Definition of character, its properties, influence of character on human behavior.
The concept of deviant behavior Definition 1 Deviant behavior is a unique behavior of an individual that deviates
Training technology. As conveyed at the “University of Rhetoric”
Lecturer Lecture (from Latin lectio - reading), a systematic, consistent presentation of educational material, any question,
nonverbal gestures of a man in love
10 Gestures a Man Tells You How Much He Wants You
Various non-verbal signs of a man's sympathy for a woman help make life easier. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to understand
What to do if there is not enough love, care and attention
Task No. 1: Learn to enjoy good things Scientists consider the No. 1 secret in building strong
Why children develop weakness and what to do about it
Bradylalia is a pathology in which a child speaks very slowly. Experts qualify it as
Lover without obligations
While I was working for days, my husband was spending my money on his mistress
While I was working for days, my husband was spending my money on his mistress. He was the breadwinner in their family.
Inflated expectations: 5 reasons to get rid of illusions about your partner
After 20 years, the list of criteria for a future partner grows exponentially. Simply beautiful
social identity
Identification and self-identification The concepts of identity and identification are especially important to distinguish when studying intergroup relations.
This is contagion in psychology. Infection
Articles on psychology Social psychology Mental infection - Gustave Le Bon A person cannot fully
Relationships and money. Who owes whom, how much and what to do about it
Very often men do not admit their feelings, even if they consider you the most