Psychological Sciences seventh wave of psychology issue 6

patterned behavior

Living in society, faced with various events, phenomena and facts, we somehow react and act, i.e. We behave in a certain way. This is repeated over and over again, and often this behavior drives us into a framework - instead of reacting and acting more optimally and effectively, we make mistakes and come to the same results. This is called patterned behavior. Naturally, in some situations it plays into our hands, but still, every person should be aware of their patterns and, if necessary, stop using them. In today's article we will talk about why this is important and how to do it.

Routine and proactive behavior

As is clear from the definition itself, patterned behavior is based on patterns - patterns and even entire sets of traits, properties and qualities of some object. Stereotype is a characteristic of a behavior style, as well as an indicator of its effectiveness, and most often – low.

The negative impact of patterned behavior is expressed mainly in the fact that patterns serve as criteria for a person when he analyzes and compares a large number of objects. In other words, it templates reality, fitting it into frames, stereotypes and ineffective behavioral models.

In the most common version, patterned behavior is expressed in the fact that a person:

  • sees only what he is used to or should see;
  • wants only what is supposed to be wanted;
  • feels only what is customary to feel;
  • waits for instructions to act and does nothing.

Of course, in some life situations, templates are necessary. For example, if a person lacks experience in behavior or problem solving, but has some kind of “quality” pattern, it may be much more useful for him to act “by the standard” than to try to invent something. (By the way, this is why, when a person learns something new, he is initially required to act according to the system, and a creative approach is left for later.)

Also, template behavior often saves time. Let’s say you can’t creatively solve a problem, but there is already a proven and working template - acting according to it is preferable to wasting time and effort searching for a non-standard solution.

However, in other situations, patterned behavior is harmful. Here are just a few completely simple and mundane examples:

  • The child does not listen to his parents . He constantly disappears on the street, does not do his homework, skips classes, and returns home late. His parents try to reason with him and impose all sorts of prohibitions and scold him. But the more actively they influence their child, the more he resists them.
  • Company employees regularly make mistakes in their work . Management is trying to solve the problem by increasing the number and duration of meetings. But after a month, the results are not improving at all. The actions of the authorities turn out to be completely ineffective.
  • My wife is constantly on social networks and spends all her free time there . The husband is indignant, and every time she promises him that she will only come for a short while, but this always drags on for hours. The husband is offended, indignant, forbids, swears, but everything remains the same as it was.

There are a great many similar examples, and stereotyped thinking can concern both the sphere of thinking (making decisions, choosing courses of action, formulating conclusions, etc.) and the sphere of the material. And the negative consequences of thinking with patterns and stereotypes can be described as follows:

  • low ability to adapt to new situations;
  • conservatism;
  • lack of creativity;
  • dependence on habits and ineffective behavior patterns;
  • predictability of behavior;
  • inability to choose optimal and appropriate courses of action.

Taken together, this affects not only the solution of individual problems in personal, professional or any other area, but also affects the entire life outcome of a person.

Correct behavior is effective behavior; it should be aimed initially at achieving the best result using the most appropriate means. In addition, it must be ethical, consistent with moral and ethical standards, and not harm other people. And the main factor of effective behavior is his initiative.

Initiative behavior differs from patterned behavior by a whole set of characteristics:

  • speed and flexibility;
  • the ability to switch between actions in a timely manner;
  • using different modes of behavior;
  • logic and meaningfulness;
  • desire for new achievements;
  • adaptability;
  • bringing what you started to the end;
  • focus;
  • correct perception of criticism.

To summarize what has been said, patterned behavior is expressed in a lack of creativity, inability to create unique behavioral programs, constant projection of past experience onto new events and actions based on this experience, lack of diversity and flexibility.

A person who thinks in a formulaic way tries to solve problems and achieve goals using only a small set of already familiar methods and techniques. He cannot come up with new methods for solving problems and break stereotypes, thereby limiting his own capabilities. For these and other reasons, it is important to be able to get rid of patterns.

We will talk about how this is done further. However, before that, watch a short video about stereotypical and template thinking.

What is meant by a pattern in psychology?

In general, a pattern in psychology denotes a certain set, template of behavioral reactions or sequences of stereotypical actions , therefore, in relation to any area where a person applies templates (and this is almost all areas), we can talk about patterns. For example, a hypnotic pattern is a text that a hypnologist uses to put a person into a trance.

It must be said that we use many more patterns than we think - consciously or unconsciously. In particular, verbal patterns come to our rescue every day - these are speech techniques (ready-made phrases, reactions to certain questions and statements, etc.) that we use in speech. We also actively resort to thinking patterns - thought patterns, in particular generalizations. This text will discuss the general characteristics of behavior patterns . Knowing how they function and analyzing them will help us better understand our actions and the actions of those around us.

How to get rid of patterned behavior

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to get rid of behavior patterns by simply snapping your fingers or making a couple of efforts on yourself. This requires an integrated approach and serious internal work. To begin with, here are a few important steps with which you should begin to develop behavioral patterns and stereotypes.

Recognize prevailing ideas

Dominant ideas can be found in absolutely any field. And these ideas are very difficult to get around. By dominant ideas we need to understand what comes to mind first in a certain situation. As a rule, this is something very ordinary and simple, for example, scolding a child for skipping classes.

To begin to move away from prevailing ideas (we are talking specifically about ineffective ideas, since effective ones can also exist), first of all they need to be realized and understood. Therefore, the first step is to select several of the most important areas of life, analyze them and establish the dominant ideas in them.

Think about how you behave most often, what results it gives you, whether you achieve goals effectively or ineffectively and solve various problems. It is advisable to find as many ideas as possible and write them down specifically on paper.

Find new approaches to solving problems

At the next stage, you need to begin to free yourself from the pressure of prevailing ideas and develop the habit of looking at things from different angles, including very non-standard and unexpected ones.

The easiest way is to take the ideas found in the first stage and replace them with the exact opposite. For example, you can stop scolding your child for bad behavior and expressing your dissatisfaction and begin to show him more love and care, and reward him more often for good deeds.

You can do the same with any other ideas in any field. And then think about whether new ideas are as meaningless as they seem at first glance. Give them a thorough analysis and you'll likely find that most of the ideas are worth considering.

Free yourself from pattern control

The transition from patterned behavior to proactive behavior can be difficult because you lack confidence, because you have confidence when you act according to a previously known scenario. But practice shows that this confidence often turns out to be just an illusion, and to achieve the goal you still need to look for other ways.

Imagine yourself as a wasp, wanting to fly out of the house through the window, but constantly hitting the transparent glass. To understand how to fly out, she just needs to fly back a little and see the open window. You need to do the same thing - leave aside the usual ideas and thoughts, step back a little from the situation and try to see new opportunities.

Based on this, at this stage you should define the first goal, break it down into tasks and imagine that you know absolutely nothing about how they were solved before (or how other people solved them before you). Move into the position of an observer and try to see what you want from the outside, without analyzing or evaluating anything yet.

Now you need to start generating ideas on how to implement your plans. It is also advisable to write them down on paper in order to have more “working” material. The more assumptions you make, the more likely it is that they will lead you to unusual and non-standard solutions.

Thus, by “individually” approaching each new goal, task, problem or situation, trying to see many different solutions, you will become increasingly free from the influence of patterns and stereotypes, your thinking will begin to acquire flexibility and dynamism, and personal boundaries will begin to expand.

Use the case

There is one important trick: new ideas tend to come to mind by chance, as if out of the blue. This is a completely confirmed life observation. So, you need to learn to use this very “randomness” to your advantage, while at the same time teaching your mind to think outside the box.

You can create “accidents” for yourself. When different thoughts come to mind (or even if you see or hear something), pay attention to what exactly begins to arouse your interest, even if there is no visible or explainable reason for it. This can be done absolutely anywhere.

Supermarket, cinema, museum, library, university - no matter where you are - in any circumstances something can attract you. Your job is simply to track and note it. There is no need to analyze anything, think about what to do with what comes to mind. Moreover, you don’t need to look for something specifically - remember to search and that’s it.

This can be compared to the fact that, for example, you went to the store for a new jacket, but accidentally found something more interesting and worthwhile, and in the end you bought exactly that. Again, you can give as many analogies as you like, but the mechanism itself operates always and everywhere.

But you need to understand that the four steps mentioned above are not enough to completely get rid of stereotyped thinking and begin to act proactively. They should become the basis for further work, and other techniques and solutions need to be gradually woven into it.

What behavior patterns tell us about us and how to use them

The following point is of particular interest: knowing how a certain person behaved in certain situations, what patterns of behavior he has, you will be able to determine his actions and actions in similar situations

True, before drawing conclusions, it is necessary to thoroughly study the personality itself and its behavioral patterns. The simplest example is if your friend easily makes promises left and right, but has not yet fulfilled any (or at least few), what is the chance that he will do what he promises you? The same applies to acquaintances who always borrow and do not repay their debts. If patterns developed in childhood change, they do so with difficulty.
That is why a girl choosing a groom should pay attention to his attitude towards his mother. The fact is that several years after marriage, when the stage of falling in love has passed, men often (but not always) display the same behavioral algorithms towards their spouse that they developed towards their mother. It is also important that, as a rule, for close communication we choose people with similar behavior patterns

. That's why they say about some girls that they, for example, have a talent for finding scoundrels. In fact, such ladies are simply looking for a person who fits the implementation of their pattern. And, apparently, in this case we are dealing with a model of behavior in which a man must deceive a woman, disrespect her, he is a king - she is a nobody, and so on. In the same way, it is not a man who is “lucky” with overly flighty girlfriends, but he subconsciously looks for cheating girls. And when one of them leaves him, he will look for another - with the same behavior that fits his psychological pattern. Although at the level of consciousness it may seem to him that he will not be caught again and the next lady of his heart will be completely different.

How to eliminate patterns and stereotypes

Pattern behavior

Next, we would like to give a few additional recommendations that will help you overcome stereotyped thinking and, as a result, make your behavior proactive:

  • Admit your bias . In any situation, we look at things subjectively, and this is an important obstacle to breaking patterned thinking and behavior. There is no need to immediately get involved in what is happening and react instantly. You cannot think that the existing point of view is the only correct one. Make it a rule to always and everywhere reason on the basis that you may be wrong, you may not know something.
  • Start studying yourself . The only unknown that matters in the equation with patterned behavior is you, so you must start paying attention to your thoughts, reactions and actions. Try to be aware of how you contribute to solving problems so that you can get rid of distorted vision of situations, as well as from following distorted beliefs.
  • Listen to your emotions . Emotions play a big role in making decisions and taking actions. Despite the fact that impulsive decisions often do not lead to good things, the lack of emotions and feelings about something will never allow you to find the right and logical way of action. At the same time, emotions should indicate the correctness of actions - the brighter the emotion, the higher the likelihood that you are doing right or wrong.
  • Return to zero . One of the most insidious mistakes is to think that you have a good understanding of the situation. Because of this, you begin to see the problem from only one angle, to see something that is not what the problem actually is, or not to see the problem at all. You can learn to see things differently if you temporarily discard all existing beliefs, opinions and knowledge in order to open up to something new, awaken in yourself the desire to learn and experience.
  • Improvise . We perform a huge number of actions “automatically,” reacting and acting in the usual way. Realize this and start acting unusually. You can start with the basics: instead of the usual road to work, take a new path; Instead of spending the day off at home, go to a museum or nature, etc. This way you will put yourself in new conditions where you will be forced to pay attention to new things. Change your usual paths in any area of ​​life, and you simply will not be able to act in a stereotyped way.
  • Observe those around you . Another good way to work through patterned behavior is to observe it in other people. Most people around them act in a stereotypical way, and this is easy to observe, and you don’t even need to communicate with someone to do this. You can be an observer and monitor other people’s reactions, words, manners, actions, and then project onto yourself how you would behave, how you could behave better, etc.
  • Consciously going beyond . In addition to the above, in order to get rid of patterned behavior, you must, firstly, understand that you really want this, secondly, begin to overcome yourself, and thirdly, act despite discomfort, laziness, fear and other psychological obstacles. This is conscious work on yourself and your stereotypes.

And finally, some more advice on the topic of getting rid of stereotypes from the famous Russian writer and author of the “Transurfing of Reality” book series, Vadim Zeland. Of course, our lesson does not have much in common with the topic of esotericism, but from transurfing we can take several useful practical techniques for working with template thinking.

Here are just a few:

  • Replace your usual attitude towards problems and difficulties with the opposite - this greatly simplifies the process of solving problems . Meet obstacles on your path not as difficult undesirable circumstances, but as part of the path you need to go through. The less space you leave for problems in your mind, the more options for action will come to your mind.
  • Practice meditation to clear your mind of the influence of patterns and stereotypes . By meditating (even for 20-30 minutes a day), you will learn to detach yourself from what is happening (in a healthy sense, of course) and turn on your inner observer. And this observer will help you monitor the appearance of limiting thoughts, beliefs and ideas in your mind, as well as their very presence. In addition, during the process of meditation, you will be able to analyze every situation that worries you and find ways out of it.
  • Learn to control your thoughts - this is one of the most effective ways to overcome stereotypes and patterns . At the very beginning, the usual streams of thoughts will always carry you back into the old direction, but if you remember more often about awareness, it will soon become easier to objectively look at situations and yourself in them. You will even enjoy observing yourself and those around you. Through thought control, you will learn to see different options for actions and solutions to problems.
  • Ask yourself questions using the inner observer and awareness . Every time you do or are just about to do something, ask yourself why you act or behave this way and not otherwise, what makes you nervous and worried, why you should act in this way, and whether you should at all, etc. d. Answering them will allow you to stop acting automatically and thinking stereotypically.

As you can see, even in such an extraordinary concept as reality transurfing there is something to be learned to increase your personal effectiveness and develop your thinking. Use everything you learned today, and very soon you will stop thinking and acting in a stereotyped and automatic way. And now let's summarize.


Despite the importance of all that has been said, the psychological aspect plays a huge role in the fight against stereotyped thinking. It can often be very difficult to go against your own thought and behavior patterns. There are fears, subconscious blocks, and psychological discomfort here, because you have to leave your comfort zone and overcome yourself.

But the best way to change your thinking will always be to look for something new. This is the only way to restructure thoughts, actions and actions. For this reason, we recommend striving to break out of routine and everyday life - visiting new places, traveling, and coming up with different options for spending your leisure time. It gives energy and expands horizons.

It is very important to understand that stereotyped thinking mostly harms a person rather than benefits it. We are all part of society, we live in society, and therefore generally accepted ideas have a great influence on us. Not everyone is ready to become a person who thinks outside the box, acts differently from everyone else, and chooses their own path in life.

This does not allow people to free themselves from the shackles of stereotypes, go beyond the boundaries, and stop meeting the “standard” of a person. But you have the power to start moving in a different direction, and all that is required is to develop awareness, make changes in your life and expand the boundaries of thinking. To stop vegetating, you need to put aside your fears and take the first step.

And we want to summarize the article with a short video with several exercises for the development of creative thinking. We wish you good luck in getting rid of patterns and stereotypes in thoughts, decisions and actions.

We also recommend reading:

  • Storytelling
  • Vroom, Yetton and Iago decision making model
  • Leadership styles according to life cycle theory
  • Overcoming Negative Behavior
  • Psychological intervention
  • 10 Most Frequent Phrases of Passive-Aggressive People
  • Social setting
  • Personal authenticity: what it means to be yourself
  • Passive aggression
  • Forms of social behavior of people
  • Characteristics of social roles

Key words:1Profiling

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