Self-training in regression hypnosis techniques

Hello, dear readers, Alexander Tsarev is in touch.

Regressive hypnosis is a method of working with the subconscious through a trance located between esoteric teachings and classical hypnotherapy. Experts use it when they put a person into a trance to search for and resolve negative situations that connect past and current incarnations. Reincarnation researchers receive confirmation of their beliefs in the method. Ordinary people find in it the key to deep self-knowledge and resolution of internal conflicts and problems. This can also be called “conversation with Souls.”

This material is a combination of my practical knowledge on the topic of regression, inside the most complete answers about what regressive hypnosis and past lives are, whether it is a tool or a weapon and how to start your practice in it.

Regressions are the essence of the method

The method of immersing yourself in the past, through the use of hypnosis or self-hypnosis, in order to identify aspects of the personality that influence the events of current life is called regressive hypnosis. The state of a person who practices regression is characterized by awareness and the ability to remember. In the case of sufficient depth of immersion, events from the past are experienced with authenticity and strength that leaves no doubt about the true reality of their existence.

Experts disagree on how successfully regressive hypnosis can be mastered independently. The question is the need to achieve a very deep hypnotic trance. Step by step going through all the phases of entry, stay and exit from this state, it is necessary to achieve not only regression into the past, but into a very distant past, beyond the current incarnation.

Feelings during the session

What the patient can see during the session:

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  • According to patient reviews, some of them see images made up of pieces, like a mosaic, with some parts (circumstances) hidden. This type of regressive sleep is called abrupt;
  • other people claim to see the past in the first person, i.e. the patient is the main character, he feels all touches, smells and hears conversations;
  • The last group of patients sees the picture from a third person, as on a TV screen or in a theater. A person seems to be observing all the images from the past from afar or from above.

Regressive hypnosis using the Michael Newton method

The founder of the method is Michael Newton. He imagined our mind as three rings. Moving from the outer ring to the inner one, we pass through the layers of the conscious - thinking mind, the layer of the subconscious and reach the center. This center is super or supraconscious. This is the impersonal level of our Self, which is the focus of our undying essence, our Soul. It is an inexhaustible source of life that fills the personality with the power of existence and at the same time brings from the past impressions and the pattern of our innate reactions. M. Newton and D. Canon are representatives of the Ericksonian hypnosis school. Ericksonian hypnosis is called a therapy of the unconscious, in which the patient is taught to independently enter a state of trance. Erickson himself, by the way, considered trance to be an absolutely normal state and stated that a person unconsciously falls into it several times a day, dreaming, reading or fantasizing. Absorbed by these images, he is disconnected from the outside world and does not hear, see or be aware of his immediate surroundings. Some breathing practices, yoga, lucid dreaming also immerse a person in a shallow trance. However, its depth is not enough for regressions into the past. NLP and shamanic practices reach a greater depth of trance, but it is not enough for regressions. Representatives of the school of classical hypnosis reach the deepest layers of trance in one session. However, in this case, the presence of a hypnotist is mandatory, since the person in this case plays a passive role, and without the guidance of the hypnotist, at a certain stage he will simply fall asleep. In the technique of regressive hypnosis according to Michael Newton, a person gradually learns how to enter a deep trance himself, consciously move forward or backward, while retaining the memory.

What problems can be worked out?

One of the tasks of regressive hypnosis is to force a person to once again relive unpleasant moments and periods for him, as a result of which he can get rid of them and neutralize their impact on real life.

Regressive hypnosis helps solve the following problems:

  • Get rid of chronic fatigue.
  • Restoring a psychological and emotional state, bringing a person into harmony with himself and gaining balance and integrity.
  • Identify and resolve sexual dysfunction.
  • Establish relationships, learn how to communicate correctly with others.
  • Get rid of addiction and bad habits.
  • Solve the problem of lack of confidence in yourself and your strengths.
  • Problems of a psychological nature.
  • Solve problems with excess weight.
  • Correct stuttering.
  • Eliminate allergic reactions.
  • Get rid of depression.
  • Solve your sleep problem: get rid of insomnia and nightmares.
  • Treatment of allergies of various types and origins.
  • Conquer nervousness and anxiety.
  • Heal psychological trauma received in childhood.
  • Get rid of phobias and fears.
  • Work through the birth trauma and relive the birth process, learn lessons and positive aspects from it.
  • Regressive hypnosis is one of the ways to expand your own consciousness, to better know yourself and your life. Understand what you need to strive for and in what direction you should develop. Analyze past lives and identify patterns.
  • Regressive hypnosis helps prevent mistakes in adult thinking.
  • It helps you find your purpose and place in the world. This technique reveals hidden potential in a person and releases his reserve resources.
  • With the help of regressive hypnosis, you can look not only at the past, but also try to look into the future. For example, in future incarnations. This technique poses a greater threat than regression itself with its travels through the past. Since what he sees can shock and a person will wait on a subconscious level for what should happen, but the consciousness will not know how this should happen and as a result of what situations and actions.

Hypnotherapy session


self-regressive hypnosis
The goals of those starting practice can be completely different: from simple interest as a researcher to the desire to resolve difficult life situations. The method will be useful to most serious seekers. Immersion in the huge layer of our Self, hidden by layers of momentary thoughts, is a truly transformative and transformative experience. Here is a partial list of results that will result from the practice of regressive hypnosis:

  • increasing the level of awareness;
  • increasing the level of personal effectiveness;
  • significant improvement in health;
  • increased personal power and ability to create;
  • elimination of negative blocks and programs;
  • improvement (restoration) of relationships with relatives and children;
  • opening new directions of active and creative life.

How to prepare?

Firstly, good theoretical preparation is necessary. It is necessary, at a minimum, to familiarize yourself with the books of Michael Newton, which fortunately can be downloaded for free on the Internet. Secondly, it would be a good idea to read forums and watch videos on this topic. Thirdly, start practicing, since it is practice that will be your main Teacher. So:

  1. sit on a chair or armchair in a comfortable position;
  2. give yourself a relaxation mindset;
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply for several minutes (10-15), focusing all your attention on this process;
  4. give yourself the attitude of complete self-control during the session and a safe exit from it on the count of 5.


  1. Give yourself the mindset that with each count your state of immersion into the depths of the subconscious will deepen.
  2. Clearly imagine a pendulum that moves rhythmically and freezes for a while in the upper right position.
  3. Without turning your head, begin to track the movements of the pendulum, moving your open eyes upward to the right and fixing them in this position.
  4. Hold your gaze for a while until you feel slightly tired.
  5. Return your gaze to the left and down. This is for one count.
  6. Continue counting and moving your eyes from 10 to 1.
  7. After counting to one, close your eyes and return them to their normal position. Relax completely.


  1. Visualize any landscape you know or imagine. Consider its details.
  2. Immerse yourself in it and feel coziness, comfort and security.
  3. Concentrate on any finger of one of your hands. Feel it clearly, without trying to do it through any extra effort. Focus all your attention and, after a while, feel the warmth and pulsation at the point of your attention. Having lost the feeling, bring it back again. Realize your control and ability to control consciousness in a trance state.
  4. Imagine a vivid picture from your childhood. Take your time. Let the picture be filled with colors and become voluminous and alive. Allow yourself, by throwing away all the brain filters, to become a participant in this “film.” You are able to do this quite easily and become deeply immersed in the state, just as sometimes, while watching an interesting film, we completely lose touch with reality and find ourselves participating in the events on the screen.
  5. Remind yourself that you can get out of this state at any time.

The time of each phase is determined individually and depends on the ability to relax, concentrate and visualize. With each lesson, the time to complete the steps will decrease. Numerous questions about how to enter a trance yourself for the purpose of regressive immersion and exploration of past lives will also decrease each time.


Now you are ready to move on.

  1. Dive deeper, even deeper. Go to very early childhood, to the very first days after birth,
  2. Move beyond your birth.
  3. Look carefully at the emerging corridor of your lives. The doors on the sides open doors to unique layers of your experiences. Once you pass through a certain door, you will again experience the experiences of that life. However, now the observer is not sleeping. You are present, aware of your experience, and can make a difference. You lack involvement in the situation, despite the full range of feelings and emotions.
  4. Choose the door you want to open first. Once you enter, you can move in the layer of reality you choose in any direction. The movement tool is forward and backward counting. Counting from 1 to 3, you move forward. Counting from 3 to 1, you return.
  5. When you have thoroughly explored and lived the situations of this life, leave the layer of this reality by going out the door through which you entered. This would be a good place to end today's regression experience. If you decide to continue your journey, remember that the events experienced in the next life will weaken the vividness of previous experiences.

safety precautions for regression therapy


  1. Remind yourself to come back. Go the same way you came.
  2. Return to childhood experience, and from it to the present.
  3. Before leaving the trance state, give yourself the command to remember everything you saw, felt and experienced during your journey.
  4. Start counting slowly from 1 to 5.
  5. On the count of five, open your eyes and remain motionless for a while, reflecting on the experience.
  6. Write down the experience and your interpretation of what you saw.

Past Life Journal

Keeping a past life journal for each regression session is necessary for a number of reasons. First, it facilitates review and thereby preserves the experience gained during the regression. Secondly, it helps to understand more deeply the underlying meaning of the experience. Third, it contains records of the events of your past lives, which you can later examine and verify.

When you write something in a journal, always leave enough space to record the accompanying impressions and conclusions.

Below are records of a subject who used the DG/OO and past life corridor techniques to study past incarnations.

Where and how else can you learn regressive hypnosis?

Upon request for training, the Internet provides links to numerous courses conducted almost throughout Russia, by specialists of various skill levels. Among them are doctors of medical sciences and people who have independently mastered the techniques of regressive hypnosis. Advertising and recommending someone is not the purpose of this article. As a recommendation, when choosing a teacher, take into account work experience, reviews of people who have completed training, and cost. Try to find out how close the technique is to the classical one. Give preference to followers of Michael Newton's school, as this will guarantee that you will master the method in the right way.

Useful literature, films

Friends, this small list will help you better understand regressive hypnosis and past lives, start with any:

Michael Newton: “Journeys of the Soul” “Purpose of the Soul” “Memories of Life After Life” “Life Between Lives. Past Lives and Journeys of the Soul"

Richard Webster: "Kindred Souls"

Dolores Cannon: “Between life and death. What awaits us on the other side? “Memory of Past Lives” “Jesus and the Essenes. Conversations through millennia" "Three waves of volunteers and the New Earth"

If you want to find more interesting things, then write the following keywords in the YouTube search bar: channeling, past lives, regressive hypnosis

And be sure to visit my YouTube channel “Alexander Tsarev” - there are more than 300 videos on the topic.

YouTube regression hypnosis watch

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