What is a trigger in electronics - we understand the terms in detail
Trigger - what is it? Translated from the source - “trigger” trigger, pistol
Midlife crisis
Existential crisis - what is it and how to get out of it
An existential crisis is an anxious state or a feeling of pervasive psychological discomfort due to thoughts about
Oedipus complex in adult men. What is it, signs, how it appears, how to fight
Sexual complexes: Oedipus complex and Electra complex
What is the Oedipus complex From the point of view of modern psychoanalysis, in contrast to the mentioned king
Bulimia why it occurs, what is its danger and how to treat it
Bulimia - what kind of disease is it? Symptoms and treatment of bulimia Bulimia - what?
Senile dementia: symptoms and treatment
Dementia in adults. Diagnosis, symptoms, signs, treatment
Diagnostics Treatment of senile dementia Possible complications and consequences Prognosis Prevention Senile (senile) dementia –
Hypocrite - who is it?
5 signs by which you can easily recognize a hypocrite
A hypocrite is a cunning and insincere person. He pretends to be kind and enjoys the trust of others.
Male charisma
Male charisma. The secret of male charm and charisma
About men August 22, 2020, 07:58 pm Signs of a charismatic man Is it possible to develop
What to do if you like a girl and she has a boyfriend: proven methods and advice from a psychologist
Ivan Vdovin 1497 2 0 The topic is not new, but in it I will try to tell
kiss correctly
How to kiss correctly: for the first time, with tongue, without tongue, passionately, with a guy, with a girl, French kiss, types of kisses and their technique
Kissing technique What is the kiss for each zodiac sign 10 steps towards natural
What does it mean in psychology if a person loves the color purple?
What does it mean in psychology if a person loves the color purple?
Origins of color In the color system, violet is considered a third-order color, it is located between purple