How intuition works: the theory of “mirror neurons” and Jung’s function of intuition

Intuition is a certain feeling, a flair that suggests the outcome of an event or allows you to see or feel a situation, most often without any rational motives.

Developed intuition is an excellent assistant in almost any business. It will not allow you to win on the stock exchange, but by listening to it you can understand which way is best to move, how and what is best to do, where you need to speed up and where to think. A person with developed intuition can from time to time receive a powerful signal, which is certainly a good hint. Those who complain about intuition either do not know how to listen to it, or they do not have it at all.

Intuition must not only be developed, but also be able to listen to it. It often happens that when a person is in a hustle and bustle, he may not pay any attention to clues or feelings, and then after a while he remembers: “I even had a premonition.” Therefore, intuition requires attention, if you pay attention to it, then intuition will prompt more, otherwise why leave the tap open if no one uses the water?

  • How to develop intuition
  • Intuition test

Right and Left hemispheres of the brain. What do they have to do with it?

Countless definitions of the term “Intuition” are united in the fact that it is something that is impossible to know, but it is not clear how we know about it. Surprisingly, people of science do not see any contradiction in this decoding. They divide thinking into 2 types, according to which hemisphere is most developed and predominates in human brain activity.

The modern world is a world of dynamic connections between things, people and images that are located in virtual space.
To adapt to the world described above, it will be necessary to process communication data, despite their diversity. When perceiving the world as a whole and grasping all these connections, people without mental disorders use the right hemisphere. It is where information from all the senses comes first; in addition, the right hemisphere has a close connection with the limbic system, which controls emotions.

Types of signs of deception

Intuition test

Answer the following questions and write down your answers. At the end of the test, you need to calculate the result and you will find out what level your intuition belongs to. The answers should be answered as follows:

  1. Never – 1 point
  2. Sometimes – 2 points
  3. Often – 3 points

Answer the questions:

  1. You don't like to make plans and organize, you just go with the flow.
  2. You rely on and believe your premonitions, make a decision mentally, but at the last moment, when you need to make a final decision, it becomes illogical.
  3. At first glance you can form your opinion about the person you see for the first time and later you are convinced that you are right.
  4. You successfully bought a lottery ticket, followed only your intuition and won after the drawing.
  5. You know your purpose in this life and you are absolutely sure of it.
  6. You have a strong premonition, it warns you about something, but you don’t pay attention to it.
  7. You can make the right decisions based only on your intuition. The people around you don't understand. You don't have enough information, but these decisions are correct.
  8. You achieve good results because you are a creative person and have many ideas.
  9. You experience anxiety or excitement before any event - it can be either a good event or a bad one. You couldn't have known about this in advance.
  10. Your ideas come naturally, you implement them and get good results.
  11. You, not knowing about the problems of your relatives, may feel that not everything is all right with them.
  12. Your family and colleagues consider you a creative person.
  13. Relying on intuition and your premonitions, not paying attention to the advice of family and colleagues, you make responsible decisions and you turn out to be right.
  14. You have a feeling when someone tells you the truth or a lie.
  15. You can anticipate some important events. This could be the death of a close relative or colleague, accidents or some kind of disaster.
  16. You meditate if you don’t know what decision to make in a given situation. With the help of meditation you make the right decision.
  17. You have an inexplicable, strange connection with unfamiliar places or with people you have never met.
  18. You have a lot of sympathy and compassion; good and bad emotions pass through you regardless of you.
  19. Have you had cases when danger passed you by in a fraction of a second?
  20. You found your way by chance, getting lost in an unfamiliar place.

Now count your results and compare your results with the table. What level does your intuition belong to?

  1. 20 – 30 – 1 level
  2. 31 – 40 – level 2
  3. 41 – 50 – level 3
  4. 51 – 60 – level 4

Develop your intuition, don’t be lazy, and everything will work out great for you both in your personal life, among colleagues and among friends.

Most of the people around us correspond to levels 1 and 2. But we all, almost all, can reach level 4 and even rise above it. After all, our most important goal is to achieve the maximum level of intuition.

Test results:

20 – 30 points

Your intuition begins to work only when danger awaits you. For example, the World Trade Center in New York on September 11, when people went to work, they had anxiety. Not all employees experienced this, but approximately 70% is a large percentage. Each of us has had a situation at least once in our lives when we were miraculously saved. For example, they miraculously avoided a collision on a train or car, miraculously avoided a fire, and so on.

We are all born with intuition, but someone wants to hear it and listens to it, develops it. But some people don’t pay attention to it and end up in various dangerous situations. You must be able to hear your intuition, your sixth sense. Work on developing your intuition, and a new level of life will open up before you.

31 – 40 points

You resort to intuition to feel what your family and work colleagues are feeling and worrying about. You want to understand them and experience all the bitter and joyful events with them. People of this level always anticipate the danger that awaits their relatives, friends or child. Such intuition is useful for family people, for those who work with children and adults who, by the will of fate, are left alone in this life or temporarily left alone. For example, these include orphans, nursing homes, hospitals, and so on. Also, leaders should have such intuition; this is a good quality for a leading person in society, at work, in the family.

If you use your intuition only to understand people close to you and colleagues, then your intuition will stand still. You need to work on it and constantly develop it at any level so that it helps you in everything.

41 – 50 points

As the great American inventor and entrepreneur Thomas Edison said, ideas come from outer space.

The third level of intuition includes scientists, inventors, discoverers of something new and great. For example, Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev and his great table, which he saw in a dream. He worked on it for a long time, but he dreamed of the result of his work in a dream.

There are many cases when intuition helped to make a discovery or create a beautiful masterpiece.

People who have the third level of intuition are sensitive to what is happening around them. The third level helps not only in communicating with loved ones, colleagues and relatives, but also by resorting to the sixth sense of intuition and creating beautiful pictures, inventing, and discovering something new. This does not mean that you need to stop at this level and that is not enough, you need to go further to study and develop your sixth sense.

51 – 60 points

This is the most amazing level of intuition. You know your life purpose and at this level your consciousness and subconscious mind work for you. It only brings you benefits. People with such developed intuition work as businessmen and participate in risky transactions with securities. For example, British entrepreneur Sir Richard Branson can determine in the first minute of communication whether he will cooperate with this person or not.

The fourth level is a very high level of intuition; it’s easy for you to go through life, it’s easy to hear people create something new, make quick, right decisions, you know your purpose in life, but this is not the limit, meditate and develop further. Such people make a great contribution to the development of science, technology, business development and, of course, the warmest relationships in the family and at work.

Information is not everything

Intuition at work
Intuition at work

The relationships between the hemispheres are not reciprocal, they are one-sided. If the right is able to help out the left, then the latter will not provide the former with a return service. On the contrary, as soon as the role of the leader passes to the left hemisphere, intuition falls into “anabiosis”, waiting for the right to be in power again.

In a rational society that is reluctant to admit that which cannot be explained, intuition lives on like a poor relative. Have the courage, say, at a meeting to share with everyone that your instinct tells you that the new promotion strategy (product, option) is a failure and will even harm the company... In general, if they don’t laugh at you, that’s good.

Convincing an adequately and pragmatically thinking person of the 21st century to follow his intuition is almost a lost cause. However, researchers and those who are aware of the latest advances in science advocate intuition and emphasize its usefulness.

Intuition is the sense of reason. Delphine de Girardin

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How to develop intuition?

To believe, without faith a person cannot feel and use his intuition.

Be confident in developing your intuition and being able to use it. Underestimating himself, a person will constantly doubt the correctness of his decisions and actions.

You need to ask yourself questions correctly, deep into yourself, only then will you hear the answer.

You need to ask yourself the question directly without hesitating “yes” or “no.” For example: “Should I take this job or not,” “Should I take out a loan or not,” “Should I fly abroad.” The form of the question is an important and fundamental element in intuition.

Intuitive sensations come by themselves, you don’t need to be afraid of them, you need to be able to listen, drive them through yourself. More and more of them will come. Then you can start asking questions, specific questions, and then the answers will come, more and more of them.

Do not ask your intuition simple everyday questions; this will not develop your intuition. For example, “Should I go to the cinema with a girl or a friend,” “Read a book to my child or play with him,” “Give me a drink of mineral water or milk.”

Never start with complex questions, you should always start small and gradually your intuition will develop.

Difficult questions for intuition, many answer options, you only need yes or no

The main thing in the development of intuition is to be able to hear, hear yourself, hear your voice from within and be able to recognize what you receive.

Tactile sensations are sounds, tingling, chills, a rush, heat, it can be directed from the left side of the body or the right. If you feel on the left side, then it is “no”, and if on the right, then you need to listen to this; it should be the right decision in your question or choice “yes”.

Sensual sensations depend on the mood of the person asking this or that question, you yourself will notice how your mood will change. If your soul is light and warmth comes from the question, it means “yes” from yourself, but if you become gloomy, the mood has disappeared, it is of course “no”.

The answer to intuition can be in the form of an image, for example, you can close your eyes and if you see warm colors it means “yes”, if the colors are black or dark tones it means “no”.

Sometimes the intuitive answer can be heard in the form of a smell, if it is a pleasant, gentle, warm smell that you like it is “yes”. But if it's a cold, unpleasant, even disgusting smell, it's a no.

For some people, external sources can be factors influencing intuition, for example: television, advertising, books, newspapers, magazines, these are often considered signs by people. For example, if a bird sits on the window and knocks, a letter will come from an old friend or relative.

For intuition to be effective, you need to work with your feelings. When you ask a question, you need to feel your feelings, and not wait for them to manifest themselves.

A secluded environment for the development of intuition, calmness, feeling your sensations

For the first stages of intuition development, a calm, secluded environment is needed. Once you learn to use intuition, you can use it in your daily life. In the future, when in the turmoil of our days you want to use it, you simply relax, do not be distracted by the bustle around you and work with intuition. Answers do not always come right away; you need to be able to concentrate and work with intuition.

Sometimes real events do not coincide with your intuition, which means that logic intervened in the process of working on your intuition.

You must always carry out decisions that come through intuition; if you do not do this, then faith in intuition will disappear.

You need to trust not only your feelings. Intuition, logic, and common sense should always be nearby in almost equal shares.

Have you ordered insight?

Intuitive perception is similar to the way a person sees the world through the senses, which has the same irrationality because it depends on objective stimuli of physical rather than cognitive origin.
This is how Jung understood the emotional side of intuition. As a result, more is known about the feelings of intuition than about logic. It is impossible to apply the postulates of logic to interpersonal emotional relationships built on polysemantic connections, since they simply will not work.

When you can analyze the reasons why you like someone and arouse romantic feelings, the fact that you actually like them is likely worth questioning.

Intuition is an amazing ability given to people.

It shows you the right path, helps you understand difficult situations, and, moreover, can even save your life.
Remember the cases when passengers canceled their plane tickets because of a “bad feeling” and the planes crashed. Intuition is like a person who has at his disposal a whole collection of masks that are not similar to each other. It is unlikely that there will be anyone who will categorically declare that they have never met this “person”. Also, one will not be found who managed to turn intuition into a “tame and flexible animal.”

Development of intuition

Everyone can develop their intuition. It is not for nothing that it is called the sixth sense; intuition is characteristic of every person, along with sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Not everyone can recognize and hear their inner voice. There are other secret abilities inherent in a person that live inside him; intuition must be awakened, developed and supported. The main thing is faith, if a person believes, then everything will work out for him.

Everyone knows what consciousness and subconscious are. Consciousness is the ability to think, reason, ponder and determine one’s attitude towards reality. We can observe when any thoughts appear in our heads. The subconscious is an imaginary concept. The subconscious is a section of unclear, unconscious thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

According to scientists, the human consciousness is capable of perceiving a small fraction of information, while the subconscious is hundreds, thousands of times more. And only the subconscious always spontaneously, unexpectedly for you, finds the right, and sometimes the only solution. It is the subconscious that helps us quickly make decisions in different situations, while the conscious mind thinks for a long time and chooses options.

Development of intuition

So different left and right hemispheres

The eye “registers” dozens, yes, hundreds of tiny details instantly.
However, to do this, the left hemisphere will spend minutes and even hours to analyze all the little things and conclude that the door to the kitchen is literally a few millimeters open, and the jacket on the hook hangs a little askew than it was before. Right hemisphere

the brain reflects what it sees at the “speed of light” and completely, without wasting time and effort on subtleties. And, drawing a parallel between the image imprinted in memory and what is at the moment, “the alarm rings” (previously this meant that something bad had happened).

In the same “manner,” the right hemisphere can find connections between things that are not impossible to describe by the formal logic of the left. The essence of these connections remains to be determined. Thanks to insights, during which people see connections that have fallen out of logical chains and are simply not included in them, new things are being discovered in science. And this cannot be achieved by consistently analyzing what is already known.

Of course, such outbreaks do not just happen. The most popular stories of Archimedes' bath and Newton's apple are in no way evidence that great scientists came to their discoveries by accident. Just use the left hemisphere

in the “neutral mode”, at some stage the right one is turned on, thereby finding those very inexplicable, but still existing connections. Then you can hear the victorious: “Eureka!”

It turns out that the work that takes a lot of time for the left hemisphere, and sometimes turns out to be too tough for it, takes a fraction of a second for the right hemisphere. It may, probably, not borrow - many conditions influence this.

Intuition is right only one hundred percent of the time. Lester Levenson

Savant syndrome: symptoms and treatment

Experience and new ideas

Intuition is much more diverse than it might seem.
The right decision can be prompted not only by an unexpected insight, but also by solid experience, a positive attitude and even some prudence. Ordinary (classical) intuition

- instinctive feeling. However, there are other varieties.

Intuition of experience

manifests itself with lightning speed and appears only in situations that have already been encountered. Thus, anyone who plays tennis professionally understands in which direction and to what specific place the shuttlecock will fly when it bounces off the racket of a sparring partner. A basketball player, throwing a sword into a basket, sees the trajectory along which it will fly into it.

The higher the level we achieve in our chosen profession, the better we understand typical work situations and the faster we respond to the same troubles.

Strategic intuition

, on the contrary, compared to the first one, it is slow, and occurs in still unknown situations when non-standard actions are necessary. The outbreak, as usually happens, occurs unexpectedly, but with its help it resolves a problem that has been haunting for a long time. To do this, you need to identify the novelty of what is happening and exclude the possibility of using the intuition of experience.

How does the sixth sense work?

Subconscious - what is it, definition

Every person at least once in his life has thought about the question: “Intuition - what is it and how does it work?” The mechanism through which intuitive processes take place has an individual direction. For example, the speed and frequency of intuitive decisions depend on a person’s personality, his emotional state, and impartiality of thinking.

The lack of information and lack of time for understanding are compensated by accumulated knowledge and experience in the field of the problem at hand. It would be wrong to consider intuitive guesses and logical conclusions as opposite processes. Most likely, these are two sides of one whole - the intellectual component of a person’s personality.

Intellectual component

Representatives of different disciplines of social science, when answering the question “how does intuition work?” are unanimous in their opinion: intuition is inextricably linked with the rise of energies: mental, physical and spiritual. This allows consciousness to expand the scope of perception and make intuitive discoveries.

Ways to expand consciousness

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