Conflict and stress management, business communication ethics
Features of conflicts The very concept of conflicts is known to many sciences, and it is interpreted differently. But always
Domestic conflicts in the relationship of a married couple
What is social conflict and what are its main types?
Good afternoon, dear homebodies. Most likely there will not be such a couple on the entire planet or
Polygraph: asked questions, principles and working conditions
The essence of the lie detector test and the candidate during an interview The polygraph is a technically complex device
Esoterics in Contact: overview of the best communities
Differentiating concepts There are not so many of them, but I can’t consider them all
"Styles of pedagogical communication." Lecture at the preschool educational institution employees’ club “We are together”
Types of pedagogical communication styles Types of human temperament and their brief characteristics Teacher’s ability to find
How to make a lazy person work: top 4 advice from psychologists
Method No. 2. “Carrot and stick method” Perhaps the question is not how to force
Question to a psychologist: why and who needs psychotherapy at all?
Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst: what is the difference between these people? Are these all doctors? Here
interesting for men
How to become interesting to your husband: advice and recommendations from a psychologist
Train your memory After you have attended a lecture or read something new, briefly
Treatment of stuttering with hypnosis - Alkoklinik
Treatment and correction of stuttering in children and adults
The search for ways to treat stuttering (logoneurosis) leads many people suffering from this disease into the most unexpected
Old age crisis
What psychological characteristics are taken into account when interacting with older people?
Crisis of old age - what is it? Crisis of old age in psychology is called the age period associated