We are counting on you: what do parents and adult children owe to each other (and should they?)
What is a family for a child? The family provides emotional connections and attachments. This is the relationship
everyday problems in the family
Plan on the topic of everyday life and everyday relationships. §12. Life and everyday relationships
The wedding festivities are over, the excitement, preparations and one of the most important things in life are left behind.
He can't hear unless you raise your voice
What happens to children who are yelled at by their parents? Slutsk psychologist named the top 5 reasons why they do this
Many parents would like to stop yelling at their children; they even read smart articles, it seems
9 signs that a bad mood may be depression
Mood disorders: classification, symptoms and treatment
: Reading time: How to distinguish temporary blues from a dangerous illness. If you list the possible symptoms
6 reasons why your child doesn't want to play independently
3 5966 January 12, 2020 at 07:09 Author of the publication: Diana Gadlevskaya, anesthesiologist “...Let's play,
The child is embarrassed by stuttering.
Gymnastics for the speech apparatus: a set of exercises for stuttering
Stuttering, as a speech disorder, is characterized by a disorder of the tempo-rhythmic characteristics of speech. It has a complex structure, in
How to get rid of derealization and depersonalization
Reality is an illusion: everything is energy, and reality is not real
If you are faced with symptoms of “haze” or “veil” in your head, feelings of unreality as what is happening
How to save a relationship with your ex. Tell him thank you for everything
It's no secret that women “love with their ears.” But representatives of the strong half of humanity also need
Impudent, clever phrases in response to insults - how to respond with dignity and grace to rudeness and rudeness
And really, why is that? Remember how many times you asked yourself this question when...
Sleep myoclonia: causes, symptoms, treatment. Sleep myoclonus in adults and children: pathology or normal?
What is myoclonus? Myoclonus (or myoclonus) is a symptom, not a disease, characterized by short-term