ethnosocial conflicts
3.5 Interethnic relations, ethnosocial conflicts, ways to resolve them
The topic “Ethnosocial conflicts (Interethnic conflicts and ways to resolve them)” is very difficult in its
5 effective ways to increase a woman’s self-esteem
Definition: A woman’s self-esteem is the ability to objectively assess her own abilities, personal qualities, social status
Card file of methods for diagnosing intelligence (psychological - pedagogical diagnostics)
In psychology, there are many techniques that allow us to determine individual characteristics of perception, memory, attention, imagination,
How to drink "Afobazol" in tablets: instructions for use, dosage
Afobazol instructions: indications, application features
In the article we will look at how to drink Afobazol in tablets. Many people experience stress and anxiety at times
reactivity is in psychology
Proactivity in psychology: what is it in simple words
If panic helped anyone, it was purely by accident and nothing more. Stop, ah
Advice to subordinates and managers on how to behave in a new job
A person spends most of his life at work. Often he sees his colleagues much more
How to become a sociable person? 5 tips and a selection of the best books on teaching communication skills
Benefits of communication skills: the opportunity to achieve success in different areas of life (career, family life, creativity); acquisition
"Afobazol": how to take it for adults and children, dosage, composition of the drug and timing of administration
Tranquilizers and antidepressants: what is the difference between them? List of drugs
For anxiety, fear, depression, as well as stress, memory impairment and other problems with the central
The powerful are always to blame for the powerless: what to do when a healthy man beats his woman?
If a man raises his hand against a woman, then this man no longer exists for the woman. Certainly,
Emotions in psychology. Classification, what it is, types, functions, characteristics, how to manage, restrain
Emotions: concept, functions, types. Theories of emotions
Concept and stages of formation Feelings are often confused with emotions. These phenomena of the human psyche are interconnected,