not enough to treat the disease, because it is necessary to eliminate hormonal imbalance in the body. To do this, the doctor prescribes special medications to the patient: missing hormones, antidepressants, sedatives.

    These include Azafen, Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, Trazodone, Hydroxyzine and many other drugs that can eliminate the symptoms of depression. All products are used strictly according to the instructions; a doctor’s permission to use them is also required, since most of them have contraindications and side effects.

    How much does neurosis weigh and how to measure depression?

    The double dynamic test for stress hormones, developed and successfully used in the clinic of the Moscow Institute of Cybernetic Medicine, has become a real breakthrough in the diagnosis and treatment of neurological diseases. We asked the director of the Moscow Institute of Cybernetic Medicine, Alexander AVSHALUMOV, to talk about this in detail.

    – DEAR Alexander Semenovich, what is the test and what is its novelty?

    – The dream of any doctor has always been to determine specific measurable indicators that would allow him to identify a particular neurological disease, determine the degree of its severity and, most importantly, objectively monitor the treatment process. So, one might say, we... chased our dream and achieved our goal. The study we developed - a double dynamic test - allows us to quantitatively assess the work of the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the release of stress hormones - norepinephrine, adrenaline, dopamine. It is by their level and ratio in the body that one can judge the psycho-emotional state of a person...

    Reference values ​​for stress hormones(for people over 15 years old)

    adrenaline………..less than 25 mcg/day norepinephrine………15–70 mcg/day dopamine………65–500 mcg/day *mcg – microgram, one millionth of a gram


    Adrenaline is a hormone of the adrenal medulla. It is a daily source of energy. Entering the blood, it increases the body's oxygen consumption, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and stimulates metabolism.

    Norepinephrine is a hormone of the adrenal medulla, which is a natural reserve of adrenaline.

    Dopamine is a neurohormone produced by the adrenal glands. Not only is it a natural antidepressant, but it also determines the speed of the nervous system. A decrease in its level indicates depression of the patient.

    – Have similar studies been carried out before?

    – For scientific purposes, such studies were carried out earlier, but the level of hormones was determined once, which is not very informative. We introduced this method into medical practice for the first time (with the opportunity for any person to test their level of stress resistance). Today, convincing and varied statistics have already been obtained that confirm the theoretical conclusions. We were able not only to diagnose neurosis through verbal questioning and neurological examination, but also learned to “calculate” neurosis and/or depression by obtaining specific parameters of the disease.

    – But still, how is the research carried out and what is its meaning?

    – When coming for diagnostics, our patients donate blood for neurohormones. Then the person is asked to undergo a short physiotherapeutic procedure - spend about a minute in a cryosauna at a low temperature. This amounts to physiological stress. After this, blood is taken from the patient again for stress hormones. It is by the difference between the primary and repeated results that one can judge the presence of diseases. This is the essence of the double dynamic test.

    If it's not a secret, who was the first to pass the stress test?

    – The clinic’s doctors have no health problems, as well as some of our patients who wanted to find out their level of stress resistance. For the purity of the experiment, patients were also recruited who did not undergo a stress test in a cryosauna, but took a blood test for stress hormones twice (with an interval of 10–15 minutes). Twice - to avoid possible random errors. I would like to note right away that our doctors did not detect any depression or stress. This is exactly what a repeat blood test showed. Of course, the level of adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine “from the cold” jumped by literally hundreds of units, but this was a natural reaction of a healthy body. In this case, in response to any stress, normally functioning adrenal glands release even more neurohormones. Another thing is that in people suffering from neuroses, increased anxiety, etc., the adrenal glands are functionally depleted. And as a result, the level of adrenaline, norepinephrine or dopamine (and sometimes all three hormones at once) did not increase, and in some cases it even decreased significantly, despite the fact that it was already low to begin with. This picture suggests that the adrenal glands are no longer able to adequately respond and produce these hormones in the required quantities.

    – Does your method allow you to establish the difference between depression and neurosis?

    – Neuroses and depression are very difficult to differentiate. However, our research has shown that they can be distinguished! And this, in my opinion, is one of our most important achievements. It was our double dynamic test that made it possible to identify the difference: in a person suffering from neurosis, constantly nervous, reacting inadequately to all kinds of stress, the level of adrenaline and norepinephrine decreases, but dopamine remains at the same level. In neurotics, the adrenal glands are so exhausted that such people react to absolutely everything. They may have excellent relationships with people, many friends, interesting work, but the body is unable to withstand the given pace of life, because the adrenal glands can no longer adequately secrete adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine. The body simply does not have the energy to ensure that the psycho-emotional state is adequate.

    In a patient with depression, the picture is different - adrenaline and norepinephrine do not react in any way to a provocative test (but in a healthy person they should “jump”!), but dopamine decreases. By the way, we had just such a patient recently. The reasons for depression, I think, will be clear to everyone: a small child, a divorce from her husband, an unloved job, the need to provide for herself and the baby... Figuratively speaking, she was driven into a corner. And if we translate it into the language of medical indicators, I fell into a “fork” between a stable (albeit below normal) level of adrenaline and norepinephrine and a falling level of the antidepressant dopamine.

    – Were the expectations of your patients who came to the clinic for a diagnostic examination met?

    – Most people who were diagnosed under the program “Life without depression and neuroses”, as it turned out, had reasons for doing so. In almost everyone who turned to us for help, not only the initial, but also a repeat blood test for stress hormones showed results much lower than normal levels. This allowed us to treat them very effectively.

    Diagnostic program “Life without depression and neuroses”

    • Initial consultation with a doctor • Classic ECG • High-resolution ECG (cardiovisor) with myocardial visualization • Clinical urine analysis • Clinical blood test • Biochemical blood test • Blood test for hormones • Blood test for sex hormones • Determination of the level of C-peptide in the blood • Analysis blood for hepatitis • Blood test for parasitic infestations • Blood test for infections • Ultrasound of internal organs • Dopplerography of the main arteries of the brain • Diagnostics of cellular metabolism • Trace element analysis of hair or nails • Blood test for stress hormones (twice, in dynamics) Final consultation with issuing conclusions and recommendations in writing

    – By the way, about treatment. I know that your clinic has been working with neurological diseases for quite a long time. What new did this test add to the clinic’s medical practice?

    “With the introduction of this method, we have an additional opportunity to control the treatment process even more accurately. Because now we have a system of objective indicators: the starting level of stress hormones, the body’s response to stress. Let's say we do therapy for a few days. And the patient says that he feels better. Is he really better or is this just self-hypnosis? And if it’s better, then by how much – by a quarter, by 50%? Now, to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment, after several days of therapy we repeat our double dynamic test. Numbers are an objective, albeit stubborn, thing. But now we can really tell how much better the patient has become.

    – What are the results of your treatment?

    – In the last year alone, 437 people were diagnosed under the “Life without neuroses” and “Life without depression and neuroses” programs, and 289 people were treated in our hospital. As our statistics show, approximately 85–90% of patients experienced a significant improvement in their well-being. And this is not only their subjective assessment, but also the numbers recorded in the medical histories. And despite the fact that research into the effects of stress hormones on the body is at the very beginning of the journey, we have found that scientific “path” that leads us all to understanding the essence of neuroses and depression and their more effective treatment.

    What can you do yourself?

    It is not recommended to treat depression on your own, but in some cases the disease can be stopped at the initial stage of development. Specifically for this you need:

  • Devote yourself to your favorite business, any hobby.
  • Spend more time with friends or close relatives who create a favorable atmosphere.
  • Do breathing exercises, moderate exercise, yoga, etc.
  • psycholekar.ru

    Hormonal depression: causes, symptoms, treatment

    Depression is a common mental disorder that affects women more often than men, however, this pathology also occurs in men. Depression is not just mood swings or low mood, it is a complex problem that requires comprehensive treatment and identification of the true cause of the problem. Often a person develops hormonal depression, which more often affects women, who, due to the characteristics of their body, are more susceptible to fluctuations in hormones in the body. There can be several reasons for hormonal depression.

    Causes of depression

    Hormonal depression develops due to several serious reasons. The formation of hormonal balance in the body occurs under the influence of several organs. The hypothalamus is a small area of ​​the brain that is responsible for the homeostasis of the body and controls all vital processes, including the production of hormones. The functioning of the entire organism depends on their level.

    The hypothalamus controls the functioning of the endocrine system. Therefore, the hormones of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands are controlled by it. With any disruptions in the body that may be associated with a serious illness (for example, pathologies of the thyroid gland), a person develops depression. If the causes of hormonal imbalance are not eliminated, then depression becomes prolonged. For example, prolonged stress and nervous tension lead to disruption of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland, resulting in depression.

    Hormonal changes in a woman’s body occur more often than in a man’s body. Menstruation, pregnancy, the postpartum period, menopause - all these natural states of the female body are serious stresses that provoke active hormonal changes in the body. Therefore, with each such condition, a woman faces a risk of developing hormonal depression.

    Hormonal depression is manifested by symptoms such as frequent mood swings, weakness, irritability, tearfulness, and loss of strength. A person does not want to do anything, he loses interest in life. Even his favorite activities no longer bring him joy.

    Also, as a result of hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities, fluctuations in blood pressure and body temperature can occur. Sleep disturbance occurs, the patient may be haunted by nightmares or insomnia. Libido also decreases and appetite disappears.

    Against the background of depression, the patient may develop other diseases or experience pain in different parts of the body. When examining the body, no pathologies are found, but it seems to the person that there is a problem. Or, on the contrary, the patient experiences a sensitivity disorder. In especially severe cases, a depressive state is accompanied by suicidal thoughts.

    Temperature with neurosis

    What is neurosis and what is the nature of this disease? This disease is functional, i.e. reversible and does not represent a “breakdown” of some organ, but only a disruption in the functioning, in our case, not of an organ, but of the central nervous system.

    Sometimes a loss of strength causes the temperature to drop to 35°C, but it can also jump up, and sometimes it can be at subfebrile levels.

    The hypothalamus, the central organ of the autonomic system, is responsible for thermoregulation and balance. A persistent disorder of heat exchange processes indicates disturbances in its operation.

    With neurosis, body temperature may rise or fall

    A non-infectious increase in temperature may indicate the manifestation of symptoms of VSD, in particular vegetative neurosis. This condition with low-grade fever can be long-lasting and manifest itself in the following cases:

    Worth seeing: Magnelis B6: reviews for neurosis

    Help for depression

    With such symptoms, a person should consult a specialist. Hormonal depression requires treatment, which should primarily be aimed at eliminating hormonal imbalances in the body. The patient is prescribed mild antidepressants to relieve symptoms of depression, but the main treatment is aimed at removing the root cause.

    Complex treatment should be accompanied by proper nutrition and physical activity of the patient. The support of loved ones, positive impressions, swimming, yoga, breathing exercises, and reflexology can help the patient’s rehabilitation.


    What is hormonal depression

    This is a fairly common mental disorder among women, although many of the fair sex may not even be aware of its existence. According to statistics, every eighth woman experiences at least one depressive episode in her life, which is directly related to changes in her hormonal levels.

    Such depression is quite easy to determine by the way a woman behaves. She literally loses all her energy in just 1 day, complete indifference to everything around her appears, and that is why she becomes irritable and “angry,” as men say at such moments.

    Depression doesn’t just happen; it is caused by certain factors related to a woman’s hormonal background:

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